Chapter 95 Six Deaths

Qin Shihuang: After today's speech, I don't know what kind of topic will be discussed later.

Qianlong: When will it be my turn to the Qing Dynasty? Yesterday, we raised the hearts of our Qing emperors. I stayed up all night yesterday. I really want to know how my future generations of the Qing Dynasty will be!

Cao Cao: I probably have nothing to talk about at this time, but I really want to understand the Qing Dynasty.

Liu Qi: I, a big man, have to talk about it. There are simply too many things I want to know about the emperor, generals, and eunuchs!
"I know everyone is anxious. Last time I agreed to Emperor Taizong of Tang, and Empress Changsun can't afford to wait. I will try my best to find some lists that can incorporate other dynasties. I will start talking about today's content."

Zhu Yuanzhang: Li Er is still in a hurry. Let him come first, and we all give way.

Liu Bang: OK!It's not a big deal, but heart disease is important!

"I think even if I haven't said it yet, everyone should be able to guess who these two are."

"Both are people who can be called "originators". One can be said to be proficient in all aspects, especially in the treatment of infertility. "The author's "Emperor's Internal Classic" was of great help to the doctors of later dynasties, so let's talk about the "Medical Sage" Bian Que first."

"Bian Que, whose surname is Ji, is from Qinyue. When he was young, Bian Que learned medicine from Changsang Jun. He learned all about it. He is good at diagnosis, especially good at inspection and pulse diagnosis. He is the person who created pulse diagnosis."

"When Bian Que was young, his parents suffered from many diseases and disasters, and his family was poor. From a very young age, Bian Que determined to become a doctor, to cure his parents' illnesses, and to cure all poor people who couldn't afford to see a doctor!"

"However, people at that time had a strong sense of family status. Bian Que wanted to study medicine, and his family's doctors were passed on to his descendants, not to outsiders. Bian Que was very depressed and helpless."

"Since you can't become a medical doctor, you still have to go on with your life! Bian Que worked in the post station when he was a teenager. Because of his quick mind and hard work, he became the shopkeeper of the post station when he was 20 years old."

"Bian Que worked in this post station for more than ten years, during which time he got married and had children. He used to work and earn money to support his family just like ordinary people. This life just passed away slowly. It was only because he met a strange man that he became a Became a miracle doctor through the ages, that is the young apprentice—Changsang Jun.”

"In this way, Bian Que, like other doctors, learned medicine from teachers and traveled around to improve his medical skills. He opposed idealistic witchcraft and superstition, and had the idea of ​​​​"six dead cures."

"First, being arrogant and arrogant towards others, relying on power, death!
Second, greedy for money, regardless of life, die!
Third, improper dressing, poor eating, overeating, death!

Fourth, yin and yang imbalance, organ dysfunction, incurable!
Fifth, the body is too weak and cannot take the medicine, so it will not be cured!
Sixth, do not believe in doctors, only believe in witchcraft, die! "

"Using the old saying, it means that arrogance is irrelevant to reason, and there is no cure for one; lightness of body and wealth, there is no cure for the second; food and clothing are not suitable, and the third is not curable; yin and yang are combined, and the storage of qi is unstable, and the fourth is not cured; Xingyu cannot take medicine. The fifth is no cure; if you believe in witchcraft or not medicine, the sixth is no cure.”

"Qi Huanhou's illness at that time was due to the first mistake he made."

"While traveling, Bian Que happened to pass by Linzi, the capital of Qi State, and met Qi Huanhou, the king of Qi State."

"He saw that Qi Huanhou's complexion was not good, so he used his inspection to judge that he was already sick, so he said to him bluntly: "Your disease is on the surface of the skin. If you don't treat it quickly, it will get worse. "

Huan Hou listened disapprovingly, and said: I am not sick. "

When Bian Que saw that he did not listen to his advice, he left. As soon as Bian Que left, Marquis Huan said to his subordinates: "These doctors are all greedy for fame and fortune. They have no ability, so they treat people who are not sick as sick. How can I believe that the sick are cured in order to show their abilities and gain utilitarianism!" The subordinates also agreed with the king and looked down on the doctor at all.

Five days later, Bian Que came to see Marquis Huan of Qi again. After some observation, he said to Marquis Qi Huan, "Your illness has reached the blood vessels. If you don't treat it, it will get worse."

Huan Hou was very upset when he heard this, and he didn't take Bian Que's words to heart at all.Five days later, Bian Que came to see Qi Huanhou again. After careful observation, he said seriously to him: "Your disease has entered the intestines and stomach. If you don't treat it, you will be hopeless!"

Qi Huanhou was even angrier when he heard it. It would be good if he didn't kill the person, and he ignored Bian Que's words.

When Bian Que came to see Huan Hou for the fourth time, he only glanced at him and ran away in a hurry. When Qi Huan Hou found that Bian Que ignored him, he sent someone to ask. Bian Que said: "The disease is on the surface of the skin. Use soup." Ironing can cure it; if the disease enters the bloodstream, it can be cured with acupuncture; if the disease reaches the intestines and stomach, it can be cured with wine. Now Qi Huanhou's disease has penetrated deep into the bone marrow and there is no cure, so I have to avoid it."

Five days later, Marquis Huan of Qi was seriously ill. He sent someone to ask Bian Que to treat him. "

"As early as 400 years ago, Bian Que was able to see the location of the disease and the development of the disease from Qi Huanhou's complexion, which is not easy."

Zhang Zhongjing: Every time I look at the diagnosis of the Yue people who entered Guo, and look at the beauty of the Marquis of Qi, I can't help but sigh with emotion at his talent.

"Just like when Bian Que examined Qi Hou's complexion, Qi Hou is essentially a person who is arrogant and unreasonable, that is, he is unreasonable."

"Bian Que saw that he was sick, so he misunderstood Bian Que, saying that Bian Que only wanted to make a profit, and he took credit for those who were not sick. This is a manifestation of unreasonableness."

"Then in real life, there will still be some patients who are simply unreasonable. You tell him why, you tell him what he shouldn't do, and he says why I can't do it, and then he does it, He will not do what you tell him to do. The patient is sensible, and the first thing is to trust the doctor. If you don’t believe what disease you come to see!"

"The so-called neglecting one's body and overvaluing one's wealth, the second meaning is that one wants money rather than one's life, as in my daily life. In fact, there are quite a lot of them, for example, if you work hard and love money as much as your life, this all belongs to undervaluing one's body and attaching importance to money. Wealth. In our current words, many people have saved a lot of money and overdrawn their health."

"The third is a better understanding. Many people died not from diseases, but from unhealthy lifestyles. Perhaps this situation was caused by hunger in ancient times. The above is due to the intemperance of life, excessive diet, eating too much, being lazy, not doing sports, not paying attention to exercising, not paying attention to clothing, and I like to freeze for the sake of beauty in winter."

(End of this chapter)

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