Chapter 497 Back to the Laboratory

Walking out of the factory gate slowly in the white night, the night shrouded the entire city, and dots of lights dotted the skyline, outlining a peaceful and beautiful night scene. He stood there quietly, feeling the coolness brought by the breeze on his cheeks, immersed in the quiet and peaceful atmosphere.

Parked next to him were rows of trucks that once carried experimental models and new types of power armor from factories to testing sites and destinations. Now, they are parked here quietly, seemingly waiting for the next mission. The truck's body was freshly washed and shimmering, as if it was emitting its own light in the night.

Bai Ye stared at the truck, his thoughts wandering. These trucks bear witness to countless hours of hard work and effort in the factory, and carry the hopes and dreams of the future. They silently guard this land, witness historical changes, and become part of this city.

In the distance, a bright moon hung high in the night sky, casting a soft light. Bai Ye stared at the bright moon, feeling an inexplicable emotion in his heart. In this bustling city, people are busy chasing their own dreams and goals, and as a member of this city, he is also quietly struggling for it.

He recalled everything in the factory, the efforts and sweat put in by engineers and workers to build more powerful power armor. Behind every test were countless trials and tempers. It's all worth it, because their efforts will become a sharp sword on the future battlefield, guarding the peace and tranquility of this land.

Bai Ye took a deep breath and became more determined. He knows that the future is full of unknowns and challenges, but as long as they have confidence and courage, they will be able to overcome all difficulties and create a more brilliant tomorrow.

In the distance, the roar of a car came, breaking the quiet night sky. A black car drove slowly by and stopped next to Bai Ye. The car door opened, and a man in a suit walked out. He looked at Bai Ye, with a sharp light shining in his eyes.

"Mr. Bai Ye, we need to discuss some important matters immediately. Mr. Walter said that he has something to ask you about in the laboratory." The man's tone was very respectful.

Bai Ye raised his head and looked at the man, with a hint of deep meaning in his eyes.

"Okay, let's get started."

His voice was calm and firm, without any fear or hesitation.

The two walked towards the car, the door slowly closed and drove away. Under the cover of night, their figures gradually disappeared into the vast city, leaving behind only a quiet night and a few lights in the distance, illuminating the edge of the city.

When the car drove back to the laboratory, Bai Ye and the man got out of the car together, and then walked towards the direction of the laboratory. This laboratory is located in the center of the city. It is a modern building with a simple appearance and well-equipped interior. At night, the outer wall of the laboratory casts a dim light, giving people a mysterious and solemn feeling.

The man stopped, bowed to Bai Ye as a courtesy, and then left, his back gradually disappearing in the night. Bai Ye watched him leave, secretly thinking about the content of the conversation just now, with a thoughtful and solemn expression on his face.

Then, Bai Ye turned around and walked towards the door of the laboratory, unlocked the door and entered the room. A familiar breath came to his face. This was the place he came to every day, and it was also the haven of his soul. The laboratory lights are dim and soft, casting a faint glow that outlines the interior.

Bai Ye walked into the central area of ​​the laboratory, where various instruments, equipment and experimental benches were placed. He looked around silently, with no expression on his calm and steady face, only deep thoughts and plans. In his eyes, this laboratory is not only a palace for scientific research, but also a stage for him to pursue his ideals and dreams.

Bai Ye walked to a supercomputer and started working on a new research project. He turned on the computer, entered a series of instructions, and then became deeply immersed in it, constantly analyzing and calculating. This research task is a new challenge for him, but he has enough confidence and ability to believe that he can successfully complete it. The clock in the laboratory is ticking, and time passes unconsciously. Bai Ye devoted himself to his work without distraction. His thoughts are clear and sharp, like a sophisticated machine, constantly running, looking for answers and solutions.

The night outside the window is getting darker, and the lights of the stars are shining in the night sky of the city, like countless bright pearls, bringing a sense of tranquility and peace to the city.

Bai Ye stared at the scene outside the window, feeling an inexplicable emotion in his heart. In this bustling city, he struggled alone and firmly, pursuing his ideals and goals.

He knows that the future is full of unknowns and challenges, but as long as he has confidence and courage, he will be able to overcome all difficulties and realize his dreams. This laboratory will become the starting point for him to pursue his dreams and the stage for his continuous exploration and innovation.

Walter pushed open the door of the laboratory and walked in. He was smiling, with a hint of excitement and satisfaction in his eyes. Bai Ye raised his head, saw his smile, smiled slightly, and motioned for him to come over.

"Mr. Bai Ye, we have made some progress. I have brought the latest data on the human cloning project." Walter said, walked up to Bai Ye and handed him the file in his hand.

Bai Ye took the file and opened it. Inside was a series of detailed data reports on the human cloning project. He read each page intently, frowning slightly as if he was thinking about something.

"These data look quite good. The production efficiency and quality of clones have been significantly improved." Bai Ye said, handing the file back to Walter with a serious and calm expression.

"Yes, we have optimized the production process of human clones, and also fine-tuned the genes of the clones to make their performance more stable and excellent." Walter explained, obviously satisfied with the progress this time.

The two began to discuss the data in the file and discuss the next work plan and goals. Their conversations were full of professionalism and depth, and every detail was carefully considered and analyzed.

"We need to further improve the production efficiency of human cloning, while also ensuring its quality and stability." Bai Ye said, his eyes firm and calm, revealing an unshakable determination.

"Yes, I have arranged for relevant personnel to conduct further research and experiments. I believe there will be new breakthroughs and discoveries soon." Walter replied, full of confidence and expectation.

The conversation between the two continued for some time until the next work plan and goals were determined. Together they discussed how to better advance the human cloning project and make greater contributions to the development of the laboratory.

Thanks to their efforts, the work within the laboratory is in order, and every project is proceeding step by step. The progress of the human cloning project also gives them confidence and expectations for the future.

(End of this chapter)

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