Chapter 309

"The condition is indeed very difficult." Zhou Qiao pondered.

There were also one or two newly hired people present. Although they had heard of Zhou Qiao's name before, they had never seen his true strength. Therefore, seeing Zhou Qiao frowning and thinking, his heart sank. As I walked down, I was murmuring in my heart, thinking to myself, could this Dr. Zhou not be able to take the call?

Also, at such a young age, it is very good to win the national championship in minimally invasive cardiac surgery. It is impossible to be proficient in every specialty!

"Dr. Zhou, how are you?" Dean Joachim Langley asked. He still admired Zhou Qiao very much, but now that Zhou Qiao had hesitated for so long, he was a little unsure.

Zhou Qiao said: "The condition is very difficult. I am confident, but I need the cooperation of various departments."

The implication is that if I were in San Francisco and I had a familiar team and partners, it wouldn't be a problem. However, Sequoia Hospital has only been established for a short time, and the quality of the staff it recruits varies greatly, and few can succeed.

Dean Joachim Langrei puffed up his chest: "Dr. Zhou, no matter what cooperation you need, we will do our best. The best people, the best equipment, the best medicine, you don't have to worry about it." Accounted for!"

This is equivalent to half a boss, how dare he neglect it?

Those who doubted Zhou Qiao before felt ashamed and thought that Dr. Zhou was not good enough. After working for a long time, Dr. Zhou suspected that we were not good enough and could not cooperate with him perfectly?

Isn't this too belittling?

Pointing out generals is not as good as exciting generals, and these people were suddenly aroused to be competitive.

Zhou Qiao nodded and said: "Invite some elites from the thoracic surgery department, anesthesiology department, ICU, laboratory department, and blood transfusion department. I will explain the surgical plan to them in the conference room and what work they need to cooperate with."

Dean Joachim Langley immediately said to the assistant beside him: "Go and call someone immediately. No attending physician with less than five years of experience is allowed to come."

So, whoops, soon, many people arrived in the large conference room next to the surgery center and started consultations.

Although Director Joachim Langley told us that no attending physician with less than five years of experience should come, there were still two or three who came. There was no other way. For example, in the blood transfusion department, only the one with the highest qualifications had obtained the attending physician's license for four years. Year.

If there is no five years, what should we do? Aren't you going to attend? Who will do the work if you don't show up?

The reason for this is that the United States has set too high a threshold for doctors. Because there are too few doctors.

Moreover, most of the powerful doctors have their own clinics or are located in large hospitals. It is quite difficult to recruit them. And Crystal Mills County itself is not a developed place.

Luo Ya built the hospital in a backward place with weak medical resources. The main focus was "poverty alleviation" and "charity". Only such gimmicks can win more votes.

With Luo Ya's methods, this hospital will definitely be profitable in the future, but because of its "charitable" nature, its profitability will definitely be inferior to hospitals of the same level.

There are gains and losses.

Therefore, it is very difficult to find top doctors.

But it doesn't matter, Zhou Qiao himself is top-notch.

Zhou Qiao explained the surgical plan to everyone in detail. Since the preoperative examination had been completed before, and cancer waits for no one, it is better to remove this kind of malignant tumor as early as one minute.

So, that afternoon, after everything was ready, including obtaining the understanding and consent of the patient and family, the operation began.

Fasting and water fasting?

The patient himself couldn't eat, and he heard that Zhou Qiao would come here early in the morning, so he started fasting from 22: last night.

Before the operation, the team followed Zhou Qiao's instructions and gave the patient preoperative coagulation factor VIII supplementation therapy while closely monitoring the coagulation function.

If you don’t have coagulation factor VIII, you will be given a large amount of coagulation factor VIII in advance. At least, during the operation, you will be guaranteed to have sufficient coagulation factor VIII.

Of course, even so, the risks are extremely high.

After all, the hemostatic effect of exogenous coagulation factor VIII is inferior to that produced by the patient himself.

This operation not only requires radical resection of lung cancer, but also shortens the operation time and avoids bleeding as much as possible. Therefore, Zhou Qiao has high requirements for those who cooperate.

Such as equipment nurse. Zhou Qiao would definitely not be worried if Elena was here. But if there is another person, if it is a stupid person, saving people is like putting out fires, it will really scare people to death.

In addition to coagulation factor VIII, red blood cell suspension, plasma, cryoprecipitate, and various hemostatic drugs are fully prepared to deal with possible massive bleeding during the operation. Moreover, during the intubation, Zhou Qiao personally performed the operation. To avoid damaging the airway and causing intra-airway bleeding.

The laboratory department cooperated closely to conduct timely and accurate testing of the patient's coagulation function and coagulation factors to ensure that the surgeon and anesthesiologist can accurately judge the patient's coagulation status.

Zhou Qiao took a deep breath and started doing it!

Everyone in the operating room was nervous. Zhou Qiao took a look, but unfortunately no one was playing songs. He couldn't help but miss Ava.

Fortunately, Zhou Qiao's actions must be top-notch, very standard and rapid anatomical right upper pulmonary lobectomy and systematic mediastinal lymph node dissection. The unique skills he displayed once again opened the eyes of the medical staff of Sequoia Hospital.

Especially those who are new and have never seen Zhou Qiao's level before, they have to give two thumbs up at the same time to express their admiration.

The amount of bleeding was quite small and the entire surgery went very smoothly.

how to say? It's like I prepared a lot of them but couldn't use them.

But no one criticized Zhou Qiao for making a fuss out of a molehill.

Because this is Dr. Zhou. If it were another person, if the operation encountered some "bumps", no matter how many emergency things were prepared, it would not be enough.

The cut samples were subjected to frozen pathology testing, which indeed showed adenocarcinoma.

When they heard that the operation went smoothly, the patient's vital signs were stable, and everything was fine, the patient's husband and children immediately cheered. People gathered around him one after another and almost threw Zhou Qiao into the air.

Zhou Qiao touched a few lipstick marks on his face and thought to himself, how should he explain this to Luo Ya?

Luciana smiled, took a picture of Zhou Qiao being kissed by the patient's daughters, and sent it to Luo Ya, saying how popular Dr. Zhou was.

Luo Ya smiled slightly, naturally she didn't mind, but she felt a little proud inside.

Only my own man has such ability.

Zhou Qiao has rarely used the system's auxiliary diagnosis function since he became a master of medical skills. However, when he returned to the wine estate and walked hand in hand with Luo Ya in the vineyard, he secretly used the system's auxiliary diagnosis function.

Mainly I want to see how my four sons are developing. Are there any inherent deficiencies or hidden dangers?

"Conduct comprehensive tests on Luo Ya and my four babies." Zhou Qiao silently gave instructions to the system in his mind.

Now the balance in the account is sufficient, and the auxiliary diagnostic function is just a drizzle.

A circle of invisible and harmless energy swept gently, and soon the system gave the answer: "Luo Ya, mother and child are doing well, and the four fetuses are developing well."

Only then did Zhou Qiao feel relieved.

"I gave my baby four Chinese names, what do you think?" Zhou Qiao said. Although he and Luo Ya had thought of many names before, including the twins, they never expected that there would be four.

Therefore, the name had to be rethought.

"Which four?" Luo Ya asked curiously.

Zhou Qiao said: "Zhou Anguo, Zhou Antai, Zhou Anmin, Zhou An'an."

(End of this chapter)

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