Yang Jian: To be honest, Yang Guang is indeed better than the boss in some aspects. This Emperor Xianfeng is just trying to flatter others all the time. The teacher he found is quite good!

Di Renjie: Because Emperor Daoguang was such an emperor, he liked children who were honest, obedient, and steady. This kind of prince is more in line with our standards of "virtuous" in most dynasties.

Fusu: Since he is said to be the last generation of emperors with real power, it seems that he is mistaken.

Li Si: It declined in the early stage, sooner or later.

"This Emperor Xianfeng can't just be said to be a mediocre emperor, but a mediocre emperor. Although the differences between countries are relatively large, you can't just go to war while others live and drink."

"Emperor Xianfeng was also a passionate young man when he came to the throne. He immediately realized his ambition and immediately changed to the human system. The Qing Dynasty had always favored Manchus and neglected Han people. However, he changed the previous trend and used a large number of Han people."

"This policy is actually very good. After all, the Qing Dynasty has been stationed in the Central Plains for decades, and it can be said that it has integrated with the Han people."

"Emperor Xianfeng was so ambitious when he first succeeded, which made the ministers in the court full of confidence."

"Moreover, for this reason, within one year of taking the throne, he got rid of two powerful ministers who held real power but were pretending to be public for personal gain and not working hard."

"These two powerful officials are Mu Zhang'a, the chief minister of the cabinet, and Qiying, a nobleman of the royal family."

"In the later period of Emperor Daoguang, Mu Zhang'a became a powerful figure in the court who combined political and military power, and had unshakable influence in the court."

"However, although this person holds real power, he is a mediocre person with no real talent or knowledge. He never takes seriously the various issues raised by the emperor and repeatedly makes a fool of himself."

"After Emperor Xianfeng came to power, he even adopted an attitude of not cooperating and ignoring him, hoping to blackmail Emperor Xianfeng."

"Qiying, a member of the Manchu royal family. He started as a minor official in the Zongren Mansion and was promoted to a cabinet bachelor and also entered the cabinet."

“After that, he also served as Minister of Industry, Minister of Hubu and General of Shengjing.

After the Opium War broke out, Emperor Daoguang had high hopes for him because he was a member of the royal family, and sent him to Guangzhou to handle negotiations with the British and French forces. "

"However, I didn't expect that he would grovel in front of foreigners and sign a series of unequal treaties with the British and French forces, causing unprecedented losses to the country's sovereignty."

"Faced with these two scoundrels who brought disaster to the country and the people, Emperor Xianfeng had long hated them with all his heart."

"However, in the first few months after taking power, Emperor Xianfeng did not take any measures against them. He first secured his throne and was ready to go."

"Finally, ten months later, Emperor Xianfeng finally took action against them, and even the edict announcing their guilt was written by Emperor Xianfeng himself."

"Whether it's for personal rights or not, they did make some achievements, and the results are good."

"But this emperor hasn't waited for reforms. War after war swept across the country, and Emperor Xianfeng didn't know anything about fighting."

"The Qing Dynasty was in a turbulent period at that time. Due to the signing of the Treaty of Nanjing, Western powers began to establish colonies and spheres of influence in the Qing Dynasty, which gradually reduced the country's economic and political status."

"At the same time, the Qing dynasty's bureaucratic class was corrupt, making life extremely difficult for poor farmers, and social conflicts continued to intensify."

"In this context, some anti-Qing uprisings continued to emerge, and one emerged - the Taiping Uprising." "The background of the Taiping Uprising was mainly due to religious factors."

"A scholar named Hong Xiuquan in Wuzhou, Guangxi had a vision while reading the Bible. He claimed that he was the son of God and was on a savior mission, and founded the "Taiping Heavenly Kingdom" sect."

"The Taiping Rebellion advocates "equal wealth, communism and the sharing of wives, and the prohibition of opium and other decadent items," and calls on the majority of farmers to join the sect."

"Hong Xiuquan's ideas spread rapidly in Guangxi, Guangdong and other places, attracting a large number of followers, among whom Zhuang farmers in Guangxi and Fujian and Guangdong farmers in Guangdong were the most numerous."

"In January 1850, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom peasant uprising broke out in Guiping, Guangxi. The uprising was suppressed by the Qing government, but the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom sect was able to develop and grow in rural areas of Guangxi, Guangdong, Fujian and other places."

"But the Taiping Army uprising later, attacking cities such as Hanyang, Yuezhou, and Nanjing, left the young Emperor Xianfeng speechless. After all, he was good at enjoying glory and wealth, but how could he face this kind of war? ?”

"The emperor at such a young age could not bear the pressure, and finally faced the Taiping uprising, and the Hunan army led by Zeng Guofan went to redress the rebellion."

"The battle between the Taiping Army and the Hunan Army - the Battle of Anqing, was really fierce. Of course, the peasant uprising failed."

"The Battle of Anqing was a bloody massacre. After the Hunan army broke through the city, they burned, killed and looted according to the order of "Soldiers Dasuo for Three Days". More than 40,000 people in the city died in their hands."

"Putting aside these things, this battle can be said to be the most proud work of Zeng Guofan in his entire military career. He used his far-reaching strategic vision and ruthless military insights to provide future generations with a clumsy and heavy sword. A practical example of Wu Feng.”

"In everyone's eyes, the economic significance of a region is far less than its strategic significance."

"As the saying goes, "Thousands of miles of Yangtze River, this is the first continent where Wu and Chu divide the river." The real strategic significance of Anqing lies in its topography."

"The winding and narrow Yangtze River passes through the city, and the mountains on both sides are rugged and steep. This natural barrier makes it impossible to march and fight. Moreover, occupying Anqing is equivalent to blocking the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, which is very important for transporting strategic materials and controlling grain production areas. of vital importance."

"In 1859, the Taiping Army marched forward with great success and defeated the Qing army's military base camp in the south of the Yangtze River. Changzhou, Suzhou, and Zhejiang fell one after another."

"You know, the taxes paid by Jiangsu and Zhejiang accounted for nearly half of the fiscal revenue of the entire Qing court. Once this city is lost, sooner or later the princes and nobles of the court will run out of food."

"So everyone from Emperor Xianfeng to officials at all levels strongly requested Zeng Guofan to immediately send troops to the south of the Yangtze River to regain the lost territory."

"But despite several edicts being issued, Zeng Guofan insisted on taking Anqing first."

"In the end, after he wrote many times to urge the importance of capturing Anqing, Xianfeng could only make concessions, so Zeng Guofan began to make tactical arrangements and detailed matters to capture Anqing."

"First, Zeng Guofan ordered Duolong'a, the governor of Fuzhou, to lead an army to attack Shipai Town at night. The Taiping army had no time to prepare and was caught off guard. Thousands of people were killed and injured, and the guard was captured."

"After occupying Shipai Town, Zeng Guofan ordered Duolong'a, General Bao Chao and others to lead more than 10,000 people to attack Taihu County."

(End of this chapter)

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