Chapter 89 Treatise on Febrile Diseases

"Zhang Zhongjing can be said to be a good doctor, but he is not suitable to be an official."

"But when he was an official, he did not forget his medical ethics, practiced his medical skills, and still used his medical skills to relieve the suffering of the people."

"In the feudal era, officials were not allowed to enter private houses casually and get close to the people, but if they didn't contact the people, they couldn't treat them, and their medical skills couldn't improve."

"So Zhang Zhongjing thought of a way. He decided to open the yamen on the first day and the 15th day of each month, and let the sick people come in without asking about political affairs. He sat upright in the lobby and carefully diagnosed and treated the people one by one. "

"He asked the yamen servants to post an Anmin notice to tell the common people the news."

"His actions caused a strong shock in the local area. The people all applauded and supported Zhang Zhongjing even more."

"After a long time, a practice has been formed. On the first and fifteenth days of the lunar calendar, people from all over the world gather in front of his yamen to seek medical treatment. Some people even come from afar with their luggage."

"Later on, people called the doctor who sat in the medicine shop to treat patients the "doctor sitting in the hall" to commemorate Zhang Zhongjing."

"Zhang Zhongjing saw that the people trusted him very much, so he kept improving his medical skills and kept exploring. He collected a large number of folk prescriptions and conducted serious research."

"Sometimes he was even not afraid of the long distance, and learned from teachers. Once he heard that there was a famous doctor nicknamed "Wang Shenxian" in Tongjitang in Xiangyang City, who was very experienced in treating back sores. He immediately took his luggage and traveled hundreds of miles. Here, go to worship "Wang Shenxian" as a teacher. I have studied and studied the uniqueness of "Wang Shenxian" in medicine and medicine, and I have benefited a lot."

"Although Zhang Zhongjing's medical skills are very superb, he cannot cure some diseases. As the saying goes, "After a great army, there will be years of disaster." He has no way to deal with the epidemics again and again."

"In the current situation of this epidemic, some quack doctors still rely on this to make money. They are afraid of infection and dare not diagnose, so they prescribe random medicines to these people. They cannot cure the disease and spend a lot of money."

Zhu Yuanzhang: This is simply a dissipation of conscience, worse than a pig or a dog!
Qin Shihuang: He learned from famous doctors, but he didn't think about making progress. He followed the old ways. He didn't carefully study medical prescriptions and skills to relieve the sufferings of the people. Instead, he competed for power and glory and forgot his own duty. You doctors are really brave with money. spend it!
Ye Tianshi: There are countless quack doctors. They use the excuse that the disease requires a lot of precious medicinal materials, find various prescriptions, and try to cure the disease by chance. They use their smooth and stable prescriptions to cover up their poor medical skills.

"Zhang Zhongjing was very angry at these people at the time and rebuked them bitterly, but these quack doctors did not know how to repent. He was determined to control the epidemic of plague and cure typhoid fever. From then on, he "diligently sought ancient teachings and learned from many sources" and studied many times assiduously. This ancient medical book inherits the basic theories of classical medical books such as the "Nei Jing", extensively draws on the treatment methods of other doctors, and combines personal clinical diagnosis experience to study methods of treating typhoid and miscellaneous diseases. In the [-]th year of Jian'an, it began to write "Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases" "."

Wen Tianxiang: Some people continue to move forward with heavy burdens because of the suffering of the people and cynical lamentation, while some people "can't measure up to the inch and shake hands less than the foot" to earn money that is unconscionable.

Zhang Jingyue: Some doctors are still mediocre doctors until they are old with gray hair and tooth loss.The reason is that there are no fixed opinions on diagnosis and inaccurate treatment. "Whenever you encounter a syndrome, you will feel as if you are looking at the sea and the ocean. If you have no fixed opinion, you will have to be chaotic and use a wide range of wilderness."Either the medicine is not as good as the disease, which is a drop in the bucket, or the medicine is administered by surgery, and the wrong treatment is wrong.

Zhao Xuemin: Some ignorant official doctors, riding in gorgeous cars, with many entourages and wearing high Xuan hats, run around among the dignitaries, boasting of their achievements.In fact, they are not familiar with the mysteries of card recognition, pulse knowledge, and medicine differentiation, nor are they able to determine life and death, understand internal and external, and determine prescriptions.

"Not every practitioner of Chinese medicine can represent the level that Chinese medicine should have. On the contrary, the vast majority of practitioners of Chinese medicine are laymen of Chinese medicine. Does this sound too harsh? It is also true!"

"There are also mainly human reasons that make them arrogant."

"Wu Jutong, the author of "Tiao Bian of Febrile Diseases" is a fool. It's strange that there are many people who can read all kinds of brilliant medical ideas from "Tiao Bian of Febrile Diseases" and make some nonsense. Agreed, what is the reason?"

"The truth is actually very simple. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, Dong Zhuo was so bad. Why did so many people hang out with Dong Zhuo? Likes flock together, and things are divided into groups. Many people flatter just for the convenience of eating. This is human nature. The problem is not in the field of learning, and it is not only reflected in medicine, it is absolute that a fool will surely gain something.”

"Because at that time, the Eastern Han Dynasty was turbulent, in order to avoid chaos, Zhang Zhongjing resigned from office and went to Lingnan to live in seclusion, concentrating on medical research and writing medical books."

"In the 15th year of Jian'an, the epoch-making clinical medical masterpiece "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" was finally written, with a total of [-] volumes, which were compiled into two books "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" and "Synopsis of the Golden Chamber" by later generations."

"After Zhang Zhongjing wrote the book, he still devoted himself to the study of medicine. It was not until 285 A.D., after Emperor Wu of Jin Dynasty Sima Yan unified the world, that Zhang Zhongjing's body was transported back to his hometown for burial, and the Medical Sage Shrine and Zhongjing Tomb were built in Nanyang. "

"Treatise on Febrile Diseases and Miscellaneous Diseases is another most influential glorious medical classic after the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic."

"The contribution of "Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases" is first of all to develop and establish the basic rules of TCM syndrome differentiation and treatment. Therefore, later generations called Zhang Zhongjing's "Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases" the "ancestor of prescription books" and called the prescriptions listed in the book "the classics". square"."

"The ten ancient prescriptions invented by Zhang Zhongjing, especially Liuwei Dihuang Pills, Ejiao Buxue Pills, and oral liquids that are effective for wind and cold, are almost necessary for families in later generations."

There is also the Xuanwu Decoction from "Treatise on Febrile Diseases". The ancients said: "Deficiency of yin and hyperactivity of yang will cause more movement of wind; deficiency of yang and excess of yin will cause more movement of water." This is a miraculous effect for people with spleen and kidney yang deficiency.

Big Joe: Hehe!Let this group of men chat happily in the bullet screen last time, we all know that some of them are not good enough, and this girl Zhang talked about kidney deficiency again after she finished speaking.

Diao Chan: Hee hee!These men made me laugh so hard!You are in for a treat!

Liu Rushi: Ahem!This man is middle-aged!Many men have this problem!Look, Miss Zhang has made another recipe for you.

Qin Liangyu: Hahahaha!

Fan Lihua: These men make me laugh so hard!

Li Zhi: I'll go find out!
Wu Zetian: ...

Liu Che: Ahem!Who will contribute the prescription!
Liu Bang: Do you still have questions in this regard?Give me a prescription too!
Lu Pheasant: It turns out that it’s not okay to favor that cheap maid every day!

(End of this chapter)

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