Chapter 452 New Goal

Bai Ye and Pim were sitting in the laboratory, and the information on the monitor still seemed urgent and mysterious. The existence of space-time rifts forced them to continue in-depth research to find the source of the rifts.

"We have to figure out the origins of this space-time rift," Pym said, scanning the images on the monitor intently. He knew that this was a bigger battle, and although victory was important, solving the problem of time and space rifts was the top priority.

Bai Ye nodded in agreement, "Although Ultron has been defeated, the chaos of time and space has not subsided. We need to find the source of the rift, otherwise this may happen again."

The two got up again, walked through the passage of the laboratory, and came to the research area. The screens on the wall display complex data, as if telling the mysteries of the universe. Their minds were filled with the threat of Ultron and the strange figure of Loki.

"Loki is an unsolved mystery," Pym continued, "and I'm disturbed by his interest in the rifts in time and space."

Bai Ye recalled Loki's figure in the ruins, and couldn't understand his true purpose for a moment. "What exactly is his plan?" Bai Ye said to himself, as if the answer to the question was hidden deep in the unknowable cracks in time and space.

The two walked through the ruins, stepped over the wreckage, and arrived outside the factory. Sunlight filtered through the floating dust, reflecting the devastation. Suddenly, a breeze blew through, bringing up the dust in the ruins, and a silent and mysterious atmosphere filled the air.

"The fluctuations in time and space may have just begun," Pim felt the pressure of the future. "We must be prepared to face the upcoming challenges."

Bai Ye nodded, "We have to adjust our state and not be exhausted by this battle. The war in time and space is far from over, and we must be prepared to respond at any time."

In a corner of the seating area, they found a modern coffee machine. Pim pressed the button, and the aroma of coffee spread, filling the entire rest area.

"What do you think Loki's purpose is?" Pim looked at the white night, the two cups of coffee staring at them like unknown cracks in time and space.

Bai Ye thought for a moment, "It's hard to be sure, but it is related to his plan in Asgard. Maybe he knows the secret of the rift in time and space."

Pim was thoughtful, the aroma of coffee spreading in the air. "We need more information to understand Loki's true purpose. He may be the key to this war in time and space."

The two of them tasted coffee in silence, feeling the unknown pressure. Suddenly, the breeze blew again, bringing a breath of fresh air. Bai Ye stared ahead, as if he could feel the pulse of time and space.

"We still have a lot of work to do." Pim stood up. Their adventure is far from over, the secrets of time and space are waiting for them to reveal.

Under the lights of the laboratory, Bai Ye and Pim began their in-depth research on the cracks in time and space. The large screen displays complex data flows, like an intricate map of time and space. Bai Ye frowned slightly, trying to sort out the context of this information.

"These data... seem to have some pattern, but we need more clues," Bai Ye whispered to himself, tapping his fingers on the control panel, trying to extract more key information.

Pym concentrated on analyzing the information he had collected about Loki. He thought about Loki's role in this crisis in time and space, and what exactly he was seeking. Bai Ye turned to look at Pim.

"Do you have any new information about Loki?" Bai Ye asked, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

Pim nodded and handed the data file in his hand to Bai Ye. "This is a piece of intelligence recently received. Loki seems to be traced at different time and space nodes. But his action pattern is very elusive, and he looks like he is chasing something," Pim explained. Bai Ye took the file and browsed its contents. The file records the time points when Loki appeared in different worlds, but there is no clear purpose or action. He frowned, feeling that this information did not bring many key clues.

"Loki's actions seem to be related to the cracks in time and space," Bai Ye thought, trying to find common ground among these seemingly scattered information.

Pym thought for a moment and said: "Perhaps he is looking for some kind of power that can control time and space, and the space-time crack may be the key to that power. We need to understand the nature of the space-time crack more deeply."

The two refocused on the big screen in the laboratory and tried to use previous research results to find the source of the cracks in time and space. Bai Ye's telekinesis pulsed on the control panel, trying to resonate with the time and space data.

"Perhaps we need to use some kind of tool or technology to travel deeper through time and space," Pim proposed a new idea, trying to find more advanced means to unlock the secrets of time and space.

At this moment, the data on the monitor fluctuated abnormally. Bai Ye and Pim stared at the screen and saw a tiny crack in time and space forming. The crack emits a faint light, like a door leading to an unknown world.

"What is this?" Bai Ye asked in surprise. They did not actively trigger any experiments, but witnessed the emergence of a space-time rift.

Pim frowned and tried to analyze this anomaly through the monitor. However, this space-time rift appears to have formed spontaneously and is different from previous rifts. Bai Ye felt a strange fluctuation, as if this crack was connected to a special time and space node.

"Shall we risk crossing this chasm and see where it takes us?"

Pim frowned slightly as he thought about the sudden crack in time and space. He knows that venturing through the rift may have unpredictable consequences, but at the same time, he also realizes that this rift may hold the key to understanding the mysteries of time and space.

In the corner of the laboratory, Pim found a small remote control with tiny buttons and knobs. He pressed the button lightly and a tiny screen lit up, showing the ant army he had trained previously.

"Perhaps, I can send ants to explore first and see what is happening on the other side of the crack." Pim said to himself, and he decided to use his unique technical means.

Pim uses the buttons on the controller to send commands to his army of ants. The small mechanical ants began to move under the command. They rushed out, passed through the laboratory equipment, and headed straight for the cracks in time and space.

The ant army is divided into several groups, each carrying different sensors and cameras. Pim watched their movements on the screen, trying to get more information.

A faint light glowed at the edge of the space-time rift, as if there were unknown secrets hidden. The ants approached the crack, and the camera captured tiny fluctuations in it. Pym worked on the controller, allowing an ant to carefully cross the crack.

On the other side of the crack, images of ants were transmitted back. Pym saw a strange and unique sight on the screen - an area of ​​space distortion, filled with floating fragments of time and space and inexplicable surges of energy.

"It's puzzling..." Pim whispered to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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