"This is an eternal truth. When you sit in a high position, some desires are uncontrollable. They will not let some people become a threat to them."

"After talking about Duke Li Jing of the Kingdom of Wei, let's continue talking about Duke Li Ji of England."

"Li Ji, a famous general in the early Tang Dynasty, also known as Li Jing, was named the British Duke, and was one of the 24 heroes of Lingyan Pavilion. In his early years, he conquered the Quartet from Li Shimin, and later became one of the main generals who opened up the territory of the Tang Dynasty. He defeated the Eastern Turks and Goguryeo and made outstanding achievements."

"Li Ji is different from other generals. He comes from a wealthy family, and his family is often charitable. Influenced by his family, he is a person who values ​​affection and righteousness."

"Li Ji, originally named Xu Shiji, later known as Xu Maogong, changed his name to Li Ji because he avoided Li Shimin's taboo and accepted the surname given by the Tang Dynasty."

"Li Ji was originally a wealthy man from Caozhou and Huazhou. He joined the Wagang Army in the late Sui Dynasty and fought with Zhai Rang and Li Mi successively. Due to his meritorious service, he was promoted to General Youwuhou."

"After Li Mi was defeated by Wang Shichong, Li Ji followed him and surrendered to the Tang Dynasty. At first, he stationed in Shandong and Henan, and then went to war with Qin King Li Shimin."

"After Li Ji became Li Shimin's subordinate, he followed him in the southern and northern wars, pacified Wang Shichong, Dou Jiande and other warlords, and made great achievements in the unification war."

"After Li Shimin ascended the throne, Li Ji attacked Xue Yantuo twice and defeated the Eastern Turks, Goguryeo and other countries, making great contributions to the Tang Dynasty!"

"I won't say much about the Turkic war. I and Wei Guogong led a separate team to fight against the Turks, and later fought against the Turks together. I won't say much about this."

"He also fought a lot in his life. He is on par with Duke Wei, and his ability should not be underestimated. I won't say much about fighting. I will mainly talk about his emphasis on love and justice."

"What kind of benevolent minister was he that allowed Emperor Gaozu of the Tang Dynasty to give him a surname? Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty cut off his own beard to make medicine for him to cure his illness. Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty also wrote a preface to his second portrait and was listed on the credit list."

Liu Che: Is this the experience of three emperors?
Cao Cao: Make medicine for your beard?
"After the then King of Qin Li Shimin had just pacified Wang Shichong, Li Ji's sworn brother Shan Xiongxin was captured by the Tang army and wanted to be executed for rebellion. Li Ji commended Shan Xiongxin's martial arts and asked for his pardon, and was willing to use his title to save him from death. But Li Yuan still doesn’t allow it.”

"When Shan Xiongxin was about to be executed, Li Ji cried bitterly to him, and actually cut off the meat from his thigh and gave it to Shan Xiongxin to eat, saying: "Life and death are eternal, this meat will be buried with you." "After Shan Xiongxin died, Li Ji adopted his son. How righteous!"

"Li Ji's old master was Li Mi. Later, after Li Mi rebelled and was killed, Emperor Gaozu of the Tang Dynasty sent a special envoy to inform Li Ji of this matter."

"Li Ji immediately requested that Li Mi be buried. After receiving Li Yuan's consent, he wore sackcloth and paid filial piety, and together with Li Mi's former subordinates, buried Li Mi in the south of Mount Li. The crowd did not disperse until the mourning period was over, and everyone praised Li Ji for not being buried. Forget the loyalty of the old master."

Qin Shihuang: He is truly a benevolent minister who treats his old master and former friend with such great affection and justice.

Zhu Yuanzhang: Li Ji treated his family this way. He was favored by the emperors of the three dynasties because of his righteousness.

"If I want to say that the story that best expresses my love for my family, it must be the story of Li Ji cooking porridge and serving his sister."

"At that time, Li Ji was already the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty, with one person under one person and more than ten thousand people. His sister was bedridden due to illness. Li Ji burned a fire to cook porridge for his sister. The strong wind blew through the charcoal fire and burned his beard." "Li Ji's sister persuaded him. , "You are a prime minister and you have so many servants. Just let them do it. Why do you ask for trouble?"

Li Ji replied at that time, "How can it be possible that there are no servants to do these things? But sister, you are old and even my beard has turned white. It is impossible to cook porridge for my sister for such a long time."

"It is a normal thing for a younger brother to cook porridge for his sick sister, but it is very meaningful when it happens to the prime minister."

"Although Li Ji is the prime minister and has many servants at home, he still does it himself. In the matter of Li Ji cooking porridge and serving his sister, we can see that Li Ji attaches great importance to love and justice and cherishes family ties. There are many similar things. I I won’t explain everything one by one.”

Queen Xu: This is a family relationship that is rare in the royal family.

The kings and ministers of each dynasty knew that when they reached their status, there was no real family affection at all, it was just mutual interests.

"Li Ji was not only a military general, but he also knew people well and was both wise and brave. Every time he commanded a march, he planned well and was able to adapt to the enemy. He also often planned with his colleagues to distinguish the good and bad plans. When he hears some good advice from others, he happily obeys it.”

"Most of the rewards he received were given to his soldiers. When he won a battle, most of the credit was given to his subordinates. Therefore, his subordinates were willing to work for him to the death. Wherever he led the troops, they were able to defeat the enemy and win. .”

"At that time when Hulao Pass was pacified, Li Ji captured Shi Daizhou, the governor of Zheng who was awarded by Wang Shichong. Knowing that he had good conduct and talents, he quickly released him. The talents recommended by Li Ji later all achieved As a distinguished and high-ranking official, people at that time all praised Li Ji for his ability to know people."

"Because Li Ji was loyal to the Tang Dynasty and served his entire life, the emperors to whom he was loyal gave him a lot of favor and honor."

"One time Li Ji was seriously ill, and the imperial doctor said that the ashes of burned beards could cure the disease. Li Shimin immediately cut off his beard and mixed medicine for him."

"Li Ji was so moved that he kowtowed and cried in thanks until he bled. But Li Shimin said: "This is for the consideration of the country, not for you personally. What is there to thank you for? ""

"His imperial favors are not limited to these. The most important thing is Li Shimin's entrustment at that time. This is not an ordinary trust for Li Ji. It is trust and restraint, restraining Changsun Wuji."

"As mentioned before, the most famous thing during the reign of Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty was the establishment of Wu as empress. Li Ji was also involved in it at that time, and he stood beside Wu as empress."

"Without his grandson's subsequent operations, the entire family would have gained a lot of wealth and would have had a stable life for their descendants. It's a pity that someone insisted on showing off his abilities, which led to the demise of the descendants."

Li Ji: ...

"At that time, there was a lot of fuss over the Queen's establishment. The move to change the queen this time was nominally to change the harem to a mistress, but in fact it was an move to attack the elders and revive the imperial power. It must not fail no matter what. Because of this, Tang Gaozong summoned Li Ji and asked him for a way to deal with it."

"Li Ji saw through the emperor's thoughts, so he persuaded Tang Gaozong to act according to his own will on the grounds that the appointment of a queen was a "family matter" for the emperor."

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