Chapter 57 Battle of Changping
"Bai Qi led his army to choose the best time to send troops and the route of march, and took the strategic initiative to attack Chu. The Qin army fought alone in Chu, and it can be said that they risked their lives to survive."

"In this battle, Bai Qi took advantage of the fact that the King of Chu's city was not repaired and the frontier preparations were idle. He adopted the tactic of digging out the heart to invade the Chu State. He also used the tactic of breaking water to attack the city to capture Yan City, the capital of the Chu State, and then went eastward along the Yangtze River to penetrate deeper. In the territory of Chu, he captured Ying, the capital of Chu State, burned the ancestral temple and Yiling of Chu State, and won the final victory. In this battle, Qin State obtained a large amount of land from Chu State, and Chu State was forced to move its capital, and its national power was greatly weakened."

"After King Qingxiang of Chu moved his capital to Chen, he gathered the armed forces in the east of Chu, and only got more than 10 people. Although he took back 15 towns beside the river that were occupied by Qin in the west, he could no longer compete with Qin. After passing through the state of Qin After a series of blows, the state of Chu was devastated until it was finally destroyed by Qin."

"In the 43rd year of King Zhaoxiang of Qin Dynasty, Bai Qi began to attack South Korea. He seized many cities unstoppably along the way, cut off the Taihang Road of South Korea, and cut off the road from Shangdang to the capital. No one knows Bai Qi's prestige. This will hit him At this time, the king of Han wants to dedicate Shangdang to the state of Qin, so that the state of Qin can stop its troops."

"But at this time, the governor Feng Ting was unwilling to surrender to the Qin Dynasty. Shangdang's road to the outside world had been cut off, and he was no longer a Korean citizen. Qin soldiers were approaching day by day, and South Korea could not rescue them. It would be better to surrender Shangdang to Zhao. , if the State of Zhao accepts it, the State of Qin will be angry and attack the State of Zhao. If the State of Zhao is attacked, it must be close to South Korea. If Han and Zhao join forces, they can resist the State of Qin. When they have an idea, they pay homage to King Zhao."

"If it were another country, he would definitely not dare to take over. However, he is not afraid of Zhao. He mobilized millions of troops to fight. After months and months of attacks, he could not capture a single city. Now he is enjoying the success and has gained seventeen cities. This is a great benefit that cannot be lost. In this opportunity, it is difficult for others to compete with Bai Qi. Zhao Guo's Lian Po is brave and good at fighting, and he loves soldiers. He is not as good as Bai Qi in field battles, but he is completely capable of defending the city."

"So Zhao Guo accepted Shangdang, and Zhao Guo sent Lian Po to lead the army to garrison Changping to prevent Qin from attacking. This cooperation between Zhao and Han became the fuse of the Battle of Changping."

In the 47th year of King Zhaoxiang of Qin, General Wang Yan of the State of Qin attacked Han, captured Shangdang, and then attacked Zhao.

"Lian Po, the general of the Zhao State, was very sophisticated and deployed three lines of defense in Changping: the first was the Kongcang Ridge line of defense, the second was the Danhe line of defense, and the third line of defense was the Bailishi Great Wall. Three lines of defense The defense line stretched for tens of miles from east to west, and was dotted and connected to each other. The first encounter between the Qin Army and the Zhao Army took place in the valley to the west of the first line of defense. During the melee, the Qin Army killed the Zhao forwards, broke through Kongcang Ridge, and captured Zhao Guanglang City, an important military frontline town.

"Perhaps Lian Po also saw that the Qin army's offensive was unstoppable. The Zhao army was at a disadvantage in consecutive battles and suffered great losses. Lian Po re-analyzed the situation between the enemy and ourselves. After seeing that the terrain was not conducive to the Zhao army, and Qin's supply line was far longer than that of the Zhao army, the logistics Security is more difficult than that of Zhao, and we are determined to abandon the difficult-to-defend position on the west bank of the Dan River, and the entire army shrinks to the second line of defense east of the Dan River, building a barrier, and is determined to wait for work with ease, in order to frustrate the Qin army's spirit, and stand firm and wait for changes."

"At that time, the general of the Qin army was Wang Yan. He really had no way to defend Lian Po. In other words, facing this kind of defense, no one would be able to do it. The two sides pooled their national strength and supplies!"

"Judging from the tactical purpose of sticking to it, Lian Po was successful. No matter how hard the Qin army attacked, they could not break through the Danhe line of defense. The Qin and Zhao armies formed a confrontation. The war lasted for three years, and the Qin army lost troops and lost generals."

"The first stage of the Battle of Changping is a three-year war of attrition."

"In the Battle of Changping, Lian Po's strategy was to hold on, and the difference in military strength between Zhao and Qin was not very big, but this also caused a problem. The food and grass of both sides were astronomical every day, and they also had to lose to Qin. Both the Qin State and the Zhao State were very powerful. If some other small countries had starved to death, the Qin State was anxious. At this time, the Qin Dynasty's Prime Minister Fan Ju launched a counterintuitive plan. He bribed the ministers of the Zhao State and secretly said that they were honest. Po's bad words, and Qin's spies in Zhao's country also exerted their strength, they praised Zhao Kuo, suppressed Lian Po, and spread rumors."

"At this time, great heroes of the Qin State also appeared..."

"This countermeasure is indeed useful. The strategic stalemate of Zhao State cannot continue to support it. The grain output of Zhao State is only one-third of that of Qin State. The war lasted for three years. The huge consumption of 20 troops made Zhao State's economic strength weak. The weakness was completely exposed, and he was more eager to end the war. In addition to the battle between Yu and Zhi, Zhao She defeated the Qin army, which made Zhao Guo feel lucky. If he concentrated his forces to fight to the death, Qin might not be invincible. Shang Lian Po's rumors directly replaced Lian Po with Zhao Kuo, who was "talking on paper."

"While the state of Zhao changed its general to fight against the Qin army, King Qin Zhaoxiang also secretly dispatched Lord Wu'an Bai Qi as the general to lead the army at the front."

Xu Da: Didn't fight a single battle, and went to the battlefield like this?

Liu Che: This is a good countermeasure, because the general was replaced by a "paper talk" guy because of the rumors.

Qin Shihuang: This Lian Po is indeed a ruthless stubble, what a pity!

Cao Cao: Rumors only stop at wise men. King Zhao's brain is really bad. I also said that I like married women. Look at my subordinates, none of them would believe it.

Liu Bei: Haha!
Yuan Shao: Hehe!
Dian Wei: My lord, didn’t you say you wanted to see Zhou Yu’s wife?
Zhou Yu: Thief Cao, wait for me!

Cao Cao: ...

"After the Qin Dynasty replaced the general with Bai Qi, he also ordered the news to be kept strictly confidential. Therefore, in Zhao Kuo's eyes, the current commander of the Qin Army is still Wang Yan. The reason why Zhao Kuo is called "talking about soldiers on paper" is because he only watched The book of war, this is the first time to go to the battlefield, and I will only fight according to King Zhao Xiaocheng's ideas. It is hard steel, and the Qin army was defeated as soon as it came into contact with it, which made Zhao Kuo very happy."

"This is a newbie who just came out of the novice village and wanted to fight the boss, so he was in tragedy. All the Kuchazi was deceived by Bai Qi."

"Bai Qi led the Qin army to run all the way, looking extremely soft, while Zhao Kuo was chasing after the victory. He chased desperately, but was led to the mountain by Bai Qi, but after the reform of Zhao Guo, he relied on his subordinates. Elite cavalry, but in the mountains, the advantages of cavalry will undoubtedly not be brought into play. The result is obvious. Bai Qi won a big victory. Zhao Kuo was also desperate and died of being pierced by the Qin army's arrows. In this battle, 20 enemies were killed and 40 were captured. Zhao Jun!"

"But also here, Bai Qi encountered a problem in his life, that is, how to deal with the 40 Zhao troops who surrendered?"

"The 40 prisoners, the three-year consumption of food and grass is not much, even the Qin army can't eat enough, let alone the prisoners, so what should be done with the 40 troops?"

(End of this chapter)

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