"But also because of his seriousness, it seems that he will retaliate. Emperor Yongzheng also had the shortcoming of being willful and self-willed, so it was inevitable that he would have a cruel negative influence in handling government affairs."

"In addition, he has an impatient temper, is eager for quick success, and is eager for success. Instead, he will do bad things with good intentions, leaving a moody impression."

"In general, Emperor Yongzheng's thirteen years of reign have made more achievements than faults."

"His diligence was the best among all the emperors of the Qing Dynasty, and his frugality, lack of lewdness, and lack of enjoyment were also among the best among all the emperors of the Qing Dynasty."

"When Emperor Yongzheng succeeded to the throne, what Emperor Kangxi left to him was a mess with "gold and jade on the outside but ruined inside" and a national inventory of less than 7 million taels of silver."

"By the time he passed the throne to Qianlong, the national bank account already had 50 million taels."

"The Yongzheng Dynasty is the worthy successor to the prosperous era of Kangxi and Qianlong."

"The emperor after Yongzheng was Qianlong, Yongzheng's fourth son. Emperor Kangxi liked his grandson very much."

"After Yongzheng died, Qianlong succeeded to the throne naturally, but Qianlong was not Yongzheng's legitimate son. The most important reason was that Qianlong himself was very good."

"When Qianlong's grandfather Kangxi was still alive, he went to Prince Yong's Mansion and met the young Qianlong. Kangxi liked Qianlong very much, so much that he took Qianlong to him. Qianlong enjoyed treatment that no other emperor's grandson had. Yes, Qianlong spent the happiest time in his later years with the old Emperor Kangxi, and this memory was often mentioned in Qianlong's later years."

"After the death of Emperor Yongzheng, Hongli became Emperor Qianlong."

"The new dynasty adopts a combination of lenient and strict governance. It implements benevolent governance towards the people, is tolerant and open-minded towards officials, and corrects some bad policies that occurred in the Yongzheng dynasty. It can be said that it is very different from his father's management method, and it is very different from his grandfather's management method. Kangxi’s way of governing the country is very similar.”

"When Qianlong came to power, the Manchu Qing regime had been established for nearly a hundred years, and under the diligent governance of the previous emperors, all aspects had been controlled and developed rapidly."

"So Qianlong's succession basically took place during the prosperous and peaceful years. Relatively speaking, all aspects were much smoother and more stable."

"However, Qianlong himself was ambitious and ambitious during his early political period!"

"But the best evaluation of Qianlong is that he was capable and ambitious, because he was also an emperor who was very happy with his achievements. In the later period of his reign, he gradually became arrogant and extravagant. Due to the long period of peace, old age and complacency, he stopped working hard to govern. "

"It has similarities with our Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty."

"Our Emperor Qianlong was also narcissistic, as evidenced by his self-proclaimed title of "Shiquan Old Man", and he was the most prolific poet, but unfortunately not many are famous."

"This "Shiquan Old Man" is also called "Shiquan Martial Arts", which refers to the two battles to pacify Junggar, the pacification of the Xiaohezhuo Rebellion, the two Jinchuan battles, the suppression of Lin Shuangwen's uprising in Taiwan, the Battle of Burma, the Battle of Annan and the two The first battle against the Gurkhas, because this is self-proclaimed."

"The poet shows an interesting identity in him."

"He wrote more than 4 poems in his lifetime, and there were more than 2200 authors of "Complete Poems of the Tang Dynasty", totaling just over 48000 poems."

"His life span was 89 years, which is equivalent to more than 32000 days per day. Excluding childhood, he could write poems for less than 30000 days. On average, he wrote more than one poem a day."

"But it's a pity that although Qianlong was well-read, he liked to show off his knowledge and even made up characters for the sake of rhyme, which made his poems difficult to understand and very difficult to pronounce."

"This may also be because he wrote so many poems, but none of them have been handed down."

"It is said that Emperor Qianlong would always write a poem every time he was in a good mood. It is not surprising to say that he was a unique "poetry demon" in history."

"Qianlong's filial piety, single-mindedness and deep affection are more or less the reasons for writing poems." ˆ ˆ ˆ "Qianlong had deep feelings for his mother, which came from his nature, so he was very respectful and unswerving."

"He spends three days greeting her and serving meals five days a week. He is very concerned about his mother's daily life."

"Within a year after the death of the Empress Dowager, his interest in poetry, which he had written almost every day, declined greatly, and he wrote only a few works."

"Writing poetry was his favorite."

"Then there is his relationship with his partner. When he was 17 years old, he married the Fucha family, who was born in a well-known family. The two of them had a very good relationship and a deep love for each other. It can be said that they are like each other, and they are extremely loving."

"After the empress died in the thirteenth year of Qianlong's reign, he was grief-stricken. He spent his whole life mourning the queen and wrote hundreds of poems in mourning. The words were sincere and touching. They were the most sincere and excellent poems among all his poems. do."

Li Bai: That’s still quite good.

Du Fu: Forty thousand songs. This number should not be underestimated.

Liu Bang: There are so many, but the level is not high!

Cheng Yaojin: This is my hobby, which is pretty good.

"As long as an emperor does well politically, other things are relatively unimportant."

"During the Qianlong period, the leaders of the Hui tribe nobles, Da Hezhuo, were pacified, and General Yili was established to strengthen the management of the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains, collectively known as XJ."

"In order to prevent local nobles from manipulating the selection of reincarnated soul boys, Emperor Qianlong established the system of drawing lots from a golden urn, in which the minister in Tibet would write on ivory sticks and report them to the court for approval."

"He implemented the ruling policy of "combining leniency with severity", rectified the administration of officials, recruited talents, and maintained the stability of the ruling class."

"At the same time, it will provide economic incentives for reclamation and development of water conservancy and irrigation. The population will increase significantly. Money and grain will be universally exempted across the country, and the economy will prosper."

"He also expanded his territory, pacified Junggar twice, conquered Jinchuan and Jinchuan in the southwest twice, and went to Myanmar once, thus consolidating the unity of a multi-ethnic country."

"In Sichuan and other places, we continued to implement the reform of native land and return to local rule. These various measures maintained the "prosperity of Kangxi and Qianlong" in our own feudal dynasty."

"The Junggar Khanate was destroyed by his hands. Of course, the Shiquan martial arts was mixed with water, but it is also a fact that he pacified the northwest, southwest and even expedition to Nepal. It is also a fact that he worked hard to govern in the early and middle periods of Qianlong."

"In addition, he also carried out large-scale revision of the country's feudal culture, organized the compilation of books such as "Sikuquanshu" and "Qing Huidian", and reprinted the "Thirteen Classics", etc., becoming a collection of the country's ancient book culture."

"This kind of collection has both advantages and disadvantages, not only in terms of book compilation, but also in terms of ideology and book circulation. It has created a literary inquisition, many unjust cases have appeared, and it has imprisoned and destroyed thought and culture."

"This man is also one of the creators of literary inquisition. The dense literary network and numerous literary disasters during the Qianlong period were the pinnacle of literary inquisition in history. The literary inquisition created by far-fetched ideas, misinterpreting literal meanings, and catching wind and shadows is like a wild horse that is out of control and cannot be controlled."

"During the Qianlong period, more than 130 cases occurred."

"The criminals in forty-seven of the cases were sentenced to death, which means that the living were executed, the dead were slaughtered, and the male relatives over the age of fifteen were beheaded while sitting or standing."

(End of this chapter)

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