I'm a god-level boss

Chapter 192 Desperate and Miserable 【2 More】

Chapter 192 Despair and Misery [Second Update]

He sighed deeply, shook his head, and turned the camera to focus on Lin Zhao, who was fleeing in panic among the crowd.

He was about to continue pulling the trigger, but he didn't expect someone to hold his shoulder.

He turned his head in surprise and met an angry face.Before he could react, an iron fist fell and hit him hard on the cheek.

"Who are you!" The man yelled unwillingly, and the knot in his hand was kicked away by the opponent. The opponent's kung fu was very powerful, and he taught him how to behave in almost minutes.

"Your ancestor." After the last punch from the man who hit him, the opponent's head just felt a buzzing sound, and his eyes were instantly stained with scarlet color.While his vision was dyed red, there was a buzzing sound in his ears, and his struggling body slowly became calm.After completely fainting, the man who hit the person stood up, picked up the iron lump, grabbed the other person's collar, and dragged him down from the height.

After returning to the cabin in shock, Lan Xin's eyes were still staring blankly ahead, completely unresponsive.

"Lan Xin, are you okay?" Lin Shao waved his hand in front of her, and called her name.

"What happened just now? What did the devil mean?" Lin Zhao was puzzled, and more importantly, why the person hiding in the dark didn't attack the rest of them after killing the devil. ?

This is the most incredible thing. Lin Zhao stood behind Qingling all the way, fearing that Qingling would have some problems.

"It's more appropriate for you to ask me." A strange voice came, and everyone looked at the door in surprise.

A boy about 1.9 meters tall appeared in front of them. He had a strong build, dragging a man who had been beaten unconscious in one hand, and holding a handful of iron sticks in the other hand.Throwing the fainted man and Tie Diao in front of Lin Shao, "I secretly observed that this kid went to find Zheng Shixun several times. The last time the negotiation seemed to have collapsed, this guy became murderous. When I found him By the time it was too late.”

He opened his mouth to describe Lin Shao, and everyone gasped in surprise and looked at Lin Shao.

It turned out that Lin Shao had never believed in Zheng Shixun, and he had been sending people to follow and observe Zheng Shixun.

"You did a good job on this matter, but what happened?" Lin Shao asked with a gloomy look.

"This guy is a professional killer trained by the largest chaebol family in Country H. He specializes in assassination activities. It's obviously not the first time he has done something." The other party briefly described the origin of the other party, "Team EM is that chaebol. Founded by a young master under the banner, the man you beat into a human shape is that young master. After he was beaten, this killer focused on you, and has been waiting for an opportunity to strike. But he did not find an opportunity, and just followed you all the way. On the cruise ship.”

"As for Zheng Shixun, his father's life is in the hands of that young master, and he is not dead. His death is just a pretense and illusion created by the other party for you. He was sent to you deliberately this time just to stop you. Participate in the competition. And through their conversation, I learned that the killer forced Zheng Shixun to hold you down and try to catch them all when you get off the cruise ship together. But he didn’t expect that Zheng Shixun would regret it in the end." After the man finished speaking, he looked at Lan Xin.

Lan Xin's eyesight finally recovered a little, but after hearing the other party's words and the look he looked at her, tears welled up in his eyes.

"That's right, in addition to the love between son and daughter, there is also the fact that his father died the moment he boarded the ship. Zheng Shixun also secretly learned about it from the killer's phone call to the young master. So he didn't want to do it again. I sacrificed my life for the other party.”

After the man finished speaking, Lan Xin burst into tears and rushed out of the cabin like crazy. No one could stop her even if they wanted to.

"There is no danger anymore." The man has been observing the danger that is not good for them. The killer has been removed, so all the problems are not big.

Hearing this, Lin Zhao and Qing Ling immediately chased after him.

Now that the danger has been dealt with, let Lin Shao do the rest.

By the time Lin Zhao and Qing Ling ran to the deck again, Lan Xin had already rushed into the crowd and hugged the devil who was being slowly covered with a white cloth by the crew.

"Woo..." Lan Xin hugged Devil's cheek, a muffled cry overflowing from her throat.The cries were full of despair and desolation, and the tears were like broken pearls, which made everyone around them feel heartbroken.

"Lan Xin..." Qing Ling didn't know how to comfort her. The words of comfort reached her throat and got stuck in her throat.

"Why didn't I realize, why didn't I realize that he was in such pain during this period." Lan Xin burst into tears. By the time she saw that he was worried, it was already too late.The man she loved deeply had left her.

"Wake up, I beg you, wake up!" The last roar broke down, and Lan Xin buried her head in the opponent's shoulder.

"Lan Xin, people cannot be resurrected. Please forgive me." Lin Zhao sighed. He had never experienced this feeling, but he knew that it must be very painful.

Lan Xin kept shaking her head, "Don't take him away, don't take him away." Seeing that the crew members were about to come forward to separate them, Lan Xin hugged Devil harder, unwilling to let go no matter what.

"Living in country H may be his sorrow." If he had stayed in China, so many things might not have happened.

"Lan Xin, don't be sad." Qing Ling was about to cry, mainly because her eyes turned red when she saw Lan Xin so sad.

"Miss Lan, please forgive me." The captain has also arrived after hearing the news, "The deceased is gone, and the living should strengthen themselves."

Everyone was comforting her, but who could know her pain?
She watched helplessly as the man she loved died in front of her, and she was only an arm's length away from him at the time.

If she could find out in time and pull him out, wouldn't he die?
Guilt and self-blame engulfed Lan Xin, her eyes were filled with tears, and she hugged devil tightly and refused to let go.All that flashed through my mind were things I had done with the other person in the game.

"When I win you and you don't feel pressured, you will be my boyfriend?" In the game, she once made such a request to him.

"Huh?" The other party's tone was full of astonishment, and after the astonishment passed, a deep laugh came from the headset.

"What are you talking about? Do you agree or not?" Facing Lan Xin's forceful questioning, the other party's character became motionless.

(End of this chapter)

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