I run a clinic in the United States

Chapter 172 Autologous fat transplantation and door-to-door services of psychologists

Chapter 172 Autologous fat transplantation and door-to-door services of psychologists
Before the operation, Zhou Qiao took out the carefully designed surgical plan, which was accompanied by previously taken photos and various complicated and professional marks, and explained it to Dotty again.

Including where the liposuction is from, how to extract it, how to purify it, how to inject it when filling, how much to fill in each injection, etc.Of course, it also includes the reasons and basis for these practices.

The parts chosen were Dotty’s waist, abdomen and thighs, because she has a lot of fat in these two areas, and it can also slim down her waist and legs.

Community hospital, operating room.

The reason why I came to the community hospital was because this was a tracheal intubation surgery under general anesthesia.

Liposuction surgery involves a wide range of body parts and is often accompanied by a large amount of tissue fluid loss. General anesthesia is used to facilitate the doctor's operation and the anesthesiologist to control the patient's vital signs.

For general anesthesia, an anesthesiologist must be present.

The conditions of the Iris Clinic are relatively simple and there are too few supporting rescue facilities. Once a patient encounters a life crisis, it will affect the rescue.Overall, the operating room at a community hospital or the University of California Medical Center is better!
In addition, autologous fat transplantation requires many special instruments or equipment. Iris Clinic does not have these things, and it is a bit late to buy them now. However, community hospitals have relatively complete equipment.

Probably other doctors have performed similar surgeries in community hospitals before.

The day before the operation, Zhou Qiao took Ava and Elena to the community hospital to see and adjust the equipment.

Due to the need for confidentiality and the confidentiality agreement signed, Nancy was still alone without an anesthesia team.

Fortunately, she is a senior anesthetist with extremely superb skills and can handle it all by herself!
On Zhou Qiao's side, there are the chief surgeon Zhou Qiao, first assistant Murphy, second assistant Stephanie, traveling nurse Ava and equipment nurse Elena.

Stephanie was shameless and strongly requested to participate, and Zhou Qiao would naturally satisfy her!

Zhou Qiao has always been very kind to medical seeds, and these are his treasured girls!

He has already undergone master-level autologous fat transplantation, suspensory ligament adjustment and dizziness lifting surgery.

This operation can be said to be simple or difficult, but the difficulty lies in the precise operation.

For example, some doctors may accidentally injure the patient's blood vessels when performing liposuction or injections.

If the damaged blood vessels are relatively small, subcutaneous bruises will occur. If the damaged blood vessels are large blood vessels, hematomas in deep skin tissues may occur.

If fat is injected into a blood vessel, it can cause a fat embolism.

If a large number of lipid droplets (9 to 20 grams) enter the pulmonary circulation in a short period of time and block 75% of the pulmonary circulation area, it can cause suffocation and death from acute right heart failure.

Fat injections often require a relatively large amount of injection at one time!

In any case, the peak master-level surgical skills are enough, and the most critical step is the enchantment of the "secret medicine".

Routine disinfection and draping, strict disinfection of the surgical site, endotracheal intubation and general anesthesia have been completed, and the routine time out procedure has been completed!

Ava relaxed again and went to mess with the sound system again.

She even made a suggestion to the community hospital, saying that their operating room sound system was too old and should be replaced. The staff of the community hospital said that they would report it to the superiors, but it would take time.

From applying, to completing the approvals at all levels, to purchasing and installation, it is estimated that it will not be completed in two or three months.It can be said that the efficiency is low, or it can be said that the pace is slow and the life is easy.

This time, Ava played Daolang's "Diamond Sutra 1-32". When I listened to this kind of music during the operation, I felt particularly peaceful, especially Daolang's unique voice. When I first listened to it, I felt average, but the more I listened, the more I felt. There is charm.

It has to be said that Daolang has accumulated a lot of experience, and if he doesn't make a sound, he will become a blockbuster. He is really a god!

Zhou Qiao began to use needles to extract fat cells.

First, he injected local anesthesia and swelling liquid into the liposuction area. With his extremely dexterous fingers, he held the lancet, followed the skin texture, and moved the tip of the knife slightly to make a small incision of suitable size. Through this small opening, he suctioned the liposuction area. Inject water into the fatty area.

After the skin turns orange peel color, switch the hydrodynamic liposuction machine to negative pressure mode and insert the liposuction needle into the subcutaneous fat tissue along the original incision.

Move the small fat needle back and forth, and you will see that the thick porridge-like liposuction liquid slowly flows into the collector along the cannula.

Use a 50 ml syringe to purify and aliquot the extracted fat, and let it stand for purification.

After that, the fat is further separated and purified using a centrifuge, and the complete and good particles are carefully selected.

After the fat preparation is completed, the injection begins along all angles of the atrial R. Finally, the shape of the atrial R is perfected.

After the injection is completed, the injection hole and liposuction hole will be sutured, and the liposuction site will be appropriately pressured and bandaged.

If it is ordinary autologous fat transplantation for breast augmentation, the operation is almost over at this time.

However, Dotty's vagina was already drooping a little, and the position of her vagina was severely shifted. Therefore, Zhou Qiao had to help her perform a corrective surgery to raise her vagina to a normal position. By the way, Adjust the suspensory ligament of the room R to make it straight, straight and elastic.

All in all, the products produced by Zhou Qiao must be high-quality!
He performed the surgery with the attitude of making a work of art!
The suspensory ligament of the atrium (Cooper's ligament) is the foundation for uprightness.

However, the suspensory ligament does not always have tension. It usually relaxes with age, disease, weight change, gravity and other factors, leading to sagging.

But Dotty is not very old and has no major illnesses.The weight is okay too.

So Zhou Qiao guessed that it might be caused by external forces.For example, improper rubbing.

Will it get bigger if you rub it?Believe it or not, it can still sag!

Therefore, you can’t rub it casually!

The structure of the mammary gland is a bit like a grape. It is quite fragile. If you rub it hard, imagine what will happen to the grape?
Of course it was a "pop~" sound and it exploded!
Even if it doesn't burst, if the suspensory ligament breaks and loses support, it will naturally sag!Moreover, this condition cannot be restored naturally and must be corrected surgically.

Dottie may have massaged it herself, or her boyfriend may have helped her. She probably believed the rumor that rubbing it would make it bigger. Anyway, the improper intensity led to such a consequence at such a young age.

Fortunately, she found Zhou Qiao!
Stephanie was very worried, because she had watched and studied every step of Zhou Qiao's steps. Yes, the operation was indeed very delicate, but she didn't know at which step the secret medicine was used. .

Could it be that it was the hydrogel dressing used in the final dressing?

Maybe, last time it was just a lie, but this time it's true!

With the mentality of preferring to kill by mistake, she took the initiative to stay after the operation to help clean the operating room and clean up the mess.

With her hand speed, she could spin the dice on her fingertips and "transform" playing cards out of thin air imperceptibly. She was comparable to a high-level magician. Naturally, she easily obtained the remaining half a roll of dressing.

In the evening, her mini lop rabbit suffered another disaster!
The previous times were in hotels, but this time it was at Cathy's house.But the room Stephanie rented had a separate bathroom and good sound insulation, so Cathy and little Danielle didn't notice it.

Otherwise, if they knew that Stephanie was so "perverted" and had such "bloody" play, they would not have kicked her out immediately.

Of course it's useless.

So when Stephanie got a call from Dr. Justin to check on her progress, she didn't know how to report it.

I can only tell you all my hard work these days, and finally say I still have no clue.

Justin chuckled: "How can you easily get such a precious secret medicine? In fact, my expectation is that you can complete it within the next year."

"Don't rush, take your time."

"The other thing is, keep an eye on Zhou Qiao. It's best for you to follow him wherever he goes."

"Then, pay more attention to the various packages and express delivery received by the clinic. His secret medicine must have a source. It cannot have any contact with the outside world."

Stephanie's eyes lit up, indeed, this is a way.

Dr. Justin suspected that Zhou Qiao's secret medicine may come from a special plant because he is Chinese.And China is a place rich in all kinds of magical herbs.

The medicinal value of some herbal medicines is well recognized in the United States and is included in the USP.

For example, star anise, saffron, ginkgo leaf extract, licorice extract...

Dr. Justin: "So, Stephanie, you should pay more attention to his international express mail in the future."

Stephanie nodded repeatedly to express her understanding: "Uncle, don't worry, I will definitely complete the task."

"Well, come on! You will have a share of uncle's amazing wealth in the future!"

Stephanie: "..." she thought to herself, uncle is also very good at painting cakes.What a pity, I just want to repay your kindness in raising and supporting me!

After Stephanie hung up the phone, she thought about how to get Zhou Qiao's secret medicine.

"Perhaps, his current secret medicine was extracted before I came. When his current ones are used up, well, new raw materials will definitely arrive."

"He will definitely extract such a precious secret medicine in person and operate it on a small scale. When the time comes, hehe, I will intercept a little bit first. While he is away, help him collect the express delivery!"

With new plans and clues, Stephanie was resurrected with full blood and high fighting spirit.

She once secretly hypnotized Elena, trying to get some words out of Elena, but unfortunately, Elena didn't know anything about it!

Elena doesn’t even know, and it’s even less likely for others to know!

Then, she also wanted to use her hypnosis skills to teach the arrogant Murphy a lesson. To her surprise, her hypnosis skills were of no use to Murphy!
Murphy seemed to notice her little move and looked over coldly, making her heart skip a beat!
In fact, Murphy's mental power is extremely developed, and he can construct a 3D virtual holographic image in his mind or in the void in front of his eyes, which is not something Stephanie can hypnotize at all.

Maybe, Zhou Qiao's move is enough.

Zhou Qiao's mental power has been improved by two transformation potions. In terms of mental strength, it is still above Murphy.In addition, Zhou Qiao has perfect hypnosis! …

Mrs. Erica missed Stephanie's hypnosis service very much after enjoying it last time.

She comes here every few days and sleeps soundly for an hour or two on the treatment bed in the consulting room under Stephanie's hypnosis.

She felt that she still had more to say.Some are not satisfying enough.

The main reason is that sleeping in the consultation room is not comfortable. After all, it is not my own home, and the time is too short.

"Dr. Stephanie, can you provide door-to-door service? Well, go to my house at night and help me hypnotize me so that I can sleep until dawn!" Mrs. Erica said after suffering from insomnia again. With panda eyes and a big yawn, he called and asked about Stephanie.

Stephanie pondered for a moment and said, "I have to discuss this with Dr. Zhou. After all, I am a doctor employed by the clinic, not a partner. Regarding outing time and pricing, I must ask Dr. Zhou for instructions."

"Okay, okay, I'll wait for your notification! Contact me as soon as you have any news. I really can't stand this damn insomnia anymore!" Mrs. Erica felt that Zhou Qiao would definitely agree, because in her In my impression, Zhou Qiao is an extremely sunny and handsome boy who is harmless to humans and animals!

Stephanie went to find Zhou Qiao.

Although the seduction failed last time, after so many days, Stephanie has become very natural.

Zhou Qiao thought for a while and said: "Do-it-yourself service is fine. You can save your evening working time and take it off when needed. As for the price, it's 1000 US dollars a time. However, it must be accompanied by family members and signed. Otherwise Some things are hard to say.”

For example, if the patient is the only one in the other party's home, and after hypnosis, something is missing from the other party's home, or something bad happens, how can you explain it clearly at that time?

It’s not just the elderly like Mrs. Erica who suffer from insomnia, there are many young people who may also have this need.

If a single young woman must undergo hypnosis, she must agree to the clinic's hypnosis terms and conditions and sign.

In fact, 1000 US dollars a time is not expensive. If the other party's medical insurance covers it, it is estimated that you only need to pay 50-200 US dollars out of pocket.Depends on the reimbursement ratio.Because everyone's insurance configuration is different.

Spending such a small amount of money can buy you a good sleep state, why not?

For example, some candidates who are about to take a major exam and suffer from insomnia due to nervousness can pay Stephanie to come to their home for some treatment. Once they are rested and energetic, they will be able to perform exceptionally well in the exam!

Stephanie told Mrs. Erica about Zhou Qiao's terms. Mrs. Erica immediately beamed with joy and urged Stephanie to come tonight.She had no doubts about the clinic's hypnosis terms and prices.

In addition, if she has a husband at home, she can look after her and bear witness.

As for the time, she hoped it would be between [-] and [-] p.m.

Stephanie: "..."

It always felt like it was too late and a little dangerous.It's okay to go to Mrs. Erica's house. What if a male patient comes one day and makes such a request...

How could a male patient control himself when he saw Stephanie like this, and in his own bedroom?You never know what will happen.

Although Stephanie can hypnotize, it requires a process of activation.In addition, the more cooperative the target is, the better and faster the hypnosis effect will be.If someone came up and gave her a shot, or a sneak attack with a knife, she would not be able to use her master-level hypnosis skills at all.

Then, the end will be tragic!
Zhou Qiao thought about it and it was true.He has to be responsible for his employees, not to mention, he is a born medical seed, a treasure girl.

"Let's do this, I'll help you find a bodyguard!" Zhou Qiao said.


"Yes, don't worry, it's not a man. But it's a black girl. I wonder if you have any discrimination against black people?" Zhou Qiao sat on a chair with his legs crossed, pretending to drink tea, but his eyes inadvertently glanced at Stephanie's breasts Towering peaks in front.

I have to say, it's quite eye-catching as the clothes are stretched to pieces.

Stephanie quickly shook her head and said, "Nothing. I used to be a part-time preacher in the church, and there were many black believers. I could communicate well with them, and preaching the gospel to them went very smoothly."

Zhou Qiao nodded, called Ariel and asked her to ask if there was any black girl willing to accompany him. The tip was 100 US dollars.

Ariel hung up the phone, summoned the black girls under her, briefly explained the background of the matter, and finally shouted loudly: "Who is willing to earn these 100 US dollars?"

Immediately, calls came one after another, and many people were jumping for joy and rushing to go!

Anyway, if you are idle, you will be idle. You can easily earn 100 US dollars. Where can you find such a good opportunity?
After all, Ariel made it very clear just now that her job is very simple, she just protects the beautiful doctor at Iris Clinic, provides door-to-door services to patients, and performs hypnosis.

It only takes four to five to 10 minutes at most. Go with me and come back with me. If there is any danger, just kill him!Don't be too happy!

Then, at eight o'clock in the evening, a black girl named 9527 came over. Since Mrs. Erica's house was not far away and it only took eight or nine minutes to walk, the two of them walked there.

If it's far away, Zhou Qiao allows Stephanie to open the clinic's Land Rover.Don't worry about fuel costs.

Stephanie was very curious as to how Zhou Qiao could find such a tough black girl who looked like a leopard.

The black girl was wearing a loose jacket, but it was a tight-fitting jacket underneath. She secretly opened her clothes and gave Stephanie a look. I went and shocked Stephanie on the spot. At the same time, she felt relieved. !
Because what the black girl showed her was a very fierce gun.

The M11 submachine gun is powerful and has a high rate of fire. It is said that it can fire 1 rounds of ammunition per minute.The most important thing is that it is very lightweight, can easily adapt to various harsh environments, and is very convenient to carry around!
After passing by, the black girl was surprised. Stephanie just took out a playing card and waved it casually in front of Mrs. Erica's eyes. After saying less than three words, Mrs. Erica fell into a sweet sleep!

This stunt is so awesome!

Mrs. Erica’s husband has been witnessing from the side, nodded in admiration, and thought to himself, wait until tomorrow, and I will experience it too!
Slowly, news spread like wildfire that there was a very powerful hypnotic psychiatrist in the Iris Clinic. Many clients came, and Stephanie suddenly became extremely busy.

Sometimes, I have to visit several hospitals in one night, all of which provide door-to-door services for people to perform hypnosis.

Zhou Qiao specially sent Elena to help her drive, and Ariel also sent a black girl to accompany and escort her.

After all, earning thousands of dollars in one night is worth this treatment.Over time, this income is quite substantial.

Zhou Qiao thought that if Stephanie made so much money, she would have to get a salary increase!

For such excellent medical seeds, Zhou Qiao really wanted to stay by his side.Unfortunately, Stephanie's favorability level has not moved since it surged last time.

Although there is also 62, there is a certain probability of that, but it is still too low.

If the favorability is insufficient, it will be very boring when communicating at a negative distance.


Zhou Qiao also practiced his perfect hypnosis in private, how to perform it faster and more covertly.

Last time, I tried my best to counter Stephanie, but I couldn't get enough of it.He used Elena and Ava to practice.

After all, they would not have any objections to practicing with them, and they would be very excited and shouting to cooperate.

Zhou Qiao often starts practicing hypnosis after finishing work, so that the twin girls can have a good sleep until dawn. When they wake up the next day, they are quite well recovered and full of energy.

If you get enough sleep, the twin girls’ skin will also become better!
Zhou Qiao's previous hypnosis often took more than five seconds to take effect, but Stephanie is using props such as fidget spinners, dice, playing cards, pocket watches, necklaces, etc. The hypnosis can take effect in eight to ten seconds. Without the help of props, just relying on eyes and words, it would take up to 20 seconds!
Zhou Qiao's five seconds is all about his eyes and words.

However, after Zhou Qiao practiced many times and tried it on twin girls, he has now shortened the hypnosis effect time to two or three seconds!Although it's not "instant", it's not far off!
This is also a better means of self-defense.

Stephanie didn't dare to do tricks in front of Zhou Qiao. Zhou Qiao almost counterattacked last time, which had already planted a psychological shadow deep in her heart and subconscious.


An exciting day, the day for Dotty to take off the gauze has finally arrived!

She has been staying in the ward of Iris Clinic for the past few days.Because many parts of her body were bandaged and it was difficult to move, she didn't want to run around outside at such a critical moment.

Living in the clinic, the attentive Elena also took care of her three meals a day and prepared them in abundance.

In other clinics or plastic surgery hospitals, this kind of autologous fat breast augmentation surgery requires at least three stages of surgery, which is "protracted" and has a lot of postoperative complications. However, Zhou Qiao only needs one stage of surgery, from surgery to surgery. Recovery, usually about seven days.

This time the opportunity to remove the gauze was still snatched away by Stephanie!
Elena was surprised that there were still people rushing to do this kind of unskilled job? !Why wouldn't she do it?Naturally, it was given to Stephanie.

"Oh my God, she's so beautiful! She really doesn't have any flaws at all, and...it feels so good, no different from the real thing!" Stephanie exclaimed again and again, and she even went out of her way to check the effect of the surgery. And wantonly reached out and pinched it.

Of course, the force was very light and I didn't dare to use force.

Dottie: "Thank you." She glanced at Stephanie and couldn't help but admire her when she saw that Stephanie was older than herself.

However, she did not "commit suicide" like Jenna. Driven by competitiveness and curiosity, she had to compete with Stephanie. Otherwise, she would probably have to seek psychological counseling from Zhou Qiao.

As for Stephanie being a psychiatrist, Dottie probably won't seek her out. After all, this kind of trauma comes from Stephanie.

Dottie happily paid and returned to Los Angeles happily to share it with Talia and Jenna.At the same time, she also visited her parents to thank them for their huge sponsorship.

"Oh, my little baby, you have become so beautiful! Dr. Zhou's 200 million is so worth it!" Doty's mother first hugged her daughter affectionately, then took her to the room for a physical examination, and then , Doty’s mother’s extremely exaggerated exclamations and praises came from the room.

In fact, Dottie herself was very satisfied. She felt that her surgery was worth more than Jenna's!
Jenna’s is fake, but she is the real deal!
After Dottie became beautiful, sure enough, she immediately received several role offers.She didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She had to say that men are all big pigs!Why do you care so much about this?

Ava saw Dotty's autologous fat transplantation breast augmentation surgery, and she couldn't help but be very excited. She also had the idea of ​​​​breast augmentation, but was scolded by Elena.

Zhou Qiao also came to comfort her, and then put an end to her thoughts!

It's already perfect, why do you still have such thoughts?Zhou Qiao couldn't understand it at all!
Even if it is breast augmentation made from autologous fat transplantation, Zhou Qiao doesn't like it. He really only likes natural breast augmentation.

(End of this chapter)

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