A Journey of American Comics Starting from the Zombie Universe

Chapter 210 The successors trying to fish in troubled waters

Chapter 210 The successors trying to fish in troubled waters
Seeing that the horn of war had completely sounded, Thor laughed loudly, and his voice shook the sky: "Here's the Beard of Odin! Even if we die today, we will die with great honor!" His expression was resolute and his eyes were sharp, like a head. A lion about to go into battle.

"Mjolnir, come!"

He waved his hand, and there was faint thunder in the air.Suddenly, a huge square-headed hammer flew out of the ruins and landed in his hand.This hammer was engraved with mysterious runes and shone with a cold light.

Then, Thor held the hammer tightly and jumped towards the group of monsters at full speed. There were several pulsating electric currents around his body, which directly smeared the first few vanguard guards who came into contact with him, and let out a faint roar. Stink.

At least this scene is not a big deal in the eyes of the son of Odin. His favorite thing to do in the past thousands of years is to lead his Asgard warriors to participate in various battles in the nine realms, which is glorious and refreshing.

Now it's just a matter of changing the target of the hammer from dark elves or aberrations to this kind of monster.

Seeing Thor bumping around among the vanguard guards, Bai Ye shook his head slightly. Although Thor was extremely brave, his power was not unlimited.Every attack means consumption and greater risk.

The current Thor has not gotten rid of his identity as the hammer god. He only realized the meaning of being a hero after losing contact with the hammer for the first time, but most of his own power has not been developed by him, and he still only relies on the hammer. Come and fight.

At this time, the Thunder Warriors and mutants had also joined the battlefield, and with their powerful abilities, they even suppressed a large number of pioneers for a while.

"Fuck you!" Logan yelled, physically eviscerating the heart and lungs of the arrogant Pioneer Guard in front of him, and then kicked the still thrashing corpse away.

Not far away, Cyclops fired a laser and burned a Pioneer Guard that rushed toward him into ashes. Then he turned over to avoid another Pioneer Guard that rushed from behind, burned it to ashes, and then tilted his head and said: "I have no problem with your taste, Logan, but this biological weapon should have no mother."

Just watching Qin and Logan go to the battlefield side by side, he felt uncomfortable. He finally saw an opportunity and had to hurt him.

Logan smiled with relief, and took two seconds to raise the middle steel claw towards Cyclops.

"Can you hear me, can anyone hear me! Bai Ye?!" Tony's almost screaming voice suddenly came from the communicator, attracting the attention of Bai Ye who was observing the battlefield, and he immediately picked up the communication He took the weapon and looked at Pietro who had regained his breath.

"I'm online, what happened?"

"Bad things. Very bad things."

Tony leaned against the cold corner, his breathing rapid and intermittent, his eyes full of anger and frustration.

His steel suit, the Mark 6 armor that once made him stand out from the crowd and protect the city, is now in pieces.Part of the armor had fallen off his body, like pieces of broken wings, lying quietly in the corner.

Those alloy fragments that were once as hot as fire now seem to be mocking his incompetence, they shine with an indifferent light in the setting sun.

But Tony didn't have time to care about this at this time. He took a deep breath and turned to look at the pair of men and women with light blond hair standing in the distance who had just beaten him to his knees.

They were dressed in tight leather pants and dresses from the Renaissance period, with playful smiles on their faces. The man was holding a whip with sharp teeth, and the whip body dragged on the ground and trembled like a coiling poisonous snake.

The woman was holding a sharp dagger in one hand, and the tips of the two daggers shone coldly in the setting sun.Her other hand was stroking the back of one of the daggers.

There was a cold light in her eyes, as if she was enjoying the struggle and powerlessness of the prey in front of her.

"Did you know?" The woman with light blond hair smiled slightly, "When you fight, you are like a cute clown, performing your stunts on the stage, and we are just enjoying your performance."

"Excellent, Bora." The man clapped his hands. His dining habits always coexisted elegance and cruelty. His elegance was not to rush to kill his prey, but it was his elegance to allow his prey to enjoy enough pain before dying tragically. cruel.Thinking of this, he looked past the insignificant golden-red iron man in front of him and looked at a black-haired boy hiding behind a broken wall in the distance.

The young man was tremblingly sticking out half of his head to look here. He knew the young man's name without any introduction - Peter Parker.

A new, unformed spider totem is extremely delicious and must be tasted.

Just when he kicked down the door of a supermarket and was about to taste this cute little totem, the passing Iron Man suddenly saw what he was about to do and made a sharp turn on the spot to stop him.

Then his armor was broken with two whips.

Having traveled between parallel universes to hunt various totems, he has long been familiar with the superhero genre.

If it was a special type of armor, he might still hesitate. After all, it was difficult to absorb the vitality of the driver inside through a large pile of iron.

But a mere Mark 6?Oh my God, someone dared to use such an old model against him. It was simply insulting!

Okay, maybe Mark 6 is a new product in this universe, but he has already seen things a thousand times weirder than this in his journey, and he can't argue with ignorant country bumpkins.

But what events is this universe going through?It doesn't look like something I've seen before, the man thought thoughtfully.

"Brix? Do you want to eat this thing? If not, kill him. We still have to compete to see who can kill the totem first." The woman named Bola flicked her hand and held two sharp daggers. A cold light reflected in her hands, and she said dissatisfiedly to the man with the same hair color next to her.

"Ahem. Eat? Are you from which African cannibal tribe? Do you have a visa?"

The bearded man leaning against the wall coughed twice, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth. He felt as if he had been internally injured.

"I have a good appetite, but there's a real risk of staining my lips by eating something this dirty."

Brix smiled, raised his hand and danced the serrated whip in the air, about to swing it out.


However, at this moment, a silver flash of light pierced the air, followed by a shrill scream.

The man's whip-holding arm was hit by a sudden sword light, and blood spattered everywhere.His body swayed back, his eyes filled with fear and disbelief.

"Keep your distance, Pietro, these guys can suck you alive into a jerk."

Bai Ye, who suddenly appeared between the three of them, gave instructions to the silver-haired man who brought him here, and then took a few steps back.

He looked at the blond man and woman in front of him who were obviously surprised, obviously not expecting someone else to suddenly appear here, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

heirs?From any angle, their presence here is not good news.

(End of this chapter)

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