"During the early stage of the attack on Tianjin, Emperor Xianfeng wanted to escape, but was stopped by the people."

"Emperor Xianfeng saw in BJ that the barrier of Tianjin would soon be lost. He became even more frightened and uneasy, and summoned ministers to discuss relevant matters."

"Emperor Xianfeng was a first-generation emperor of the Qing Dynasty. He was naturally embarrassed to ask for peace in front of his ministers, but he did not dare to go head-to-head with the British and French forces."

"So some ministers suggested that the emperor should go on a "Northern Tour" at this time. Emperor Xianfeng thought this was a good idea. When he was preparing to go, he found that the people in Beijing could not sit still, thinking that Emperor Xianfeng was going to do it before the army came. Run away.”

"When Emperor Xianfeng heard this kind of news, he was still satisfied. The ministers also looked at each other and did not dare to say anything."

"Emperor Xianfeng was so angry that he quickly ordered someone to announce another imperial edict. The main idea was: How could I retreat when the enemy is facing me? I did go to the north to inspect the situation of the people. Even if I wanted to escape, it would be fair and honest. Escape in the light.”

"In this way, the hearts of the people in Beijing were gradually appeased, and Emperor Xianfeng's plan for the northern inspection tour also came to nothing, so he had to give it up."

"We can't do Bali Bridge this time. It's only eight miles away from BJ. The next day, Xianfeng left for Chengde."

"Emperor Xianfeng's original strategy was to force peace through war, and he fought several battles one after another. Later, when negotiating peace in Tongzhou, he secretly ordered that if the negotiations broke down, he would seize Parkes and others as hostages."

"The result was that Senggelinqin captured 26 British people, led by Parkes, and 13 French people, a total of 39 people."

"In order to claim credit, Shengbao killed two of them on the spot. The others were recovered and sent to the jail of the Criminal Department."

"A reporter from The Times who followed the peace talks was first on death row, and then people died one after another. In the end, nineteen of the thirty-nine survived, and twenty died."

"This Emperor Xianfeng really wanted to fight, but he didn't fight. Although people were unhappy because he ran away, even if he didn't run, he was not a god. Although personal conquests can boost morale, you have also seen the Song Dynasty emperor's personal conquests, so it is not In the final analysis, whether to conquer in person or not is a matter of strength."

"In addition, the society at that time was dominated by family affairs, and the common people had no sense of the country. As for loyalty to the emperor, the common people had little sense. Loyalty to the emperor was what the ministers should do. So you can see that the war at that time, although there was also Sanyuanli, Such spontaneous resistance to the British army was rare."

"To put it bluntly, expecting Xianfeng to fight to the death and then hoping to have a chance of winning is actually just a fantasy."

"The main reason was that the strength was not good at that time, and Xianfeng's ability was not good either."

"Starting from the attack on the Taiping Army, because there were too many enemies at that time, all the main forces were attacking the Taiping Army, which resulted in no one to deal with foreigners. At that time, the "Tianjin Treaty" was signed, which was a loss of power and humiliation to the country."

"The treaty stipulates that 10 cities, including Niuzhuang, Dengzhou, Tainan, Tamsui, Qiongzhou, Hankou, Jiujiang, Nanjing, and Zhenjiang, are opened as treaty ports. It has set a record for the most open treaty ports in modern history."

"This was only the beginning, because the treaty provided favorable conditions for Britain to further exert pressure on the Qing court through its embassy in China. From then on, the aggressive power of capitalism gradually expanded to the Yangtze River Basin and the Northeast."

"There are a large number of unsalable goods produced in capitalist countries, which are further dumped to China through these areas, grabbing a lot of wealth from the people of the Qing Dynasty!"

"The following treaties followed one after another, all of which were humiliating and humiliating the country. In the 11 years since Emperor Xianfeng reigned, he signed at least nine unequal treaties, putting the entire Qing Dynasty in dire straits of oppression."

"Emperor Xianfeng was known as the "Four Nos" monarch in history. He was hesitant when dealing with state affairs decisions, indulged in wine and sex every day, completely indulged in government affairs, and lived a debauched life." "The name of the "Four Nos" means that It means that he has no vision, no courage, no talent, and no achievements, which are the most important qualities of a ruler."

"Emperor Xianfeng was only thirty years old when he died at the Chengde Summer Resort. He held the scepter of the Qing Empire and spent his short life in chaos and internal and external troubles. His son Zai Chun was six years old. When he succeeds to the throne as emperor, he is called Tongzhi."

"With the death of Xianfeng, his queen naturally became the Queen Mother, was given the title of "Ci'an", and was known as the Queen Mother of the East."

"Although Emperor Tongzhi's biological mother was only a concubine of Xianfeng, she was promoted to the Queen Mother because of her son's status, received the title of "Cixi", and was revered as the Queen Mother of the West by the world."

"This Empress Dowager Cixi really makes people hate her so much. I will have to say it later."

Wei Zifu: This Cixi is still the woman of Emperor Xianfeng. This woman is really hateful. What she did is really infamous. As a member of the royal family, how dare you sell the country.

Xiaozhuang: It turns out that the Empress Dowager Cixi appeared at this time. Xianfeng quickly killed this woman for me.

Qin Shihuang: Not all women have the capital to be an emperor. At least you know how to govern the country behind the curtain. This Cixi directly divided half of her country and gave it to a foreign race.

Liu Xiu: Haha! After Wu Zetian came to power, the ambitions of the women behind her have become bigger. They have no ability, and they all want to be kings!

"I hate this Cixi, but let's get to know Emperor Tongzhi first." Zhang Yanxi quickly interrupted, and as he continued to taunt, he was about to be besieged by women.

"Emperor Tongzhi was the tenth emperor of the Qing Dynasty and the youngest emperor in the history of the Qing Dynasty."

"He was only six years old when he succeeded to the throne and inherited the throne from his father, Emperor Xianfeng. However, in fact, his life and decision-making were always under the strict control of his mother, the Empress Dowager Cixi, and his uncle, Prince Gong Yixin, and he never really had opportunity to take power.”

"Emperor Tongzhi inherited the throne legitimately, and there is no talk of seizing the throne."

"Xianfeng had a special liking for Cixi, and Cixi gave birth to a son for him."

"Xianfeng had only three children in his life, including a princess who died in infancy, a short-lived emperor, and a prince who died in infancy."

"Among them, his eldest daughter Princess Rong'an only lived to be twenty-two years old and died young. Although his son Zai Chun inherited the throne, he died at the age of only nineteen. His second son was born He died young that day."

"In other words, Emperor Xianfeng's only son who survived to adulthood was his heir Zaichun."

Fu Su: Died at the age of 19?

"Yes, Emperor Tongzhi began to rule personally shortly after he came of age at the age of seventeen. However, his reign was extremely short. He died on January 1875, 1, just over a year later. At that time, he was only Nineteen."

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