"Not only that, even the review of memorials was still done by Qianlong, and Emperor Jiaqing was still living in Yuqing Palace at that time. The situation was very embarrassing."

"Moreover, Qianlong gave Jiaqing a warning when he succeeded to the throne and ordered Jiaqing to kowtow to Yonglian."

"It is inappropriate for an emperor to salute a deceased crown prince, but Qianlong wanted to tell Emperor Jiaqing in this tough way that even if I abdicate, the power of the world is still in my hands. It’s my intention to succeed, and it’s my intention to fail.”

Liu Bang: That means you, Qianlong, deserve to die. Even if the power is in your hands, you are still treated as an emperor. You are trampling your son's face under your feet.

Liu Che: There are many mediocre children who are less aware of their own mistakes, and instead will be resented for some things. Emperor Qianlong did this because you didn’t want others to premeditate to harm you.

Kangxi: I'm afraid he hopes that his father, the old man, will die soon. When it comes to my family's unfilial descendants, who has different thoughts in mind? Who doesn't want rights?

Yue Fei: Haha! In fact, the emperors of each dynasty were not the same.

"This Emperor Jiaqing is actually similar to Emperor Chongzhen."

"Although the Qing Dynasty began to decline from Emperor Jiaqing, problems already existed in the late Qianlong period. Moreover, this emperor was also "rushing the ducks to the top". After he came to power, the rights were not under his control. He had not managed it, but some achievements were good. , at least not a mediocre emperor."

"First of all, his life is not as good as his father's. What his father gave him was just the illusion of a prosperous age."

"Usually people think that Qianlong left Jiaqing a good situation, but this prodigal son ended up in "Jiaqing's decline." In fact, Qianlong left him a peaceful and prosperous era, but it was a mess with extremely deep worries."

"As an emperor, Qianlong was very good at fighting corruption."

"Except for one He Shen, it was precisely this He Shen who was a greedy wolf raised by Qianlong."

"With He Shen's rise to power, batches of corrupt officials were cultivated and corruption became increasingly prevalent."

"In the late Qianlong period, the Qing Dynasty showed signs of decline. The uprising of the White Lotus Sect, coupled with the excessive luxury of birthday banquets held by Qianlong in his later years, left the treasury empty in the early Jiaqing period. Therefore, Qianlong actually left a mess for Jiaqing. "

"Secondly, Jiaqing's civil and military skills were really not as good as Qianlong's."

"The anti-Manchu trend was not suppressed and eventually led to movements such as the White Lotus Sect and the Tianli Sect. In addition, the inflow of opium eventually turned the country's power from prosperity to decline. Therefore, I personally think that Jiaqing's ability is very limited. As an emperor, he is very mediocre and has great merits and demerits. few."

"But no matter who is right or wrong, the Jiaqing Dynasty was an era when the Qing Dynasty turned from prosperity to decline."

"It inherits the "prosperous age of Kangxi and Qianlong" of "working hard to govern, opening up the territory, conquering all four corners of the country, and vigorously pursuing civil and military affairs", and begins the "declining age of Daoxian" of the Opium War, the signing of the Nanjing Agreement, the entry of allied forces into Beijing, and the flight of the emperor and empress."

"The inherent contradictions in Qing society have accumulated for 180 years. Emperor Jiaqing played a historical role in the Qing Empire's transition from prosperity to decline."

"But he is only "mediocre", not stupid!"

"I will tell you two stories, maybe you can understand the character of Emperor Jiaqing." "Since the late Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, many problems have already appeared. For example, the population at that time was gradually increasing. Not only did the people eat, but they even had a place to live. I can’t find it, I’m homeless.”

"The bandits at that time were extremely rampant, but the government officials sat back and did nothing, and evil cults also took advantage of the opportunity to break in."

"These problems actually existed to some extent throughout the ages, but Emperor Jiaqing worked hard throughout his life during his reign. Why didn't he prevent the Qing Dynasty from declining?"

"One time, Emperor Jiaqing went out of the palace to offer sacrifices. On the way, the Minister of War came to tell him that the seal of military power was missing."

"Emperor Jiaqing was very angry when he heard the news. After all, how could such a big impression that symbolized the emperor's prestige and royal reputation be lost so easily, so he sent someone to investigate the matter."

"It turned out that the Ministry of War's seal had been lost three years ago, but no one reported it. Emperor Jiaqing just felt helpless and didn't even pursue it further in the end."

"What everyone sees is timidity, cowardice, and inability to deal with political affairs. These shortcomings are indeed true."

"People don't dare to fight because they want the country to recuperate, but your Qing Dynasty doesn't have any big wars, and a bunch of bullies don't dare to deal with it?"

"There are also military seals, look what's missing? You can ignore this and bring it down? You're not afraid of others rebelling!"

"From these shortcomings, I can also see his biggest shortcoming - tolerance!"

"This is one of the major shortcomings of Emperor Jiaqing, which was that he was too tolerant, because in the first four years it was Qianlong who was in charge of politics, and Jiaqing learned how to tolerate these behaviors, and no one taught him how to show the emperor's behavior. "

"Then during the Daoguang period, the outbreak of the Opium War also caused opium to flow into the country. At that time, there were not many people taking drugs, but more royal family members."

"According to past practice, the results of the imperial examinations should be announced in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and the court officials would introduce new academic candidates to wait in the Hall of Supreme Harmony. However, at noon, there was no court official in the Hall of Supreme Harmony."

"Emperor Jiaqing ordered people to go down to inquire and found that the court officials were smoking opium at home and had completely forgotten about the guidance. However, Emperor Jiaqing only ordered people to punish the court officials instead of killing them immediately."

Xu Da: Why do you keep this kind of imperial official?

Zhu Di: Chongzhen didn't know how to deal with things. I'm going to call you a waste. This seems to be the reason for Qianlong, but don't we ourselves have the ability to think at all? Do officials smoke more than ordinary people? You can even kill one or two! Can you still let go?

Li Shimin: Even if the concubine is not as good as the legitimate son, the throne has been given to someone else, why don’t you, Qianlong, know how to find someone to teach you? Then this pot is not Emperor Jiaqing, but it is indeed stupid!

Cheng Yaojin: This is simply a hammer!

Qianlong: It's all my fault. I do have the responsibility. I thought I was willing! I also have to choose! Look at all these things, even if I don’t teach you, wouldn’t you still be able to do this kind of thing?

Li Si: In my opinion, Qianlong was indeed unwilling to give up his position as emperor to Emperor Jiaqing, but if he had told Jiaqing about his experience when he was in power, the Qing Dynasty might not have become so corrupt.

Yu Qian: The root cause of the decline of the Qing Dynasty may be the mediocrity of Emperor Jiaqing, but I think Emperor Qianlong also has a very big responsibility.

During the four years he took Jiaqing aside, he may have extinguished the ambitions in Jiaqing's heart. Jiaqing was pathetic, and Qianlong was pathetic as well. The prince he wanted to establish either died of illness or died young, so he could only choose Jiaqing, who had the most mediocre qualifications and the most incompetent one. For the emperor.

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