Chapter 509 Intelligent System
In the white night office, there was silence, with only the slight sound of documents being turned over echoing in the air. Bai Ye sat on a large leather chair, with a stack of heavy documents on the table. His eyes were focused and sharp, and he studied every page of the document carefully, as if he wanted to find some important clues.

The large window next to the table let in the faint morning light, filling the entire room with soft light. The scenery outside the window was shrouded in a light layer of fog, and the buildings in the distance were looming, like a hazy picture.

At this moment, a gentle knock on the door broke the silence in the room. Bai Ye raised his head, raised his brows slightly, and signaled to come in.

The door opened quietly, and Walter walked in, holding a document in his hand. There was a hint of excitement and expectation on his face, and he obviously had important news to report to Bai Ye.

"Mr. Bai Ye, our clone improvement project has made new progress." Walter walked to Bai Ye's desk and respectfully handed over the document in his hand.

Bai Ye took the file, browsed the contents, and frowned slightly. The document details the latest human cloning improvement plan, as well as experimental results and data analysis. It seems that Walter and his team have made a lot of efforts and achieved certain results.

"This is good news, Walter." Bai Ye took a deep look at the document, and then turned his gaze to Walter. “How do you think we should move this project forward?”

Walter smiled slightly and said with expectation: "I suggest that we make more in-depth optimization of the intelligence and mobility of the clones. By improving their learning ability and reaction speed, we will give them more advantages on the battlefield. In addition, We can also consider improving their equipment and weapons to enhance their combat effectiveness."

Bai Ye nodded in agreement. "This is a good direction. We can have the engineering team start relevant research and improvements immediately." He took a deep breath and decided to start formulating the next action plan.

The two sat in silence for a moment in the office, thinking about how to proceed with the project next. The scenery outside the window gradually becomes brighter, welcoming the arrival of a new day.

"Walter, I hope you can personally take charge of this project and ensure that every step is properly arranged and executed." Bai Ye finally made a decision, expressing his trust and expectation for Walter.

Hearing this, Walter showed a hint of excitement and pride on his face, and he nodded solemnly, indicating that he would fulfill his mission.

"Then let's get started, it all needs to be done and we have to get it done."

The two looked at each other in understanding, then stood up together, getting ready to start a new job. They know that the success of the human cloning improvement project is not only related to the safety of the city, but also an important attempt for the entire future.

Walter and Bai Ye walked out of the office together and embarked on the journey to the laboratory. They walked in the corridors in unison, occasionally exchanging ideas and plans about projects.

The glass windows on both sides of the corridor let in the faint morning light, casting light and shadow on the floor, forming mottled beams of light. Bai Ye walked quietly in front, with deep eyes, thinking deeply about how to better advance the project.

"Wait a moment, I think I found something."

Suddenly, Walter stopped and stared at the wall on one side. He seemed to have discovered something interesting.

"Mr. Baiye, look at this." Walter pointed to a painting on the wall, with an elegant flower painted on it.

Bai Ye walked over and looked at the picture carefully. The painting's smooth lines and bright colors make it look like a real flower is blooming.

"Who painted this?" Bai Ye asked, raising his eyebrows slightly. "This was drawn by a young intern in the laboratory, his name is John." Walter explained with a hint of admiration.

"Then he paints well. To be honest, I didn't expect you guys to have such hobbies."

Bai Ye nodded, satisfied with the quality of the painting. He then moved on, followed by Walter.

Soon, the two came to the door of the laboratory. When the security personnel on duty at the door saw Bai Ye, they immediately saluted.

Bai Ye nodded and signaled the security personnel to open the door. The door shaft made a faint sound and slowly opened, revealing the spacious interior of the laboratory.

A slight medicinal smell hit my face, and the light inside the laboratory was soft and bright. Various complex instruments and equipment are neatly placed on the workbench, and rows of computer screens display various data and charts.

Bai Ye and Walter walked into the laboratory and scanned the surrounding environment. Busy people were coming and going in the laboratory, and everyone was focused on their own work, as if a huge working machine was running.

"Okay, let's get started." Bai Ye said, his voice firm and powerful.

Walter nodded, and then began to patrol inside the laboratory. Like Bai Ye, he focused on checking every detail to make sure everything was going in order.

The laboratory was busy, with engineers busy debugging instruments, studying data, and conducting experiments. Everyone is devoted to their work, as if time is money, and any waste is intolerable.

Walter walked to an experimental equipment and carefully observed its working status. He reached out to the console and adjusted the parameters, trying to make the experiment progress more smoothly.

At the same time, Bai Ye walked to another workbench and scanned the data on the computer screen. There was no trace of relaxation on his face, only seriousness and concentration.

"Walter, where do you think we should start?" Bai Ye suddenly turned his head and asked.

Walter stopped what he was doing, thought for a moment, and then slowly spoke: "I think we should start with the clones' intelligent systems and try to improve their learning and cognitive abilities. In this way, they can Being more flexible and smart, the strategies against enemies will be more diverse."

After hearing this, Bai Ye nodded in agreement. "Okay, then we will start with the intelligent system and conduct relevant research and experiments as soon as possible." His voice was firm and powerful, revealing his emphasis and determination on the project.

Walter also felt Bai Ye's determination, and he showed a hint of pride and expectation. "I will immediately organize a team to start research and improvement of intelligent systems." He replied solemnly.

After the conversation between the two ended, they walked to another working area in the laboratory and began to work on the next step of the project. In this spacious and bright laboratory, they will work together to improve the technology and performance of human cloning.

(End of this chapter)

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