Chapter 76
After hearing Eagle Eye's words, there was a sound of a small motor turning, and the figure on the chair slowly drove towards the light.

At this time, everyone was able to see the true appearance of Baron Zemo up close, which surprised them slightly.

"This is impossible!"

Clint shouted, almost panicking.

Unlike the strutting and high-spirited figure in the holographic projection, Zemo in front of him was paralyzed in a wheelchair with his neck completely crooked. A breathing tube was inserted into his mouth through the lower part of the purple mask, pointing directly at the bronchi.

The only thing that could move in his body was a few fingers on his left and right hands, and the fingers of his left hand were gently pressing on the special keyboard.

"You shouldn't see me like this."

Zemo's voice came from all directions. He probably recorded the voice into the computer and saved it while he was still moving, so that he could 'speak' normally in the future.

"This is not the picture I imagined." Clint held the bow and sat down by the wall in a daze.

He traveled thousands of miles from the Las Vegas area to the X weapon factory, not to avenge an old man paralyzed in a wheelchair.

In order to get revenge, he gave up his family and disciplined his daughter for the past ten years
The one he should kill was Zemo, the master criminal in Hydra and the murderer who participated in the day the hero fell!
"No, you don't have to pity me. I am Baron Helmut Zemo, the No. 13 heir of noble blood, a great scientist of the Third Reich, and the son of Heinrich Zemo."

The sound of tapping the keyboard with his fingertips was still ringing, but Eagle Eye was getting impatient. He waved his hand and said, "Talk about the important part, I don't want to hear your resume."

After a pause of a few seconds, the voice of Zemo on the computer sounded again: "You, a bastard raised by a circus, humiliated me and took over the Thunderbolt team I founded."

"But you still won in the end. The Thunderbolts still belong to you in the end. They betrayed us in Las Vegas." Clint said coldly, leaning against the wall.

"No, damn it, you won. Maybe because of my noble blood, I had a stroke, and I was the one who needed to breathe through a tube!"

There was a bit of anger in the computer-synthesized voice.

"I have been dreaming of revenge all these years, but it seems that time has taken the first step." Clint sighed, shook his head and stood up.

He didn't have any interest in this old thing that had completely lost its dignity.

"No, I'm still Baron Zemo, and even the Red Skull doesn't know my situation." As if aware that Hawkeye was about to leave, those fingers began to tap the keyboard frantically.

"And what are you? I've been watching you since we let you live in Las Vegas, you're a failed husband, a failed father, a failed hero"

"You've recently been diagnosed with glaucoma, and you're going to be blind in no time."

"So you are not allowed to use your remaining eyesight to despise Zemo before you leave!"

"I've never looked at you that way!" Hawkeye yelled angrily, turned around and aimed at Baron Zemo, and shot the arrow in his hand like lightning.

He quickly drew out the arrow and shot again, the joyful feeling almost made him think that he was back in his 20-year-old body.

A few seconds later, Baron Zemo's body was covered with dozens of arrows, and he was bleeding profusely. However, each arrow missed the fatal point. The breathing tube was still working hard, trying to send the last bit of oxygen into the endangered area. Dead body.

Clint grabbed the last arrow in the quiver and walked to the side of Baron Zemo. Hearing the sound of air flow in his trachea, he bowed his head and said hoarsely:
"But that's how I see you now, you #@%&#* brute."

He didn't say another word, but suddenly cut off Baron Zemo's breathing tube with an arrow, watching this noble descendant of the Third Reich die of blood loss and suffocation.

Everyone stared silently at the body of Baron Zemo, no one felt sorry for him, although his death would not solve all problems,
But it's certainly a good start for a wasteland that has been in chaos for the past few decades.

"You avenged them."

Bai Ye said calmly, stepped forward and patted Hawkeye on the shoulder to show comfort.

Clint stood there, looking at Zemo who was gradually losing his life in the wheelchair. His thoughts traveled through time and space, recalling the Avengers who died in front of him, and he had mixed emotions for a while.

After a long silence, he slowly said: "Yes."

"But it's not over yet, right? We have to kill every villain alive in this world."

Hearing this, Bai Ye nodded, then walked out of the room with Hawkeye and said, "We will do it, but now I need you and Wanda to clean up all the Hydra inside the base."

"Then we'll talk about the long term."

After watching Clint take a deep breath and Wanda walk down the corridor, Bai Ye smiled and waved to the bald scientist in the distance, signaling him to come in.

"What's your name?"

"Walter, sir, my name is Walter."

After hearing the question, the scientist quickly replied that he walked into the control room with the box in his arms, and jumped a few steps to prevent himself from stepping on Zemo's blood.

"Walter?" Bai Ye looked a little weird when he heard the bald scientist wearing transparent glasses reported his name.

After taking the box from the other party, he asked again: "Have you ever won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry?"

"Nobel Prize?" Walter shook his head after hearing the word, which made Bai Ye heave a sigh of relief.

But the words he said immediately made the corners of Bai Ye's mouth twitch crazily: "That's the old calendar from decades ago."

"But I won the Red Skull Science and Technology Chemistry Award from the Capital Wasteland, and they said it was more important than the Nobel Prize back then."

The corner of Bai Ye's mouth was stiff and perfunctory: "Yes."

In a sense, what Walter said is indeed correct. A folk scientist who can teach himself in the wasteland of ritual collapse and music, and is qualified to participate in the research and development of super soldier serum is indeed very valuable.
But this is not the point. The point is that the sense of déjà vu in Walter is too strong. Could he be a different-dimensional counterpart of Breaking Bad?
"Do you have cancer?"

"No, I am in very good health."

Listening to Walter's decisive answer, Bai Ye sighed: "Okay."

This small detail is not important. What is important is the contents of the box. He placed it on the countertop and gently opened the buckle.

Inside lay 99 tubes of green medicine quietly.

"This is it?" He looked at Walter, who was quite proud of his product.

The latter raised his head confidently, his big bald head looked a little dazzling under the light, and proudly said:
"The semi-finished product of the Super Soldier Serum."

(End of this chapter)

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