Courtyard light

Chapter 188 The 12-horsepower Diesel Engine Succeeds (Part 2)

Chapter 188 The 12-horsepower Diesel Engine Succeeds (Second Update)
The village head's family made roast chicken this time. They used beans, which were dried. They were edible, and the beans were very tender when they were dried.

"Xiao Hai, there are some radishes planted in the village, I wonder if I want them at that time?" After eating something, the captain put down the wine bowl and asked.

Hearing this, Liu Hai put down his chopsticks and said, "Uncle, it's hard to say. The factory manager only promised cabbage, but I can say it. If it really doesn't work then, there's nothing I can do about it."

Liu Hai knew that the captain wanted to grow more radishes and so on to increase the income of the village. Liu Hai also knew that there was no big problem, but he couldn't agree immediately, otherwise he didn't know what would happen next time.

The only thing we can say about this situation is put the pressure on the captain first, let him worry for a while, and then come back next time. Then after this experience, he will not take risks next time.

Moreover, Liu Hai didn't agree directly because he didn't ask the factory manager for instructions. Although Liu Hai knew that there was no problem, but now he made his own decision and agreed, and if the factory manager found out, what would he think?
Even if the factory manager thinks it's nothing, but what other people will think, private decision-making, this kind of enterprise, there is no need for private decision-making people, it is absolutely right to report more.

When the captain heard this, he obviously hesitated for a moment, and then explained: "It's not a lot, just a few acres of land."

"Uncle, there is a plan for this. I don't know if the factory has radish plans in other places. I will try my best to help out. After all, I am not an outsider." Liu Hai said after eating a bean.

"That's right, it's not an outsider." The document said quickly.

The team leader asked again: "The village head also asked, when will Xiaohai come back to hunt wild boars this year, and there are more wild boars again."

"I'm afraid it won't work this year. There are a lot of things going on in the factory." Liu Hai has no plans to hunt wild boars for the time being.

The captain who ate a meal felt uncomfortable. There were still a lot of radishes growing. What should I do if the factory doesn't want it?
Everything is planned. The task of your village this year is whatever it is. No matter how well you grow radishes and cabbage, there is nothing you can do without a plan. When you plan, you have already arranged transportation and so on. Add a transportation task, how to deal with it.

You said you would ship it yourself, but if you ship it out and sell it yourself, what would it be?

Liu Hai went home after eating. Not long after he got home, Wang Hongmei came. This time Liu Hai bought a candle. The reason why Liu Hai was worried about the light was because he was not often at home. It seemed that there was a seat meter fee at this time, which meant power loss. , the specific bangs are not very clear. I bought candles this time because Wang Hongmei has a child and kerosene lamps are not good.

Wang Hongmei is much whiter now, but she is a little bit fat. After the child is born, she will be thinner. Pregnant women are the most beautiful, with a maternal beauty.

Wang Hongmei said a lot, going to work is also the most leisurely thing to do. Someone in the family is getting worse, but it seems that they can survive until the child is born.

Liu Hai felt that Wang Hongmei's man might hang himself on the strength of his anger. After all, he would have a child to take care of his parents, and someone would hold his memorial tablet. At this time, people's thinking cannot be compared with that of later generations.

Looking at Wang Hongmei who was sleeping peacefully in his arms, Liu Hai didn't think about anything. In fact, from Liu Hai's point of view, a person's life is like this. A good life is a life, and a bad life is also a life. Sometimes Liu Hai even gets a little tired of work, but In this great era, if you don’t make a fuss and feel sorry for yourself, at least you have worked hard, and many other people can relax a little bit.

Liu Hai felt that this hometown was his quiet haven. Maybe many years later, he would be buried here and integrate with the earth, just like his countless ancestors.

The next day, Liu Hai wandered around. The cabbage seedlings had been transplanted, and they were growing very well. The team leader led people to clean up the ditches, cut down weeds and shrubs, and prepared to repair the machine road. , When the time comes, go directly to the ground to fill the cabbage.

On Monday, Liu Hai left ten yuan for Wang Hongmei. There was a patient in the family, and it was absolutely impossible to have no money. Then he left on a motorcycle early in the morning.

Wang Hongmei heard the sound of Liu Hai's motorcycle in the house, held the money given by Liu Hai, and continued to sleep with a very peaceful heart.

When we arrived at the factory, no one cared about Liu Hai being late. When we returned to the laboratory, we continued to work on the 12-horsepower single-cylinder diesel engine. Each workshop also cooperated with Liu Hai very much.

In the evening, I went to the university for self-study. Liu Hai's knowledge reserve is sufficient. First of all, he doesn't need to learn foreign languages, and he basically doesn't learn Chinese. Liu Hai's basic skills in mechanics are solid.

Mr. Zhu is working on the project of gasoline anticoagulant, with a few students, Liu Hai is doing a theoretical discussion with Mr. Zhu.

In two weeks, Liu Hai, with the cooperation of other workshops in the factory, made the head of a 12-horsepower walking tractor.

In two weeks, the diesel engine factory over by Li Dali and the others has just started. They are preparing materials and installing equipment in the early stage. Sun Aiguo goes there every day to keep an eye on it. After all, it involves four-wheeled vehicles, although it seems simple.

"Xiao Liu, that's awesome." Sun Aiguo looked at the handheld tractor head that Liu Hai had built by himself.

"Thank you for the compliment, director."

"Then give it a try?" Sun Aiguo asked as he looked at Liu Hai and made something for farming.

"Just harvested the sweet potatoes." Liu Hai looked at the sweet potatoes. The potatoes were already ripe, so he just harvested the sweet potatoes.

The machine has been adjusted, and Liu Hai is operating the nose, manipulating the handle, engaging the gear, and releasing the clutch.

The potato ridges were opened directly by the plow behind the machine, revealing potatoes one by one, some large and some small. They were not as beautiful as the potatoes of later generations, but there were two types of potatoes in later generations, one was pink and the other was crispy.

Of course, there are many good things in the next life, and the potatoes are big and beautiful...

Sun Aiguo saw it, this is good, this stuff is better than mules and horses.

Liu Hai made a U-turn in front of him, and then turned back again. Sun Aiguo also started to operate with great interest.

"That's good, that's good."

"This pulley can also pump water, process flour, grinder, etc."

"There is a carriage behind for transportation." Liu Hai continued after Sun Aiguo started to fiddle with it.

"By the way, it can still generate electricity."

"Tsk tsk, okay, okay, how about this technique?"

"This is not a new technology. I have heard that such a machine already exists."

"Oh." Sun Aiguo felt a little pity.

"When will other equipment be made, the noodle grinder you mentioned?"

"This drawing is very fast. It's not a very complicated thing. The material is generally steel."

"When the equipment is finished, I will go and ask for your credit."

"it is good."

So it was another week, and this week, there were more helpers. Liu Hai was mainly responsible for producing drawings and supervising the work.

Sun Aiguo drove a walking tractor and brought a water pump.Noodle mills, pulverizers, rice mills, and plows, I drove a walking tractor to the Ministry of Machinery in Kyoto.

Nowadays, everyone is no longer surprised by the new gadgets coming out of motorcycle factories, but when they see a walking tractor, they still can't help but mutter: "What kind of car is this?"

(End of this chapter)

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