I, who love to post on Weibo, have become a professional Tongtian generation

Chapter 221 I’m not kidding, he’s just such a dick

Chapter 221 I’m not kidding, he’s just such a dick

Faker glanced at the panel.

Noticed that the male gun only had an output of [-].

This answered one of his doubts, which was that this was a male gun that he had never seen before.Obviously, this is not an illusion and the data corresponds to the performance.

of course.

If you lose the game, the data will not look good.

Excluding the male spear, Ryze's output was [-], Verus was [-], and Gnar was [-].

Looking back at LGD, the Crocodile scored 2, which was higher than SKT's double C combined.

See the postgame panel.

The LPL audience is happy, the LCK audience is numb.

Among them, Starch was crazy with joy.They have not forgotten that the director of the World Championship last year was educated by Little Peanut, which caused a lot of scandals afterwards.For this part of the audience, they are happy to see the little peanuts deflate.

[Mocking 4396, understanding 4396, becoming 4396. 】

[Hey, isn’t this the LCK Wild King? I haven’t seen you for a few months, so why? 】

[Playing a male gun, only hitting 5229 output? 】

A lot of ridicule barrages floated past the live broadcast room.

Although they knew that it was difficult for the male gunman to do anything in this round, they still couldn't hold back when they saw the damage.

[To be honest, whoever plays the male gun hero will be unlucky. 】

[Except for Eimy’s one, everyone else’s male guns have encountered misfortune. 】

[I have never lost in the playoffs and never won in the group stage. This is the version answer. 】

[Do you like the way I look wearing sunglasses and smoking a cigar? 】

Compared with the LPL audience making fun of them, the LCK side is much more angry.


Lost too badly!
The female fan who was silenced while live streaming is just a microcosm.

Since losing to LGD in the World Championship, fans have been looking forward to a hearty revenge.For this reason, the Spring Split clearly found that the five players had a good synergy, and fans continued to explain that they felt Ueno could be integrated into the tactical system.

the reason is simple.


Besides Smeb, is there any suitable top laner in LCK? Duke is gone, Sunday is gone, and Marin went to North America. The former top four OGN top laners, except Smeb, who is still in the LCK?

In other words, SKT was forced to sign Huni from the North American League. As a fan, if you don't believe in him, who else can you trust? If you don't trust Little Peanut, who can you trust?Black Emperor? !

Damn, if you can trust Xiao Hei, why don't you perform in the S6 World Championship?

This is why some SKT fans took the opportunity to blow the jungle.

They really hope Ueno can bring about good changes.

It's just that after leaving the league and entering foreign games, Ueno's performance cannot be said to be in line with expectations. At least it is a big disappointment.

I didn’t see much synergy to gain advantage through linkage, but I saw a lot of aggressive top lane and immersive jungle scenes.

Won the first game easily.

Qin Hao took off his headphones and was hugged by Eimy next to him.

"The feeling of lying down is just comfortable."

Does jungle require a lot of work?

Make sure you have a clear view of the river, the big brother in the middle is numb.

"Is my river channel critical? Come over and hammer them into pieces."

C Bo’s trademark grin: “Who can beat Verus in one suit?”

"It's also crucial for me to withstand the pressure from the opponent." As the second boy claiming credit, Big Wolf followed C Bo and said: "Otherwise you can play so comfortably in the lower half? The male gunner on the opposite side has been trying to mess with me."

Qin Hao broke away from Eimy's hand and analyzed carefully: "There is no place to go except to go up. Didn't you notice that in the previous waves, he used the rear hand, and he reminded the male gun position."

Big Wolf pretended not to hear and continued to brag about how detailed he was.

When you see Nar's outfit, you know there's someone nearby, and the labor and management just sit back and make the opponent feel uncomfortable.

Qin Hao, Eimy:......

"If you play a Qinggang Shadow, the output is two thousand higher than that of a wine barrel..." C Bo exposed it mercilessly: "If you don't check the data, you won't know what you are doing. Make a ball with Gou Ba, and use your mouth to find your presence. "

C Bo imitated the tone of Big Wolf's last wave, [Damn it Gnar, I can lead the high ground in the lane], [I can come over], [My T's position is great, look at me, look at me].


I didn’t laugh before, so I couldn’t hold it back here.

Da Lang said forcefully, "C Boqian is really incompetent. Even if he wins, he still talks about his brother."

The two fell behind.

On the way, we were still discussing who had the greater role.In the end, it is more important for Qinggangying to contain the enemy, or for Titan to spread his vision and start the team.

However, Qin Hao was not so happy about this victory.Of course he is happy, after all, he defeated SKT, but he himself also knows that this BP took a big advantage.


Qin Hao has practiced in the simulation space for so long, and he has some experience in playing against Faker.Although Ryze was not killed in this round, the suppression effect was still obvious.

And Qin Hao understands Ryze very well.

Once there is no line and the jungler cannot solve the situation in 2v2, then the hero will be useless.Like this game, even if Ryze dodges but doesn't dare to actively seek collision, then he has no chance to steal the rhythm.

Just like that.

Only then could Qin Hao target the male gunner and force Little Peanut to go in the opposite direction to grow wild.This leads to the fact that when LGD is doing things, either the male gun is not on the same side, or the position is exposed, and it is clear where the male gun is.

to be frank.

Faced with such great pressure, the little peanut can hold up the matchup and not fall behind, and his development ability is already very good.

Return to the lounge.The director just gave the MVP.

"There is no doubt that the MVP of this round goes to Penicillin's Crocodile."

"This game is really c. No one can beat it."

A group of people sat in the lounge for a while.

Later, Qin Hao went to Hanwenliu for an interview.

"First of all, congratulations to LGD for winning their fourth game, and congratulations to Penicillin for winning this game's MVP."

The host lady is quite lively.

After the usual opening, he immediately said: "As far as I know, there are many fans who like you in the LCK..."

"Ani Asayo. Sarangheiyo."

Qin Hao spit out a Korean greeting that was not very standard.

This immediately won the host's favor.

Originally, the barrage was still discussing the game passionately, but seeing this, many people no longer hate it so much.

[A mid laner who knows how to command is so rare. 】

Someone sighed.

"...How did you come up with the idea of ​​hitting with a crocodile? Was it the coach's suggestion, or..." The host tried to get information.

"I have played solo with my teammates before."

Hearing this, the host was a little puzzled. I asked the hero pool what it had to do with your solo.

Qin Hao continued: "I have practiced a lot with our top laner, but I play mid laner after all, and sometimes the training quality is not enough, so..."

The host spit out an answer that shocked him.

"So I spent some time training a few fighters. Because this way the sparring is more meaningful and can improve each other's level."

Does sparring make more sense?

How many fighters have you trained?

The Korean audience was shocked.

Since when has it been so easy to become a hero?

Also, there are many top laners who can’t understand the hero Crocodile. Why is your mid laner so skilled?
And to say it so lightly.

[Are you sure the translation is correct? 】

[You know how to play Crocodile because you have to follow the solo player?This is what people say. 】

[Hmm, Langx’s playing skills were developed from playing penicillin. 】

Not only the LCK audience was shocked, but the LPL audience heard about it for the first time.

Before this, even water friends did not know that the anchor knew alligators.

If I remember correctly, when I usually fill in the top lane, my favorite pick is obviously Jayce.

[The case has been solved. No wonder the Big Wolf has made such rapid progress in the spring game. 】

[Indeed, at the beginning of the season, he was just a guy with unique weapons. 】

[No, he is really teaching Langx. I thought that what Big Wolf said in the previous interview that I am not as good as our single laner was a joke. I won the matchup with the small pretender. It turns out that Langx played a candid game. 】

This time.

The comments exploded.

[It’s really hilarious and haha, our LGD is too strong.The middle lane helps the top lane, can your other teams do it, @EDG. 】

[@RNG, what is Xiaohu doing? Letme Jess is playing a lot, why don’t you teach me a lesson. 】

[Damn, let LGD fans pretend.What?Am I a ten-year-old fan of Qingshen?That's okay, you can pretend. 】

"How would you rate today's matchup?"

"The hero gap, his Ryze was caught by my counter."

"It's not bad, we won the training match faster than this." Qin Hao wanted to say that it was good that SKT didn't come out to show off, but let the training match go, and the disadvantage would have come out to fight early.

"Can we be first in the group? That's our goal. Well, I'll be happy if we can do it."

Wait until the interview is over.

Qin Hao returned to the backstage and met C Bo's smiling face.



"You know how to play psychology."


Qin Hao didn't understand what C Bo said.

But C Bo feels that this interview has severely damaged SKT's arrogance, so that you can, are you afraid of me throwing smoke bombs?There may not only be crocodiles hiding in the middle!

They can communicate regardless of whether they are right or wrong.

This caused Big Wolf to hammer the sofa next to him.Because before Qin Hao came back, C Bo recited a sentence: "If you really know how to pretend to be a horse, why can't labor and management learn the same?"

C Bo glanced at Big Wolf unhappily: "Smile. When can I see you win a PP crocodile with Jace?"

Big Wolf:......

What are you doing?

It's like you've won solo.

Labor and management can survive at least, but can you, Jace, survive level three?
I really messed with your old M.

 It doesn't work anymore. The signal in the village is not good. It's very uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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