Chapter 170
On the one hand, Jiang Xing felt that this matter had nothing to do with him and there was no need to pay too much attention to it.

But on the other hand, he also thought that only he knew the inside story of this matter. Even here, there were countless people "greeting" him, and there might be even more people "greeting" people at Yanwu.

Should he comfort her?

But what if she stalks him after trying to comfort him?
After thinking about it, Jiang Xingzhi gave up the idea of ​​sending a message to comfort Yan Wu, went to the library, and concentrated on reading.

Yan Wu's message was sent before Jiang Xingzhi went to bed.

#Sorry, I have some bad news to tell you#
Jiang Xingzhi stared at this message but before he could reply, Yan Wu sent another one right after.

#Myfather wants to break up with me and snatch the inheritance left by my mother. Now they are spreading rumors about you and me. People on the board of directors are calling me, Jiang Xingzhi, I can’t terminate my engagement with you. , not only that, maybe, we have to get married as soon as possible#
Jiang Xingzhi's fingers were holding the phone. He had not yet digested this paragraph.

She continued to reply to him: #Sorry, I feel really guilty for the trouble my problem has caused you. I promise you that after this incident, I will terminate the engagement with you and give you a compensation. If you have Any additional conditions, please bring them up, I will definitely try my best to help you complete#
When Yan Wu sent this message, he even read his words passionately in the same tone that Jiang Xingzhi used when he said this to her.

Well, Jiang Xingzhi probably didn't expect that what he said one day would be reflected on him.

Jiang Xingzhi stared at the messages from Yan Wufa with a lump in his throat.

He didn't want to help.

He didn't even want to get involved in her family's affairs.

There are no such unexpected situations in his life plan.

She continued to send: #微微江行之, this matter is I’m sorry for you, if I didn’t drink so much wine last night, it would be fine, I’m really sorry#
As soon as Yan Wu mentioned wine, Jiang Xingzhi remembered that this matter was actually not her problem.

In his mind, the speckled bruises on her porcelain white skin appeared inexplicably.

Whether he admits it or not, he is the culprit in this incident.

He put down his phone, went to take a shower, and took it out again just before going to bed in bed.

Send her the prepared words.

#Can get married, I don’t ask for it, I can cooperate with you, I just hope to get divorced as soon as possible after this matter#
Yan Wu over there replied instantly: #Thank you, after this, you can get divorced at any time as long as you want#
When Yan Wu got up early the next morning, he called Yan Xi to get up and go for a run in the yard with her.

Although children are full of energy, they like to sleep in most mornings.

Especially Yan Xi, who is usually silent, has no special hobbies, and is not interested in anything.

The thing I do most every day is sleep.

When Yan Wu pulled him up from the bed, the little guy looked reluctant and his face drooped. Although he didn't speak in protest, his whole body exuded an aura of unhappiness.

Yan Wu smiled and pinched his cheek: "I have said that I will be your master from today on. You have to learn martial arts from me. You can't be careless about learning martial arts. My sister will rely on you to protect her from now on, so you can't slack off."

(End of this chapter)

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