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Chapter 6 Life at the Fifth Aunt’s House

Chapter 6 Life at Fifth Aunt’s House

There are three daughters and one son in Wugu’s family. The youngest cousin Shi is also two years older than me. Influenced by traditional concepts, their family also favors sons over girls. Most of the work is done by those three daughters. Cousin Shi No matter how late you come home from school, you will not be scolded, let alone work.Every time I eat delicious eggs, cooked rice, etc., he and my uncle take the lead. I, my aunt, and the other three cousins ​​have no distinction, saying that they are the pillars of the family, and we have to cook a small stove for them to eat better. My uncle has to do physical work, and my cousin Shi is not in good health and needs to make up for it. Sometimes I am afraid that I will go out and say it when I see it, so I often ask my cousin Shi to take the eggs to the latrine (the toilet in the countryside) to eat. Usually we eat porridge. We have to get him and his uncle a bowl of dry rice and eat it alone for them. If there is a lot of work and busy farming to eat dry rice, we will only eat the sweet potato below, with some rice grains, we can’t eat all the rice.If there are guests at home, the rice must be covered on the surface, and the guests must not be able to see the sweet potatoes in the bowl at the end of the meal, otherwise the aunt will scold afterward, saying: "Who told you not to eat? You don't care about it like that." Who are you showing me? Let others say that I can’t treat you? When you follow me, you will eat less and drink less. You must deliberately keep the sweet potatoes out..." Therefore, you have to learn to eat a little bit when you eat, otherwise you will lose your food later. You got scolded inexplicably, and then my cousins ​​and cousins ​​stared at you, and dared not look at their eyes and faces for several days.From then on, let you take it as a warning, and don't make an example.

Especially during the busy farming time, the first thing I do when I get home from school every day is cut grass for cows, and then carry water for cooking. Sometimes because I am small and have little strength, I often wet the front of the water tank when pouring water. Afterwards, they go home to eat. They would scold me and say, "I think you did it on purpose. You were not satisfied even with picking up some water, and you deliberately made water everywhere in the kitchen." I said, "I didn't mean it, I just raised it carefully when pouring water." It was scattered on the ground when it couldn't be lifted up." Auntie continued: "If the big bucket can't bear it, don't you know how to use a small bucket? I think you are just lazy and want to run less..." Anyway, no matter what you do, she will have something to say. .When scolding you, you are not allowed to talk back. When you talk back, you say: "Do you think I want to control you? I raised an old man (referring to my father) and a young child. I really don't know how much I owed your family in my previous life? When I was a child, you Dad is unlucky. I got married when I was 17 and came back to this place to raise your seventh aunt, ninth aunt and your father one day after I got married...and now I'm raising you again. Can't you see that there are so many jobs at home? Can't you do the important things but the light ones? , if you are still dissatisfied after even a few words, why don't you go find your parents..."

I remember one Sunday, my aunt asked me to go up the mountain to cut grass to feed the cows, but I had just cut a bunch of grass and my cousin came back with a bamboo basket on his back. Before leaving, she threatened me and said: "Don't tell my mother, or else I won't do it." You are eating at our house. Anyway, you are a child whose father does not care for you or your mother does not love you." After saying that, he carried Cao Cao away.At night, my aunt was still mean to me and said, "Hey, you are getting more and more shameless. You can't cut grass as fast as a boy. Look at your cousin coming back with a full back of mowing in a short time. How do you want me to say hello to you?" What?" I didn't dare to say anything, I could only look at my cousin Shi who was smiling evilly, and I didn't dare to say that the grass was cut.

Sometimes I just can’t hold it in anymore and I run to my grandma. Among the many relatives in my mother’s family, only grandma is nice. She knows that every time I go there to satisfy my craving, she secretly keeps the reserved candies and bacon for me. , cooked bacon for me every time I went there, and secretly gave me candies behind my uncle and aunt’s back, telling me not to be discovered by my uncle’s cousins, and said, “This is secretly left for you. I've already given them food before." Sometimes my uncle and aunt would get upset when they saw that I went there often, or if I stayed there for a long time, they wouldn't say anything openly about driving me away, but secretly they would show off their faces to grandma, meaning He asked my grandma to drive me away so that I wouldn't have to stay at her house all the time. She also said that she was afraid that my aunt would have some ideas.Because at that time, the relatives on my father’s side and the relatives on my mother’s side were like soldiers from two different camps. Anyone who said something bad about my father would be defended by my sisters on my father’s side. Whoever said something bad about my mother would be defended. My relatives on my mother's side defended me when I spoke ill of her, and I acted as their mouthpiece by running back and forth, and also as a moderator for them to inquire about each other's news.Whenever I visit my mother's relatives' house, they will ask me, "Are your aunts and others nice to you? Did they say anything bad about my mother?" and so on. When I go to my grandmother's house, my aunts will also ask me. "Did your mother say anything about your father and us in front of your grandmother, aunt, and uncle?" etc., and all I could do was shake my head, or say I don't know.Otherwise, I will not have a good life if I just ignite someone. As long as they talk about my father, they will criticize my mother. When they talk about my mother, they will criticize my mother and father’s bad past. As I am their daughter, it is natural. They pushed and scolded her back and forth like a piece of meat on a hob.Therefore, the best way is not to say anything so that you can stay calm, otherwise you will be walking around with endless food, and you will not be able to please both ends.

At that time, I often sat in one place in a daze, and sometimes I couldn’t understand why other people’s parents were loving and loving, and lived a harmonious life with their wives and children sitting around, while our family was like a fighting dog The same, living a life of guarding against each other and hurting each other?When will such a day be the end?When will my father and my mother be able to live in harmony and live harmoniously like other people...

After I grew up, I realized that one is from human nature, whether there is a sense of responsibility; the other is that two people who do not love each other come together, they just think it is a kind of bondage, and having children is just to fulfill the obligations and obligations of the husband and wife. Responsibility is not for loving the other party and making the other party live better than oneself, but instead it becomes a kind of transaction and use.Take my dad for example. When I was young, I heard from Wu Gu that he had a fiancée before my dad and my mom got married. , I was worried that I would not have a good life after marriage, so I firmly opposed it. Later, as my father grew older, he worried that he would not be able to get a wife. In addition, my mother had meningitis when she was young, and she had juvenile whites when she was very young. Such extreme backgrounds come together just for the sake of so-called family inheritance, so how can there be love and harmony?Of course, this is something
(End of this chapter)

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