Chapter 450 Leaving

The walls of the laboratory are designed with transparent glass. Through the tall windows, white sunlight shines into the spacious laboratory. The entire space appears bright and peaceful, with the gentle hum of technological equipment echoing in the air.

Various high-tech equipment are placed on the main console, and complex data streams are constantly flashing on the display screen. Around the main console, rows of computers and instruments are neatly arranged, forming a tight and orderly work area.

Tall computer servers emit a faint blue light, making the entire laboratory look mysterious and modern. The projector on the wall turned a corner of the laboratory into a huge display screen, which continuously played simulations of time and space fluctuations, forming a dazzling light and shadow show.

At the center of the lab is a complex console filled with buttons, screens, and controls. Bai Ye and Pim stood in front of this console, their eyes intently watching the data changes on the display.

"This is a battle of time and space, and we seem to be excluded." Bai Ye's voice was filled with helplessness. Although he possesses powerful telekinesis, he also feels his own limitations in this mysterious realm related to time and space.

In the monitor, Loki's movements became slower and more thoughtful. Suddenly, his figure flickered like a phantom and disappeared into the depths of Ultron's wreckage. The fluctuations in time and space around the wreckage gradually subsided, leaving a silence.

"He left?" Pim frowned, feeling a little uneasy. Loki's sudden appearance and departure made the whole situation even more confusing.

"We can't determine his purpose, but it seems that he does not pose a threat to us." Bai Ye said thoughtfully, trying to find some clues from Loki's actions. However, Loki's true purpose remains a mystery.

At this moment, the picture on the monitor changed again. The picture showed that Loki's figure appeared again on the other side of the ruins. This time, he seemed to have discovered something, stopped and stared at the ground.

"What is he looking at?" Pim's curiosity was aroused, and he couldn't help but wonder what Loki was looking for.

The camera's perspective followed Loki's gaze and was fixed on the ground. There is an area there that seems to be affected by the fluctuations of time and space, showing a kind of distorted light and shadow.

"What is this place?" Bai Ye stared at the surveillance screen, trying to perceive what Loki saw through his vision.

Pim adjusted the surveillance equipment and magnified the area where the light and shadow were distorted. The gradually clearer picture showed that there seemed to be a miniature crack in space and time. The fluctuations in space and time converged at this point, forming a subtle and invisible vortex.

"This is a miniature space-time rift, a convergence point of space-time fluctuations." Pim's eyes widened, and he deeply understood the importance of this discovery. Space-time cracks may be channels connecting different time and spaces, and microscopic cracks often carry huge energy.

Bai Ye stared at the monitor, a flash of shock in his eyes. He understood that this miniature space-time rift might be the core of the entire problem and the key to what Loki was looking for.

Suddenly, the picture on the monitor changed again, and Loki's figure disappeared. This time, he no longer appeared within the range of the monitor, as if he had merged into the abyss of time and space.

"He's gone, but we found some clues." Pim's eyes flashed. He decided to delve deeper into this miniature space-time rift, trying to find the key to solving the mystery.

Bai Ye nodded, knowing that this was just the beginning of the war in time and space. They must understand the ins and outs of all this in order to cope with the upcoming space-time challenges. The atmosphere in the laboratory became quiet and solemn again, and the two heroes were ready to engage in more profound research. The title page of time and space has been opened, and unknown adventures and challenges are waiting for them. At the edge of time and space, Loki's figure may have disappeared, but the mystery he left behind and the existence of the cracks in time and space have become an important task for them to study and solve next.

In the laboratory, Bai Ye and Pim studied the monitoring data and the characteristics of space-time cracks in depth. The relationship between space-time fluctuations and micro-space-time cracks has become increasingly complex, and it takes considerable time and energy to understand the mysteries.

After a while, Bai Ye retracted his ongoing mental perception. He looked up at Pim, with a hint of exhaustion in his eyes. Pim also realized that they had put in considerable effort and nodded slightly in agreement.

"Maybe we need to take a break and collect our thoughts," Pym suggested, knowing that when faced with such complex space-time problems, fatigue and overthinking could have a negative impact on the solution.

Bai Ye nodded in agreement, and the two stood up and left the research area. They came to the rest area of ​​the laboratory and sat at a simple table. A cup of hot tea was offered, with its peaceful aroma.

"It's all so complicated, the cracks in time and space, the fluctuations in miniature time and space, and that Loki." Bai Ye held the tea cup in his hand tightly, and frowned slightly. This incident was an unprecedented challenge for them, and the issues involving time and space made everything extremely difficult.

Pim took a gentle sip of tea and thought: "We are indeed facing a battle in time and space, and Loki's intervention makes things even more complicated. He seems to be looking for a certain key point, but we are His purpose cannot be determined."

"Perhaps he is aware of our existence and deliberately creates chaos." Bai Ye's eyebrows revealed a deep thought. In the world of superheroes, the motivations and behaviors of enemies are often full of mysteries, and Loki, as the mysterious god of transformation, is even more elusive.

Pym frowned: "No matter what his purpose is, we must quickly sort out the context of all this. The existence of space-time rifts may threaten the entire real world."

"Yes, we can't delay it any longer." Bai Ye's eyes were firm, and he knew it was time to act now. The existence of space-time rifts is a serious warning that they cannot sit idly by.

Bai Ye turned his head and faced his hundreds of golden power armor warriors. He waved his arms, sending a signal to the soldiers that they could go back.

This team of golden-armored warriors lined up neatly, their golden armor shining brightly under the light. Their eyes revealed mechanical indifference, as if they were an invincible mechanical army.

"The mission is completed, you can go back." Bai Ye's voice echoed in the laboratory, declaring victory. This team of golden-armored warriors was created and commanded by him personally. They completed their mission and protected the security of the real world.

The soldiers all gave a military salute to Bai Ye, then turned and left. Their figures gradually faded away, and the golden light gradually faded away in the laboratory.

(End of this chapter)

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