A Journey of American Comics Starting from the Zombie Universe

Chapter 188 The way the Custer men communicate

Chapter 188 The way the Custer men communicate

"You psychopathic bastard, say it! Who are you? Why are you pretending to be my uncle? What are you going to do to my family?" The black-haired man's mouth was full of hatred, and he cursed, twisting the strong The baseball bat suddenly hit the person in front of me.

"Ah I can explain"

Frank quickly dodged the fatal blow with his extraordinary reaction speed.The baseball bat hit the cabinet with a roar and a violent momentum, instantly destroying the cabinet and twisting it into pieces. Various tools and parts on the cabinet fell one after another, making a harsh impact.

Wrenches, screwdrivers, nails and other tools hit the ground, making a chaotic sound, like an explosion on the battlefield.Sawdust flew everywhere, and flying sparks bloomed in the air, adding a dangerous atmosphere to the entire room.

Young Frank was so angry that he kept swinging a baseball bat in an attempt to knock down the guy who was pretending to be his Uncle Frank.However, Frank's more than ten years of fighting experience made him like a fish in water. He nimbly dodged every attack while trying to ease the conflict by shouting:

"Listen to me, I'm here to help you!"

"Do I look like I need help?!"

Not to mention it was okay, but what Frank said made the younger version of him even more angry. He simply dropped the tattered baseball bat in his hand and rushed towards him with a roar, and the two immediately fell into a complete hand-to-hand fight.


Before he finished speaking, there was only a muffled sound. The black-haired man's fist suddenly hit Frank's face, tilting his head back. Frank felt a sharp pain, but he did not stop and immediately He punched his younger self in return.

The young Frank did not expect that his opponent would be so difficult, and a bright red arc suddenly appeared on his face.

The Punisher spat and fell to the ground, with some blood stains on it. He took a posture ready to punch, locked his eyes on his other self who had come back to his senses and shouted loudly:
"I know you drink all day long and worry about whether there is something wrong with your brain. Then I want to tell you, you guessed it right!"

As he said these words, Old Frank kicked the young Frank hard between the legs.

"Ouch--" The latter immediately let out a painful groan, his face turned blue and purple, he bent over and covered his crotch, and knelt on his knees, looking in unbearable pain.

Frank stood aside and watched all this with indifferent eyes.

This small victory was not enough to satisfy him. He was not here to spar with a younger version of himself.

"You would rather beat someone to a pulp with a submachine gun or slit a person's throat with a knife than be with your family!"

These words were like a sharp knife, piercing the heart of young Frank. His eyes instantly opened in disbelief, because the accusation was so accurate, revealing the dark side deep in his heart.The painful truth struck him to the core, leaving him unsure of how to respond.

He truly deserves his family.

But young Frank soon realized, who did this damn 'Uncle Fredo' think he was?Dare you come to your own home to point fingers?

"You know nothing!" The black-haired man's voice was hoarse and angry. He ignored the blood from his nose and rushed forward again. It seemed that the kick just now did not hurt him.

"In a sense." Frank nimbly dodged the oncoming angry man, and then slammed into the opponent with his elbow. The unexpectedness of this move caused the black-haired man to receive a certain impact, and his body He staggered and almost lost his balance.

"I know you better than you know yourself. You have to let others help you so that you can get out of this state." Frank's words were sonorous and powerful, and then he stretched out his hand to his younger self:
"You have to do it before you regret it, before it's irreversible." "I don't give a fuck."

Young Frank growled lowly, as if trying to suppress his inner turmoil.He coughed and seemed to feel a little unwell, but then he narrowed his eyes and suddenly smashed out a wrench behind him.

Old Frank subconsciously avoided the attack of the wrench, but the young man immediately seized the opportunity, rushed forward, grabbed his head, and slammed it against the wall.


The Punisher's head hit the wall hard, severe pain was felt instantly, and his vision was blurred, but he still tried his best to stay awake.

It seemed that the suffering in his young self was far deeper than what he saw.

The huge force of the impact shook the entire garage, and various tools and sundries in the garage made slight shaking sounds.This sudden movement aroused the curiosity of Maria in the kitchen separated by a wall.

As she opened the refrigerator door and took out a bottle of milk, she raised her hand and shouted curiously: "Frank, what are you and Uncle Fredo doing in the warehouse? Are you okay?"

"Honey, I'm fine!" "Honey, I'm fine!" The two Franks subconsciously shouted in unison, responding to Maria's concern at the same time.


Young Frank paused, and then looked at 'Uncle Fredo' in disbelief. Why did this shameless old man call his wife "honey"?
Old Frank was also obviously stunned for a moment. He had often been called like this by his Maria a long time ago. When he heard the familiar voice just now, he almost forgot that his Maria was dead.

But no matter what, he would never waste this good opportunity to regain the initiative. Before young Frank could recover, the Punisher hit him hard on the chin with an old punch, and the huge impact made him lose it instantly. To regain balance, lean back.

Then Frank Sr. seized the opportunity mercilessly and slammed his younger self onto the floor with a dull thud.

Dust and wood chips scattered on the floor, and the black-haired man groaned in pain, feeling the pain in his body.

"Stop moving, for both of our own good."

After spitting again, the Punisher stepped on his back and cursed sideways, took out a somewhat worn photo from his pocket, and then held it in front of Frank's eyes.

The latter's eyes widened instantly. He looked at the photo in disbelief, and an indescribable emotion surged in his heart.

The photo was of a family together, that was many years ago.Young Frank can clearly see the people in the photo: a younger Frank, a woman with a bright smile, and a baby in her arms. They are a happy and warm family.

A lump formed in his throat and his eyes began to water.The photo brought back distant memories of a time when he should have had a better time but rushed into the Army after the birth of his first child.

He had kept that photo in his wallet and never showed it to anyone. He was very sure that he took a special look at it twice when he was drinking today. Why was it on this 'Uncle Fredo' now?
"who are you?"

The dark-haired man's voice became trembling and he stopped resisting.

(End of this chapter)

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