Collectors of Beauty World

Chapter 51 Upgraded, but not fully upgraded

Chapter 51 Upgraded, but not fully upgraded
"So it's happening now? I'm entering a time loop now?"

"Actually, it doesn't count?"

"What does it mean to be nothing? If I am really the child of some kind of prophecy, can you explain the matter a little more clearly?"

After Lu Xiao roared violently.Eliza explained somewhat helplessly.

"I'm sorry, Lu. This is the last time."

This explanation made Lu Xiao feel bad immediately.

"What do you mean this is the last time? You just told me that you have done it 39 times."

"We failed 39 times, to be exact. Each time, I used time magic to re-trap the beast. But now, you see it too. He's getting stronger and stronger.

He has begun to be able to directly intervene in our world.The sounds you heard when you were in the library were caused by him.Now, he has even been able to detect my time magic to a certain extent.

That means I may not be able to trap him anymore.Lu, I hate to say that.But this may be the last time loop. "

Lu Xiao took a deep breath.

"I will repeat the facts I am facing in my own words, and you can see if this makes sense.

Let's say it's a game with a total of forty lives.You have consumed the previous 39 items and failed to pass the level.You have the last life left, are you ready to let me go?And it has to be cleared in one life, right? "


At that time, Lu Xiao had the urge to pick up the water glass in front of him and smash it on the face of the witch in front of him.But thinking that the other party can use the time loop, this outrageous magic exists.He finally held back.

"If that's the case, then I need to know everything. All the clues you have."

"Of course, I'm ready."

Eliza said and handed over a stack of books.

"It's all in here."

Lu Xiao took the book and read it.

""Enchanted" is a fairy tale book. Do you think I haven't read it? When I was in the orphanage, I read that this is a set of fairy tale books. There are five books in total. Why is yours six?"

"After reading it, all the information is in it. I can't tell you my understanding because that would interfere with your judgment. We have failed 39 times. I hope you can succeed."

Lu Xiao left with mixed emotions.Inexplicably, he became the son of prophecy, and he was going to deal with a super magician who was too strong and outrageous.

All this is enough bullshit.The most ridiculous thing is that he can't refuse at all.Because even if I don't deal with that guy, the other party will chase and kill me.

Lu Xiao tried to get some benefits, such as the pocket watch that repelled the beasts before.But Eliza said that that thing can't be made casually.It will take her at least a year before she can make a piece.

However, she promised Lu Xiao to open all Brakebills books.

"As long as you can read and study any magic books we have collected."

This benefit is also good.Thanks to his super magic physique.His learning speed is much faster than other students.Existing courses are not able to meet his needs.

Lu Xiao returned to the classroom and didn't immediately start reading the book.Instead, concentrate on checking your own system plug-ins.

In class before, the moment he grabbed the pocket watch, he actually received a prompt from the system.But at that time his whole person was in a semi-frozen state.Thinking is not very clear, there is only one thought in my mind.That is to press the pocket watch.

And then the pocket watch was directly reduced to ashes, and he didn't know how the system would judge it.

And when Lu Xiao checked the system, he found a result that left him speechless.

Counting pocket watches, he has actually completed the accumulation of ten collections.

After reaching this number, his aloof system finally indicated that it would be upgraded.

Not only was the system upgraded, but Lu Xiao himself was also upgraded.

But what hurts Lu Xiaodan is that this upgrade is not complete.Because the process for that last collectible was a little too bizarre.It seems that while it became a collection, it was completely destroyed.

In this way, the system's judgment on this also has a small problem.

The system recognizes the existence of the tenth collection to a certain extent.Therefore, it is determined that the accumulation has reached the critical value, and an upgrade is performed.

But again due to 'just right' damage to the pocket watch.This led to some problems with Lu Xiao's own upgrade.

Let’s talk about the system upgrade first.

Originally, Lu Xiao had a huge helplessness in using it.That is, as the collection increases, it is impossible for me to always carry all the collections with me.

And because each time, only one collection ability can be used.Therefore, it was difficult for him to fully utilize the role of the golden finger.

And now, this problem is solved.After the system was upgraded, a brand new function was opened, the collection cabinet.

The collection cabinet is like a backpack or storage space in the game.However, the space inside can only be used to hold collections.

There are twenty cabinets in the collection cabinet.This means that Lu Xiao can hold twenty different collections in it.

The advantage of this is that you don't need to carry any collection with you.All the collectibles are in the collection cabinet, and when you use it, you can switch seamlessly as soon as you move your mind.

In this way, it can be regarded as a complete solution to Lu Xiao's long-term troubles.

Another upgrade is Lu Xiao's own upgrade.After collecting all ten collectibles, he was awarded a title.In other words, he was finally recognized by the system and became a junior collector.

Junior collectors naturally have benefits.That is Lu Xiao's ability to use two collectibles at the same time.This is naturally a huge improvement.

Unfortunately, Lu Xiao found that his mark as a junior collector was gray.Moreover, my ability to use two collections at the same time did not take effect.

This made him a little dizzy.It was like sending a woman who wanted anything and everything to his bed.I rushed forward excitedly, only to find that the other party was wearing an iron chastity belt! !

Feeling both excited and disappointed, Lu Xiao couldn't get up or down.Because of the big things that happened before.There are no classes in school today, everyone is doing self-study.

Lu Xiao simply took out those fairy tale books and began to read them carefully.

After using the learning spell, reading this kind of popular book is surprisingly fast.In just two hours, he had read all six books.

After reading it, Lu Xiao closed his eyes, thinking carefully about the plot inside.Then I found out that the whole story of Oddity is actually not complete, and there are quite a few deletions.

The story of the first five volumes tells the story of two children who strayed into a mysterious world and embarked on a series of adventures.The whole story is the obvious children's painting style.

But starting with book six, everything changes.

(End of this chapter)

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