Chapter 281 There are only two out of three parts of the world

"Considering that the centralization of power in the Tang Dynasty was weaker than that of the Han Dynasty, and the separatism of vassal towns was serious in the late Anshi Rebellion, but there were also many disasters such as the Yellow Turban Uprising and Party imprisonment in the late Han Dynasty. The national destiny of the Han Dynasty lasted for more than 400 years, and the Tang Dynasty lasted for 300 years. In this regard, the total In other words, the Han Dynasty was slightly better!"

"How Li Shimin became emperor, I have made it clear before. The "Xuanwu Gate Change" is inevitable."

"Tang Taizong Li Shimin ascended to the throne through the bloody means of the "Xuanwumen Incident", and Tang Gaozu Li Yuan was the only founding emperor of a unified dynasty that was overthrown in history."

"In fact, after the Tang Dynasty unified the world, some people suggested that Li Yuan should pass the throne to Li Shimin."

"Except for his ceremonial and legal status, Prince Li Jiancheng is inferior to Qin King Li Shimin in almost every aspect. Especially since Li Shimin has the support of military groups, Guandong scholars and common landowners, he can be said to be "two out of three in the world."

"In fact, based on the father-son relationship between Li Yuan and Li Shimin at that time, many people in later generations misunderstood the nature of the "Xuanwu Gate Change" and believed that the "Xuanwu Gate Change" was just a battle between princes that had occurred many times in history."

"But the "Xuanwumen Incident" is essentially different from other princes' battles for the throne."

"In general battles for succession, the power of the prince comes from the power of the father, and the emperor is in the position of the highest referee in the struggle."

"Except for a few foolish emperors who are fooling around, the princes' battles for succession are basically within the control of the emperor, and the princes will not point the finger of struggle at the emperor."

"But the power of Qin King Li Shimin comes from his nearly death in battle, the support of the scholar group, and the distribution of resources to the losers after the war. It has almost nothing to do with Li Yuan."

"Li Shimin's power is not the extension of imperial power but the representative of ministerial power. Li Shimin's biggest political opponent in the battle for martial virtue is Li Yuan."

"Because of this, Li Yuan passing the throne to Li Shimin is tantamount to admitting that ministerial power can replace imperial power when it reaches a certain scale. This is something that no emperor in his right mind would accept."

"It can be said that when Li Shimin's ministerial power developed enough to replace Li Yuan, the "Xuanwu Gate Change" was inevitable."

"Li Shimin was a good emperor. The Tang Dynasty prospered under his leadership. Who doesn't know about the "Reign of Zhenguan"?"

"The "Government of Zhenguan" is a people-oriented idea."

"Opening up the public opinion, being open-minded and open-minded to accept advice and valuing talents, the principle of meritocracy, selflessness, and the magnanimity of acting in accordance with the law constitute the basic characteristics of Zhenguan's rule and become the best example of feudal governance."

"Compared with Western countries at that time, the Tang Dynasty was at the forefront of the world in terms of politics, economy, and culture."

"Although the real prosperity was during the reign of Li Longji, a heavenly khan who accepted the coming of all nations, this period was also very open and prosperous."

"During the troubled times, the Sui Dynasty's rule was severe, the people were suffering, and the people were scattered."

"Groups of heroes have arisen in various places, vying for their own part of the world in the turmoil."

"However, in this long and chaotic world, there is a figure who has emerged. His name is Li Yuan. His glory comes from his son, Li Shimin."

"Li Shimin's childhood was filled with great social changes in the Sui Dynasty. He witnessed the suffering of the people with his own eyes, and therefore vowed to become a savior."

"However, his success was not just because of his ambition, but also because he had the qualities needed to change the course of history."

"In the early days of Li Shimin's rise to power, the situation he faced was not optimistic."

"Although he had successfully established the Tang Dynasty, the chaotic situation left by the Sui Dynasty did not improve."

"People are still suffering from displacement. Therefore, Li Shimin knows that improving rural people's livelihood and promoting common progress of the people is a top priority." "His first goal is to improve the rural living environment and encourage people to make progress in the fields of agriculture and culture, so as to Let go of the shackles of the past.”

"This concept is not only Li Shimin's idea, but also recognized by important officials around him."

"They realized that one of the main reasons for the demise of the Sui Dynasty was that the government treated the people too harshly, making it impossible for the people to maintain their basic livelihood, let alone bear heavy taxes."

"In this context, the slogan of "live and work in peace and contentment" became a joke, and everyone realized that the people are not only the key to the country's prosperity, but also the fundamental reason for the country's decline and destruction."

"Therefore, they agreed that in order to build a strong country, the first priority is to win the hearts and minds of the people."

"In order to allow the people to have more time to engage in agricultural production, Li Shimin decided to allow the people to pay a certain amount of cloth or silk mats in lieu of forced labor."

"This policy aims to free up farmers to spend more time on farming to ensure that the farming season is not disrupted."

"This decision demonstrates his determination to put people first."

"During this process, Li Shimin showed firm determination."

"When the Crown Prince's crowning ceremony conflicted with the farming season, he did not compromise his status and postponed the ceremony until the winter when it would not interfere with farming."

"He even used legal means to ensure the implementation of this policy, and officials who failed to implement it were held accountable in accordance with the law."

"These measures make the people feel that he is an emperor who truly wants to improve their lives."

"These are all benevolent policies implemented by Li Shimin. This is probably related to his once conquering the world."

"When he was still the King of Qin, he went to war every year and was more aware of the sufferings of the society and the people."

"So from that time on, Li Shimin secretly made up his mind to let the common people live a life of peace and contentment."

"He also did it. By developing the economy, developing culture, and customizing the legal system, the Tang Dynasty gradually emerged from the smoke of war, and the society became peaceful and peaceful."

"In a certain year of Zhenguan, the Tang Dynasty brought a great harvest that was rare in hundreds of years, and during the Chinese New Year, it snowed."

"Li Shimin was standing on the city tower celebrating the New Year with his concubines and princes. Suddenly, he was thinking about a special group, which were the hundreds of death row prisoners imprisoned in the capital."

"Li Shimin came to the prison to visit the death row inmates and talked to them one by one."

"The death row prisoners can all reflect on their mistakes. Li Shimin saw that the nature of these people was not lost, so he made an agreement for them."

"Let them go home for the New Year now, and everyone will come back here to gather next fall."

"If you behave well outside, you will be pardoned from the death penalty when the time comes."

"Everyone was very happy after hearing this and went home to celebrate the New Year with smiles on their faces."

"In the autumn of the next year, hundreds of prisoners all returned, and Li Shimin fulfilled his promise and pardoned them."

(End of this chapter)

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