I'm a god-level boss

Chapter 224: Capture the Top 3

Chapter 224: Winning the Top Three
In a game, the battle between the two assassins was extremely cautious, not as brutal as the previous games played by the Gods' team.

Mu Tong wanted to make sure nothing went wrong, and every move he made was carefully calculated.Including the damage caused and accuracy, all are calculated before the move is made.

Such a quick reaction made Team PY's assassins completely unable to defend themselves.It felt like I was playing a game with a computer, because Mu Tong's operation was flawless.

Even Leng Nuo has flaws.

"Oops! Lan Xin has a nosebleed!" Someone in the crowd exclaimed. Everyone looked down and found that Lan Xin's nose was bleeding.

"I'll take her to the hospital." Mo Wusheng was anxious, holding Lan Xin and running out.

"The hospital is far away. I'll take her there. You have to compete in the afternoon." After Ah Jiu finished speaking, she took Lan Xin away without staying where she was.

Lin Zhao and the others looked at each other, and just watched Lan Xin being taken away.

"I..." Mo Wusheng wanted to follow, but for some reason, he always felt like he would lose Lan Xin.

"Play with peace of mind! Don't leave any regrets in your life." Lin Zhao took a deep breath and reminded Mo Wusheng.

Mo Wusheng could only give up his idea, gritted his teeth, and watched Lan Xin leave his sight.

"Will Lan Xin be okay?" Qing Ling asked Lin Shao uneasily. Lin Shao paused and quickly responded.

"What can happen? It'll be fine." Lin Shao's response was concise and concise, without any worry on his face. "If Lan Xin misses this battle between Devil and Lin Zhao, he will probably vomit blood." This is a true battle between two masters.

"Uh... That's true." Qing Ling knew how much Lan Xin admired Devil's skills. He had often heard her praise Devil's skills before.

"It's Mo Wusheng's turn." Soon it was Mo Wusheng's turn to be eliminated in the first round. Mo Wusheng came on the stage with an expressionless face and started a competition with a soldier from the M country team.

The operability of Team M is naturally not as good as that of Team [-] and Team [-]. After all, in their country, only a minority play online games.There are more games that require game consoles to play.This is also a market that Renhuang attaches great importance to, so Renhuang Company is combining online games with traditional games to create a game that is suitable for people from all over the world.

There was nothing wrong with Mo Wusheng's fighting style, and the opponent had no ability to fight back. He quickly eliminated the soldiers from Country M.

After a few more groups, it was Lin Zhao's turn. Lin Zhao won the game without using any skills and entered the next round.

"Devil is the first being in our King of Humans game to implant human consciousness into the game characters. Whether the game characters themselves have stronger consciousness or the players are more maneuverable, everyone will soon be able to tell." The most exciting thing is how the computer characters with human consciousness operate the game.As the voice of the commentary fell, only one computer appeared on the ring. Team PY didn't expect that he would face devil in the first knockout round with such a backlash.

Fear gradually filled his eyes, but he soon had to forcibly ignore such fear.

Because the game started, after entering the game, devil appeared opposite the PY team warrior wearing the long-lost black ghost warrior costume.The moment the two characters confront each other, the game begins on the overhead display.

But soon, they discovered that many of the movements of characters with human consciousness seemed a bit bumpy in operation.Not as smooth as a character controlled by a human being.

This is a shortcoming, but it also has advantages, that is, the mobility is much better than that of characters controlled by humans.

As the battle between the two deepened, devil narrowly defeated the PY team warriors and won the first place.

Although there are some bumps in the release of skills, its high mobility is a headache for many warriors.

It was expected that devil would win. After devil won, the crowd in the audience cheered.

"Let the characters in the game have human consciousness. The Human Emperor Company is doing a very dangerous thing..." Lin Zhao came to this conclusion after watching a game.Turning his gaze to Qingque, who was sitting next to Qingling with a calm expression, he spoke.

"Wouldn't it be nice to have something different in this busy life?" After hearing Lin Zhao's words, Qingque turned his head and smiled at Lin Zhao.

This smile ended when a man in a straight suit walked in and whispered a few words into Qingque's ear.Qingque stood up and said hello to Qing Ling, then stood up and left the auditorium, intending to leave the arena.

"Where is your brother going?" Lin Zhao asked Qing Ling curiously.

"I don't know, maybe there is something wrong with the company! The second round is about to begin, and you will be the first one. You are going to play." Qing Ling reminded Lin Zhao, and Lin Zhao nodded and stepped onto the ring again.

After three or four rounds of knockout rounds, Lin Zhao fought to the end, and Mo Wusheng also made it to the semifinals.

After losing to devil, the PY team fighters won many battles in the next resurrection match and reached the end together.

In the end, it was a coincidence that it was the warriors from the PY team and Mo Wusheng competing for the third place.

There is no problem with the operation between the two of them.

It was a pretty standard warrior operation. The PY team's warriors did not expect that a warrior from a small team could be so difficult to deal with. The health of the two of them has remained at around 50.00% from the beginning to the present.

As the two of them fought with each other, they were all beaten to a pulp, and they only needed to use bigger moves.

Mo Wusheng looked at the other party calmly, and a picture appeared in his mind,
That scene was the scene where the opponent sneak attacked Lan Xin in the finals.

In an instant, his fighting spirit was ignited, his fingers jumped rapidly on the keyboard, and he launched the final attack with his opponent.

The picture of the explosion filled the entire screen. The smoke in the screen did not dissipate, but a picture appeared on the screen, a picture that belonged to Mo Wusheng's computer.

The words "Douda's victory" jumped into view. Mo Wusheng, an unpopular fighter, became the third fighter in the world. This was something that no one in the audience expected.

Lin Zhao also looked pleased, and the members of the Gods Team all looked surprised.

"Win!" Everyone almost jumped up excitedly.

"I can't believe that the third warrior is actually a warrior from a small team! Congratulations to Team Mad for winning the title of third warrior!" Warriors are the most popular profession in the Human Emperor. The gold content of this third party is so high that it is naturally unnecessary. It can be reflected through explanation and explanation.

(End of this chapter)

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