I'm a god-level boss

Chapter 170 Completion of the new base [5 more]

Chapter 170 Completion of the New Base

But Mu Tong has his own persistence and belief, especially every time he thinks of his younger sister calling his brother sweetly when he is still healthy, he can't help but burst into tears.

If there is no sister, where is the direction of his life, he has no direction at all.

"Alas..." A heavy sigh came from the door, breaking the atmosphere in the room.

Everyone looked up and saw that it was Lin Shu.

"Demon City is not suitable for me." Lin Mu walked in with a depressed look and fell down in his seat, looking very miserable.

Everyone looked at him with curiosity, eyes full of questions.

"I went out to look for a job today and found ten companies. Nine of them said they wanted bachelor's degree graduates." When he, a junior college graduate, arrived in a place like this, he was like a primary school student going to work in the city. He was looked down upon everywhere.

"What about another family?" Qing Ling asked innocently.

"Graduate student..." I thought he could come up with other words, but Lin Mu's words almost made everyone spurt blood.

Everyone looked like they were about to vomit blood. Who could have imagined such a result?

"Well, Brother Mu, don't give up, the fruit you are waiting for is sweet, look for it again." Lin Zhao sighed and said.

"Do you need me to help you arrange a job?" Although Lin Shao is not in the business district, it is always no problem for him to find a relationship to arrange a job for Lin Mu.

"No!" Lin Mu refused without thinking. "It's better to get a job based on your true ability, and it's not good to ask you to introduce it." Lin Mu still has the stubbornness that only the Lin family has.

Both Lin Zhao and Lin Ming have this point.

This is the tradition of the Lin family in their small town.

"Cousin, I wish you success, you will definitely find it!" Qing Ling felt a little admired when she saw Lin Mu rejecting Lin Shao's help so decisively.

"Well, there is always a Bole who wants my thousand-mile horse!" Lin Mu looked confident.

But in the next month, he repeatedly encountered obstacles in interviews. After countless unsuccessful interviews, he showed up at home again.He was already wearing a red dress.

Everyone looked at the logo on their clothes and looked confused.

"Are you... planning to deliver a courier?" Lin Zhao and Qing Ling asked in disbelief.

"There's nothing wrong with express delivery. I heard people say that you can earn more than 1 yuan a month! Don't tell my parents, I don't want them to worry." People may really kill people!With his junior college degree, it would be very difficult for him to find an office job in such a big city.

"What's wrong with express delivery? There is no distinction between high and low in work, good job!" Qing Ling opened his mouth to support Lin Mu.

These words also made Lin Mu feel better to a certain extent. "Thank you." Then he said thank you to Qing Ling.

"Thank you, come on brother!" There is nothing that you can't do when you are young.

I'm afraid that you don't have the determination to accept failure and don't dare to face it.

"Qing Ling is right, there's nothing wrong with it, come on brother." Lin Zhao thought about it. There is no high or low profession, and in the eyes of others, e-sports is still not a real job!

"Hee hee, I got it. Hey, this is for you. I passed by a place to buy cosmetics today, and a lot of people were robbing them. I took a look, squeezed in and grabbed one." Lin Zhao, the person on the cosmetics promotional poster in his pocket, went in to snatch it.

Lin Zhao took it from Lin Mu's hand and saw that his face in the poster was painted with three different colors of lipstick. The lipstick on his mouth was the darkest.Half of the face looks like himself, and the other half looks like Lin Shen in the game.As for Qing Ling, she only had one hand coming in, and gently placed it on his plump forehead.

The production effect of this poster is great!
Lin Zhao thought that he would become a sissy just by putting on lipstick, but he didn't expect that at all. This really shocked Lin Zhao.

"Wow!" Qing Ling exclaimed and snatched the poster away, her eyes filled with admiration.

"Brother Shao~" After careful study, when Qingling raised her eyes to look at Lin Shao, she heard a sweet and greasy shout of Brother Shao, which made Lin Shao shudder.

"What are you doing!" Lin Shao took a few steps back. She might as well shout to herself, Lin Shao, to make herself more comfortable.

"Do you have the phone number of this manufacturer? Can they send me a copy of the processed base pictures?" Her man is so handsome!She wants to wash it all out and paste it all over the room!

"Well, I thought it was something serious. Wait, I'll tell them." Lin Shao's lingering fear was very real.

Generally speaking, if someone who knows Qing Ling is called like this by Qing Ling, it will be very creepy.

Lin Shao actually helped Qing Ling get those processed photos. Qing Ling picked through them and finally selected a photo in which she and Lin Zhao were lip-to-mouth. She magnified it a hundred times and pasted it on In the bedroom of the two of them.

It’s best to be the kind that makes you smile every day when you see this photo.

It is worth mentioning that a month later, the base was built and the team members returned one after another.

Lin Shao found a master to pick a good day and chose to let the base officially enter the business stage.

The moment everyone arrived at the new base, the only feeling they had was that they had arrived at the science and technology museum of the future?
From the exterior to the architecture inside, it’s incredible.

After everyone walked by, they all exclaimed again and again.

"The Human Emperor is developing a latest game. This game requires a combination of computers and VR systems. When building this base, I also paid for you to get gaming equipment unique to that game. In this area ." Lin Shao is responsible for supervising the entire construction process, and the most important part is the VR virtual training room.

As soon as they walked in, they saw a room that looked a little strange and covered with green cloth.

But when they put on the VR glasses, everything that appeared in the camera was the most realistic game scene.When you wear certain clothes, you can touch and feel them with your hands.

Everyone was surprised and exclaimed.

“The King of Humanity Global Finals in two months’ time will be the beginning of their announcement of this truly experiential game. At that time, a champion team will be selected to enter this game wholeheartedly, and then everyone will be encouraged to enter. In the game, experience this game." This is what Qingque has always wanted to do. The reason why Lin Shao came to Team Gods is simply to help Qingque.

"I'm determined to be number one this year!" Jiang Feng said proudly.

"Yes! It's decided!" Everyone cheered.

Lin Zhao looked at the scene in front of him and suddenly felt that Qingque was really great.

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(End of this chapter)

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