After Panlong became the main god, I went to devour

Chapter 255 Breaking into Wuqi Tower


There were only five people left on the first floor.

They were wary of each other and stayed far away, but all of them flew towards the cyan light pillar that appeared in the distance not long ago.

It has to be said that killing one elite sergeant is more profitable than killing 10 true gods.

With the help of the divine burning secret technique and mechanical treasures, they can easily reach the eighth or ninth level of combat power. If they reach the tenth level, they will probably be the elite of the elite.

At least he must create a seventh-level secret method at his own level.

The second floor of Wuqi Tower is a vast dark red land.

There are cracks on the entire dark red earth. There is red liquid under the cracks, and hot airflows erupt into the sky from the cracks.

The entire sky was covered with dark clouds, and the thick dark clouds covered most of the sky.

Jonathan glanced around and found that there were five sergeants around him, very far apart.

Not long after, everyone else arrived on the second floor.

Ten sergeants were gathered together.


Ten beams of light descended from the sky, instantly covering their ten soldiers.

The ten beams of light were so powerful that Jonathan and the other ten sergeants had no time to dodge before they were completely enveloped.

"This is the second floor of Wuqi Tower."

"All of you will be teleported to a small world and attacked. All you need to do... is to survive all the attacks in the small world."

"You wait for two groups of sergeants. The first group of sergeants rested for a long time, and their spirits recovered a lot. The latter group of sergeants quickly recovered themselves. You wait for the two groups of sergeants, and they will be teleported one after the other!"

"Those who hide in warships to avoid battle will perish and be destroyed."

The majestic voice resounded in the minds of Jonathan and the ten sergeants.

As the voice fell, the five sergeants from the previous batch fell into a small world of [-] million kilometers.

"Hundreds of millions of kilometers? It's about the same size as my divine body. It's too small."

Jonathan had shrunk in size at this time and did not fully reveal his divine body, so he did not know that he was so abnormal.

There are several levels of attacks in the small world. The first is the beams of light condensed from the secret pattern, which are comparable to the attacks of the true gods. There are many of them, and elite soldiers can usually resist them. The second level is the rock giants, which are comparable to the true gods and are immortal.

Soon it was the turn of Jonathan and his group of sergeants, who were also transported into the small world.

Jonathan used violet wings to protect his body and ignored attacks below the eighth level, so he was not afraid at all of the light beams emitted by the secret patterns.

As for the rock giant, it is immortal, so there is no need to waste divine power on it.

With his "Five Elements Escape" movement technique, the rock giant couldn't even touch a corner of his clothes.

While they were fighting, the leader of the God King Valley was watching.

"I didn't expect that besides Sergeant Yinhe, there would be another Sergeant Qinglian who was similar to him, and they were both new recruits."

Another commander in blood-colored armor asked: "Is it possible that the elite sergeants trained by our army for thousands of eras are not as good as those trained by traveling alone?"

The big rock hand, the dark red rock giant, and the ancient secret map continued to decline, which reduced the reaction time. Under the triple attack, the five elite sergeants with mechanical treasures fell into a state of collapse.

Four big rock hands appeared without warning, and Jonathan couldn't dodge them, so he could only smash them head-on.

Fortunately, their power is only at the ninth level.

After Jonathan broke out, he directly went to the top of the tenth level and suppressed them.

One after another, the elite sergeants died, and soon there were only two left, one of whom was Jonathan.

However, at this moment, the assessment ended, and the light beam descended and enveloped them, teleporting them away.

The third floor of Wuqi Building is a vast grassland.

This is where all the sergeants gather.

Looking around, Jonathan saw Luo Feng.

Luo Feng also stared at Jonathan and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Originally, I thought I should be the most promising person to complete the task of banning my account. Sure enough, it's not that easy."

"I can now reach the top tenth level even when I go all out. I should be almost the same as Jonathan."

The two pretended that they didn't know each other and didn't talk much.

In the blink of an eye, a few months later, more than 40 sergeants gathered here.


Over the grassland, a huge vortex suddenly appeared like ripples on the surface of water.

Time and space vibrated like ripples. Jonathan, Luo Feng, and more than 40 sergeants, no matter where they were on the grassland, were instantly teleported to directly below the huge whirlpool.

"Wow!" "Wow!" "Wow!" "Wow!" "Wow!" "Wow!"

The vortex in the sky suddenly lowered curtains of light.

It directly surrounds a large area with a diameter of about one billion kilometers in the grassland below, completely isolating this large area with a diameter of one billion kilometers from the outside world.The vortex above also has a diameter of one billion kilometers.

In the center of the water-like whirlpool high in the sky, a huge eye suddenly appeared. This huge eye looked down, and for a moment everyone below, including Jonathan and Luo Feng, felt as if their souls had solidified.

"Wu Qilou!" An old voice said.Echoing in every sergeant's mind, "The first three floors are in danger of life and death."

"As long as you get through the first three floors alive, there will be no danger of death."

"Starting from the fourth floor, there will even be various inheritances, rewards, etc... The higher you go, the greater the benefits you will get." The old voice said, "Of course you must survive this third floor."

"Only fifteen sergeants can survive on this level. Those who survive can enter the fourth level and gain many benefits."

"Until the third layer of crisis is survived, it is forbidden to enter the warship, otherwise it will be dealt with as a failure, and it will fall and annihilate."

Suddenly, there was an explosion of sound.

A plant life with a body of hundreds of millions of people attacked the nearby sergeant. He wanted to kill the sergeant to reduce the number of people.

People nearby stayed away.

Then the next moment, the divine eye emits endless golden light, covering the bottom, and the powerful impact of will is something that all soldiers can withstand.

The endless golden light illuminates the grassland and every soldier.

The power is gradually increasing.

"The impact of will is getting stronger!"

"Is this the third floor of Wuqi Tower a test of will?"

The sergeants resisted one by one, but no one was willing to give in easily. After all, they all knew that this third level was the last one in danger of death. From the fourth level, there were many benefits and rewards. Who wouldn't give it a try?
This impact of will is insignificant to Jonathan and Luo Feng.

However, as time goes by and your will gradually improves, this is not necessarily the case.

Therefore, every sergeant focused on reducing the number of people.

As long as there are only fifteen people left, the assessment will end.

Jonathan and Luo Feng looked at each other and rushed towards a wave of people respectively. The first person Luo Feng killed was an elite sergeant named Xu Zhong.

Although Jonathan wanted to try how far this will impact could reach, it seemed that even if he was willing, others would not be willing.

In this case, we can only kill a few more people and collect some treasures.

He and Luo Feng used their tenth-level top-notch combat power and killed a group of people before they fled.

The eyes of the commanders of the God King Valley who were watching secretly flashed with anticipation.

"It seems that in this title-banning mission, they are the only two who have some hope." Others will be affected by the impact of will, and the impact will become larger and larger, but Jonathan and Luo Feng are only affected to a very small extent. All can unleash their strongest combat power.

Of the 42 elite sergeants, Jonathan killed twelve, Luo Feng eight, and others also killed one or two.

In this battle, anyone with a discerning eye can see who is the strongest.

However, under the impact of will, the plant life with a body of hundreds of millions of kilometers could not escape death in the end.

Due to the huge body of the god, the true god cannot do anything, so his will is not very strong.

After his death, his body and treasures were taken away by Jonathan, and others did not dare to fight for them.

When there were only 15 people left, the impact of will had reached the true god limit.

However, Jonathan still didn't show any abnormalities at all, and Luo Feng was about the same.

They have the Will of the True God of the Void and the Will of the Eternal True God. This little impact of will is nothing at all.

Fifteen beams of light descended, covering the fifteen sergeants, causing them to disappear on the third floor of Wuqi Tower.

The fourth floor of Wuqi Tower is a maze with passages from the front, back, left and right.

However, they did not dare to move and waited for instructions.

"Surviving sergeants, you are lucky, have come to the fourth floor of Wuqi Tower. From this floor, you are no longer in danger. Any sergeant is also forbidden to fight each other, and if you violate...all will be executed! "

The other sergeants breathed a sigh of relief just at the beginning of a sentence.

"The fourth floor of Wuqi Building has many rewards."

"Around you, there are four passages, each representing different rewards."

"The channel that faintly glows with white light is the treasure channel. Once you enter, you can get some treasures, such as mechanical weapons, such as treasures to restore the divine body, etc."

"The channel that faintly glows with golden light is the inheritance channel, which contains some special secret techniques. If you are lucky, you may be able to obtain some extremely powerful secret techniques."

"The faintly purple passage is the path of the true god. It will guide you how to break through and how to become a true god. This is the path of the true god of the law route."

"The passage glowing with black light is also the path of the true god, but it is the path of divine power. Starting from the divine power, one becomes a true god. It is more powerful, but it is also a hundred times and a thousand times more difficult."

"Four passages, only one can be chosen!"

"What you gain from this passage will determine whether you can enter the fifth floor of Wuqi Building."

"Choose, lucky sergeants."

The old voice disappeared.

Among the fifteen sergeants, although eight sergeants chose the path of the true god, six of them chose the path of law.

After all, they all know that the law route is the most common, most common and least difficult, and the divine power route is much more difficult.

They haven't even succeeded in the legal route yet, so naturally they don't dare to aim too high.

Jonathan and Luo Feng also took the path of divine power.

However, this is an opportunity for Luo Feng, and it is just a formality for Jonathan. At most, it is just to replenish his divine power.

Both Jonathan and Luo Feng easily passed the gate of the perfect genetic level and entered the [-]-fold genetic level.

Once here, the leader of the God King Valley did not have the authority to see what was going on inside.

The three-dimensional pictures of life here, including the corresponding lives, are of great inspiration to Luo Feng.

Only when you understand these things can you remember them.

Otherwise, it will be useless no matter how much you read.

"That's a divine river, there are so many of them!"

Luo Feng saw that half of the passage that was hundreds of millions of kilometers wide and high and tens of billions of kilometers long was filled with unclaimed divine power, which he could absorb as much as he wanted.

"Your Majesty the God King, left so much unowned divine power here..." Luo Feng pondered, "Latecomers are here to comprehend, and once they understand it, their divine body will break through. Naturally, divine power is needed to supplement it. Is this the reason?" ?”

"Why are you thinking so much? Just absorb it."

Jonathan was unceremonious, like a whale swallowing him. His absorption speed was not comparable to Luo Feng's, and there seemed to be no limit.

The river of divine power has dropped a bit visibly to the naked eye.

"Senior Brother Qinglian, what are you doing?"

"The divine body is a bit big, so it can naturally absorb a lot more."

Luo Feng smacked his tongue, "This is more than enough. You have already broken through 6 times your genes, right?"

"Of course." Jonathan nodded.

"This is a rare opportunity for you, but it is only of some reference value to me. Study it carefully. I estimate that before you go out, you must have at least 6 times the life gene."

Luo Feng was dubious.

"Okay, I'm leaving first. I'm here for the title banning mission. You probably won't be able to surpass me, but I think it will be of great benefit to you later, so you can continue."

Jonathan walked directly to the bottom, was enveloped in a beam of light, and teleported away.

He was almost the first to succeed and enter the fifth level.

When the four commanders saw it, they were all extremely surprised.

"Could it be that the life gene of this Sergeant Qinglian has already reached 6 times? It's really incredible. He may be the most promising one to succeed."

On the fifth floor of Wuqi Building, this is a world of ice and snow.

Jonathan appears.

Not long after, the surrounding wind and snow suddenly swept up and enveloped Jonathan.

An old voice sounded in his mind: "Sergeant Qinglian, there is a powerful opponent on the fifth floor. You only need to defeat him to enter the sixth floor! If you fail, leave Wuqi Tower."

In the wind and snow in the distance, a figure came vaguely. He was dressed in a white robe, and he came walking slowly, but he kept approaching.

The man in white robe who walked over had a handsome face and a red mole between his eyebrows. He was smiling and had slightly pointed ears. He looked at Jonathan appreciatively: "Sergeant Qinglian, my energy will be the same as yours. Since you are good at swordsmanship, I will fight you with sword skills."

The man in white robe stretched out his hand, and the surrounding snowflakes gathered crazily.It quickly condensed into an ice blade.

At the same time, the man in white robe began to exude a soaring fighting spirit, and even vaguely seemed to turn into a sword... That powerful fighting spirit was constantly oppressing Jonathan.

Jonathan said, "How powerful an attack can you unleash, seventh level, eighth level, ninth level?"

"With the secret technique alone, you can reach the top of the seventh level!"

"Then give me a trick!"

"Killing Heart!"

At the eighth-level secret method, the color of the sky and the earth changed. The bloody sword light dyed the white world red, and the aura of killing filled the air crazily.

The four commanders were all shocked.

"Eighth-level secret method? The Lord of Law actually created an eighth-level secret method. It will not be difficult for him to become the eternal true god in the future. There is a high chance that he will become the Lord of Chaos."

"It's incredible, it's incredible!"

"And it's the original way to kill!"

"This level is not of much use to him at all. The man in white robe will not show all the secret techniques above the eighth level."

"You are amazing for being able to understand the eighth-level secret method. I give up. This level is of little use to you."


A beam of light descended from the sky and enveloped Jonathan.

Jonathan disappeared on the ice and snow on the fifth floor of Wuqi Tower. (End of chapter)

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