"First of all, when King Qin Huiwen was the crown prince, Shang Yang severely punished his teachers who knew and broke the law. This made King Qin Huiwen and Shang Yang have a deadly feud."

"From a power perspective, Shang Yang, who presided over the reform, was too powerful and could threaten King Qin Huiwen's status as king at any time."

"Therefore, Shang Yang became a figure who could not be retained."

"Shang Yang's fate became the focus of Qin's attention."

"Under the slander of the old nobles, Shang Yang was framed for rebellion."

"He tried to escape from Qin, but failed in the end. He could only escape back to his fief and resist the Qin army that came to capture him."

"This confirms Shang Yang's rebellion."

"The State of Qin began to send its main elite force to attack Shang Yang's fiefdom."

"Shang Yang was defeated and died in the end. His body was taken back to Xianyang and tortured. His whole family was driven out and executed."

Li Shimin: There was no way out from the beginning of Shang Yang's reform. Maybe Shang Yang would take that position.

Li Longji: Why didn’t you escape in the first place?

Di Renjie: Objectively speaking, Shang Yang's death can ensure that the opposition of the old aristocracy can be calmed to a certain extent, so that the reform system can be implemented smoothly. No matter what the reason is, if there is no escape, this set of reforms will become more valuable.

Qin Shihuang: If Shang Yang had not died or fled Qin at that time, then it is unknown whether Qin could continue to implement the various systems of reform. At this point, Shang Yang's death at least ensured the smooth progress of Qin's reforms.

Liu Bang: But when Shang Yang died in your Qin Dynasty, you didn't know how to adapt and intensified the torture. The people were originally on your side and you pushed him out.

Li Si: Everyone can say that the Qin Dynasty at that time was in a troubled time. Is it appropriate to use Taoism or Confucianism?

Liu Xiu: Even if Qin Shihuang ascends the throne, the brutality of the Qin Dynasty is a fact and cannot be justified.

Yang Jian: So even if Mr. Fusu ascends the throne, if nothing changes, the same result will come. The undercurrent is already surging when life and wealth are wasted.

Shang Yang: Alas! The reform offended people, and I am not a good person. I never thought that I would end up like this. Even your tribe members will not let you go!

Qin Xiaogong: You traitor, how could I, the Qin Dynasty, give you such a thing?

Wu Zetian: Since ancient times, a country’s reform is not so much a transformation of the country that enriches the country and strengthens its military, but rather a redistribution of national interests.

"It's a mixed bag of good and bad. Reform itself is difficult to achieve, but Shang Yang's reform is indeed the reason for the rise of Qin, and it is a merit for Qin."

"After that, Shang Yang will come and talk about Mrs. Ba Qing."

"It's really admirable for a woman to be as good as Mrs. Ba Qing."

"Qin Shihuang brought all his glory and wealth underground underground, and the layout of the entire cemetery was modeled after Xiangyang, the capital of Qin. There were many internal mechanisms, especially mercury, which was everywhere, as much as hundreds of tons."

"Where did such a large amount of mercury in the underground palace come from?" "Tracing the source of mercury has led people to focus on the Queen of Southwest Cinnabar - Ba Widow Qing."

"Ba Qing is also known as Ba Widow Qing. This name is very strange. Her name means a widow named Qing from the Ba Kingdom. A woman over sixty years old has no descendants and is a widow."

"During the Qin and Han Dynasties, widows were a special term for childless women over sixty years old."

“For such women to do business, the state will also give them tax-free benefits.”

"Perhaps this is Widow Ba's true identity as a widow."

"Ba Qing was born in Ba County and married into the Ba family at the age of eighteen. No woman does not long for a happy marriage, and Ba Qing is no exception."

"Fortunately, the Ba family, who are open-minded, have never restricted Ba Qing in terms of feudal etiquette."

"It is precisely because of this that Ba Qing, who has been reborn, has become a virtuous wife praised by everyone under the influence of her husband. Ba Qing is a virtuous wife at home, and she is a virtuous wife in the family industry. A real strong woman.”

"But the good news didn't last long. The marriage only lasted four years. Ba Qing's husband died of illness. Ba Qing, who was only 22 years old, became a widow."

"It is said that marriage can make or break a woman, and Ba Qing is no exception."

"But coincidentally, Ba Qing was a woman who chose to break up and establish a family after being ruined by marriage. In that dark feudal era, Ba Qing didn't even have her own surname before she got married. She took her husband's surname and gave it to herself. Named "Ba Qing"."

"However, Ba Qing was also lucky. During the war-torn Warring States period, the Ba family, which was engaged in the cinnabar industry, managed to monopolize the business in one fell swoop. Therefore, one can imagine how wealthy the family was."

"As the saying goes, if a man is rich, it is easy to marry, and if a woman is rich, it is easy to marry. Ba Qing, who was only 22 years old at the time, was naturally loved by many people, but Ba Qing was a woman who knew current affairs. In front of her husband's spiritual throne I promise that I will not marry again and will make the family business bigger and stronger."

“The proper name of cinnabar is ‘cinnabar’, and its important ingredients are pigments, cosmetics, and even medicine.”

"It is no exaggeration to say that if it were not for the rarity of cinnabar, people would not use "gold" to describe money, but would use cinnabar to describe a person's wealth."

"At the same time, it was the fame of cinnabar that made Qin Shihuang pay attention to Ba Qing. Over time, the two became business partners."

"The widow Qing lost her husband in early years. In order to inherit the family business, Qing did not remarry. Qing kept her chastity and did not remarry. Therefore, she was appreciated by Qin Shihuang and was praised as a "chaste woman" by the First Emperor. She regarded Ba Qing as a "chaste woman". This was Qin Shihuang's respect for her. A very high compliment from a woman.”

"After Ba Qing's first husband passed away, the huge family suddenly became leaderless."

"There was no heir who could help Ba Qing run the family business. In desperation, Ba Qing had no choice but to choose someone to assume the role of female CEO. She would not marry her father and have children, and would devote her whole life to the family. In terms of business, Ba Qing did not disappoint the Ba family in the end. The family industry has never declined and has even surpassed its peak period."

""Judging from the currently known records, this is the only example in which Qin Shihuang spoke so highly of women during his lifetime. "

"We also built a "female concubine Qingtai" for Ba Qing in her hometown.

"However, there are many doubts about this record. The widow Qing did not stay in order to keep her integrity. She kept her integrity entirely because she wanted to inherit her family business."

"In order to avoid distraction, she never married after her husband's death. She received the highest courtesy from Qin Shihuang. She probably donated all her wealth to the Great Wall project in her later years, and also provided a large amount of cinnabar and mercury for Qin Shihuang's Lishan Mausoleum."

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