Collectors of Beauty World

Chapter 125 Crazy Spencer

Chapter 125 Crazy Spencer
Spencer felt like he had become a god.He is now omnipotent, leaping hundreds of meters and tearing apart tank armor with his bare hands.

He was hit head-on by a rocket and was unscathed.Even his words began to have divine power.It can make people surrender to him involuntarily.

But Spencer was not satisfied.He was not content to rule over a group of ignorant African natives.He has a greater ideal, he wants to rule the world.

Because as more and more people surrender and believe in him, he becomes more and more powerful.This made Spencer even more unscrupulous.

But he is a smart man, and he knows that ruling the world is not a simple matter, even with his current power.In fact, it is impossible to truly rule the world.

Humanity cannot be ruled by a sudden superhuman being.They will do anything to kill him.

Spencer is powerful, but he knows he still has his limits.At least not yet against nuclear weapons.And domination is far from as simple as defeat.

He simply had a plan for all this.

Not only the human world, but also hell is Spencer's goal.Spencer has a crazy plan to merge hell and earth into one.

Steal the power of Leviathan and rule two worlds at the same time.

"What happened to him? Why did he suddenly become so powerful?" Tiffany couldn't understand Spencer's change.But Lu Xiao saw something.

"There is something wrong. The speed, strength, and senses are constantly strengthened. There are almost no weaknesses in the whole body, and words can confuse other creatures. Interestingly, this is a standard template for gods."

"God, you said he is a god now? How can there be such a god?" Tiffany said she could not accept it.

"Haha, what do you think a god is like? With a halo on his head and wings on his back? Who loves the world and brings love and peace to the world?"

"Is not it?"

"Haha, that's just the god you think you are. If you think about it carefully, if a creature is really that powerful, what do you think of you in its eyes?"


"Don't you dare say it? As far as I'm concerned, in its eyes, you are all ants. If a creature is that powerful, it will not lower its head and listen to the prayers of ants. Just like you won't lie down on the ground and watch ants. What exactly are you doing.

Most gods will only vent their desires unscrupulously.Treat the whole world as your playground. "

"Have you met other gods? Why do you sound so understanding?"

"Of course I've seen it, more than one. And they all look like birds. Okay, one is slightly better. But it's only so good."

"So, there's nothing we can do to stop it? Can you defeat a god?"

"Haha, Spencer is just on the road to becoming a god. He is still far away from igniting the divine fire and becoming a real god. And he has already taken the wrong path. Wait and see, believe me, Spencer is not a real god. Enemy. I want to know what that guy wants to do."

Hell is very large.Even though everything is a maze with no end in sight.But in fact, there are many special places in hell.

Yankeng is one of them.

Christy didn't know this place.Although she has the power of the high priest.But in fact, a large amount of information is missing.So much so that I don’t know as much about hell as deepthroat.

The Pit of Fire can be understood as the fiery hell in the traditional hell.It is the place where the soul endures the burning punishment of fire.

But the fire pit in this hell is different.Gathered inside were countless skinned bloody corpses.They were all human beings during their lifetime.But at this time, I can only endure the endless pain of burning flames here.

There is no reincarnation, no redemption, just endless torture.

Spencer physically tore the barrier between hell and the world and re-entered hell.As the strength continues to grow.He can now travel freely between hell and earth.

But he was not satisfied. He was not satisfied that he could travel back and forth between hell and the human world.He opened the gate to hell and came directly to the pit of fire.

Countless bloody corpses saw a human walking into the pit of fire.The flames of hell seemed to have done him no harm at all.On the contrary, he even made way for him.

They felt an unprecedented majesty in Spencer, as if they were facing a god.

"Endless pain and torture. I know you are tired and even sinking. But now, you have a chance. Follow me and you will be able to return to the world.

Although that is no longer your world.But we can reshape it, we can reshape the world. "

Spencer stood in the pit of fire and began to speak to countless bloody corpses.

Those bloody corpses burned by endless flames had long been exhausted by endless torture.But in hell they will not die and can only passively endure endless pain.

These blood corpses never think about returning to the human world.They may even retain the memory of much of the human world.

After hearing that he could return to the human world, the entire Yankeng went crazy.

By the time Christie noticed it, it was already too late.Before this, she didn't even know the existence of the Flame Pit.Leviathan also did not explain the matter of Yankeng.

So when she arrived, the entire Yankeng was already rioting.The blood corpses were originally unable to climb out of the fire pit.But Spencer broke the edge of the fire pit for them, allowing countless bloody corpses to walk out of the fire pit.Along the door to hell he opened, he entered the human world.

In the human world, a satellite photo made the staff of an American agency look confused.

"What's going on? The satellite is out of order?"

"what happened?"

"Look at this. The satellite captured a large number of red people in a certain area in Africa."

"Red crowd?"

"It's not very clear. Wait a minute, I'll mobilize other satellites to take some clearer photos."

The staff said, and after a while of operations, they produced several new photos.

".Tell me what you see is the same as me."

".I'm not sure because what I saw was a bunch of skinless monsters."

"Good, 'cause I do too. We need to report it, right now."

In hell.

"Spencer." In Christie's rage, countless chains emerged from the void and tied Spencer tightly.

"You madman, do you know what you are doing?" "Of course I know. It's you, Christie. Do you know what you are facing?"

Spencer said, using his arms hard, he broke dozens of chains.

"Have you seen it, Christie? Why did I give up the power of the high priest? Because the power I was once proud of is worthless in front of me now. I am already a god, and I will eventually surpass everything, even if It’s Leviathan.”

Christie's body fell heavily.In hell, she is also extremely powerful and immortal, and can also control the torture instruments of hell.But facing Spencer at this time, she actually had no power to fight back.

Those indestructible chains were as fragile as spider webs in Spencer's hands.He tore it off casually.In terms of strength, Christie was like a baby in front of him.

"Look, Christy. You thought you got power. But that's just the garbage I threw away. Soon, you'll see what a true god is, what true power is."

Spencer is no longer a monk, meaning he can't kill Christie in Hell.So, he quickly turned around and left.

At this time, in the human world, there were already hundreds of thousands of bloody corpses gathered in a valley in Africa.Viewed from satellites, the entire valley has turned blood red.

Spencer stood on top of a boulder.Looking at the bloody corpse below.

"The world, the sun, the earth, I have given you a new opportunity. Now, offer me your faith."

Hundreds of thousands of bloody corpses knelt at Spencer's feet.And the number is still increasing.

Spencer felt that his power was growing at an incredible speed.

At this time, Lu Xiao had disconnected the magic monitoring Spencer.Because the other party began to absorb a large amount of the power of faith, it was no longer possible for those simple magics to hide from it.

But this is also the most iconic aspect of Spencer going astray.After accidentally tasting the sweetness of the power of faith, he instinctively began to pursue this power.

Even because human beliefs are too mixed.He actually returned to hell and released the bloody corpses in the pit of fire as the source of his faith.

After these bloody corpses went through endless torture, their thinking became simpler.Faith is also purer.This made his strength increase rapidly, and he even became addicted to this power.

But the power of faith is not that simple.If this power is used well, it can naturally ignite the divine fire quickly and become a god.

But at the same time, it will also be subject to huge constraints.That is, Spencer will be bound to his followers.

The reduction in the number of believers will directly affect the opponent's divine power.All gods are immortal.

When he truly becomes a god, it may be difficult to kill him completely.But as long as most of his followers are eliminated, he can be directly put into a weak or even sleepy state.If this belief could be completely cut off, even gods would be in danger of falling.

The few gods Lu Xiao had seen were either second generation, or they were powerful enough to perform miracles, absorbing the magic spring's quantitative changes and causing qualitative changes.Those guys, never had a problem like that.He acted even more unscrupulously.

Spencer unscrupulously developed his own sect and absorbed the power of faith.Feel the thrill of increased strength.The human world has been turned upside down.

At this time, a large number of reporters who were not afraid of death had entered the vicinity of the valley.From a distance, everything happening in the valley began to be broadcast live.

Lu Xiao was also happy that he didn't have to be close to the current Spencer, but could understand everything that happened in the valley through live broadcast.

On the other side, Christie entered the Flesh Mountain and tried to communicate with Leviathan.But the strange thing is that this time, the other party did not give the slightest response.Even the bloody corpse who answered on his behalf did not appear.

"What's going on? Why doesn't Leviathan respond to me?"

At this time, Deepthroat, who had been silent all this time, walked in.Without saying a word, she summoned chains to tear apart the surrounding walls of flesh and blood.

Only then did Christie see that this mountain peak was not pure flesh and blood.Under the flesh and blood, there are stone walls.On the stone wall, there are countless dense runes carved on it.

"Are these the Selluent runes? Why are they here?"

"The human mage had a chance to get it in advance before. But he missed it, and now we may be too late."

"No, Lu must have a way."

Christie said while recording all the runes.Prepare to go back and hand it over to Lu Xiao.Even after becoming a high priest, she found that she still could not fully understand these things.

In fact, Spencer should also know this secret.But the other party also didn't work hard in this area.It is certain that the other party may not have mastered all the runes.

Just as Christie was nervously recording the runes.Spencer finally seemed to be somewhat ready.

He started to make new moves.

In the valley, countless bloody corpses began to surge towards the outside world.And this action also made countries around the world break out in a cold sweat.

Countless reports of various kinds have been gathered at the top levels of various countries.They still don't know what this is all about.I don’t know what kind of existence Spencer is.I don’t even understand what those bloody corpses are.

Because of the exposure on a lot of TV stations.At this time, the whole world has fallen into chaos.Countless cults sprang up as a result.

Spencer hasn't done anything yet, and the whole world is already looking like it's doomed.

Because Spencer never made any aggressive moves.Therefore, some bold reporters have begun to try to get closer and even try to interview Spencer.

However, what they didn't expect was that Spencer had begun to lose patience at this time.

Countless blood corpse legions walked out of the valley, embracing all the surrounding tribes, and began to approach the human world.

Those blood corpses are extremely powerful, and after coming to the human world, they seem to have undergone some mutations and can no longer feel pain.Turned into a perfect biological weapon.

Ordinary tribes and even countries in Africa are completely unable to resist their attacks.

In just a few days, the Blood Corpse Legion gathered hundreds of thousands of humans.

Then, the Blood Corpse Legion gathered these humans on a plain.Under the watchful eyes of countless reporters, an unprecedented massacre began.

"Fuck, what is he doing?" Tiffany in front of the TV was stunned by the scene in front of her.

Lu Xiao looked at the tragic scenes on TV with a strange expression.

"He is making sacrifices, letting his blood corpse army sacrifice living people to himself. In order to increase his power. This guy is getting more and more greedy.

A journey that a god would take hundreds or even thousands of years to complete, he planned to complete within a month.It's a pity that the career of the high priest of hell did not teach him.This kind of power gained in a hurry often comes with a price. "

(End of this chapter)

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