Chapter 190

"When Li Dan came to power, he was just a puppet, the eighth son of Tang Gaozong Li Ye and the fourth son of Wu Zetian."

"The day after Wu Zetian deposed Li Xian, she immediately appointed Li Dan as emperor and Ruizong of Tang Dynasty."

"Wu Zetian placed Li Dan in a separate palace and could not interfere with all state affairs. At this time, the time for Wu Zetian to become emperor was basically ripe, and she began to prepare for a change of dynasty."

"In 690 AD, Wu Zetian changed Emperor Ruizong Li Dan to the imperial heir, gave him the Wu family, and formally established the Great Zhou Dynasty, calling him the Holy Emperor."

"In the first year of Tianshou, Wu Zetian began to create public opinion about proclaiming the emperor. Through the mouths of Buddhist monks and Fa Ming, she claimed that the Empress Wu was the reincarnation of Maitreya Buddha and could be called the empress."

"Then Ruizong Li Dan of the Tang Dynasty led 67 subjects to persuade Empress Wu to proclaim herself emperor. At this point, the merits were perfect. When Wu Zetian was [-] years old, she changed the name of Tang Dynasty to Zhou Dynasty, named "Holy God Emperor", and officially proclaimed herself emperor."

"Wu Zetian's life was full of ups and downs. During her reign, the Tang Dynasty's national power further developed."

"When I was Empress Wu, I helped Tang Gaozong stabilize his internal affairs and showed his talents when using troops externally!"

"After Wu Zetian became the queen, she began to deal with internal affairs. In terms of internal affairs, she relied on her keen insight and unique insights to promote many capable officials, such as Li Yifu, Xu Jingzong, etc. These officials subsequently became Wu Zetian's An important minister of the emperor."

"In terms of diplomacy, under the rule of Wu Zetian, the Tang Dynasty quelled the civil strife in Goguryeo, and subsequently established the Andong County Protectorate in Pyongyang and sent troops to garrison it. This was an achievement that was not accomplished even during the reign of Emperor Taizong Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty, but it was Let a female stream be completed, which shows that Empress Wu Zetian is a female politician with the ability to govern the world!"

"She became the first female emperor in Chinese history, and also became the first accomplished female emperor in Chinese history!"

"During his reign, the people lived and worked in peace and contentment, and the country was peaceful and peaceful. Wu Zetian established the imperial examination system and the military examination system in which the emperor supervised the examinations, which became the imperial examination system used by later generations."

"Empress Wu attached great importance to the selection and use of talents, perfected the imperial examination system, and recruited a large number of capable people. She attacked wealthy families and opened up political paths for some students from poor families."

"Wu Zetian also used virtuous ministers such as Di Renjie and Zhang Jianzhi, and later appointed Yao Chong and Song Jing, the Ming Prime Ministers of the Kaiyuan period, so that these two virtuous ministers could be reused!"

"In addition, Wu Zetian also inherited the strategy of governing the country of Emperor Taizong Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty of "taking agriculture as the basis, practicing economy and recuperation", and promoted economic development by reducing farmers' taxes many times, encouraging agricultural production, and vigorously developing agriculture and handicrafts. The population of the Tang Dynasty increased significantly and the social economy achieved unprecedented development, laying the foundation for the prosperous age of the Tang Dynasty."

"Wu Zetian's rule was very much in the mold of the Zhenguan rule, and she inherited the same ruling methods as Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, so it is not an exaggeration to call her "the legacy of Zhenguan"!"

"But she reused cruel officials and rewarded whistleblowers. In order to show her political achievements, the cruel officials often framed people and tortured them to extract confessions. Many civil servants and military generals suffered unjust injustice, which made people in the imperial court panic and everyone was in danger." "Emperor Wu In his later years, he was very happy with his achievements, lived a luxurious life, and spent a lot of money and labor on building Mingtang."

"Another point is that Wu Zetian became the female empress, "widely accepted the harem", and established her own harem management department, Controller Supervisor. This was the first in the feudal history of the Flower Planting Country!"

"After Wu Zetian became the emperor, she followed the example of the male emperors of the past dynasties and openly admitted her harem. This was an astonishing move in a feudal society where men respected female maids. Since Wu Zetian had too many male favorites in the harem, Emperor Wu established his own harem management department, Controller and Supervisor, which was the first time in the feudal dynasty."

"This is also the reason why Wu Zetian's old age and power gave birth to her desires. She was not willing to be lonely in the harem, so she raised two brothers, Zhang Yizhi and Zhang Changzong. But this also made her get into bad publicity, because these two male favorites and some treacherous ministers cholera The imperial court goes too far."

"The Zhang brothers were handsome in appearance and won the favor of Emperor Wu with their sweet words. Emperor Wu often left some political affairs to the Zhang brothers, which aroused their desire for power, leading to the two of them covering the sky with one hand."

"The Zhang brothers often did whatever they wanted in the harem and political affairs, causing officials to rush to fawn over them. Even Wu Zetian's nephews Wu Chengsi, Wu Sansi and others wanted to look at their faces. The Zhang brothers' favor and arrogance aroused the ire of the courtiers. They are dissatisfied and want to get over it quickly."

"In the first year of Shenlong, Prime Minister Zhang Jianzhi and others launched a coup to restore the Tang Dynasty. They killed the arrogant Zhang brothers and forced Wu Zetian to give way to Li Xian. This is known as the "Shenlong Revolution" in history."

"Wu Zetian was buried in the Qianling Mausoleum together with Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty after his death. There are two stone tablets erected in front of the tomb. One is the tombstone of Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty, with Wu Zetian's personal inscription on it, which mainly tells the story of Gaozong's life achievements."

"And the other one is her own tombstone, without a word on it. Later generations will comment on it, and it is called the wordless monument in history. There is a poem that says: The sun and the moon shine in all directions, and it is inconvenient to use the curtains to enter the court. The woman became emperor and Tianshou, and from then on the palace There is no phoenix in it.”

Lu Pheasant: This female emperor really did something that the emperor failed to do, and her black spots are not too big.

Dugu Jialuo: I want the world to evaluate my achievements. I think her imperial examination helped many people!There is a woman I admire very much. She is smart and ruthless.

Qin Shihuang: What a wordless monument!This is for future generations to evaluate her life!Maybe even she knows her merits and demerits. It depends on how the world evaluates her. To be honest, I don’t have the courage like him. I am not afraid of others, but I also know that if I set up a monument without words, if I don’t say anything about future generations, the future generations will My crimes will be engraved on the wordless monument. This courage is unmatched by anyone!

Li Bai: We literati should be grateful to the Queen. It was her imperial examination system that guided us in the direction. We are very grateful to Her Majesty the Queen. As for other issues, I can only say that this mistake is not as good as her achievements.

"It seems that everyone agrees with the emperor this time, so I will give out rewards."

"Wu Zetian is the only female emperor in Chinese history. She has been in charge of the Tang Dynasty for nearly a hundred years. In the feudal era when men were dominated by men, she reached the pinnacle of power as a female goddess. As an empress, she worked hard to govern and used her own Iron-fisted measures continued the prosperous age of the Tang Dynasty and laid a solid foundation for the subsequent prosperous Kaiyuan Dynasty. A wordless monument handed over her achievements to the world for evaluation. The tenth outstanding emperor, Wu Zetian, is now giving out rewards of beauty. With one Yan Dan, three solid pills, [-] elite cavalry, and three capable ministers and generals, the Vientiane Palace will start a one-year defense mode."

(End of this chapter)

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