Chapter 472 Discussion

Bai Ye stood next to Walter, staring at the fierce battle on the training ground, frowning slightly, thinking about the advantages and disadvantages of this battle.

"Walter, how are these clones performing in battle?" Bai Ye asked, looking at the battlefield images on the real-time monitoring screen.

Walter frowned and carefully observed the battle on the screen. "They showed excellent physical fitness and fighting skills, and their perseverance and courage to fight against extraordinary dragons are also rare." He said, "However, they still have some shortcomings."

"What aspects?" Bai Ye asked.

Walter pointed to the picture on the screen and explained: "First of all, their tactical response is not flexible enough. Many times they rely too much on pure strength and skills and lack in-depth thinking about the battle situation. This makes them appear weak in the fight against the extraordinary dragon. Somewhat rigid and easily troubled by changes in opponents.”

Bai Ye nodded, expressing understanding. "Besides, are there any other questions?" he continued.

Walter thought for a moment, and then said: "Another problem is that their teamwork needs to be strengthened. Although some clones have tried team tactics, the overall collaboration and cooperation are not ideal enough. Sometimes their actions are not unified enough, resulting in The tactics didn’t work well.”

Hearing this, Bai Ye frowned slightly, thinking about how to improve. "We need to pay more attention to team training and tactical exercises to improve the clones' collaboration and cooperation," he said. "In addition, we can also help them develop the ability to deal with emergencies by simulating more complex battlefield environments."

Walter nodded in approval of the improvements. "In addition, there is another problem that their endurance and physical strength are insufficient." He continued, "Although we try our best to improve their physical fitness during training, their physical strength is still exhausted relatively quickly in the face of long-term fierce battles. .”

"This issue really needs attention." Bai Ye thought deeply, "We can adjust the training plan, increase the time and intensity of physical training, and help them improve their endurance and ability to fight for a long time."

Walter nodded, agreeing with this suggestion. "In addition, it is worth noting that the psychological quality of the cloned people also needs attention." He said, "Long-term battles may bring psychological stress and fatigue to them. We need to provide psychological counseling and support to help them Keep a good attitude."

Hearing this reminder, Bai Ye's frown deepened. "It is true that we cannot ignore the mental health issues of clones," he said. "We need to establish a complete support system to ensure that they always maintain a positive attitude during the battle."

The two communicated in tacit understanding and became aware of the various problems and challenges existing in training. They are determined to work together to provide the clones with more comprehensive training and support to help them achieve greater success in battle.

Walter approached Bai Ye and whispered in his ear: "Actually, we can consider completely brainwashing these clones."

Bai Ye frowned and stared at Walter, "Completely brainwashed?" He repeated the proposal, thinking about the pros and cons.

"Yes," Walter nodded, "If we can control their minds and make them completely obey our instructions, then they will be more obedient in battle and perform tasks more smoothly."

Bai Ye thought for a moment, then shook his head, "I don't think this is a good idea. Complete brainwashing may cause them to lose their sense of autonomy and become robots without any emotion or judgment ability. Moreover, we cannot guarantee that they will survive after brainwashing. There will be no unexpected situations, such as sudden resistance or rampage." After hearing Bai Ye's words, Walter felt a little dissatisfied, but still nodded, "What you said makes sense." He admitted, "But, if we can control it, The extent of brainwashing is just to implant some instructions or thinking patterns when necessary, which may achieve better results."

Bai Ye shook his head, "I still think this is too dangerous. We can't risk trying methods that may bring uncontrollable consequences." He sighed, "This issue can be discussed later."

Walter fell silent, knowing that Bai Ye had made a decision. He no longer insisted on the proposal, but there was still a trace of reluctance and doubt in his heart. He knew that cloning people's mind control was a complex and sensitive issue that needed to be treated with caution.

Walter returned to the computer and opened a series of monitoring programs and data analysis software. His fingers were tapping rapidly on the keyboard, and various data streams and charts were scrolling on the screen.

Other experimenters around are also busy. Some are debugging equipment, some are entering experimental data, and some are checking the operation of the equipment. There is a tense and busy atmosphere in the laboratory, and everyone is contributing to the smooth progress of the experiment.

Walter analyzed the data intently, his brows furrowed slightly, as if he was thinking about some important issue. His eyes were fixed on the screen, switching between different data charts and monitoring screens from time to time.

Under his analysis, some key data began to emerge. He carefully compared the data changes in different time periods, trying to find the patterns and anomalies. Possibilities raced through his mind, trying to find a solution to the problem.

Under his guidance, other experimenters also began to gradually analyze the data, exchanging their findings and observations among themselves. Everyone works together to try to find useful information from massive data and provide more accurate guidance and feedback for experiments.

The atmosphere in the laboratory became more tense, and everyone was engrossed in their work. They know that the smooth conduct of the experiment depends on the grasp of every detail and the analysis of every data.

Walter frowned, his thoughts spinning rapidly, trying to find the crux of the problem. He constantly adjusted the direction of analysis and tried different methods, hoping to find a breakthrough.

Over time, the results of the data analysis became clear. Walter gradually found some abnormal data points, and he began to analyze the data carefully, trying to find out the reasons.

With his efforts, some patterns hidden behind the data gradually emerged. He was immersed in the world of data analysis and was engrossed in thinking about solutions to problems.

Other experimenters were also working intensively, sharing their findings and observations with each other, and discussing the progress of the experiment and possible problems.

There was a tense and busy atmosphere in the laboratory, and everyone was working hard for the smooth progress of the experiment.

(End of this chapter)

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