A Journey of American Comics Starting from the Zombie Universe

Chapter 312 The last step to find a successor

Chapter 312 The last step to find a successor

Night falls.

Bai Ye walked a little further, his steps firm and decisive.He stopped and stared at the ring on his finger. A mysterious energy rippled slightly on its surface.

With a slight twist of his finger, a strange light emitted from the ring, forming a miniature ball of light that completely enveloped him.This ball of light is like a flowing star, exuding dazzling brilliance.

A few seconds later, when the light ball reached its peak brightness, the whole person and the light ball suddenly disappeared on the street, as if being taken away from this dimension by a mysterious force.


At this moment, a rapid siren sounded in the distance, and the New York City police were finally rushing in this direction.The red and blue lights of the police car flashed in the night, casting strange lights and shadows.

The alternating red and blue flashing of the police lights gradually came into Diansuo's sight.

He turned his head and his eyes met Spider-Man standing next to him. The police lights reflected on the metallic surface of his robotic arm were particularly dazzling.

The police cars on the street gradually approached, their sirens roaring loudly and harshly.Dian cable frowned, a little impatient with the noisy sound.

"It's time for me to leave here. Can you do it alone?"

Peter nodded under the mask, and a tacit understanding merged between them.

Seeing this, Cable turned a knob on his wrist without hesitation. The knob flashed with a faint blue light, like a virtual portal.

Under the influence of the knob, his figure quickly blurred, and finally disappeared in place, leaving only a trace of breeze rippling in the air.

The lights of the police cars on the street were still flashing on the way, emitting bursts of dazzling light.The moment the cable disappeared, the street felt empty again, as if nothing had happened.

Spider-Man raised his head, stared at the gaping hole in the Baxter Tower, and sighed.The exterior walls of the building were shattered, showing traces of the battle, and there was still a hint of burnt smell in the air.

There was a heavy pain in his heart. It all happened so suddenly that there was no time to respond.

After a short moment of silence, Peter shot out a spider thread with his backhand and swung it towards the roof of the building. After falling gently, he took out a mobile phone with a slightly scratched screen from his waist. The surface of the phone revealed a sheen that had been worn away by friction. .

His finger slid gently on the screen, quickly found the target contact, and then pressed the dial key.

The phone beeped low and short in his hand, and the call was connected a few seconds later. He held the phone close to his ear, waiting for the other party's response.


The other party's voice came through the mobile phone, a little tired, and it sounded like he had just experienced a hangover.

Peter's throat was a little tight, and he said in a low voice: "I have bad news. Reed, Sue, and the Fantastic Four are all dead."

There was a silence on the other end of the phone, as if it was the calm before a storm.Spider-Man felt the other person's rapid breathing, and he knew how heavy the news he brought was.

"What?!" The other party finally burst out with an angry roar, and the voice on the other end of the phone was filled with disbelief.

After a few seconds, this emotion was suppressed. After a few breaths, the man asked: "How is this possible? What happened?"

"They encountered an attack at the Baxter Building, and Deadpool went crazy...I tried my best to rush over there, but..."

Spider-Man bit his lip and continued with difficulty.He did not choose to reveal anything about those successors at this time.

There was dead silence on the other end of the phone again.Peter could almost imagine the expression of grief and horror on the other person's face at this moment.

"Where is this Deadpool now? Are you okay?"

The other party's voice trembled, and at the same time there was a sound of mechanical operation in the surroundings.

"Fortunately for me, Deadpool is dead." Peter sighed. "Some other things happened here. In addition, I have worse news. Reed and Sue's children have also disappeared."


The response on the other end of the phone was an indescribable silence.

Peter knew that it would take some time for the other party to accept the news, and he also realized that everything that followed would become more complicated and difficult.

He held the phone and waited for the other party's reaction.

".I'll be there soon."

Beep, the phone is hung up.

Peter put away the phone, slowly raised his head, and focused his eyes on the night sky.

A few minutes later, a low roar came from a distance, and an unknown object gradually flew towards the area he was looking at. In the silent night sky, the object showed a mixture of red and gold reflections under the starlight.

The screen turned, and Bai Ye instantly appeared in a laboratory full of technology.This laboratory is spacious and modern, with various high-tech equipment neatly arranged and emitting a cool light.

He stood in the center of the laboratory, with a hint of deep thinking in his eyes.The surrounding walls are covered with display screens and control panels, with various data and charts flashing on the screen.

Still clutched in his hand were the two small buttons he had taken from the successor.The two buttons emitted a faint light and looked like some kind of skein of threads lingering around them.

The door of the laboratory opened, and a bald scientist wearing a white coat, his eyes shining with wisdom, walked in steadily, it was Walter.

He gave a respectful salute to Bai Ye, smiled and said, "Mr. Bai, you are finally back. Do you need my help?"

Bai Ye raised his head and looked at the bald scientist, a trace of thought flashing in his eyes.He nodded slightly to express his gratitude, and then said lightly: "Yes, I need your help in studying these two buttons. They come from a complex and dangerous person."

"Help me understand their structure and function and find out where they are in the universe, and I think I'm very close to my goal."

Walter took the buttons and carefully placed them on the experimental table.He lowered his head and carefully observed the two buttons, gently groping their surfaces with his hands, and there was a trace of concentration in his eyes.

"I will analyze it as soon as possible." The bald scientist nodded.He turned and walked towards the various equipment in the laboratory and began to adjust the instruments and computers.

To be honest, this is not his strong point, but since his boss has spoken, he also has extraction equipment from the craftsmen, which can obtain the location corresponding to the universe.

Bai Ye just stood in the laboratory, staring at the advanced computer operated by Walter. Complex models flashed on the screen, and various numbers and images jumped on the display.

Soon, he would find those successors.

(End of this chapter)

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