Queen Ma: The Emperor is too helpless. If he doesn't kill these people, what will these brave and resourceful ministers do if they bully their children and grandchildren in the future?

"I learned an article called "Zhou Bapi" when I was a child. It described a ruthless landlord who hired people to work, didn't give them enough to eat, withheld wages, and was beaten if he worked slowly."

Liu Che: We already had Zhu Papi in ancient times.

Zhu Di: ()
Zhu Yuanzhang: Fourth, what did you post?
Zhu Di: Ah!I don’t know where I touched. Is there something wrong with Miss Zhang?

"Ahem! It's okay, it's okay!" Emperor Yongle must have been extremely happy.

"Empress Ma is right, but it is only a small part. We can do the same as Liu Bang and destroy these threats, instead of killing so many people, your Ming palace will be a river of blood!"

"If selfishness is also a reason for killing, then Zhao Kuangyin, Liu Xiu, Li Shimin and Qin Shihuang were all wrong!"

"In other words, people's hearts are made of flesh. If you treat others badly, do you still expect others to loyal to the Ming Dynasty from the bottom of their hearts?"

"The reign of violence and terror can only be temporary. People have their own thoughts, and they will resist if they have thoughts."

"Why did the "Tumubao Incident" and the "Japanese pirate rebellion" occur along the coast for decades later in the Ming Dynasty? To put it bluntly, isn't it the result of officials and the royal family competing for interests?"

"Whether it was the "Tumu Fort Incident" or the "Japanese Pirates Rebellion," in these two competitions between officials and emperors, it was the royal family that ultimately lost."

"Zhu Yuanzhang originally wanted to use ultra-high-pressure rule to bring everyone under his power, but once a balloon pinned in deep water rebounds, the waves it stirs up can only become bigger."

"Looking at the many evil deeds of the Ming Dynasty civil servants in the middle and late Ming Dynasty, doesn't it have anything to do with the brutal killings of officials by Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di?"

"People should not be too selfish or vicious when doing anything, and should leave a way for others to survive, otherwise retribution will come one day."

"Look at what happened in the Ming Dynasty since Zhu Yuanzhang's death?"

"The death of Zhu Yunzhen, the Hongwan case, the attack case, the death of Zhengde, the death of Tianqi, the death of Chongzhen, the death of King Fu, the death of Hongguang, the death of Yongli..."

"After speaking about my point of view, I actually had a ridiculous idea. Were the Ming Dynasty emperors really stupid for their weird style, or did they have to pretend to be crazy and act stupid after losing their imperial power? The consequences of these emperors are really not these descendants. Are we paying Zhu Yuanzhang's debt?"

"If we have to explain that the death of the dynasty was due to the Donglin Party, it would be better to explain that the death of the dynasty was due to Zhu Yuanzhang's suspicion."

"In human nature, whether it is ancient or modern, Chinese or foreign, if you want to bind and restrain your subordinates morally rather than legally, isn't that a fool's errand?"

"In the imperial era, as an emperor, either you can provide enough benefits to your subordinates to feed their greed, or you can only be like Zhu Yuanzhang, living in tension and fatigue all day long to guard against anyone except his descendants. anyone."

Liu Xiu: I should be the one with the most say on this matter!
Everyone can say something to deceive people, but how many people will believe it?How many people are not greedy?

You, Mr. Zhu, just want everyone else to become loyal and patriotic gentlemen, but you, Mr. Zhu, live a arrogant and extravagant life. Can these little tricks fool those literati who have read poetry and books?Who can you deceive?You still exploit some truths that ordinary people understand?How confusing!

He Shen: In fact, from the perspective of our ancients, in an era where imperial power was supreme, the emperor would never allow such things as open-mindedness. This is completely different from Miss Zhang’s open-mindedness in later generations, whether it was the Qin and Han Dynasties or later During the Tang, Song, Yuan and Ming dynasties, including me in the Qing Dynasty, who would dare to admit that their dynasty did not engage in literary inquisition?Not bound by thoughts?
"I want to wrap up this section. Mistakes have been made, and it is up to Ming Taizu whether to correct them or not. If these are the mistakes made by his own family, then there are two other things that affect the entire country." Qin Shihuang: And ?Zhu Yuanzhang, do you have a lot of mistakes?Miss Zhang can still rank you fourth. You should really change your mind. I have told so many people, but you are the most detailed. You have told so much.

Li Shimin: This is a bit much, why do you still have it?I thought we were going to talk about the third one?

Yang Jian: No, after talking so much, there are still more. What’s even more outrageous is that this is not the biggest mistake. Two points that 10,000+ people cannot match?Zhu Yuanzhang, the emperor, your ranking is a bit outrageous. No matter how you look at it, it is more than merit!

Wei Qing: Ms. Zhang was quite tolerant of these founding emperors. I didn’t expect that these mistakes would actually affect the country.

"When I talked about Kangxi earlier, I talked about a system of "closing the country away from the country." Everyone knows the impact, and our Ming Taizu also made this mistake."

Fusu: Then why did the Qing Dynasty take the blame?

"Then I have to thank my descendants. It was opened to the public in the late Ming Dynasty, and was sealed by Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty."

"During the Han and Tang dynasties, it was already very open. I really don't understand why it was banned when there were examples from several previous dynasties."

"During the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, he sent Zhang Qian, Chang Hui, Su Wu and others as envoys to the Western Regions, opening up the trade route between the East and the West, which was the Overland Silk Road."

"The Tang Dynasty was an inclusive dynasty. A large number of Westerners came to the Central Plains to do business, and trade exchanges were endless."

"The famous Maritime Silk Road also emerged in the Tang Dynasty. It was called "Guangzhou Tonghai Yi Road" at that time."

"People from more than 100 countries such as Southeast Asia, India, the Red Sea coast, and Northeast Africa at that time came to Datang to study and do business through this Maritime Silk Road."

"The Song Dynasty inherited the Tang Dynasty's open policy and exported a large amount of porcelain, tea, and silk fabrics overseas."

"Not to mention the Yuan Dynasty, the east and west almost became their family's territory, so all kinds of "sexy people" did business and even served as officials in the Yuan Dynasty."

"The famous Marco Polo came to our country at that time. At that time, Quanzhou Port in Fujian Province could be called the largest trading port in the world."

"But by the Ming Dynasty, the situation has changed."

"After Zhu Yuanzhang took over the world, he issued an edict: "No one is allowed to enter the sea. "

"This is the familiar maritime ban policy - closing the country to the outside world."

"Then why did Lao Zhu do this?"

"The main thing is to prevent the Ming Dynasty from being overthrown."

"Zhu Yuanzhang had many powerful enemies in his life. At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the heroes were divided. Chen Youliang was powerful, Zhang Shicheng was rich, and Fang Guozhen was a powerful navy. In addition, Wang Baobao of the Yuan Dynasty was also a powerful character."

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