Chapter 468 Robots

Walter walked towards the place where the technicians gathered, his eyes scanned the surroundings, frowning, as if he was thinking about something. When the technicians saw him coming, they immediately stopped what they were doing and greeted him one after another.

"Walter, what are the data of these clones?" a technician asked, his voice full of expectation.

Walter stopped in front of them, pondered for a while, and then said in a deep voice: "Their combat effectiveness is quite good, but there is still room for improvement. We need to find their weaknesses and improve them."

"Should we consider releasing robots to fight against them?" Another technician suggested, his eyes shining with excitement.

Walter pondered for a moment, then nodded: "This is a good suggestion. Robots can provide more diverse combat scenarios and help clone people's training."

"Then we should start preparing the robot immediately." A technician said impatiently.

"Wait a minute." At this time, Bai Ye came over, his eyes were deep, and he seemed to be thinking about something. "We need to ensure that the robot's strength is equivalent to that of the human clones, otherwise the training effect will be greatly reduced."

Walter nodded and agreed: "I will have the team adjust the parameters of the robots as soon as possible to ensure that they can have a good confrontation with the clones."

The technicians immediately started busy. They controlled various mechanical equipment, adjusted the parameters of the robots, and worked hard to ensure that their strength was equivalent to that of the clones.

Bai Ye stood aside quietly, watching all this. His brows furrowed slightly, as if he was thinking about something. Walter walked up to him and asked softly: "What do you think?"

Bai Ye pondered for a moment, then nodded: "It is a good idea to release the robots, but we must ensure the authenticity and effectiveness of the training. The strength of the robots must be equivalent to that of the clones, otherwise the meaning of training will be lost."

Walter looked at him deeply, and he knew that Bai Ye's decisions were usually well thought out. "I will have the team prepare the robots as soon as possible and adjust their parameters to ensure that they can compete well with the clones."

Bai Ye nodded and looked at the busy work of the technicians with satisfaction. He knew that only through constant training and adjustment could these clones truly unleash their potential and become a powerful fighting force.

In a corner of the laboratory, a huge warehouse stands quietly, with its door closed, seemingly hiding endless secrets. Suddenly, the warehouse door opened, and a heavy metal sound echoed throughout the laboratory. The dim light in the warehouse fell through the cracks in the door and onto the floor, casting disturbing shadows.

Then, huge robots slowly walked out of the warehouse. Their figures were tall and mighty, exuding an irresistible pressure. These robots are densely placed on the shelves of the warehouse, like an endless mechanical army waiting for orders. Their bodies are made of solid metal, and their smooth surfaces reflect weak light.

The robots have different shapes, but they all reveal unparalleled strength and combat effectiveness. Some robots have bulky and huge bodies, as if they can easily crush everything. Other robots appear more flexible and slender, but they also exude a powerful fighting spirit. Their iron arms flashed with cold light, and their mechanical joints made faint mechanical sounds, as if they were ready for battle at any time.

Each robot is equipped with advanced weapons and equipment, some hold huge energy swords, and some carry giant cannons, ready to launch devastating attacks on the enemy. Their eyes shone with a cold light, as if they could see through everything and lock onto the target at any time. The robots walked out of the warehouse and stepped into the center of the laboratory step by step.

Then, on the training ground, the clones had a fierce confrontation with the robots.

Their figures flashed under the lights, and every movement was full of power and speed. The robots were as tough as steel, while the clones showed extraordinary physical fitness and reflexes.

The first clone took a step, his figure flashed like lightning, and came to a robot. The robot opened its arms and tried to grab him, but he easily dodged it and punched the robot directly in the chest. The robot was blown away and hit the ground with a muffled sound.

Meanwhile, another clone unleashes his superpowers. His eyes flashed with a fiery light, and a laser shot out of his eyes, heading straight for the other robot. The power of the laser eye was so powerful that it instantly burned through the robot's armor and destroyed it.

At another training ground, a clone lifted a car and threw it hard. The car instantly turned into pieces. His muscles exploded with amazing strength, easily defeating the robot's defense. The robot fell to the ground, making a mechanical crunching sound.

Technicians were nervously inputting data. Their fingers were tapping rapidly on the keyboard, recording every confrontation between clones and robots. They have serious expressions and stare intently at the screen, trying to capture every subtle change.

The confrontation between the clones and the robots lasted for some time, and there was a tense atmosphere on the training ground. Every collision sparked sparks, as if the entire training ground was shaking. The clones showed great courage and strength, while the robots showed perseverance.

Under the command of Bai Ye and Walter, the confrontation on the training ground went smoothly. They pay close attention to every detail to ensure that the training results are as expected. The clones' combat effectiveness is constantly improving, and the robots are constantly adjusting to become more powerful.

Over time, the clones' fighting skills were fully demonstrated. Each of their attacks was full of power and speed, knocking the robots to the ground. Technicians record the performance of each clone to provide reference for the next step in training.

On the training ground, the clones showed endless fighting potential. Their every move was filled with power and precision, defeating the robots' defenses.

Bai Ye and Walter stood aside quietly, watching all this, satisfied with the performance of the clones. This training not only improved the clones' combat effectiveness, but also fully prepared them for future battles.

In any case, having this army can be of sufficient help to them.

(End of this chapter)

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