A Journey of American Comics Starting from the Zombie Universe

Chapter 435: Going Deep into the Enemy Army

Chapter 435: Going Deep into the Enemy Army

Deep in the factory, Bai Ye and the Ant Army arrived at the high-energy weapons storage area. They discovered that there was an energy storage device filled with energy ore, which was the source of the weapons they needed. Bai Ye ordered the ants to bring these energy ores back to the core area.

"These energy ores are enough to inspire a destructive force." Bai Ye whispered to himself. He knew that only through this extreme method could he deal with Ultron's core control tower.

The giant Pym was seriously injured by the robot's attack, but he did not slow down. While fighting against the siege of robots, he searched for the location of the core control tower. The power of Ultron robots is extraordinary, and each one is full of destructive energy.

Suddenly, Bai Ye's voice rang in Pim's ears: "Pim, we need your help. Injecting these energy ores into the core control tower is the key to destroying it."

"Understood!" Pim roared. He turned around and left the area where the fierce battle was taking place, heading towards the core area. Giant Pym's steps were shocking and firm. He condensed the raging anger into his palms, preparing to detonate the power of energy ore on the core control tower.

In the core area, Bai Ye commanded the ant army to usher in a critical moment. The energy ore was carefully injected into the structure of the core control tower, and a strong burst of light quickly surged, illuminating the entire core area dazzlingly.

In the palm of the giant Pym, the power released by the energy ore gathered into a blazing flame. He calmly guided this force and threw it in the direction of the core control tower. For a moment, the entire factory seemed to be swallowed up by a dazzling sea of ​​fire.

Ultron's robots felt a huge threat. They stopped attacking one after another and tried to return to the core control tower to protect themselves. However, the ant army led by Giant Pim and Bai Ye has surrounded the core area.

Huge flames raged around the core control tower, destroying robot parts and the entire factory structure to pieces. Ultron's machine army disintegrated in the scorching flames, making mechanical roars and deathly shattering sounds.

Ashes were flying, smoke was filling the air, and the ruins of the factory echoed with the remnants of the recent battle. However, just when Bai Ye and Pim breathed a sigh of relief, a harsh mechanical roar came from the distance.

Bai Ye frowned, sensing that more Ultron robots were rapidly approaching. These robots do not come from factories, but fly from the sky. The number is staggering.

"It seems that Ultron is not so easily destroyed." Pym's expression became serious. This time, they faced not only the robots in the factory, but also Ultron's mechanical army all over the sky.

The figures of those Ultron robots are overwhelming in the sky. They have different shapes, and each one is a masterpiece of mechanical art. Some showed streamlined bodies, like the crystallization of future technology; some looked like ancient warriors, equipped with high-tech weapons; this mechanical army formed a black cloud, overwhelmingly attacking Bai Ye and Pim.

The surface of the robots' bodies reflects a cold metallic luster, and their eyes are a glowing red, like messengers from the mechanical underworld. The robots are suspended in the air, like a mechanical army, and they have only one goal: to completely destroy Bai Ye and Pim.

The laser storm begins. Blazing laser beams are ejected from the robots' eyes and various parts of their bodies, blooming in the night sky like strange fireworks. These laser beams merged to form a huge energy network, shooting densely and fiercely towards Bai Ye and Pim.

Bai Ye gritted his teeth, and his body was enveloped in a layer of faint blue light, forming a transparent shield. The shield trembled under the blast of laser beams, but held steady against the attack. He used his mind power to feel the trajectory of each laser, and nimbly avoided fatal blows.

The ant army was not to be outdone on this bright battlefield. They divided into small teams, quickly shuttled through the gaps in the lasers, and used acid and energy blasting devices to carry out targeted attacks on the robots. Every ant is a mechanical warrior, with micro-weapon systems embedded on their bodies that are precise and deadly. The laser beams of the robots formed a dense fog, and the scene was extremely chaotic. In this interplay of light and shadow, Bai Ye and Pim launched the fiercest resistance. Bai Ye's telekinesis showed a dark blue light, and every flash was accompanied by a gorgeous dodge action; Pim's giant body shuttled through the laser, and every swing brought a storm-like shock wave.

The laser bombardment continued, and Bai Ye and Pim's physical strength and telekinesis were constantly being consumed. They know that it cannot last too long and must find the robot's command center as soon as possible in order to fundamentally solve this crisis.

"We need to break through their defense lines and penetrate deep into the enemy's position." Pym's voice echoed in the giant's body. While shaking his giant fist, he signaled Bai Ye to prepare for a surprise attack.

Bai Ye nodded, and he guided the ant army to assemble without hesitation to form a powerful force. Under the cover of the giant, they broke through the laser blockage and charged towards the heart of the robot. The robots launched attacks one after another, but due to the flexibility of the ant army, it was difficult to effectively attack them.

As they went deeper into the enemy's position, Bai Ye and Pim felt increasingly powerful mechanical pressure. The robots' reactions became more rapid, and the intensity of the lasers increased. They cut through the waves in this mechanical ocean, constantly dodging and counterattacking.

"We must fight them and not let them get close to the core area." Bai Ye said to Pim, with determination in his voice.

Pim nodded, knowing that the battle in front of him would become more intense. He pressed the button on his clothes, and his figure quickly grew in size again, becoming a giant dozens of meters tall. Pym's huge body stood out among the ruins, and his momentum was overwhelming.

The mechanical army quickly approached, and a fierce battle broke out again. Giant Pym waved his huge fist and attacked the swarm of robots in the air. His fists were like cannonballs, each swing creating a violent storm that scattered the robots.

At the same time, Bai Ye mobilized the ant army behind the protective wall to form a solid front. The ants work together in a division of labor. Some spray acid to attack the aerial robot, while others carry small explosive devices to find the robot's weaknesses.

The number of robots in the sky seems endless. They turn into a black cloud and keep coming. Bai Ye stared at the sky, looking for the robot's weaknesses, while constantly dispatching the ant army to fight back.

"We can't rely on defense alone, we must find their command center." Pim's voice came from the giant body, and he also knew that simply defeating these robots would not solve the problem.

Bai Ye nodded, and his mind swept across the sky, trying to find the command center of the robot swarm. However, the intelligent programs of Ultron robots are so sophisticated that it is difficult to find their weaknesses from the outside.

"Perhaps, we need to go directly deep into their position." Bai Ye frowned slightly. The decision was fraught with danger, but in this mechanical storm, they had no choice.

(End of this chapter)

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