Collectors of Beauty World

Chapter 43 Magic, Magic

Chapter 43 Magic, Magic

How much time does it take to learn a brand new language?Lu Xiao didn't know that he had learned English, a foreign language, in his previous life.And basically didn't pass.

In his previous life, he had heard that there were top linguistic experts who were flying to a brand new country.Do a temporary surprise study on the plane, and you can have simple communication with the locals when the plane lands.

A scumbag like him can't understand the world of that kind of top boss.In his past and present lives, he was a scumbag.

Seven languages, he had the urge to die at that time.But after finally reaching this point, it is impossible to give up.

The teacher in the language class spoke very quickly.Lu Xiao couldn't remember at all, so he could only use notes to record all kinds of grammatical knowledge as much as possible.

And he also realized that this mode of teaching was necessary.Because there are seven languages, according to the teaching method of the real school.They are not allowed to study for ten or eight years.But in fact, the total study time at Blakebiers Academy of Magic is only four years.

Therefore, the basic teaching mode is that the professor talks about half of the book in one breath.Then go back and study by yourself.This is a school for adults, and ultimately it's up to you.

In the afternoon class of the first day, the freshmen finally had their first magic class.

"Today we only need to learn one magic. You don't need to know the principle or understand the spell model. You just need to learn it as quickly as possible. Because this will be the beginning of your learning of magic."

Lu Xiao didn't understand at first and was about to ask a question.I heard the professor continue talking.

"This magic is called Learning Charm."

"Learning spells????" Lu Xiao finally understood why it was said that this was the beginning of all magic.

When he was still having a headache learning seven languages ​​in the morning, the professor gave a solution in the afternoon.

It seems that the magicians in the early years also faced similar situations.And in order to deal with this kind of problem, a special magic has been developed.

"This magic can increase your concentration and memory by five to ten times. The duration is about two hours. It's not that there is a time limit for magic, but that the human body cannot withstand magic for a longer period of time.

After casting the learning spell, your brain goes into an overclocked state.In this state, your nerves are in a state of high excitement.And put a huge burden on the brain.Therefore, at any time, do not exceed two hours a day.Otherwise your brain may suffer permanent damage. "

The professor is very serious.Lu Xiao also firmly remembered this.He does not intend to challenge authority until he is absolutely sure.Especially in a field that I am completely unfamiliar with.

Soon, Lu Xiao felt the powerful effect of learning the spell.There are differences in the IQ of modern humans.Respond with a meme from the Internet.

The gap between people is bigger than that between people and dogs.

This phenomenon does exist.But it only exists in some special bosses.In fact, in real life, the gap between most people's IQs is actually very limited.

But even so, there is still a huge gap in everyone's learning ability and adaptability.The most important of these is focus.

As long as a person is not mentally retarded on a medical level, the most important factor affecting learning effectiveness is concentration.If you don’t have enough concentration, it is commonly known as failure to learn, which is a waste of time.

Some people can memorize hundreds of words after reading for half an hour.Some people study all day, and there are a few more turtles in the textbook.Always learning and learning, the thoughts drifted to novels, games, movies, and even the thighs of the girls in the next class.

Those who can maintain absolute concentration in learning are all first-class good students.

Even for a scumbag like Lu Xiao, the five to ten times increase in concentration and memory made him a genius at the learning level in the first place.

Note that this improvement in memory is a general concept.It's not that you could recite one word per minute before, but now you can recite five.It is an improvement close to the geometric index.

After the real experience, Lu Xiao felt it.The actual effect of this improvement is far beyond imagination.

This was also the first time Lu Xiao felt the joy of learning.Those obscure words and pronunciations are completely imprinted in my mind just after reading and hearing them once.

The thick ancient language dictionary was flipped and memorized at the speed of reading a novel.

But soon, this joy of learning was interrupted.Looking up, it was the professor announcing that get out of class was over.

After emphasizing again that this spell cannot be used more than once in a day, and no more than two hours at a time, the professor announced that get out of class was over.

At the same time, today’s classes are all over.

Students in twos and threes are free to move after class.Lu Xiao noticed that in just one day, there were already more than one pair of dogs and men heading towards the dormitory in the class.

Shaking his head, he despised the depravity of these students in his heart.Lu Xiao took out the key and left the school.

Back in the store, as soon as the door opened, a fiery body greeted him.


"Shh, don't talk, enjoy this moment!"

Lu Xiao: "." Otherwise, I'll be depraved too!

About an hour later, the two got up from the recliner.

"How is school life?"

"All I can say is, beyond imagination."

In fact, Lu Xiao didn't really understand the school.But just the three lessons today have already benefited him a lot.

Taking out his notes, Lu Xiao followed the agreement and started teaching Juliet.Unlike a scumbag like Lu Xiao, Juliet is a solid academic.In fact, she was admitted to Yale University as a top graduate student.

Basically, there is no need to teach knowledge about literature and history.Just explain it casually and she can learn it by herself.

The real key lies in the first magic that Lu Xiao learned today, the learning spell.

When she heard that such a strange spell existed in the magical world, Juliet also looked incredulous.

"If this kind of magic can spread among more people, the dormitory at Yale University may not be able to accommodate it."

"Hehe, it's actually not as exaggerated as you think. If modern society wants to progress, it still needs those creative talents. This kind of spell can only make people quickly learn the existing knowledge. But it can't improve people's creativity. "

"It makes sense. But it's enough to make people addicted. I really wish I could meet you earlier and get in touch with magic earlier."

"Juliet, why are you so obsessed with magic? As far as I know, your life is very happy. Your parents are still alive and you have excellent grades. You are still a graduate student at Yale University. Your future is unlimited, so why are you so obsessed with magic?"

".I don't know, I just feel, I need magic!!"

(End of this chapter)

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