Chapter 24

"Think about it." Qiu Hao and Qin Yi replied without hesitation.

"Account card." Lao Fan didn't do much to keep them, and directly reached out to ask them for the account card.

Qiu Hao and Qin Yi hesitated for a moment, then reluctantly took out their account cards from their pockets and put them in Lao Fan's hand.

Looking at these two imperial account cards, Lao Fan had a look of melancholy in his eyes, "You two, have you really thought about it? Qin Yi, your contract expires in one month, but you need to pay for the breach of contract." The gold is one-tenth of your signing fee." Although Lao Fan is the team manager, he is more of a businessman.

A businessman only has interests in his eyes, and he is willing to let go of Qiu Fengqinren, but Qin Yi's Optimus Pillar is really reluctant to let go. Qin Yi is also responsible for XF team’s commercials.

Therefore, Qin Yi's popularity is much higher than Qiu Hao's.

"No Qiu Hao, no Qin Yi." Qin Yi's answer was still the same.

Lao Fan took a deep breath, then pointed at Qin Yi and said, "Well done to you."

"Then Qiu Hao, do you really want to give up your current position in the professional circle for a nobody?" Lao Fan turned his attention to Qiu Hao.

Qiu Hao sneered, "I used to think that you were the best businessman, but now it seems that it's nothing more than that. It's terrifyingly short-sighted. I might as well tell you, Lao Fan, that rejecting Lin Zhao will be the biggest regret in your life. And , Lin Zhao has never been a nobody, he is the God of Lin!" Qiu Hao's words were loud and reverberated throughout the hall.

At this time, some people passed by the hall, and they all looked in their direction curiously.

"Haha, after leaving the XF team, what are you and Qin Yi? Can you train your accounts to the emperor level in just a few months? Without the emperor level, you cannot participate in the national professional level League. Then one year later, when you come back, don’t forget how old you are. The highest acceptance age in the professional league is 26. Can your hand speed keep up with the young people?" Facing Lao Fan Chi Guoguo's Ridiculing, Qiu Hao and Qin Yi were too lazy to talk to him anymore.

"Since I can train you, I can also train Qiufeng Qinren and Optimus Yizhu! Just wait! The professional league has always been for young people." After finishing speaking, Lao Fan turned around and left decisively.

Qiu Hao and Qin Yi took Lin Zhao out of the XF team building without hesitation.

Standing on the street outside the building, Qiu Hao and Qin Yi looked at Lin Zhao, "Don't you have a place to live? Where is it? Let's take a taxi there!" You can't carry a suitcase like a homeless man. Standing outside?

How unsightly this is!

"Here." Lin Zhao suddenly remembered the note Qing Ling gave him, opened it and placed it in front of Qiu Hao and Qin Yi.

The two of them came over and looked at the note, and then there was a question mark on their faces.

"You... Did you make a mistake?" The two looked at Lin Zhao in unison.

Lin Zhao looked stunned, "That's right! Qing Ling gave it to me." Lin Zhao's answer almost made the two of them scream.

"Who are you talking about?"

"Qing Ling, Princess Qing Ling." Lin Zhao answered.

Before they meet Qing Ling himself, they decide to keep Qing Ling's true identity a secret for the time being.

"Damn it! No way! She really has two things to do?" Qin Yi looked full of gossip.

You must know that scandals in the gaming industry interest him much more than scandals in the entertainment industry.

"You..." Lin Zhao was furious, but in the end he smiled instead of being angry, "Are you stupid? What is my name?"

"Lin Zhao." Qin Yi replied.

"What's the name of the account that married Qing Ling?" Lin Zhao continued to ask.

"Fuck! Are you that cute new Lin Zhao?" Qin Yi was stunned.

"Otherwise?" Lin Zhao shrugged.

"Good guys, you two know how to play!" Qin Yichang gave Lin Zhao a thumbs up gesture.

"Wait, did you instigate Qingling to snatch the dragons of those imperial masters last time?" That incident caused Qingling to be hated by many imperial masters, and they all wanted to take revenge on Qingling, but they had no choice. Not Qing Ling's opponent.

He failed in revenge but was robbed. This pattern is very similar to someone from before.

"I taught you." Lin Zhao replied shamelessly.

Qiu Hao and Qin Yi raised their hands together and gave Lin Zhao a compliment.

Then the three of them laughed in unison, and the hearty laughter floated on the street for a long time.

"So, you are a real couple now? Otherwise, Qingling wouldn't be able to let you live in the famous wealthy residential area in S City!" The three of them then got into a taxi and sat in the taxi.Qin Yi started stereotyped again.

"Rich residential area? Qing Ling said it was just an ordinary residential area. He also said it was in the suburbs..." Lin Zhao felt like he was being tricked by Qing Ling again.

"Ghost! Do you know where Ziyuan in the eastern suburbs is? It's one of the top ten wealthy residential areas in the city! The price of each suite is calculated in units of [-] million." Qin Yi's words made Lin Zhao a little confused. I took out my phone and opened the browser and searched for the Purple Garden in the eastern suburbs of S City.

Then I was confused...

I picked up and put down the cell phone I took out several times, but my hands were still shaking.

"What are you doing?" Qiu Hao asked confusedly when he saw Lin Zhao's actions.

"No..." Lin Zhao didn't know what to say, "I asked Qing Ling if he made a mistake."

After much deliberation, I decided to take out my phone and ask.

Opening the phone screen, I accurately found WeChat, and then saw the dialog box at the top, [Um, Qing Ling, is the address you gave me wrong? 】

wait, wait...

After waiting for a long time, there was still no reply from her.

"What should we do now? We're all in the car." Qiu Hao asked Lin Zhao another question.

"Three guests, your destination has arrived." What made them even more confused was that the car took them directly to the gate of the Ziyuan community in the eastern suburbs.

They couldn't help but swallow their saliva when they saw this magnificent community gate.

"Let's go down... let's go down first... we'll know if we ask and see?" Lin Zhao's tone was full of uncertainty.

Qiu Hao and Qin Yi also looked encouraging.

Don't look at them galloping on the battlefield in the Human Emperor, sitting on a giant manor made of hundreds of acres of land, in real life, they are just children born in ordinary well-off families!

I've never seen such a wealthy person's house, let alone lived in it.

In the end, the three of them decided to send the eloquent Qin Yi as a representative to ask the guard if it was here.

Qin Yi took a deep breath, mustered up his courage and walked towards the guard at the gate.

Before he got there, the doorman inside saw the stranger coming and walked out.

"Who are you? This is a private residence. Are you here to find someone? You can't enter without the owner's permission."

(End of this chapter)

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