I run a clinic in the United States

Chapter 189 Kind and pitiful

Chapter 189 Kind and pitiful

It's nine o'clock in the evening in San Francisco, and it's already dark outside.

Even though the current public security is much better than before, the habit formed in people's bones still tells them to try not to go out after nine o'clock.There are almost no people or vehicles on the streets.

Stephanie waved goodbye to the black girl who sent her back, gently unlocked the door and walked into the rented house.

Cathy and little Danielle had already fallen asleep. Cathy's snoring could be heard faintly from the room, and Stephanie tiptoed back to her bedroom.

Close the door, take off your backpack, enter the bathroom, close the curtains, and then look at the cute little deer-colored lop-eared rabbit in the bathroom. He can't help but squat down, gently open the lid of the iron cage, and stretch out With his delicate hands, he caught it.

"Sorry, baby, I have to experiment on you again!"

Stephanie came out holding the little lop-eared rabbit and touched its little head. She was very apologetic, because she felt that the little rabbit was going crazy after being tortured by her, right?He looks more and more stupid, so cute and cute!

However, Stephanie changed her mind and comforted herself: "This kind of rabbit is very stupid to begin with, and it's not necessarily me who has tormented it!"

Besides, when I was studying in school and studying medicine, I often experimented with white rabbits.There are countless white mice and rabbits raised in medical schools.

Psychological burden?None at all.This is just an experimental prop!

She could only comfort herself like this.

In fact, the IQ of little rabbits is more than one level lower than that of cats and dogs.

Cats and dogs can interact and communicate with humans. The eyes of some cats and dogs are similar to those of human children. Some cats with delicate looks lie on the shoulders of their male owners, which often makes the female owners unhappy. Those eyes , that level is almost catching up with the mistress!And she is the kind of mistress who is very good at tea.

When men don't keep cats, it means that cats are too cute and clingy. If they are kept for a long time, they will not be able to stand the personality of ordinary women.

Women don’t keep dogs, especially big dogs. Are they saying that dogs are too loyal?

But bunny?It is very difficult to communicate with them, and there are too few smart individuals!
If those little rabbits raised in medical schools were spiritual, the medical students would be depressed long ago!How could he attack such a spiritual little white rabbit and not have nightmares at night?

Why not choose cats, dogs, and monkeys as test subjects?This is also a very important reason.

Of course, some inhumane and inhumane peoples would even use living people for experiments, but that's a different story.That kind of nation does not deserve to exist on earth!
Stephanie took out the golden and silver fruit from her backpack and fed one to the little lop-eared rabbit. Unexpectedly, the little guy liked the food and ate it with relish.

Then, Stephanie locked the little rabbit back and observed it for half an hour. The little lop-eared rabbit seemed to have no change and was still cute and adorable.

So, Stephanie felt relieved and thought to herself, Zhou Qiao is indeed a liar, how could he be poisonous?It's also highly poisonous. If it was highly poisonous, wouldn't the little lop-eared rabbit die immediately?

Even if Qiaoqiao survives, there will still be symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea?However, this is not the case at all!

"Next, let me try the effect of the secret medicine."

"Baby, I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do!"

She put on gloves and took out the shaver, scalpel, suture kit, disinfectant, etc. The little lop-eared rabbit was tortured again!He was tied to an iron cage and unable to move.


After suturing, she took a gold and silver fruit, cut the skin of the gold and silver fruit with a scalpel, and then gently squeezed the pulp with her fingers, letting the juice drip onto the wound of the little lop-eared rabbit.

"I hope it works!" Stephanie thought for a moment and squeezed two more pills. The golden juice exuded a peculiar fragrance and drenched the little lop-eared rabbit's wound.

Then, Stephanie went to take a shower and fell asleep quickly, but she failed to enter deep sleep. Instead, she was in a very shallow sleep state, with nightmares one after another.

In fact, there hadn't been a night without nightmares since she started working as a spy.

In tonight's dream, she was caught stealing fruit by Zhou Qiao, who tortured her in a hundred ways.

Elena and Ava also despised her, broke off their friendship, and took turns beating her severely with a leather whip dipped in pepper water!
Murphy, who was as arrogant as a swan, sneered from the side.

Park Soo Joo and Rachel captured her ugly behavior on camera!
Even the slim little Yun'er came over and "spit" at her, expressing his extreme contempt for her!

Stephanie even wanted to die!However, I just can’t die!

This kind of dream is extremely difficult to endure, and it does great damage to her spirit!
When she woke up, her pajamas were soaked.

Stephanie took a deep breath and looked at the rising sun outside the window, knowing that it was another false alarm.

Standing up, the originally loose pajamas clung to her delicate body, and her curves were slim and concave and convex, which was alluring.She didn't bother to take a bath and hurried to see the little lop-eared rabbit's injury!
What surprised her was, oh my God, the little lop-eared rabbit's wound had completely recovered, and no scars could be seen at all!

If it weren't for the few drops of blood remaining on the tiles that reminded her that she had actually undergone surgery last night, she would have thought it was her hallucination!

"This is the secret medicine, this is the secret medicine! It's great! I can complete my uncle's mission!" Stephanie was still very excited.The spy life that has tortured her for so long can finally come to an end!
She can return to her true self in no time!
She thought about it and immediately called her uncle and said she would take a flight to Los Angeles immediately.

Dr. Justin was very excited after hearing this and praised Stephanie for a job well done!She is indeed his good niece!

Stephanie got goosebumps when she heard this.

Stephanie didn't feel at all that this was something to be proud of.

"It's just that such a valuable thing is a kind of fruit that has never appeared in the United States. It may be troublesome to check it in," Dr. Justin pondered. He was also worried about problems during the security check, so he said, "I will drive over to pick you up right away. Until I arrive, just hold on to the fruit and don’t go anywhere.”

"Okay, Uncle Justin." Stephanie said helplessly.

After hanging up the phone, Stephanie sighed, thought about it, and sent Elena another message, saying that it was a call from the Los Angeles Mental Hospital. Her mother was seriously ill and she wanted to take a few days off to visit her mother.

She really misses her mother after not seeing her for so many days.

As for being seriously ill?

My mother's illness itself was very serious, and it was getting worse year by year. She didn't lie.

Her mother's mental state has always been very poor, which has led to her physical weakness. Stephanie feels that her mother, who is now in her 50s, may not be able to survive until she is 60 years old.

Elena comforted her and told her not to be too anxious. The clinic would explain it to the patient for her!I believe that patients will also understand.

After all, doctors are human beings and have their own private lives.It is impossible to ignore your own family and treat patients every day and provide psychological counseling services.

Elena's words were very gentle, considerate, and caring about her. Stephanie couldn't help crying as she listened.

Elena treats her so well, Zhou Qiao treats her well, and he still steals their things?

The guilt in her heart had been accumulated for a long time. At this time, it was ignited by Elena's warmth, and it immediately got out of control. Like a raging flame, it burned her body for committing such a despicable act!

"My dear, don't cry! Your mother will be fine!" Elena thought she was worried about her mother, so she quickly comforted her and said, "How about I accompany you to Los Angeles."

Elena thought that Stephanie would feel better if someone was with her.

Unexpectedly, when she said this, Stephanie cried even more sadly, choking and saying: "No..., the clinic is also busy, I can do it by myself!"

Naturally, he didn’t dare to let Elena follow.

"Okay then..." Elena thought for a while, then gave a suggestion and said, "How about waiting for Zhou Qiao to come back and ask him to help check on your mother's condition. For many difficult and complicated diseases, Zhou Qiao still Very good at it. He often creates some shocking miracles!"

"No, thank you for your kindness."

How could Stephanie beg Zhou Qiao?Moreover, once Zhou Qiao found out that his secret medicine was leaked, it was too late to hate her. How could he be willing to help her heal her mother?Besides, Zhou Qiao has never shown any medical skills in mental illness.

If you don’t study this in depth, you may not necessarily have a solution.Elena is purely blindly confident in Zhou Qiao!

Well, although Stephanie also vaguely felt that Zhou Qiao's hypnosis seemed to be very powerful and could counter her, but she also knew how to hypnotize herself, so she could only let her mother sleep quietly for a short while. The treatment of the condition does not have any fundamental and substantial help.

Elena comforted her for a while, because the clinic was already at work and started to get busy, so she hung up the phone.

Cathy held little Danielle and heard Stephanie sobbing softly in the room. She also came over enthusiastically to ask, what happened?He also invited her to eat the fragrant toast just out of the oven.

Stephanie expressed her gratitude and repeated the words she had just given to Elena.

"I hope your mother gets better soon!" Cathy also sympathized with Stephanie, but there was nothing she could do.

Around noon, Stephanie waited for her uncle Justin.

After getting into her uncle's car, Stephanie sat in the back seat while Dr. Justin drove the car to the beach, eager to see the magical fruit.

Stephanie handed over the backpack.

Dr. Justin opened it and was pleasantly surprised. He took out one and looked at it carefully and played with it. The fruit was bright red and had fine lines of gold and silver on it.

"It's so beautiful. It's worthy of being a gold and silver fruit! What a pity, it's so precious, otherwise I would have to eat one to try it!" Dr. Justin said with a slight trembling.

He never imagined that such a strange fruit existed in the world!With the development of information today, it is impossible!

However, the fact is right in front of you!
It is obvious that humans do not have complete control over the earth.For example, there are many unknown creatures and mineral deposits in the deep sea.This kind of fruit must have grown in an extremely remote place before, but I don’t know where it was.

Stephanie also talked about her experiments with small lop-eared rabbits, and sent the photos she took to Dr. Justin.

While Dr. Justin felt sorry for the waste, he also understood it quite well. After all, even if Stephanie didn't do this experiment, he would do it.

But since Stephanie has already done it, he saves it!He believes in Stephanie's level!

“Judging from the photos, the recovery effect is truly amazing!”

"It's so precious that it's not cost-effective to repeat the experiment twice!"

"Where do you want to go next?" Dr. Justin asked.

Stephanie said: "I want to go see my mother first!"

"Well, maybe you haven't seen her for a long time, so you should go and see her." Dr. Justin started the car and drove towards Los Angeles, saying, "Don't worry about work, I will write a letter of recommendation and give it to you. It’s a job introduction. Your academic qualifications and abilities are top-notch, so finding a good job is not a big problem.”

"...I plan to go back to church after seeing my mother. I don't want to work for the time being." Stephanie felt that her heart was in a mess and her mental state seemed to have problems. Deep in her subconscious, the evil thoughts of the slutty witch could not be suppressed. To live, it takes a period of tranquility to be washed by the Holy Light of the Lord.

And the church is a good choice.The old priest was very kind to her, and it was like another home for her.

"It's up to you. If you want to work, come to your uncle anytime. Haha, I believe it won't be long before your uncle will become the most famous and top medical beauty expert in the entire California, no, the entire North America! He will also become the top rich man ! Arranging a job for you when the time comes will be an extremely easy thing, haha!"

While racing, Justin began to dream.

He is a well-known plastic surgery expert, and now that he has a secret medicine, he feels that the No. 1 medical beauty spot in California will return to his name!

Not to mention California, the whole of North America, and even No. 1 in medical beauty in the world, it is possible!

Moreover, this secret medicine has extremely broad prospects and amazing value!When the time comes, apply for a patent first. Well, the patent licensing fee will be at least US$5 per gram!
While driving, Justin excitedly played explosive songs. It weighed four kilograms, which was enough for him to study and use.

He plans to divide this gold and silver fruit into two parts. One part will be cooperated with the research institute of an old friend to establish a new pharmaceutical company, and he will act as a partner to analyze its ingredients. The other part will prepare small samples by himself, which can be carried out immediately. Had medical surgery.

Build your reputation first, lest the world only know that Zhou Qiao is great at medical aesthetics and completely forget that she is an expert in medical aesthetics and plastic surgery.You are the real No. 1 in medical beauty in California.That Zhou Qiao, without the secret medicine, he is nothing!

As for analyzing the ingredients of the secret medicine, the next step is organic synthesis.This is the fastest and most effective way. Artificial planting is too slow. How long will it take to propagate such a small number of seeds?

And I don’t know anything about the growth habits of this plant!The probability of failure is high!

Time is money, can’t wait!

...After arriving in Los Angeles, Stephanie first visited her mother in a mental hospital and stayed with her mother for two days. Then, she planned to go to Baltimore and return to the Holy Land Apostolic Faith Church to seek peace of mind.

She originally wanted to spend more time with her mother, but as a psychiatrist, she had been sensitive to the fact that there was something wrong with her psychological and mental state.If she didn't go to the church to seek help from the priest, she felt that she might be imprisoned in this mental hospital.

If she were locked up like her mother, no one would be able to rescue them.

Although she is a psychiatrist, she is unable to resolve her psychological distress.

Being a spy was against her personality, causing her to have nightmares almost every night and feeling like she was going crazy.

Especially after this despicable thing was actually done!

As for Uncle Justin, he has already obtained the secret medicine. From now on, he will probably focus entirely on the secret medicine. He will never care about her again, and it will be difficult to even think about her again.

"According to uncle's wishes, I stole the secret medicine for him and allowed him to get what he wanted. This is a way to repay his kindness for so many years. I never want to see him again in the future!"

After Stephanie got on the flight, she looked at the long white clouds outside the window, but there were distracting thoughts in her heart, and she couldn't calm down.

When they arrived at the church, Stephanie fell into the arms of the old priest.

"Son, you are finally back!"

The old kind pastor touched Stephanie's hair, looked at her haggard face, and looked extremely tired. He couldn't help but frown and asked: "Child, what happened?"

Stephanie: "..."

Hesitant to speak.

"Speak, speak, tell all your sufferings, and the Lord will tolerate His people." The old pastor felt that Stephanie's situation was a bit serious.She decided to try her best to guide Stephanie.

However, a few days later, the old pastor discovered that confession and counseling did not work. Stephanie's condition was out of control and became more and more serious. Sometimes she would be depressed, and she would not speak for a long time, and sometimes she would be dissolute and say something extremely coquettish and bold. The kind of words that make people blush upon hearing them.

It was like there were two completely different personalities fighting inside her body, vying for dominance of this body!

The old pastor was horrified: "..." He even once wondered if Stephanie was possessed by the devil?
In order to prevent the believers from making irresponsible remarks and having a bad impact on Stephanie and the image of the church, she had no choice but to lock Stephanie in the underground secret room of the church.

Of course, the pastor did not give up on Stephanie, but accompanied and comforted her every night.

She treats Stephanie like a granddaughter!

"Elena, Ava, I'm back!" Zhou Qiao walked into the Iris Clinic with a backpack and a suitcase on his back. He hadn't returned for many days. It really felt like home here, and the warmth hit his face. Come.


When Ava saw Zhou Qiao, her figure trembled slightly, her blue eyes became sparkling, her whole face was radiant, full of youthful vitality and she rushed over to him, hanging on him like an octopus.

Zhou Qiao winked quickly and whispered, "I'm at work now."

"Yes, yes..." Ava jumped down and restrained herself a little.

She smiled sweetly, turned around and shouted: "Sister, sister, Joe is back!"

Elena, Murphy, Park Xiuzhu, Rachel, etc. all came out to welcome them when they heard the news.It just so happened that there were no patients here, otherwise, there wouldn’t be such a large gathering of people.

"Come on, come on, I brought a gift for each of you!" Zhou Qiao took out the gifts and distributed them, one for each person.Packed in a beautiful bag.

Rachel opened it and saw a large bag of coffee beans and a natural amber pendant.

"I love coffee the most! Hey~, this coffee bean is so special. It has a rich wine aroma and a rich chocolate aroma. It's simply great! Thank you, Dr. Zhou!"

"This amber pendant is not bad, Yoona must like it very much." Park Xiuzhu loved the amber in her bag. Inside was an extremely beautiful ancient insect, which was lifelike.

Zhou Qiao said: "I brought it for Yuner too." He quickly handed her Yuner's share.

Park Xiuzhu thanked her repeatedly: "Boss is so kind!"

Zhou Qiao pointed at the coffee and introduced to Rachel: "This is Suesokeng's specialty, Mocha Highland coffee beans. Its biggest feature is that it has a soft taste, a very rich and mellow aroma, and no sour taste at all."

In fact, the origin of coffee is in East Africa. The real name of coffee is "Kaffa", and there is a place called "Kafa" in Suesokeng!Local residents discovered that cattle and sheep became extremely excited after eating a red seed. Later, they began to soak the seeds in water and drink them to refresh themselves. Later, it evolved into today's coffee.

Brazilian coffee, British coffee, etc. are not the original place of origin.

Coffee beans from the origin of coffee have a natural and pure taste.

Those amber pendants were produced from Loya's East African base. They were associated mines in some mines. The natural amber dug out was not the synthetic kind!

"Where's Stephanie? Why didn't you see her?" Zhou Qiao asked.

Elena said: "Her mother was seriously ill, so she took leave to visit her. She even cried when she left!"

Everyone expressed sympathy.

Zhou Qiao was stunned and immediately gave an order to the system in his mind: "Check Stephanie's current situation!"

"Please wait." The system quickly started operating.

After about a tenth of a second, a lot of information popped up in Zhou Qiao's mind. Zhou Qiao hurried into the bathroom on the pretext of going to the bathroom.

Close the door, squat on the toilet, and start reading the information.

"...the gold and silver fruit originally weighed 17 kilograms, but Stephanie stole about 4 kilograms, leaving 13 kilograms. At this moment, Stephanie was tortured for doing this evil thing, which led to psychological problems. Holy Land Apostolic Faith Church in Baltimore, receiving treatment from the pastor. But with little success."

"Stephanie behaved abnormally. The old pastor was worried about the negative impact and locked her in a secret room underground. Since there was no monitoring in the secret room, the old pastor did not use a mobile phone, and Stephanie's mobile phone was turned off at the moment, so there was no way to know Concrete information.”

"Stephanie's uncle, Justin, has obtained the golden and silver fruit. He is currently researching this fruit. He and his friends have established a biopharmaceutical company. They plan to analyze its active ingredients, conduct organic synthesis, and apply for a patent."

Zhou Qiao was surprised: "..."

Immediately, he had an idea, that is, he felt that this system must be a super powerful artificial intelligence. It used to help him redeem his medical license and make false claims on government websites. Later, it helped him obtain various information and provide him with accurate information. Very detailed.

He pondered that the system might obtain massive amounts of information through the global Internet and monitoring equipment in various places, including mobile phone terminals.

In fact, it is too common for mobile phones to be monitored by big data. For example, someone is talking to a friend about which eyebrow pencil to buy, and then when she turns on her mobile phone, a large amount of relevant information will be pushed to her.

Thinking of this, Zhou Qiao thought a lot and said, "Help me see what my parents are doing?"

System: "Sorry, permission is exceeded."

"Huh?" Zhou Qiao was surprised.

The system gives a prompt: "Stephanie is a medical seed, and the host can access relevant information."

Zhou Qiao thought for a while and asked: "I have always believed that medical seeds must be kind-hearted people with benevolent medical ethics. Is this true?"

System: "Yes, your guess is consistent with the settings of this system!"

Zhou Qiao pressed the button to flush the toilet, stood up and walked outside.He has always been unguarded against Stephanie, not because she is a beauty. Of course, her beauty is also a bonus, but the real reason is because she is the medical seed selected by the system.

Zhou Qiao has always believed that those who can become medical seeds must be kind-hearted people.Those with vicious minds are not worthy of promoting medicine, and will not be singled out by the system.

He understood Stephanie's life experience and the causes and consequences of becoming a spy. He knew that she was a kind and pitiful girl, so he was always tolerant.Didn't think she was a threat.

In fact, Stephanie did not let him down. Even though she stole the gold and silver fruit, she did not harm anyone in the clinic!
"But, that gold and silver fruit is poisonous!" Zhou Qiao sighed softly, hoping not to cause harm to some people because of his negligence.If it does happen... there is no way to make up for it.

Can't I still redeem antidote potions?The only one in the world!
"It's just that the patent application must be filed in advance!" Zhou Qiao muttered.

Although the three active ingredients (healing, trace-free and toxin) in the gold and silver fruit are difficult to separate and purify due to their structure, Justin's pharmaceutical company cannot produce them within a year or two.

Without being able to separate the monomers, they couldn't study it and learn which component did which function.

However, to be on the safe side and avoid long nights and dreams, Zhou Qiao decided to develop the secret medicine and production process as soon as possible.Well, just tonight, I will organize it into a document!

After Zhou Qiao came out, he entered Murphy's clinic, asked about his recent work situation, and then quietly took out a gift from his pocket and gave it to Murphy!

It's a platinum necklace made from a three-carat bright yellow pure diamond, used as a pendant!
It would be a bit inappropriate to give a diamond ring, and it might upset Elena and Ava's jealousy, so Zhou Qiao thought about it and found someone to make it into a necklace.

"Wow, what a beautiful diamond necklace!"

"I'll put it on for you!"

"No, Elena will ask when she sees it." Murphy refused.

Zhou Qiao: "..."

At this time, Elena called outside: "Qiao, when you didn't come back, someone sent a package. I put it in the freezer. Do you want to go take a look?"

"Coming!" Zhou Qiao said.

Seeing Zhou Qiao was about to leave, Murphy couldn't help but pick up the car keys and shook them. Zhou Qiao quickly made an "OK" gesture, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

Everything is invisible.Old place, old time!
Zhou Qiao followed Elena to the third floor. Before taking out the gift, Elena hung up like an octopus.The operation is exactly the same as that of Ava, and they are indeed twins.

Zhou Qiao: "Didn't you come here to see the gold and silver fruits?"

Elena curled her lips playfully: "What's so good about the fruit? Is it as good-looking as me?"

"It's not off work yet!"

"Don't worry about it, it's a quick battle!"


Zhou Qiao felt that he was very busy today. He was not free until [-] o'clock in the evening when the twin girls fell asleep.

After Zhou Qiao personally helped them put on the pair of gold-plated and ruby-encrusted imperial concubine bracelets that he brought to Elena and Ava, they really suited them, making their wrists even whiter and more translucent.However, Elena said it was inconvenient to work while wearing it, so she put it away.

So does Ava.

Zhou Qiao thought to herself, are they also afraid of Murphy asking?

Arriving at his own clinic on the first floor, Zhou Qiao spent fifty points to redeem information packages on the extraction process, separation methods, and organic synthesis of the active ingredients of gold and silver fruit.Very detailed, nothing slips through the cracks.

Zhou Qiao plugged in the secure U disk given by Luo Ya, sorted it out, edited it into a document, and immediately sent it to Luo Ya via encrypted email.

Luo Ya was an agent by background, and the East African base also has many intelligence officers with FBI and CIA backgrounds. They are very strong in keeping secrets. Top hackers who are willing to crack it will spend a lot of effort and will be discovered immediately.

So with file encryption, exclusive mailbox delivery is no problem.

After Luo Ya received it, she was very surprised. Zhou Qiao was so fast?Well, there must have been relevant research before.

She also knew that the sooner the better, she planned to do something special and use her connections to speed up the process.

She immediately summoned the core backbone of the biomedical team and started working on this matter, setting the priority and importance to the highest!
 This paragraph may not be very pleasant, but since I can’t get around it without writing it, I’ll try to speed it up.

(End of this chapter)

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