Chapter 215
Dreams are about how strongly you want to achieve them.When you figure it out, your mind will be filled with what you can do better, and you won't have time to panic.

Bai Jinlong defines his dream like this. He wants to go to college, and he wants to go to a good university. This was his dream for the first 16 years.In other words, it was a dream at that time, but although I had a strong desire, I couldn't put it into action. I would constantly fall into hypnosis on weekend mornings.

"Sleep for another 10 minutes, then get up, just for 10 minutes." Then he will continue to sleep deeply.

Or on a holiday night, holding the mobile phone and saying to myself. "Play for another 10 minutes, that's 10 minutes. I'll go study after 10 minutes." Then I continued to play until I got high with peace of mind.

But every time after a lazy nap and a hearty game, he would feel a little anxious, annoyed that he had not fully implemented his plan.As a result, the happiness that the comforts of life brought to him seemed to have diminished. Over the past 16 years, this happened again and again.

It wasn't until she entered the freshman year of high school that she saw the top student in her grade receiving the award on stage. She said in her thank-you speech: "The reason why a dream is a dream is that no matter how difficult it is, I can immediately get involved in it without hesitation. For example, I If I say I want to be a translator today, everyone will watch to see if I can achieve it in three years."

Xiaobai admired the girl on the stage very much. She had always been No. 1 in her grade. She had taken countless exams in the past two years, but she never came second.Watching people around you work hard is sometimes more shocking than the endless nagging from teachers and parents.

Many people around me will laugh at themselves playfully after taking the exam, and constantly attack those who work hard around them.I once tried to tell Tao Li and others that he wanted to get into the top [-] in grade. Tao Li said disdainfully: "It's very difficult to get into the top [-] in grade. Only those who can get to the key points."

Xiaobai felt a little discouraged for a moment, and went home feeling sulky for a long time.Later, he laughed at himself, why should he tell others, he could just work hard on his own.A year later, I can stand on the podium as one of the top [-] in my grade, but it seems very difficult to go forward.

People around me continued to criticize me, "Xiaobai, go out and play football, what are you going to study? No matter how hard you try, you won't be able to get into Peking University, so you'll probably get there."

"Xiaobai, stop pretending. Hurry up and go eat."


Good popularity means a lack of time at your own disposal, so you spend your days hanging out with friends and finding time to study.He would sometimes peek at the top grader. She basically kept to herself and often took time away from others when eating. As long as he passed by her class, he would definitely see her lying on her desk doing homework seriously.

If you can see her on the road, she must be carrying some small vocabulary notes, or holding a book, muttering something to her mouth.She spent all her time studying, and of course Xiaobai would also hear some remarks about her.

Most of them are like, "She? She's very proud and doesn't talk much to anyone."

"She never chats with others in the dormitory. Basically, she only does homework and reads books. She also goes to the corridor to continue studying after turning off the lights at night."

"If she has time after lunch at noon, she will lie down in the dormitory for 10 minutes, not even a minute more. She doesn't let us talk loudly, because there is so much to do."

"I never know what time she went out in the morning. Anyway, the earliest time I got up at 05:30, her bed was empty."


Xiaobai actually envied the girl who was number one in her grade. She had been quietly working hard and never cared about what people around her said. It seemed that no one or anything could affect her determination to go to college.

She has a nice name, Li Yilin. Xiaobai can remember that her long shawl hair was always combed into a ponytail, swaying left and right as she walked behind her.She has a delicate face and a good figure. She would look stunning if she took off her glasses, but she has always been bare-faced, keeping a straight face and concentrating on studying.

Some people are like this, with great perseverance and can work day after day to realize their dreams.

Xiaobai thought of his previous dream and laughed at himself, so he set a new dream for himself.Even if he wanted to be a translator, he wanted to continue to be classmates with Li Yilin, and he wanted to watch that outstanding girl move on.

However, Xiaobai can't leave behind his "husband and dog friends".Therefore, he could only spend all his free time studying.Naturally, it is impossible for him to pay attention to anyone or anything other than these.

After his mother passed away, Xiaobai grew up with his father. He was used to being careless and careless, and he was not aware of women's delicate thoughts at all.So no matter how punctual people around him are, he always thinks that Guo Xu is just a classmate and the girlfriend of his good friend Tao Li's girlfriend.

So when Tao Li asked her directly how she felt about Guo Xu, he was a little confused.

"What? How does it feel? I'm just a classmate."

"Holy crap, are you stupid or are you pretending to be stupid? People have been liking you for two years." Tao Li hated iron, but in fact he didn't want to give a lecture. It was Charlene who forced him to express his position to Xiaobai.

Xiaobai was at a loss, where is this going?
"Charlene asked me to tell you that Guo Xu is going back to Hebei to take the college entrance examination soon, and we can't delay it any longer."

"What does her return to Hebei have to do with me?"

"Damn, aren't they waiting for a word from you?"

"What did I say?"

"I've convinced you, but they want to ask you if you can do it after you go to college?"

"The key point is that I don't have feelings for her either. You can't force me to express my feelings towards her." Xiaobai was helpless.

"Hey, brother, I have exhausted all my kindness and righteousness." Tao Li patted him on the shoulder and sighed.

Xiaobai also looked aggrieved and muttered to himself. "Where is this going?"

When Guo Xu learned the news, he lowered his head for a long time and said to Charlene: "You shouldn't ask for me. I didn't want anything in the first place."

Charlene sat beside the rostrum, swaying her legs and said to her: "I can't stand it anymore. He is just a lump and should have some reaction. You are so good to him, why don't you say a word?"

"Forget it, I'm leaving soon anyway." Guo Xu held back his sadness.

"Have you really decided to go back?"

"Well, the teacher in charge of academic status repeatedly asked the head teacher to tell me that if I don't go back here, I can only take the junior college exam. It's better to go back and try and take the undergraduate exam." Guo Xu nodded. "The key is, I don't want to see my parents make trouble for me anymore. They always have a headache at night about my college entrance examination. I know that I still go back and prepare to give it a try. I won't regret it if I fail."

"What the fuck, the household registration is broken, it's so annoying." Charlene was irritated, her best friend could no longer study for the college entrance examination together.

"Stop talking nonsense, we can keep in touch when I go back. See you at university in a year." Guo Xu smiled at Xia Lin.

Under the setting sun, two young girls sat side by side, the shadows behind them stretched long.

Senior year in high school means separation, but sometimes separation may come early.

(End of this chapter)

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