A Journey of American Comics Starting from the Zombie Universe

Chapter 194 A secret room within a secret room, a secret within a secret

Chapter 194 A secret room within a secret room, a secret within a secret

The atmosphere in the basement was unusually silent, with only the beams of Fury and Coulson's flashlights moving through the darkness, illuminating every corner of the room.The light of the flashlight falls on the old walls, peeling paint, and broken tables and chairs, painting a scene of abandonment and forgetfulness.

Fury scanned the room quickly, his brow furrowed and his gaze focused and alert.Coulson walked along the other wall, flashlight in hand, looking for any clues.There was a faint smell of moisture in the room, making their breathing become extremely heavy.

Suddenly, Coulson shined his flashlight in a corner and discovered a small, seemingly inconspicuous detail.There was a broken tile on the wall that seemed to have a different texture than the surrounding walls.He took a closer look, tapped it lightly, and discovered that the tile appeared to be removable.

"Fury, come here and look at this." Coulson whispered, motioning for Fury to come and help.They shined a flashlight on the tile and discovered a tiny indentation on its edge that appeared to be a hidden button.

Fury frowned, stretched his hand towards the tile, and gently pressed the depression.With a soft sound, the tiles began to loosen, and the entire wall slowly cracked, revealing a secret storage room.

The secret room in this secret room is filled with old books, documents and some strange technological devices.

The two agents exchanged glances, walked in and began to look through the documents and information.The document contains information about experiments and research, which seems to be related to the angel soaked in formalin.Technology devices include highly advanced instruments, including biological detectors and energy regulators.

"Telepathy. Prototype of shielding device?" Fury picked up a stack of old documents and read the handwritten title on it with a frown.The documents were quite old and the writing was a little blurry, but the words in the titles caught his attention.

He carefully flipped through the documents and found that they contained some experimental records, drawings and scientific notes.These documents appear to be research reports on a device called a 'telepathic shielding device'. Based on the contents of the documents, this device appears to be designed to block or interfere with the transmission of psychic energy by superpowers.

Fury carefully flipped through the stack of old documents, page by page. Each page contained records and experimental results about the telepathic shielding device, and he often used 'them' to refer to a group of unknown superpowers.

However, when he turned to the last page of the document, his eyes suddenly opened wide, and he could hardly believe his eyes, his heart beat faster and his breathing became rapid.

Because the signatory on the last page turned out to be Nick Fury, which means that he passed this plan ten years ago!
"Colson, you have to take a look at this." Fury said solemnly, showing the page of the document to Coulson and pointing to the signature on it.

"How is this possible? Wait, you just said that your memory has been tampered with." Colson's voice was full of shock and doubt.He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, as if trying to clear his thoughts through this action.

The world became more and more complex, and in just a few days it became something he couldn't understand at all.

Fury nodded, took a deep breath and responded: "Yes, Coulson, my memory has been tampered with. The name appears on the documents of this project, which may be related to that tampering."

"As for why there is a project to shield telepathy, I probably understand why." Fury narrowed his remaining eye and whispered.

His memory had been manipulated, and the method was perfect. If he hadn't used the memory extractor this time, he might still have been kept in the dark.

The telepathy shielding device was probably built to prevent this guy who had the ability to modify other people's memories, but who did it?Why did he do this?
Full of questions, the two continued to rummage through the basement separately, searching for possible clues.The flashlight beam swept across documents and instruments, and important information might be hidden everywhere.Fury stopped in front of an old wooden table. His fingers touched the surface of the wooden table and felt a depression.He pressed lightly, and one side of the wooden table opened to reveal a hidden drawer, with a photo lying inside.

This photo shows a kindly bald middle-aged man sitting in a wheelchair. He has a smile on his face and looks kind and warm.Standing next to the middle-aged man was a short, stout man with a cold face, looking out of the camera, as if he was not interested in this photography.

What shocked Fury even more was that he himself appeared in this photo. The young Fury stood beside the two in the photo, with his hands behind his back.

"Hiss." The moment he saw the bald man sitting in the wheelchair, Fury's brain suddenly stung. He subconsciously let out a cry of pain and raised his hand to gently press his temples.

This man in a wheelchair must be the key and the answer to all mysteries. As for the dwarf next to him who looks like someone owes him 800 million?Probably just a bodyguard.

"Fury! I found something here again!" Coulson suddenly shouted, waving a photo in his hand.Fury came closer, took the photo and looked at it carefully.

In the photo, the waves gently lap against the golden sand and the sun shines on the beach, creating a peaceful and beautiful picture.However, what is striking is that next to the beach, there is an angel wearing black trousers. He is lying on the beach, with a small hole clearly visible on his neck, which seems to have been penetrated by a bullet.

"It seems that this is our 'angel'." Colson said and pointed to the outside of the secret room. The things in this secret room made him feel a little relieved. It seems that the one soaked in formalin Not really an angel, just a man with a pair of wings.

"Who are they? This 'angel' and the man in the wheelchair," Fury said to himself, stroking the photo gently.These two strange figures are closely connected to his past, but his memory contains no trace of them.

"I'll tell you who they are."

Suddenly, a voice sounded behind the two of them.Fury and Coulson reacted immediately, quickly drawing their weapons and pointing at the source of the sound.

Bai Ye's eyes were deep and mysterious, while Quicksilver stood beside him, looking alert and ready for action.

"Put down the gun, Coulson." After thinking for half a second, Hei Lu Dan said with a frown. So far, Bai Ye has never done anything detrimental to SHIELD, and has actually helped a lot.

Although not to the point where he could be completely trusted, Bai Ye also proved that he was not a threat.

As for why he knew that he and Coulson were here, we can ignore this for now.

(End of this chapter)

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