"In addition, the Han Dynasty at that time ruled the world with filial piety. In order to make everyone in the world realize the unity of knowledge and action, Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty even set an example."

"When he was the king of Dai, Empress Dowager Bo was ill for three years. During those three years, Liu Heng always took care of him personally. After arriving in Chang'an, even though he was the emperor, he still copied the same pattern as when he was in the country of Dai. His style is all kinds of filial piety to his mother."

"Emperor Han Wen made no major mistakes in his life. After his death, his son Emperor Han Jing succeeded to the throne. Because Emperor Han Jing also continued the previous policy reforms, it was called the "Reign of Wen and Jing." ""

"After the Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty, Emperor Wen and Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty fully learned the lessons of the Qin Dynasty. They adopted measures such as light corvees and low taxes, resting with the people, reducing the peasants' corvee and labor burdens, focusing on restoring agricultural production, and stabilizing Feudal ruling order, focusing on the development of agricultural production."

"During the Wenjing period, frugality was advocated and people were valued with virtue. The society was relatively stable and the economy developed."

"It has always been regarded as the prosperous age of feudal society, and is known in history as the rule of Wen and Jing."

"In the 70 years from the beginning of the Han Dynasty to the accession of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the two emperors Wen and Jing were kind, respectful and frugal. They believed in Huang Lao and adopted the policy of keeping quiet and not disturbing the people. The country became rich and powerful."

"It laid a solid foundation for Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty's civil and martial arts."

"The people have no internal or external corvee, they can rest their shoulders on the fields, and the world is prosperous."

"Under the guidance of the policy of encouraging farmers with low taxes and resting with the people, after 41 years of governance by Emperors Wen and Jing, we ushered in the peaceful and prosperous era of the early Western Han Dynasty."

"First of all, the burden on farmers has been greatly reduced. From the accession of Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty to the third year of Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty, a total of 62 years, the Western Han Dynasty implemented a policy of light corvee and low taxes that was an example in ancient times, and the burden on farmers was the lightest."

"Since the 13th year of Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty, land taxes have been exempted nationwide for 11 consecutive years. During this period, farmers have no burden from agricultural taxes. This is unique in feudal society."

"Therefore, it is historically recognized that the burden on farmers has been light for more than [-] years in the early Western Han Dynasty."

"The second is that the people are prosperous and the society is stable. Those who guard the palace eat rice and meat. Those who are officials have the eldest son, and those who hold official positions have their surnames."

"Therefore, everyone loves himself and breaks the law again. He first practices benevolence and righteousness and then suffers shame. At this time, the network is sparse and the people are rich."

"Such a healthy and harmonious society is rare in history."

"Of course, Emperor Han Jing's reforms were based on existing policies. I think Emperor Han Jing's greatest achievement should be to quell the rebellion of the Seven Kingdoms."

"As mentioned before, the enfeoffment system of the Han Dynasty was a shortcoming. Although it was set up to increase power during the Chu-Han conflict at that time, this enfeoffment system was indeed not very suitable."

"At that time, Liu Bang was far weaker than Xiang Yu. In order to let the powerful faction work for him and to defeat Xiang Yu and win the victory, Liu Bang gave important meritorious officials to enfeoff."

"Among them, Han Xin was named King of Qi by Liu Bang, and later moved to King of Chu. Yingbu, who was poached from Xiang Yu, was named King of Jiujiang. Peng Yue, who was good at sneak attacks, became King of Huainan, and his old brother from Peixian County Lu Wan was named King of Yan."

"After Xiang Yu was destroyed, the problem of princes and kings with different surnames became prominent. Liu Bang cut off princes and kings with different surnames one after another, and instead enfeoffed clan members with the Liu surname as kings."

"But he forgot one thing, that is, with the change of generations, the relationship between the princes and kings who were originally close by blood gradually became alienated. This was the case in the princes of the Zhou Dynasty. The king of Jin was originally the brother of the emperor of Zhou. Later, Who cares about this kind of kindness?"

"The Zhou Dynasty enfeoffed many vassal states, which also caused each vassal state to be relatively weak at the beginning, making it difficult to compete with the central government." "The vassal states entrusted by the Han Dynasty were vast in area and had several counties. This made it difficult for them to compete with the central government." As a result, those vassal states with good locations, vast territories and large populations developed rapidly and quickly overpowered the imperial court."

"For example, Wu State has copper mines in its territory and enjoys the right to mint coins. In addition, the seaside can produce sea salt. Wu State quickly became a wealthy vassal state with very strong financial resources. Liu Bi had many things that the imperial court did not have. have."

"Someone has money and territory. The powerful vassal states such as Wu are like a time bomb that may explode at any time."

"Emperor Liu Qi of the Han Dynasty adopted Chao Cuo's policy of reducing vassal vassals. Although it provoked the rebellion of the Seven Kingdoms, after the rebellion was put down, the strength of the princes was greatly weakened, and it was no longer possible to form a situation where the leader could not lose. This was Liu Qi's plan for the Han Dynasty Emperor Wu Liu Che laid the foundation."

"Before Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty came to power, Liu Qi and Liu Bi were a bit difficult to deal with."

"Liu Qi was born in Zhongdu, Daidi, in 188 BC. Liu Qi was the eldest son of Emperor Wen of Han Dynasty Liu Heng. His mother was Emperor Wen's empress Dou, the Dou Yifang mentioned earlier."

"In 179 BC, Liu Qi was established as the crown prince."

"One day, the son of King Wu Liu Bi came to the palace to play chess with Liu Qi. Because the two had a dispute during the game, the son of King Wu made rude remarks to Liu Qi, the crown prince, and Liu Qi hit him with the chessboard. As a result, King Wu’s son was beaten to death.”

"This made Liu Bi very angry. When Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty sent someone to transport the body back to Wu, King Wu Liu Bi was very angry. From then on, he said that he was ill and could not go to the morning court."

"The emperor at that time, Emperor Han Wen, was considerate of his feelings and allowed him to go without an invitation. However, Wu King Liu Bi not only had no intention of reconciliation, but became even more arrogant."

"But no matter what people say, they have lost their son. No matter how excessive they are, Emperor Wen of Han will also suffer."

"In 157 BC, Emperor Wen of Han died, and Liu Qi ascended the throne as Emperor Jing of Han."

"After Liu Qi ascended the throne, Wu King Liu Bi's power gradually grew."

"At this time, Chao Cuo, the imperial censor, believed that the power of the princes and kings in various places was too strong and might cause instability in the country, so he suggested to Liu Qi that he should deprive the princes and kings of their fiefdoms and return all the fiefdoms to the court."

"Liu Qi adopted Chao Cuo's suggestion of "cutting down the feudal vassalage". In 154 BC, he successively cut off the Donghai County of King Wu of Chu, the Changshan County of King Sui of Zhao and the six fiefdoms of King Jiaoxi under various names. "

"When the edict to cut off the land was sent to the State of Wu, King Wu Liu Bi, who was already dissatisfied with Liu Qi, relied on his strength to immediately use Yue City as a stronghold to unite the other six princes and kings who were dissatisfied with the reduction of their fiefdoms, under the banner of "execute" They rebelled under the banner of "Chao Cuo and Qing Junzi".

"Liu Bi sent 20 troops, claiming to be 50, as the main force. At the same time, he also sent people to collude with the Xiongnu, Dongyue, and Minyue nobles to raise troops westward."

"When the rebels reached Henan, they were stopped by Liu Qi's younger brother, King Xiao of Liang Liu Wu. However, Liu Wu's troops were insufficient and it was difficult to withstand the rebel attack."

"Liu Qi was good at using people. He sent Lieutenant Zhou Yafu and General Dou Ying to lead 36 generals to cut off the rebels' food routes with surprise troops. In just 3 months, the army defeated the rebels."

"Liu Bi fled to Dong'ou and was killed by the king of Dong'ou. The other six kings committed suicide in fear of crime. The rebellious seven kingdoms were eventually abolished."

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