Harmonious home

Chapter 25 A family where misfortunes never come singly

Chapter 25 A family where misfortunes never come singly
With the arrival of younger siblings and children, the family expenses are much higher than before.Fortunately, the second younger sister was more educated than me and soon found a factory, where she had food and shelter.My younger brother is helping my two children read and write at home, and my six sons and I are busy working to earn money.Seeing that the family's expenses are greater than their income, it has become a challenge to save money to pay the children's fines.In order to increase their income, the six sons took their shoes-repairing outfits to various factories to repair shoes to supplement their household expenses after work. In short, he went to make a surprise attack where there were many people and there was a lot of traffic. When the people here dispersed, he went there again. .As for me, I am not an exception. After get off work, I take my children to the gate of the market and set up stalls on the side of the road. I am very happy to see my younger brother playing with Dabao and Xiaoyue on the side of the street. Not very rich, but still comfortable and contented.

On this Saturday, more people came out to attend the night market than before. I had just set up my stall and hoped for a good fortune. Unexpectedly, a fellow villager hurried up to me and said to me: "Hey, Xiaolan, it's not good! No!" Okay! Your husband's shoe stall was smashed by a few strangers. The beating was so brutal and miserable..." I said "Ah" in surprise, and ran to Liuzi's shoe stall before he could finish. I just saw a crowd of people gathered in the dark. I quickly pushed aside the crowd and shouted: "Six sons, six sons..." I shouted several times but no one responded. I only saw a mess on the ground, a shoe cobbler fell to the side, and a few small benches on the ground. Staggering around, I looked around and cried without tears. Only then did the people watching the excitement tell me: "Stop shouting, your husband and those people have been arrested." I asked anxiously: "Why are you arresting him?" Does anyone know? I heard that it seems to be to grab business. If the boy can't win, he will call someone to fight him." "Where are they going to be arrested?" "The Security Council. Fortunately, someone called the police quickly, otherwise your husband would be alone. I'm going to be beaten badly..." I didn't care to listen to what they said. I simply packed up the things on the floor. I didn't care about setting up a stall to make money. I quickly asked my younger brother to take the two children back to the rental house. I rode alone. I went to the Public Security Council on my bicycle.

As soon as the policemen opened the door, they heard the police admonishing them, saying, "Why are you fighting in groups? It's not easy for everyone to come out to eat and eat. If you have something to say, you are all from Sichuan." Then I saw a man talking to the police A tall and thin man beckoned at the meeting, and the tall and thin man came out for a while and whispered in the ear of the fat policeman, then he immediately changed his subject, and he was all blaming Liu Zi, only to hear him say loudly to Liu Zi: "You , who did it first?" Liu Zi pointed to the guy next to him and said, "It was he who ordered someone to smash my shoe stall." "Say, tell me the truth, are there any other accomplices?" The fat policeman continued.The six sons went on to say, "I'm the only one. I have no accomplices." "No accomplices? You are so powerful, the three of them can't beat you alone? Look at one of them with a head injury and a hand injury, but you are fine." How is that possible?" Liu Zi lifted up his clothes and said, "Look at me, aren't these injuries?" Then I saw that Liu Zi's back and waist were covered with bruises from the impact of the bench, and then the policeman asked him again: " No accomplices? Then what happened to their head injuries and hand injuries?" Liu Zi argued: "How do I know what's going on in the chaos? When they came, they smashed my shoe machine and beat me around. At that time, I was nailing the heels with someone else, and my life was threatened, so I had to beat him with the iron pendant..." Before the six sons could finish speaking, the policeman shouted loudly: "Don't be so wordy, there must be someone to help you, say, accomplice Who is it? If you are dishonest, don't blame us for being rude to you." As he spoke, he rolled up his sleeves and looked like he was going to hit someone.I saw that he was obviously protecting the other party, so he held his hand on the iron railing and shouted: "Hey, that's unreasonable! Do you want to confess and torture? Now it is a society ruled by law, and I will sue you for not enforcing the law impartially." Police from the Security Council Hearing the sound, he turned around and questioned me: "Who are you? Who let you in?" I said to him confidently, "I am his wife. Did I beat you up without seeing you? You policemen are not for the common people. Are you upholding justice? Why are they the ones who smashed my husband's shoe stall? You don't care, but you still have to ask your accomplices, where are the accomplices? If there are accomplices, will it be their turn to ask someone to smash my husband's shoe stall? It should be It’s right for my husband to ask someone to smash his shoe stall! But now they are the ones who asked someone to smash my husband’s shoe stall, not my husband, and you are still asking for an accomplice, and there are only a few in our family Kid, where are my friends..." They heard that I was arguing outside, so they asked people to come out and drive me away, saying that it was getting late and they would mediate tomorrow, so I had to go back by bicycle.

It was dark. When I returned home from my bike, my younger brother, Dabao, and Xiaoyue were all asleep. When my second sister saw me coming back, she quickly stepped forward and asked, "Sister, how is my brother-in-law doing?" I briefly described the current situation. situation, comfort her to sleep first.

The dark night enveloped the earth. I looked at my younger brother, Dabao, and Xiaoyue who were sleeping soundly on the bed. I couldn't sleep at all when I thought about the day's living expenses and the six children locked up in the security society. I wandered around the room alone, not knowing what to do next. , how to deal with things for a while, worried about whether Liu Zi will be beaten in the security meeting, and stood in front of the window from time to time, feeling that the night was so long, and the sound of crickets came from outside the window from time to time.It suddenly occurred to me that I usually listen to the rule of law hotline program broadcast by Zhongshan Radio, so I quietly turned on the radio and listened quietly. I heard that a migrant worker came to me with a very similar background to ours. I found the relevant legal terms on the consultation hotline, and after help Finally it was resolved satisfactorily.Hearing this, I was so excited that my whole body suddenly became energetic. I got up and went to my second sister to discuss writing a petition. After reaching a consensus, I drafted it overnight, including the purpose of our family coming to Guangdong to work, and the two children living in Guangdong. I truthfully wrote down a series of incidents such as going to kindergarten and my husband's shoe stall being smashed. I hope it will be recognized by the local government and protected by the law. If not, I will contact the radio station to report it.

Early the next morning, at dawn, I told my sister to send the two children to the kindergarten. I rode my bicycle to the security committee alone, handed over the certificate written overnight to the security committee staff, and asked them to release the six children immediately. Otherwise, the life of our family will become a problem.Unexpectedly, the members of the Medical Insurance Association quickly agreed and asked the six sons to go to the hospital for an examination. If there is any problem with the health, the other party will be responsible for all economic losses. If there is no problem, they can go back to set up a stall. Pay compensation, and ask them to write a letter of guarantee. If any accidents happen before our family leaves this place, they will be responsible, so as not to retaliate against them afterwards.After understanding, it was learned that the other party had a head injury caused by the six sons in the chaos, which belonged to legitimate self-defense.The other hand was injured because the other party impulsively smashed the shoe mending machine and scratched it too hard, and they were responsible for it.After negotiation and reaching a consensus, everyone signed and left, and my hanging heart was put back in my stomach.

(End of this chapter)

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