Courtyard light

Chapter 436 Request

Chapter 436 Request (Second update)

In addition, Liu Hai also learned that the current medical situation in China is much better than at the same time in his previous life.

Because the country has enough money, in terms of medical care, especially in various vaccines, it has introduced many advanced vaccine production technologies and related equipment from abroad.

Infants and young children can basically reach the same level as advanced countries in the world in terms of vaccines.

Mainly foreign medical companies have no way to deal with our domestic market, because we are still nominally in the Big Brother camp.

It doesn't matter if you can sell it for some money, but if you can't sell it, there's nothing you can do about privately producing it in China.

In other words, we are still wearing the hat of the Big Brother camp. There is nothing patented or unpatented, as long as the products produced are not sold internationally.

These medical companies also adhere to the principle of making more money, after all, there are some additional services, such as technical guidance, equipment installation, and process debugging, which require additional payment.

Of course, considering the domestic population, buying these technologies is very cost-effective.

In addition, some advanced medical equipment from abroad have been introduced. Foreign medical equipment manufacturers also face a problem, that is, whether to sell technology.

In China, you can completely dismantle the machine and do reverse research. The reason why you want to buy technology is to save this process. Anyway, there are no patents in China now. After all, you don’t need to talk about patents when you follow Big Brother.

To be honest, Liu Hai felt that he had made a lot of money when he saw this information. If he really wants to mix with the West now, he will talk about patents.

Then it is impossible to obtain medical technology and equipment technology at such a low price.

Of course, the third brother next door is an exception, but it is hard to say how effective the third brother's generic drugs are.

If you encounter a product produced by a regular factory, it may have an efficacy of 80 to 90%, but if you encounter some less formal manufacturers, it may only have an efficacy of 10 to 20%.

Later, Pseudomonas aeruginosa was found in an eye drop produced by the third brother.

Logically speaking, this kind of fully enclosed production line and highly clean workshop should not have this kind of thing.

Of course, Third Brother is also the largest human trial center of the global medical group, and it is also the largest organ market. There are many villages there, and people in each village sell a kidney.

"In the area of ​​targeted drugs, we can only focus our funds on this aspect in the future, and in the area of ​​human genetic engineering, we must also work hard to occupy the majority."

"Biological warfare in the future will be invisible smoke. A biological war may directly bankrupt some countries." Liu Hai decided to invest heavily in this aspect in the future.

"When genetic engineering begins, I should have a lot of overseas income with various patents."

"When the time comes, I will stand up and donate the money to genetic engineering. Of course, I will specify the share that will be given to us domestically. This is also a routine practice for Western charitable donations."

Liu Hai knows that most of the charitable donations abroad are not true charities. Instead, various parties have reached some kind of agreement, and then the benefits are transferred through charity.

In some foreign universities, as long as you donate enough money, your son can get in even if he is a bad student.

There are also many types of foreign scholarships, one of which is targeted scholarship.

Some companies use this to help certain people's sons eat, drink and have fun there. Some sons are very proud when they come back. I got a scholarship.

Look at the philanthropic activities of some foreign groups. Many of these charities are actually used to collect intelligence.

Of course there are real charities, but they are few and far between.

Regarding the development of medical technology, Liu Hai has no research in this area at all, so financial support will only be provided later.

Liu Hai works in the factory during the day, and designs Kung Fu Panda animal images in the aircraft carrier space at night.

This is a story about a fat man inspiring to learn martial arts. Currently, this animated movie technology can only reach 2D movies.

There are many games on aircraft carriers, and the backgrounds in many stand-alone games are beautiful.

There are also some stand-alone games with oriental backgrounds, and the bangs on houses and buildings in them are very good.

This is not simply the Eastern background that Westerners think of, but a background that integrates the East and the West.

"We still have to make a first and second season." Liu Hai is preparing to create a suspense in the story at the end, that is, the panda Po is preparing to go to the human world.

If the box office is good, you can continue. If the box office is not good, you can stop.

Of course, the background is not the main thing, the main thing is the storyline and animal images.

After all, as a child, the most important thing is to see animal images and simple storylines.

And there are a lot of animal peripherals in this movie.

"It looks like you can copy Toy Story! This is a Western background story. You can copy this after Kung Fu Panda comes out. You can also add the Transformers purchased by your children and the pandas surrounding Kung Fu Panda. You can design a new storyline yourself." Liu Hai Another cartoon comes to mind.

Jot this idea down quickly.

Bangs while busy in Kyoto.

Dealers here in London are meeting because they see a huge opportunity.

“With so many kids, we could build our own playground!”

"We can definitely follow Disney's example, but we don't charge admission fees. We mainly sell things in the amusement park to make money, eat, drink and play."

"According to recent statistics, there are an average of 15,000 people in the square every day."

Mainly because the dealers were stimulated by the huge flow of people, by late February, there were already seven or eight large humanoid mechas performing in the square.

Of course, the wearable parts of these mechas are made of fiberglass and plastic, which are already very light.

Not only in London, but also in Paris next door, Bonn, New York, Los Angeles, etc. in North America.

It attracts a huge flow of people, and there are many people everywhere.

The dealers are naturally not stupid, and they also have a dedicated think tank department below.

Faced with the huge flow of people, it is natural for someone to make relevant suggestions.

"I would like to hear the opinion of our Mr. Jack on this matter. Mr. Jack asked us for Western mythological novels. He must have some considerations in this regard." An old dealer said.

"I'm really looking forward to his animated film, which is said to be an animal series with oriental characteristics!"

"I'm also looking forward to it. What a genius. An animated movie has a box office of more than 500 million U.S. dollars. Those vampires in the theater made 250 million U.S. dollars in vain."

"This is actually a good thing. The theater chains in North America are already communicating with us and are willing to reduce the share ratio. Most of the second season cartoons will be copied."

"Toys are so profitable!"

"The transformable toys they designed are simply amazing, and there are many characters with different sizes and different degrees of deformability." These dealers have no idea that this movie was originally customized by a toy company in history. of.

And when it comes to detachable toys that can transform, these carpenters from the East are their ancestors.

What kind of robots can turn into airplanes, robots can turn into cars, and robots can turn into trucks.

Comrade Liu Hai just made a start, and our domestic smart people played a subjective role and carried out a variety of designs.

In the maintenance department, Liu Hai looked at the Transformers on the table. These Transformers were redesigned and magnets were added to the deformed joints.

A 20-centimeter-tall toy Transformer. When its feet move, its two arms will also move. The red and blue LED lights in its eyes keep flashing back and forth.

There are also transformers that can walk with ordinary dry batteries.

There is also a Transformer that is more than ten centimeters tall and carries a missile launcher that is several centimeters tall on its back.

As soon as this Transformer bends down, the missile launcher on his back will shoot out several white plastic missiles.

It's actually a plastic cylinder with a spring inside, and the small plastic missile can be inserted directly from the front.

The switch is connected to the Transformers. When the Transformers bend down, the entire missile will be shot out.

Of course, this kind of power is limited. After all, it is for children to play with, and there is a rope connected to the missile.

Prevent it from being accidentally swallowed by infants and young children. After all, there are some guys in the West who are looking for trouble.

"How about these toys?" Sun Aiguo brought these things over just to show Liu Hai.

"Director, these designs are great, I believe the children will like them very much." Of course Liu Hai knows that even a small deformation can make boys put it down.

Not to mention something like this that can be launched.

"But we have to let the dealer take a look at this and let professionals prepare the instructions." Liu Hai said this because the laws in each country are different. I don't know if there are any rigid requirements for toys for minors in foreign countries.

Anyway, in his previous life, Liu Hai heard that someone sued the toy company and lost a lot of money.

"That's for sure. Each country has its own standards."

"The dealer also wants to build an amusement park that is free for children."

"Of course they mainly make money by selling various products. Now they are mainly focusing on Transformers to attract customers. They are also planning to acquire some comics and the like."

"The dealers want to ask you what you think. They also want to ask whether the animal images in the second animated film can be placed in amusement parks to attract customers." Sun Aiguo said another thing.

"Free and open?" Liu Hai was a little surprised when he heard this. These dealers actually already understand the free economy.

Free is often the most expensive. It sounds free, but when a family goes to eat, drink and have fun, it amounts to a lot of money.

"That's what they said." Sun Aiguo also felt a little confused. This was just like a park.

"I personally don't think it's a big problem." Liu Hai has no objection in this regard, but he knows that Disney is making a lot of money from behind.

"I also completed most of the characters for the cartoon." Liu Hai took out a brown paper bag from the drawer, which contained the results of his recent busy work.

Liu Hai took out the things inside, and Sun Aiguo first looked at a panda wearing a bamboo hat and a cloak?

There is also a stick in this panda's hand, which is in the shape of an independent golden rooster.

Combined with the flowing cloak and hat on the head, it gives people a strange feeling.

"This feels right!" Sun Aiguo now knows this weird feeling, so it's done.

After all, the last time Liu Hai took out the Transformers picture, he also felt weird, how could a car turn into a robot and fight.

But this weird movie has sold 500 million box office worldwide.

This is US$500 million, and many countries do not earn this much in a year. The second picture is of a panda holding nunchucks, which is Bruce Lee’s classic look.

Then there are mantises, cranes and so on.

Then Sun Aiguo read the story again, and Sun Aiguo felt that way.

Anyway, I don't quite understand it, but the more this happens, the more confident Sun Aiguo becomes.

"Is this finished?" Sun Aiguo asked Liu Hai after reading it.

Of course Liu Hai knew what Sun Aiguo meant. Once it was completed, it would be sent to the dealer, which meant another production fee of at least hundreds of millions of pounds.

"You can send it over." Of course Liu Hai knew what Sun Aiguo was thinking. After all, Eastern and Western cultures are different. In addition, the times are different and the way of looking at things is also different.

"If the dealer agrees, I will make a plan." Liu Hai didn't put much effort into the background. He only drew two or three pictures, and the production team could draw them according to this style.

"It's definitely no problem." Sun Aiguo said.

Bangs smiled.

"Someone from the United States wants to contact us, and a bald man across the sea wants to buy their second-hand warship, but the United States refuses." Sun Aiguo said again.

Liu Hai knew that in history, when Nick came to our place, we were confused at that time.

In fact, when the United States faced the Bear Country, it had to find all the forces that could be united.

Liu Hai estimates that the United States and the United States will not be able to sit still, whether it is their domestic financial groups or from a political perspective.

Niu Niu dealers have made so much profit. It is a lie that the internal consortium in the United States is not jealous.

It just means that the relationship with the south has not officially ended yet, so the consortium has no chance to come here.

In fact, the higher-level departments also have some guesses about the signal sent by the United States, thinking that the south should be over.

"The dealer has contacted many European oceanographers and is planning to come to us in April, and then we will go to the southern islands to inspect and establish a meteorological observation and marine life research and scientific protection station."

"The dealer will borrow 20 million US dollars in the early stage, and the subsequent 20 million US dollars will be deducted from your personal dividends." Sun Aiguo said again.

"That's good!" Liu Hai heard this and felt that this time point was too timely.

After Lao America withdrew from the south, our scientific research station has been established.

As long as there are red flags waving from the buildings above, it's a done deal.

"It seems that airplanes are on the agenda!" Liu Hai thinks that he should develop in fighter jets, because the guy in the south has many airplanes supported by Big Brother.

"Logically speaking, domestic aircraft should also be released. Ask the factory director when." However, Liu Hai decided to first see what the current situation of domestic aircraft is. After all, it has been nearly ten years since he lost his aircraft.

Sun Aiguo took the Kung Fu Panda materials made by Liu Hai and reported to the leader.

"Comrade Xiao Liu, this is a very good idea!" The leader heard Sun Aiguo say that Comrade Liu Hai's opinion was very appropriate.

These current leaders have basically beaten up the Americans. They were not afraid before, and they are even less afraid now.

Sun Aiguo just smiled.

In mid-March, the Queen Elizabeth finally began launching.

The entire yacht is full of science fiction atmosphere that is not in line with this era.

Red English letters and logo, with a lapis lazuli background.

The deck is white and the railings are stainless steel.

The main interior color is white, mixed with blue, gold and silver.

The superior leader stood on the shore looking at the yachts in the artificial lake, unable to move his eyes away.

This is simply something that does not belong to this era.

With a huge length of 62 meters, it looks so huge in the artificial lake.

Compared with the ten-meter-long small yacht next to it, it is a giant.

But it is an elegant and behemoth full of science fiction atmosphere.

Liu Hai is directing the water test here.

"How much does this boat cost?" The leader of the superior department asked Sun Aiguo after seeing the yacht.

"This is not very clear. We just have various labor and costs." Sun Aiguo really doesn't know how to set the price.

"Fifty million US dollars!" Liu Hai said from the side.

"Anyway, we are exchanging things for things. I think the dealers may raise the price even higher." Liu Hai felt that the dealers might raise the queen's worth.

"One hundred million US dollars?" The superior department leader looked at Liu Hai dumbfounded.

"Let the dealers make an offer. We'll quote 50 million US dollars for the time being!" Liu Hai didn't know the exact price. After all, the purchasing power of US dollars and pounds in this era is still very abnormal.

The key is that there is no specific cost for these things in China, and we cannot simply look at labor.

Just like the ceramics inside are all fired at the master level.

How to describe this added value?

Also, the gold and silver filaments inlaid with various logos cannot simply be counted as labor costs, the key is technology.

In Liu Hai's view, 50 million U.S. dollars is not worthy of the queen's status, at least 50 million pounds is needed.

"I think we can invite the dealers over. After all, these dealers also want to customize yachts." Liu Hai thought it would be better to invite the dealers over to discuss it.

After Liu Hai made the suggestion, the superior department leaders communicated with the foreign affairs department.

At noon on the third day after the new yacht was launched, dealers living on Hong Kong Island appeared next to the artificial lake.


"She is more beautiful than the pictures we see!"

"She is more elegant than the renderings we saw!" These dealers looked at the yacht docked at the pier and exclaimed.

There were only five dealers here, to be precise, they were the sons of five family principals. After all, they had great authority here on Hong Kong Island, and everything they did was kept confidential.

"She was so beautiful and I felt like I should go up there in my favorite dress instead of this outfit."

"I think Your Majesty will like it!"

"Don't even think about it, His Majesty will definitely like it!"

"But we are in big trouble."

“Wherever this yacht appears, it will attract the attention of the world.”

"So what, let's just send the fleet to escort!"

"I suggest this yacht be transported by cargo ship."

Several dealers did not want to get off the yacht, and finally decided to transport the yacht back to London on a cargo ship.

Because if such a beautiful yacht appears on the sea, it will attract the attention of everyone at sea.

Liu Hai understood what they meant, he just didn't want the news to spread that this yacht was made by us.

As for how to transport this yacht to the cargo ship, as long as the money is enough, there will be no problem.

As for the price, these dealers cannot make the final decision, but they believe that US$50 million is not an exaggeration at all.

Judging from the sophistication of the items inside, it's obvious that they were made by masters.

After a week of trial sailing, the yacht sailed along the canal to the port.

As for how to return this yacht to the British mainland, that is not Liu Hai's business.

Because Liu Hai received orders for five more yachts, five dealer families expressed their desire for such yachts.

So Liu Hai had to copy some renderings and let the dealers make their own choices.

As for Kung Fu Panda, the dealers invested £8 million without blinking an eye.

Liu Hai finally has time to do his own thing. The first is the production of Freeman. The maintenance department has almost finished the design.

Supervise the maintenance department to build the Freeman, and Liu Hai designs the convenient medical vehicle himself.

The entire medical team is divided into several vehicles, all using a unified V8 diesel engine and a six-by-six chassis.

The reason why a diesel engine is used is because of its high horsepower and strong off-road capabilities, and Liu Hai also thought about what happened in 1976, and there must be a need for many such cars.

Of course, there are also cars specially designed to store medicines, surgical instruments, etc.

Liu Hai is now busy working on this matter because Comrade Sun Aiguo has come to ask several times.

Although they did not explicitly urge this matter, the superior leaders said last year that they would come to see the medical team off in person.

Sun Aiguo has prepared enough doctors and students.

Last time when the dealer came to see the yacht, Liu Hai proposed to invite some ophthalmologists to come to our place.

Of course the dealer agreed. There is no money abroad and they cannot afford to hire experts. As for how long it will take to invite the experts, it is hard to say. It must be very soon.

In addition, the first payment will be transferred to the personal account in June, and the medical team will use the money donated by Liu Hai to perform eye surgeries for free.

Of course, Liu Hai's suggestion now sounds normal to leaders at all levels. After all, it is convenient for people to receive medical care, and some major surgeries are definitely not possible.

 Sorry, my hands are too cold. The second update is complete.



(End of this chapter)

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