Chapter 440 Timeline

In the abandoned factory, the remains of the mechanical giants were scattered everywhere, unfolding the cruelty and fierceness of a battle. Bai Ye and Pim stood among the wreckage, staring at the scene in front of them.

The mechanical giant's head was completely destroyed by the energy ray, and the fragments were scattered around. The once luminous gem shattered into countless tiny fragments at the moment of destruction, emitting the remaining faint light. Once the heart of a mechanical giant, it was now in ruins.

All the joints of the body exuded the smell of rust and caramel, and the once powerful power of the mechanical giant completely disappeared at this moment. The mechanical giant's arms, legs and body had deep cracks all over, as if it had been hit by fatal attacks.

Bai Ye swept the ground with his telekinesis, causing the scattered mechanical fragments to float in the air. This factory was once the manufacturing base of Ultron, but now it is in ruins, witnessing a fierce battle between technology and power.

"This battle cannot be underestimated. Ultron's robots are increasingly equipped with advanced intelligence and collaborative combat capabilities." Pim took a deep breath and cast his gaze into the distance. Among the wreckage of the robot, they seemed to see the fall of countless mechanical lives. This was also a bloody history on the road of science and technology.

Bai Ye nodded, he could feel the cold atmosphere permeating the entire factory. These robots were once created for Ultron's goals, and now they can only become part of the ruins.

They looked around, and the ant army was also walking through the wreckage. They were like little engineers, working hard to clean up the mechanical debris. These ants made great efforts in the battle and bought valuable time for Bai Ye and Pim.

"We have to find the next node on the timeline as soon as possible and solve the mystery of all this." Bai Ye's eyes flashed with determination. Although they successfully destroyed the core of the factory, the relationship between Loki, Ultron, and Asgard is still a huge unknown.

Pym nodded as he fumbled with his headphones, trying to reestablish contact with the lab. However, there was still noise and interference in the channel, as if there was some force hindering their communication.

"Our communications have been interfered with. The destruction of the factory may have caused some kind of reaction." Pim frowned. His sensitivity to technology made him realize that there might be a deeper problem.

Bai Ye looked around, his eyes resting on the remains of a suspected control center. It was once the core of the mechanical giant, but now it is in dilapidated condition. Perhaps, there is still some useful information retained here.

"We have to go there and take a look. Maybe we can find some key clues." Bai Ye suggested. Pym nodded in agreement, and the two walked along the wreckage and came to the core location where the mechanical giant once stood.

This is a chaotic and broken area. The fragments and electronic components of the mechanical giant were scattered all over the place, forming a mechanical picture. Among the remains of the core, Bai Ye noticed a unique energy reaction.

"There's something strange here." Bai Ye bent down and touched a shimmering electronic component with his finger. Under his induction, this component seemed to contain some special energy.

Pim moved closer to the electronic component and examined its internal structure intently. As he observed, he discovered that this was not a traditional electronic component, but more like a highly advanced energy storage device.

"This device is not an ordinary electronic component, it seems to be a high-tech energy storage device." Pim whispered to himself. His fingers touched the surface lightly, feeling the faint pulse.

Bai Ye followed Pim's research closely and stared at the components in his hands. "It may be used to store and transmit energy, but what type of energy is it?" Pim took a deep breath, and he began to use the technological equipment in his hand to conduct an in-depth analysis of this component. Various data and waveforms flashed on the display screen, and Pim's brows gradually furrowed.

"The energy fluctuations contained in this component do not come from magic, but more like some kind of highly advanced technology. This is similar to the equipment we found in the laboratory." Pim explained, his eyes twinkling. It shows scientists' curiosity about the unknown.

"In other words, this is not magical energy from Asgard, but a high-tech device left by Loki?" Bai Ye thought, and they seemed to be gradually getting closer to the truth of some unknown mysteries.

Pym nodded, "Yes, it seems that Loki was involved in the high-tech field in this incident. This energy storage device may be a tool he used to conduct experiments or transmit information."

Bai Ye thought for a moment, and then asked: "Can you get any information from this component?"

Pym stared at the display, trying to decipher the data. "This is not only a storage device, it also records some information. Let me decrypt it..." Pim began to use his own technological means to try to analyze the information in this component.

Pim frowned and operated his hands dexterously on the console, trying to unravel the mystery of the information in the components. Bai Ye stared at the increasingly clear data on the display screen, looking forward to uncovering the mystery contained in this high-tech component.

"This is not just an energy storage device, it also has a special layer of encryption. This will take some time, so I try to speed it up." Pim's voice was full of concentration and determination. He knew that this component might contain important information about Loki, which was related to the unraveling of the chaos of time and space.

Time passes minute by minute in the countdown on the screen, and Bai Ye is always paying attention to the surrounding environment. The abandoned factory is filled with the atmosphere of machinery and technology. The ruins seem to tell the story of the glory of the past and the desolation of the present.

Suddenly, Pim's eyebrows twitched. He looked at Bai Ye and said, "I successfully unlocked part of the information. This seems to be a record describing in detail an experiment called the 'Space-Time Fusion Project'."

"Time and space fusion plan?" A trace of doubt flashed in Bai Ye's eyes. This term sounded like it involved a more profound technological field, and he began to expect that Pim could unravel the truth of this plan for him.

Pym nodded, "Yes, this record mentions a plan that transcends time and space, which seems to be to achieve a certain purpose. Moreover, this is not a plan from Ultron or Loki, but a more mysterious plan. the power of."

Bai Ye thought for a moment and asked, "Have you mentioned the specific content of the plan and who is executing it?"

"So far, this record does not detail the specific content and executor of the space-time fusion plan. I still need some time to study it in depth." Pim said, continuing to concentrate on analyzing that special component.

Bai Ye nodded, he understood that this process might take some time, and at this time, in the ruins of the factory, the remains of the mechanical giant and scattered mechanical fragments were still declaring a fierce battle.

(End of this chapter)

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