Chapter 224 Still not convinced? Then conquer it
"Sang Hyuk has lost his sight."

"What is Huni doing? What is Peanut doing?"

"Is this the jungler's fault? He brushed red into blue. He didn't control the jungle. Galio's position is also dead."

"This LGD lineup is a bit flimsy, but it's actually not bad."

"Lucian is very powerful at eating his head. I can't understand the damage it does."

An internet cafe in Seoul.

After the first blood broke out, the audience watching the game offline discussed the situation.

Pu Xinnan listened silently, showing no expression.

He felt that the game was far from reaching a conclusion because the commentators did not talk about pizza. As a newcomer to the game, he mainly watched Faker's operations.


As he watched, his eyes quickly locked on the player on the left.

He didn't know Qin Hao, but the forum said "LGD is the youngest and the one with a softer face", so Park Shin-nan remembered the characteristics. In addition, the camera on the lower left side kept giving a close-up view, so he concentrated his sight and found the target.

"Central is going to jail."

"Peanut needs to help."

"What are you thinking about?"

"Why do you still want to play a weak mid laner when you know Penicillin has Lucian?"

"It's really stupid to dunk a horse."

A die-hard fan started to tell his friends about the BP moments in his past.

Including but not limited to releasing Dragon King and Jhin in the S6 playoffs, which caused SKT to almost fail to enter the World Championship.

Qin Hao himself didn't think much about it.

He knew that the advantage in the middle line was not small. In a pure one-on-one battle, Yanjai could no longer play.

The hero Lucian is like this. Killing people can easily be converted into combat power. Unlike some heroes, it is not easy to suppress the effect even if the economy is lost.


He still has a lot to do in this game. If he just plays with Yanjai, this is what SKT is happy to do.

After all, the hero Yanque is actually very good at supporting the team.

This wave goes home.

Qin Hao prepared a Dolan sword, straw sandals, a small green bottle and a real eye.

Under normal circumstances, he rarely does this, because it's really a bit slow to show off. The hero Lucian needs the speed of the scimitar very much.

It's just that he only wears a mining knife when he goes out. If he wears a naked vampire scepter, he won't have money to mend straw sandals and real eyes.

In addition, there is no pressure on Hanbing's bottom lane, and SKT actually has a stable rhythm point. From the perspective of laning suppression, the attributes provided by the Vampire Scepter are not what he pursues most.

To put it bluntly, he didn't think he would be carried by the rock bird.

Seeing how aggressive the middle lane is.

Little Peanut wants to help relieve stress.

But he also knew that Yanque could not exchange states with Lucian. He can only find the right time to take action, otherwise it will be useless.

The camera cuts over.

In addition to looking for opportunities to hit W, Lucian also used the familiar Q to penetrate the army. For Faker, every time he throws a rock to penetrate and eat a tail knife, Lucian may consume his health.

After all, no matter how safe the rock bird's Q is, Lucian's position is too arrogant. It flanks the red side soldiers and keeps the distance at about 7 or 800 yards.

If you want to capture the pawn, the rock bird must stand 2 steps forward.


About 5 minutes.

Eimy pinched the red F6 refresh and ran over. As a jungler, everyone knows that this version of F6 has the highest value. Because it’s easy to farm, you have a lot of experience, and you get a lot of money back.

You are not seen.

In the spring semi-final against EDG, the director's punishments were reserved for Big Bird, forming a unique understanding of jungle clearing.

Little Peanut is different from the factory director.

When he passed by, the punishment had not yet healed, and he saw that he had not received the true biography of the factory director. Seeing the prince moving away, he stood aside and patted the floor to draw back some of the hatred.

At this time, the center line happened to be in, and Qin Hao came closer.

The Korean network commentator looked at Lucian A and touched the little bird, then suddenly slid up and touched the little peanut half set. The blind monk has two-thirds of his health left and is relatively healthy. He doesn't want to retreat when he returns to the F6 bushes.

Even if Lucian pressed forward, he would just keep a certain distance and prepare to throw Tian Yinbo to fight.

This is what I am most dissatisfied with.

He would rather stay in a stalemate and use Tianyin Wave to fight Big Bird than give in. When Bengi saw the position of the prince, he would have already moved around the position to get a better view and crouched down.

After all, Han Bing will secure the lane right now. When he goes to play, the blue side is about to come out of the lane. There is a chance to force Braum's skills near the wall. Even if you can't force it out, you can still do something by getting in good shape.

A round of wild areas is refreshed in 150 seconds.

In this version, the jungler does not lose much development when doing things, and has more time to ward and gank.

"I didn't want to retreat. Big Bird regained his health and was shown off by F6."

Qin Hao helped A and attracted hatred.

The big bird burrowed into the camp and recovered a bit. Qin Hao saw the blind monk turn around and throw a W to hit AA. At this moment, the prince just handed over the Q to the big bird, with more than 200 health left.

Qin Hao's E is good. He slides up and plays another set. With 8 layers of enthusiasm, he directly knocks the blind monk down to only a quarter of his health.

Guan Zeyuan: "Here we go again, you dare to see Penicillin start dancing."

"Haha." This wave of pulling was a bit funny. Little Peanut stood out and wanted to try it. "There are no wild monsters in the upper half. It's useless for the blind monk to move back."

"Yes, the stone beetle will spawn in more than a minute. If you want to catch it, our Thane's health is still very healthy, and he and Galio won't be able to do enough damage."

was talking.

Lucian returned from the passage, and Qin Hao moved steadily and twisted the rock protrusion. Faker also wanted to seize the opportunity to consume, throwing Stone Penetration to press forward.

Qin Hao moved close to the wall and hid for a few steps, then slipped his face and hit EAQA against the rock bird despite the damage caused by the stone array. This time, Yanque only had half of his health left.

"Penicillin's side... ah, it's so overwhelming that Faker can't repair his sword."

The Korean network's commentator sounded helpless: "Should we call back from the channel in front of you?"

"He stepped on the stone formation and fought with us."

These words made the Korean audience a little angry.

But the fact is that even if Lucian is carried by Yanque, he will still lose more blood than Yanque with a backhand slide and a set of explosions.

In the lens.

When the army line reached the middle position, Lucian was parallel to the red side's long-range soldiers, put down his sword, and threw a W towards the back, taking away more than 50 of Yanque's health.

You will find that Lucian always maintains a small range of movement to prevent Yanque from gaining experience comfortably.

What's even more outrageous is.

With Lucian controlling the lane like this, Faker had to sell blood during the few seconds when the frontline troops would naturally focus their fire and fall.

"The third bottle of corruption has been knocked out."

"24 dollars beat 36 dollars..."

The Korean network commentator kept thinking and helping with ideas, such as the wave of the blind monk at level [-]. He really needed to find an opportunity to interrupt Lucian's rhythm.

About 5 minutes.

IMP turned to T and went online, just in time to see Yanque being beaten home, "I'm tired of it."

When C Bo heard this, he naturally said: "Isn't it just to beat Faker home twice? This is a big deal. Puff, don't make a fuss. If you do this again, I will talk to you about Dai Puff. This is the story of the special S2 playoffs crushing you."

IMP: ...

A quarter of the defense towers in the lower lane of the nest have been worn down, you have the nerve to say this!
On second thought, IMP felt right again.

When choosing Lucian for Qin Hao, he can only resist the pressure. In other words, if Lucian can't do it, their lineup will be no different.

With this in mind, IMP glanced at the jungle area again. Eimy was helping the top lane line up, making it easier for Thain to defend the line.

Relatively speaking, as an AD, IMP certainly knows that Lucian has a high burst and is very good at single kills. The problem is, others also know this. If the distance is controlled well, Lucian will not have so many opportunities to capture.

Back then, Qin Hao was playing Lucian in the middle and knocked Xiye through. Afterwards, Faker chatted with friends during a live broadcast and said that he thought this hero was good at winning in lane but not in games. IMP personally agrees with this view.

The only difference is that as Qin Hao's teammate, he knows that Qin Hao won the training match against Lucian.

No kidding, IMP was shocked by some of his positioning ideas.

He felt that Qin Hao's Lucian was like an assassin in some teams. He was not thinking like a normal AD. He was either circling or using big moves, or sliding and catching to break up the formation and eat up the disconnected points. Bit.

The most impressive thing about IMP is that I once made an appointment with EDG for a training match. They originally agreed to make an appointment for a BO6, but ended up having a fight. The other party first said to wait for them for a while, and after about 15 minutes, they said they would not make the appointment today. Sorry for still typing in the dialog box.

Until the next day, Sask said like a joke that Scout was stunned by Lucian and wanted to take a break. Not long after, EDG also started playing Lucian in the training match, and in the semi-finals, they played Lucian. , and then...

and so.

Faker thought Lucian was just playing around, but IMP knew that Mai Zhen practiced it as one of his regular lineups. This was the case when he was forced to play Bomberman. In order to highlight the middle lane, he had to sacrifice, otherwise it would be difficult for the jungler to take care of the two lanes at the same time.

After a while.

IMP was confused and found that Qin Hao spoke less than usual this round.

As for yourself?

If you don't drop the tower for 10 minutes, you will win!
Backstage, Cvmax kept paying attention to Qin Hao's expression, and he enjoyed watching it. From the moment he joined the team, he wanted to see Penicillin in this state.

He obviously has such delicate judgment and details of exchange, why not show it to him? He doesn't understand.

Therefore, Cvmax was very happy to see that the effect of the midline was better than he expected. The only thing he was not satisfied with was that except for heroes like Lucian who could not fight without fighting, Qin Hao rarely focused on the line as much as he did today.

From his eyes, you can tell that he doesn't care who is across from him.

Compared with Cvmax.

Faker's feelings are much deeper.

The outside world is right. In last year's BO5, what Faker thought about most was not blood exchange, but spent most of his energy guessing where Penicillin went after he disappeared.

That BO5, what Faker felt most deeply about, was indeed not a lane swap. It was also the one with the least amount of laning among the important games he had experienced over the years.

until today--

When Little Peanut saw him coming home, he asked, "Isn't that wrong? He got the first blood too early."

Faker was silent for a few seconds and said a little embarrassedly: "You have to help me."

He was embarrassed because he thought he could do better. The first three levels should be paid more attention to. Don't think too much about avoiding the Q of soldiers. Some soldiers will be missed when they should be missed.

It's better now. Although the last hit hasn't been extended too much, it's even more uncomfortable to deal with. Every time, the level is robbed.

Wolf didn't expect the center line to be so uncomfortable.

Although he has a slight advantage in the bottom lane, he knows everything about the hero Explosive Bomb. He is really a turtle when it comes to turtles, let alone IMP playing turtle style with a teleporter.

Each time in front of the tower, they only have 17 or 8 seconds to consume at most, and most of the time they can only consume Braum and cannot touch Bomberman.

The blind monk was about to come down, and Wolf reminded: "He should have been given wards by Triangle Grass. It's not easy to catch him online."

Little Peanut: "Can you use skills?"

"It depends. They're playing dirty."

5 minutes 52 seconds.

Lucian went home for the second time and found the vampire scepter.

Qin Hao: "The blind monk should have gone down. He has never appeared in the river."

"it is good."

C Bo responded.

Just like this, another 20 seconds passed. They laid out their troops for a while, and when they saw Lulu leaning towards the ice, they thought Wolf was going to wards, and the blind monk was definitely not nearby.

Bron just pushed forward, making it easier for Bomberman to use his basic attack.

Lulu E sent out Q from the back row, Tianyin Wave flew out of the grass, and stacked the ice of Q to synchronize forward pressure to slow down.

Peanut stayed online for a long time.

Guan Zeyuan raised his tone: "IMP a W, which slightly cuts off Hanbing's output. SKT didn't do enough damage. Braum had a security door, but he was beaten so hard by the blind monk that he couldn't save his health."

A wave of blood was consumed.

The Blind Monk showed up and walked toward the triangle grass, making a sideways movement.

At this moment, Eimy rushed here from the lower river channel, and she was a little too late in time. PYL could only retreat, place the IMP tower and close the finishing knife to the wall.

Seeing this, Wolf knew that the delay was too long, Lucian had cleared the line before Rock Bird, and this wave of Lucian had a big move at level [-], so he could easily get into trouble if he was too pretentious.

Minor crisis resolved.

Qin Hao's river grass returned to continue the lane. Faker relied on the wave of consumption in the bottom lane to reach level six. However, Lucian played too strongly and was pulled away when the lane came. If he wandered, the first tower would be grinded. Very serious.

Korean commentators also know this.

The rock bird stays in the tower, and the wave clearing is very fast. If the roaming income is not enough, there is no reason to exchange for winning a tower.

I took a look at the road conditions.

As an experienced jungler, Little Peanut knew that he still had three groups of junglers to reach six, but before that, he needed to judge the position of the prince.

Because 2v2 is very risky.

If you give Lucian another head during the fight, there's really no way you can win the first tower.

wild area.

Taking advantage of the fourth round of refreshes, Little Peanut eyed the intersection in the blue zone in advance. After a while, the prince came on time, and Wolf reminded Bronn to stay close.

When there is no line in the middle.

Faker thought about playing a wave team in his own blue zone, but after Lucian and Braum merged, their combat effectiveness was a bit strong. He was not sure whether he could defeat Lucian.

"Here you go, I'll clear the line back to Bo's house."

Seeing that SKT gave up the fight for the blue, the Korean commentator breathed a sigh of relief: "The rock bird is not in much shape. Once it fails to cooperate well, all the previous efforts will be in vain."

Guan Zeyuan: "Eimy rides on Peanut's face and plays with it. Penicillin eats this blue, and the midline advantage is even greater!"

Yanque took the opportunity to return to Bo's house.

Little Peanut judged that the prince would go back to get red, so he simply gave up the red buff and shook Lulu over.

7 minutes 40 seconds.

Qin Hao found an opportunity to slide and touch a QA.

As a jungler, Peanut knows that he must stand up at this time. Because the midline was restricted, the offensive attack they wanted in the second half couldn't be unleashed at all.

The ornaments Qin Hao placed on the grass in the river have not disappeared yet.

Peanuts can only be posted in the aisles.

"If you want to catch it, Lulu is in the blue area."

"The prince is fighting the three wolves, can you realize it?"

Remember when you are anxious.

Korean net commentary raised expectations.

As long as Lucian can be killed, Yanque can force him down and Han Bing can use the defense tower.

When the blind monk showed his head in Yanque's position, Qin Hao immediately maneuvered Lucian to retreat and stick to the lower side.

While retreating, Qin Hao heard the information reported by C. He glanced at the map and found that Galio was pulling to the side.

Qin Hao quickly judged the situation and knew that if the opponent wanted to catch him, he could only use the blind monk's roundhouse kick, and Yanque was not close enough.

In addition...

"Big Wolf, stop him for me, don't let him fly."

The blind monk exposes his vision and allows the minion to get close.

next second.

The ideal Lucian slides forward, touches his eyes and kicks back in a flash, and the script for a set with Yanque has not yet appeared. I saw the blind monk Q in the air, Lucian finished his WAA, he just touched his eyes and continued to pull closer, Lucian flashed forward and killed.

"Penicillin still wants to operate..."

"A fake move to avoid the rock protrusion? Faker?"

The Korean commentator couldn't believe the scene in front of him.

They finally caught a wave of opportunities, but Lucian launched an uncharacteristic charge. After flashing Q, he did not follow the trend and A passively, but moved to the left and left his original position to avoid the rock spur.

Little Peanut knew that this position made it impossible for him to follow up with the dodge kick, and the distance was still a little short. He subconsciously pulled back, and Lucian handed over his sliding step and pulled away a little further.

"The damage is a bit too high."

Wolf just arrived at the blue zone channel.

He watched the blind monk being pulled away, Lucian took the initiative to cross the stone formation, fired his big move at an angle, and poured bullets into it.

When the director didn't notice, Huni was hit by a Thain dump truck just as he was about to support him.

I heard the roar of a big wolf.

Qin Hao concentrated on catching the rock bird and moving it.


Faker panicked for a second because he found that the blind monk was not close enough to interrupt.

It's just that Lucian stepped on the E capstone to penetrate the resistance tower, and his health dropped to half health.

to change.

Faker came up with this idea, but the Korean commentator felt that the Yanjai flash was only 10 seconds away, and the little peanut should have waited.

"Can the defense tower kill you? The damage is a bit insufficient. The prince is here to help."

Qin Hao knew that he had to kill him early and not give the blind monk a chance. At this time, the enthusiasm stack was full, and Yanque had 6 health left. Qin Hao took the initiative to stop the ultimate move, took advantage of the situation and took away Yanque's health with two shots, and withdrew to the F[-] grass with the third defense tower.

"Isn't this going to get away to Lucian?!"

After walking 2 steps, he hit the fourth defense tower, and with 200 health remaining, Qin Hao Qed the minion biubiu and stuck it near the side wall. At this time, the blind monk took advantage of Lulu's acceleration. Qin Hao made a Q and stopped suddenly to twist away Tian Yinbo.


Retracting the gun and stopping suddenly is the best position.

The prediction was wrong and the distance was 400 yards away. Little Peanut was extremely anxious.

He never thought that Yanque could die so naturally.

But the person in front of me took advantage of being ganked and found an opportunity to kill in the lane.

E OK, slide.

The distance increased to more than 700 yards.

After chasing for a while, Little Peanut was a little annoyed, so he simply waited for a W, touched his eye and flashed ER, and took Lucian away.

One by one.

8 minutes and 09 seconds, total head count 2:1.

Guan Zeyuan: "Hey! Little Peanut didn't save his skills, otherwise he would have a chance to run away. Blind Monk Tianyinbo still has seven seconds. The prince is almost there. He can stop him. There is an explosive fruit on the wall. As long as he can click on it, He ran away after getting into the Dalong Pit."

I remember agreeing and didn't think there was anything wrong with this script: "Yes, it's just a little bit worse. The acceleration given by Lulu is too critical. Otherwise, even if the blind monk dodges, just dodge the Tianyin Wave."

The North American commentator said happily: "I guessed that it was going to be a solo kill. Lucian's development is so good that he doesn't even need to use full burst."

"He stacked Zeal on the blind monk, and his calculations were very accurate. When the ultimate move was not fully activated, he pressed it down to receive the passive ending, which made it easier to run towards F6."

"Killing Faker alone is an achievement."

His partner disagreed: "With Penicillin's status, does he need to prove anything by killing Faker alone? His strongest point is not even lane play, which is different from the way Faker became famous."

"Okay, you're right." The North American commentator shrugged.

The Korean audience is a little bit defensive.

Blind monk's level [-] flash wave, just like this?
[Is it still the jungler’s fault? 】

[Why doesn’t Faker retreat? 】

[Why should Lucian be given distance to pursue forward. 】

[Lucian can’t kill him unless he comes out of the tower. 】

Huni: "Sain is not big." One sentence explained the reason why he didn't rely on it just now.

Little Peanut was a little uncomfortable. The most critical wave did not knock out Lucian's rhythm, but was beaten one for one. Now Lucian had a small scimitar, and he couldn't keep up with the lane in the middle.

To stabilize the distance, remove most of the blood.

Wolf: "If it doesn't work out, give him the first tower."

Bang: "Yeah, you can fight around me. I'm developing well."

SKT can only give up the mid lane.

With Lucian's scimitar and dagger, Yanque was no longer qualified to develop in front of Qin Hao.


The rock bird began to sit in jail behind the tower.

If it weren't for the fear of being squatted by the blind monk, and the exchange of heads would be worthless, Qin Hao would definitely call Eimy to come over and jump over the tower.

even so.

With time to grind down a tower, Eimy spent the rest of her time in the bottom lane except for supplementing her vision.

When Han Bing arrived at the Sixth Queen, she was about to step forward to pretend to compete, but was persuaded to retreat by the prince.

Wait for the camera to cut back.

Qin Hao turned around and went into the red side jungle area to form F6.

Seeing that the blind monk could only let go, I remember happily saying: "This rhythm is very comfortable, and there is another 26 knives. The mine knife explodes gold coins, and I have basically ruined the money."

Don't forget that the mining knife sells for 180 yuan.

It seems like you only earn so much money, but your attributes are at a disadvantage. The problem is that in a stress-free game, all the extra economy is wasted.

What's more, Qin Hao also defeated Yanque 18 times. The difference became obvious every time.

Relying on this kind of positioning.

The F6 area on the red side was lost. The little peanut was in the middle and could only pass from the lower side. However, the prince only controlled the lower side of the field of vision to ensure that the bomber cleared the line.

After the prince acted as a downline bodyguard, Wolf knew that he had to find an opportunity to fight, otherwise one of his own towers would fall first. The bottom half lineup they chose had too little linkage effect.

SKT is not a team that just keeps growing.

More than 9 minutes.

Seeing that Yanque was beaten home for the fourth time, the blind monk came to close the line, and only one-fifth of the first tower was left.

Bang moved boldly to twist Braum's Q, and combined with Lulu's acceleration to force Bomberman's W.


The blind monk and the three wolves are here.

Galio returned to the city early and moved down to the high ground.

The jungle disappears.

Eimy became alert and appeared in the lower field of vision.

SKT knew the prince was nearby and took the initiative to seduce him.

During the communication, C Bo felt that Lucian could arrive first, and the rock bird would go out now, and it would take eight or nine seconds to get here if he was quick, so he decisively chose to jump on the minions to kill the weak ones and save the ice first.

In C Bo's view, the opponent's line-pressing move is an opportunity.

There's no reason to keep pretending like this.

But just when Braun used his big move at close range to force his AD to flash, the prince just got closer, and a blind monk bounced off the wall.

"After receiving the Tianyin Wave, the prince used his backhand to open his shield and attack."

The junglers on both sides fought on the sides.

Han Bing opened Q and clicked on the security door, making a crisp impact sound.

It looks like 3v3.

C Bo took 2 steps back, saw Bomberman turn E, and hid his Q to slow down Lulu.

I didn’t Q when I saw Bronn.

Bang took the initiative to take a step forward. The next second, Eimy thought it was an opportunity and flashed EQ to fly and block the ultimate move. Bomberman followed with Hell Cannon.

"Bang is not down, he is still dealing damage."

"Gario is here, we didn't do enough damage."


Lulu ER set the shield, and Han Bing's health was lifted up. Following Galio's big jump, Thane and T are now already too slow.

Eimy could only watch as he was knocked up and taunted, and then Blind Sin Q came over, using Braum as a pedal, touching his eyes to interrupt the second stage of Q and avoiding Bomberman's W.


R came out at an oblique angle, and Bomberman was kicked to the wall. The next second, Galio flashed W and taunted Braum, pulled E on the spot and knocked him away. Then, a stone wall sealed the next tower on the blue side from the blue buff. forward.

This is the hidden support potential of this lineup.

Poor IMP really has no choice.

He also wanted to kite, but in the end he was carried back by the rock bird steadily and died in battle.

the other side.

Qin Hao rushed to the nearby area, knowing that Braum, who had more than 300 health, could only hold on for a few seconds at most, and the remaining health of Ice shot against the sky and earth to stun the prince, and the output was almost full.

"Zhongfu dodges, but the blind monk doesn't. Find an opportunity to pull."

The big wolf was pestered by Lulu as soon as he landed. He originally wanted to kill Han Bing, but upon hearing the greeting, he immediately turned back to the back row to cover Braum and save the blind monk.

Bang's output stopped moving and was taken away by Lucian's sliding QA.

He didn't think anything of it. He did at least over 1000 damage in this wave, used most of LGD's skills in the jungle, and did everything he needed to do.

He is in a good mood.

Gradually, I realized something was wrong.

Because the damage of the Rock Bird was too low, when Lucian dealt Lulu, Braum had to passively touch Galio and Blind Sin before being killed by Stone Pierce.

"It depends on Lucian..."

"His damage was too high, it didn't seem right."

Lucian's basic attack alone can take away one bar of Lulu's health.

Watching Lulu pull the grass and move, she wanted to hold on for a while, but was directly hit by Lucian's W and biubiu. At this moment, Wolf looked to the side and realized that Thain had stunned Galio with A on the spot, and was resisting three people to save the blind monk.

Store Q.


The angle was perfect, and it hit the upper field.

"Fuck you, Big Wolf." C Bo cursed.

On the other side, Wolf handed over the flash to Hou Cao and saw that Lucian did not miss the bloody head. Refresh the sliding step on him, use E and Q to connect with the scimitar, and cooperate with Thain and the prince's EQ to focus on the fire blind monk.

"Pizza, got 2 Q's from Thane."

"We have to leave, we can't fight anymore."

Before the blind monk died, Prince Q dealt some damage, and combined with the upper and middle output to replace the prince's head.

next moment.

Faker signaled his W for four seconds and flashed towards the triangle grass. Galio relied on his ability to resist for a while and helped cover.

Guan Zeyuan: "Beautiful! I got the four heads."

After a while.

Faker suddenly got better and wanted to fight back.

But Galio, who had more than 500 health, punched the river, and Qin Hao didn't block it at all. He forced two dodges and that was enough.

Huni was a little regretful and a little upset.

Lucian's development is getting better and better, but he may not be able to handle it...


【Wolf God! ! 】

[This Posain is too good to stay. If it were later, Blind Sin W would be better. 】

[Wow, something big almost happened. 】

Guan Zeyuan knew that it was not easy to fight like this.

"In this wave, our top and middle teams were not that good, and we were almost beaten back by SKT."

"There's no way, Bang's output is full. Fortunately, on our side, the kills are concentrated on the people who need to be concentrated most. Once the ruin comes out, add magic resistance shoes, and Faker doesn't dare to look at our mid lane now."

Supplies will come out on the return trip.

Qin Hao focused on Zhongyi Tower.

that's it.

The Korean audience was a little excited, but quickly cooled down.

Because the pressure from Lucian was so great, Xiao Peanut couldn't even control F6.

But SKT is still very capable of seizing opportunities.

They placed a tower, and relied on Ice E to reveal that the prince was eating wild monsters. The blind monk circled up from the dragon pit, cooperated with Galio's teleportation, and captured it again.

"Counterattack from SKT."

"The bottom lane just hit a wave of 55, and SKT found another opportunity."

"Little Peanut is a bit smart. He knows that we have to defend the line first, so he directly inserts the ward to let Galio take the T."

Bronn tried his best to help take the damage.

But neither of them could dodge, so Galio made a taunt, and Han Bing opened fire without any pressure, getting a double kill.

With a head count of 4:6, SKT is still more than 500 economic points behind, mainly in the middle.

After this wave of fighting, C Bo's tone began to become abnormal: "The ice will also be broken."

Qin Hao: "It's okay. The first tower is available. I'll take it with you. Puff, you guard the center. The next tower is available."

Rely on this line change.

Of course SKT knows that LGD is feeding Lucian. It's useless to deal with the problem. If you can't stop it, you can't stop it.

The two sides began to change their economies.

SKT added a water dragon to the next tower, and LGD added a group of stone beetles to the previous tower.

This round.

Qin Hao sucked in a lot of wild monsters, and while the rock sparrow and blind monk were approaching, he went back to swipe the river crabs and his own toads, and went home to make up for the small wooden hammer and red crystal.

At this point, go down the second line and enter the tower.

Big Wolf hung up on the bottom lane for about half a minute. When he saw Lucian coming out of the high ground, he took the initiative to let the economy go and returned to the top lane to pick up the line pushed by Yanque.

Qin Hao was not polite either.

He really needs the lead gear.

"From top to bottom, the whole team is helping Penicillin develop."

"He's under a lot of pressure..."

The North American casters still have a fun-loving mentality.

It's just that they have never seen such a demanding Penicillin.

Looking at it, I also felt a sense of admiration.

If this is not c.

BP chooses Lucian, which will eat up the entire team's economy. I'm afraid even the champion won't be able to resist the sunspots.

Shan Niruo also knew that we had to wait and see whether a snowball could roll out in the mid-term. He shouted: "SKT stopped playing with us and acted like a turtle."

Qin Hao also discovered this.

Whichever way he goes, he will shrink down and tolerate it. With a prince as a bodyguard, he is not afraid of changing blood.

All the way to 16 minutes.

SKT didn't even look at it, let go of the Fire Dragon, and forced the upper side in the opposite direction. If the big wolf hadn't retreated in time, it would have been bypassed by the blind monk again.

We have to find an opportunity to fight... Qin Hao thought and said, "Is there an eye on the other side of Shanghe Road?"

C: "I played fortune-telling flowers on the front, but there are no flowers on the upper side. But the river grass is hard to grab."

If Lucian doesn't squeeze in, Han Bing can connect first.

one more.

SKT has Yanque and Galio, and IMP really doesn't dare to go out. If he is caught, his short legs will lie down for a second.

It is in this kind of tolerance.

Qin Hao helped kill the dragon, took him down to the second tower, and fired his ultimate move at the blind monk and Galio who came to guard. Most of the bullets were eaten by two people.

In Huni's eyes as he almost made a move, Lucian slid forward with great arrogance and penetrated him.

"Xi Ba, pretend like this."

If he didn't know the prince's position clearly, he would have punched him.

18 and a half.

Lucian retreated back to the city.

Qin Hao judged that the blind monk would also come back and move up, because when he went to the blue area after defeating the dragon, he found that the toad camp was empty.

Everyone is out of rhythm at this moment.

Even if Han Bing is in the middle, he doesn't dare to open. The only thing that can be protected is the side road.

"Big wolf."


Qin Hao didn't need to remind him, because Qin Hao put a mark on Yanque.

I haven't faced Lucian for almost a few minutes.

The development of the rock bird is gradually improving.

The Korean commentator repeatedly chanted and dragged back.


They saw Lucian uncharacteristically enter the blue from the side, follow the blue buff camp to a position close to the altar, and get into the dragon pit close to the field of vision.

at the same time.

The rock bird took away the stone beetle and went to the ruins of the first tower for wiring. The blind monk had just reached the second tower and planned to enter the red from the intersection.

The Korean commentator was stunned for a few seconds.

This is indeed Lucian, not the Enchantress?

Xiba is so good at drilling.

But in Qin Hao's eyes, the Lulu Ming card is on the lower side, Galio disappears, and it is closer to the middle at most. The blind monk is probably near the red zone or in the second tower, and there is not much fog of war.

Bang just wired it.

I heard Faker's voice in my ear: "Look at me."

But Lucian suddenly emerged from the flank, and the rock bird couldn't bear the damage.


Bang's brain shut down for a few seconds. Just now Wolf said to put down the second tower slowly. This script is wrong. Why don't you take the line?

"Any chance of killing?"

Remember when you shout.

Qin Hao moved W and approached Q, but Yanque dodged it. Without the burst of Q, Yanque counterattacked Yantu and forced him to retreat.

Faker: "He's not big, just lean on me."

was talking.

Galio, who is near the three wolves, runs towards the middle tower.

Faker delayed for a few seconds.

Right here, Lucian slid A and was about to take away the rock bird, when a circle of light fell down to increase the shield and reduce damage, locking the blood volume.

Qin Hao understands Galio very well.

Even if Yanque only had 200 health left, he did not choose to make up for the damage.

Seeing Lucian move to the side to leave the aperture range, the blind monk touched his eyes and used Q.

In Little Peanut's eyes, Lucian twisted his waist to dodge, and then dodged back to avoid Galio's punch. Huni and Peanut heard the position marked by Bang and chose to use short-charge W to taunt.

At this time, the blind monk walked out from the stone beetle, touched Galio's R, and the crystal arrow just hit.

"I have arrived."

I looked at the angle of Thain's ultimate move.

Qin Hao ate up the Ueno skills, purified and released the control, defeated the decelerating blind monk AA and then Q, and pulled out with 300 health remaining despite the stone penetration damage.

Rely on a small wooden hammer and magic resistance shoes.

The body position creates distance.

After chasing for a few steps, Little Peanut counted Q and was still 3 seconds away when a dump truck suddenly appeared in his field of vision, and it was a dump truck at high speed.


"The prince is here too!"

Seeing Thain bump into the blind monk, Big Wolf took a step to the right to charge Q, adjusting the angle to cover Galio.

in this process.

Qin Hao outputs without pressure. In the confused eyes of the little peanut, he quickly uses E, short EAA to deal damage, and returns to more than 500 by sucking blood.

At this time, Qin Hao almost combined the cost and black cut. In a game where there are usually more than one, the damage is not exaggerated.

Little Peanut panicked.

Subconsciously hand over the flash and wait for Han Bing to come over.

Qin Hao followed Galio and continued to pursue him.

at this time.

Prince EQ crossed the wall and came to the stone beetle camp. Faker saw this scene and chose to betray his teammates, but Bang called for him to kill Lucian.

"Gario is down to half health, the prince is too strong, and Huni can't dodge."

The front row was mobbed.

The ice came to the stone beetle and fired thousands of arrows, stepping forward to deal damage.

The Korean commentator just mentioned it.

Ice A, Thain, kited and stacked Q, Rock Bird blocked the road, blocking the prince

"Gario W is fine, Huni can still resist for a while!"

The ice was beeping in place, and Thain E slowed down when he was hit by the shield. When exchanging hammers with Thain, Bang relied on the rock bird and blind monk who pressed back to fight back.

Although Qin Hao can suck blood, he knows that the ice is still flashing, and E is useless.

5 seconds passed.

Galio's last bit of health was taken away by the prince.

At the same time, Thain was down to one-third of his health, charging up his Q to force his position, and Eimy pulled out first.


Yanque W lifted back to Thain to interrupt, and the big wolf opened the shield and handed over the flash.

It seems that Thain is not easy to resist, and the range of IMP's ultimate move is sufficient.

Qin Hao originally wanted to sell one and run away.

next second.

Blind Sin left Sion alone, hit Q at an angle, and then kicked up.

follow closely.

The 400-blood Ice Flash is broken and then compensates for the damage. From SKT's point of view, as long as they can kill Lucian, this wave will be profitable.

Guan Zeyuan: "It's over, the ice is about to be harvested."

"Just make up for it, I can kill them all." Qin Hao roared.


Qin Hao did not stop outputting firepower, and the prince turned around and flashed AQ in seconds. With more than 170 health left, Lucian AQ killed the blind monk.

this moment.

After Ice A made his third basic attack, Lucian A, who had only the blood skin left, used his passive short E to brush off the second attack and then rocked out WAA, and Bomberman followed up with his ultimate move.


The audience was shocked.

Two green numbers popped up above Lucian's head, and then a red number of 2 crit popped up. Then the ice opened the barrier and was tapped by Lucian's W again.

Just like that, Lucian was not dead, and Bomberman took the ice away.

Just one point and five seconds.

Relying on the more than 300 shields provided by the barrier, the ice that was close to full health was melted by this explosion.

For a second, Bang regretted that he had not taken out the cloth armor shoes, but had taken out the yellow cross first. Because he felt that he had enough straw sandals, he gave priority to the 2-piece set in order to pull LGD's front row.

"From the Imperial City PK between two 'ADs', Penicillin survived!!"

"OMG! Is this wave still human? The ice has evaporated. How many passives did he hit?"

Dangerous Games snapped back.

The stone penetration of Yanque's heel was partially offset by the magic resistance shoes. Thain turned back to block the angle. Qin Hao chased to the second tower and killed Yanque.

Lucian scored a double kill.

A wave of zero for 4.

Ueno tried his best to help block, and Lucian hit the harvest. This kind of cooperation aroused cheers from the scene. They have never seen such violent AD exchanges.

Whether it's Han Bing's kite pull, flanking with Q to counterattack, flashing forward to kill Lucian, or Lucian and Prince God simultaneously killing the blind monk and counterattacking Han Bing.

As long as there are people who are stubborn, team battles will not become like this.

Until the guide plays back.

The Korean commentator saw clearly that Lucian had played several passives. After Qing the blind monk, he shot first and then shorted EAA and then WAA. Three passives per second come with full stacks of Zeal and Bomberman damage. The ice that opened the barrier still owed Bomberman dozens of health points.

In the lens.

Bang didn't expect that he could die like this. He dared to dodge at half health but thought he couldn't die with a shield. If he killed Lucian, even if he was replaced by Thane or the prince, the rock bird could still harvest him.

"Lucian has six heads..."

These words are full of helplessness.

"The upper two towers are gone, and the middle two towers can still be pushed. Braum is in good condition, and Lulu can't defend." The assistants on both sides were facing each other on the lower side, and they couldn't get up at all.

LGD expanded its economy to three thousand and two.

Lucian continued to lead without a solution.

crucial moment.

Little Peanut stood up again.

He crouched on the lower side half a minute in advance and caught Lucian coming out to lead the line. The same combo was repeated. This time, the blind monk circled behind and touched his eye R, and the ice was powerful in the middle. In conjunction with Galio's justice, Lucian was forced to run in the opposite direction.

In the end, after chasing for more than ten seconds, Qin Hao couldn't hold him back, so Lulu turned him into a sheep, and his head was given to Yanque.

"Fortunately, Penicillin dragged on for a while, and our dragon had a good view."

23 and a half.

SKT dismantled the first tower and tried to open the Baron. LGD relied on Bomberman Poke and blocked the Baron offensive after selling Sion.

hit here.

Qin Hao also had a dry mouth.

Fortunately, he was still leading the game, and SKT's key ultimate move was on CD, so he didn't dare to come and watch.

He knows this.

After pulling down the second tower, he threatened the high ground for a while, then joined the prince and turned to the middle, keeping the bomber and touching the defensive tower for a while.


Qin Hao went to take the line. Faker seized the opportunity when he was not in the front to seal the road and start a team. He cooperated with the blind monk behind him to force Bomber to flash out and kill the prince and Bronn who were out of touch.

"big dragon!"

The Korean network commentator roared: "Eat the big dragon and narrow the economic gap. This one can win."

Qin Hao: "Big Wolf, you have to come."

Near the upper river channel.

The half-blood bomber walked towards the intersection of the blue zone. Qin Hao was threatening the position on the upper side alone. Thain passed to the real eye in front of Lucian.

"IMP is easy to move, Han Bing's arrow was deflected by his W."

Bang's attempt to start a group failed.

With Thain in the front row, Lucian seized the opportunity to press Q and then R, and cooperated with Bomber who stepped back to the position, causing everyone in SKT to move around.

"Gario couldn't resist and chose to punch back."

"It can still be delayed, we can hold on to this wave."

"We cannot give Yanque a chance to cooperate with our teammates. As long as Lucian is here, we are not afraid of the 55th group."

Wolf directs the retreat.

He glanced at Lucian and swallowed. With it around, it's hard for them to touch the dragon.

Up to this point in this round, my nerves were tense, but the crossfire network formed by the pervert and the bomber in front of me made it impossible for the five of them to occupy the vicinity of the dragon pit.

At 26 minutes, Qin Hao went home and added some magic resistance to his artillery.

He knew that he had just updated his equipment, and SKT did not know this information.

"Come to Zhong, I'll find a chance to kill Han Bing."

Bang clears the line normally, and Lulu and Blind Monk line up their wards on the upper side.

Explaining the stupid kung fu in Korea.

Lucianka's minion burst out of sight, slid to tap the cannon to trigger acceleration, and then pressed the purifying instant crystal arrow to decelerate, melting the ice before Huni's ultimate move could lock the avatar.

Bang smiled bitterly for a second.

I really can't understand this damage. The piles of broken and black cuts were full in seconds, and he still lay down in seconds even if he took out his cloth armor shoes.

"Can we make a big dragon!!" Guan Zeyuan roared.

It became a crisis for SKT.

But in this wave, the rock bird blocked the road and blocked Thain. Galio R blind monk held on for a long time, relying on the rock bird to keep using the big mask poke on the wall, and the prince was beaten to death.

"Forget it, wait for me, Mercury, and we'll hit it."

It's 27 minutes and 04 seconds.

Qin Hao, who had grown for more than 50 seconds, updated Little Mercury. So far, he has 291 CS, which is 36 higher than SKT's Bang who has the most CS.

SKT also found that Lucian began to help his teammates grab the mid lane.

Little Peanut saw Lucian and Bronn standing very close and seemed to be turning down.

But soon, he discovered that LGD had seized the flank vision position, chose to force the second tower, used Bomberman's W and Lucian's artillery to steal the A, took the tower with remaining health, and retreated to control the Fire Dragon.

Lucian with a three-piece artillery set put SKT under pressure.

Adding a small amount of mercury to the purification is very life-saving.

Huni has been ridiculed many times, and the rock bird cannot keep up. It is very difficult for them to deal with Lucian. Everyone in LGD is its bodyguard.

"His next wave still hit me, so I looked for opportunities to kick it back."

SKT couldn't grab the middle line.

Little Peanut feels that only if he hides his vision and avoids Lucian, can he win a wave of LGD. In terms of fault tolerance, they are definitely higher than LGD now.

"Continue to fight for the middle line, PYL and Eimy are supplementing their vision."

"The prince just needs to find an opportunity to cover the ice and limit Bang's firepower. The explosion of the rock bird is not enough, and it will be more painful for us Bomberman to poke."

"Yes, IMP's skills are quite accurate in this round."

Guan Zeyuan discussed with Remember.

Everyone knows that a wave of 55 will determine the outcome of the two teams.

Just at this time.

The blind monk was hiding in the F6 camp. Galio came from the right and was discovered by the prince.

next second.

The prince comes out with EQ, and next to him is Braum. Just when Qin Hao was about to take a look, Han Bing and Lulu chose to connect in advance.

Can't stand it.

Qin Hao used his ultimate move to prepare for a sweep, looking for an opportunity to suppress the blood volume of the back row to force the baron.

Beep beep.

The damage was very high, and Lulu's gang couldn't hold on, so they came to the tower for salvation. Right here, Huni was ready, and saw a stone wall sealing off from the direction of the red buff, all the way to the ruins of a tower.

IMP saw Lucian being isolated, and the blind monk touched his eyes and came out.

West eight.

With the whole world watching.

The blind monk flew into the air, and his little peanut fingers already covered the R and F keys. At the second tower, Hanbing followed Yanque, who came to Lucian's flank with his ultimate move, and was ready to use his skills.

The Korean commentator was about to shout "Peanut, SKT's savior"!
next second.

Lucian transformed and came to the stone wall.

As a commentator, he hadn't figured out the situation yet. The next second, Galio pressed his ultimate move, and Lucian slid across the wall, using the super range of the cannon to hit the blind monk across the wall.


"Mercury adds flash, and the blind monk's ultimate move has been confiscated!!"

"Lucian is three levels ahead of the jungler, Braum is here!"

C Bo has always protected Bomber.

There are not many opportunities to join a group.

But there was no way he wouldn't be able to seize such an opportunity.

Flash, ultimate move, a gap that knocks away the rock bird, creating a speed bump. Next to him, Galio was flying in front of the prince. Eimy leaned back and used EQ's ultimate move over the wall to cover Ueno, and Bomberman pressed R.

"Big wolf!"

C Bo is shouting.

He used a security door to block Han Bing's output angle. The stone wall immediately disappeared, and the big wolf walked to the tower on the blue side and pressed his ultimate move.

"I couldn't defeat Lucian in seconds. Peanut's position was very poor."

"Gario's ultimate move is just normal, and his taunting is gone."

"Pizza, totally pizza, Peanut is down."

Qin Hao drew the second E, relied on Bomberman to supplement EQ, and took away the blind monk's head.

The stone wall disappeared in an instant.

Thane enters.

Amid Guan Zeyuan's passionate shouts, Thain crashed into the formation. With it as the center, the rock bird was forced to retreat to the highland wall through the passage. The ice flashed and Lulu slowed down.

By the time Wolf realized the danger, their formation was finished.

As long as Lucian can't be controlled.

LGD has the capital to pursue the game.

"Langx goes in to fight the tower, Galio won't be able to resist for long!"

The blind monk rushed to the street, and Galio was beaten in vain.

The remaining ice on the front does not pose much threat to LGD's formation.

At this moment.

The prince's second EQ hit the high ground, flashed W to slow down the ice, and activated A to passively activate. After a few seconds, Qin Hao bypassed Galio, who had residual health, and slid the artillery AQ to kill him with two shots.

"There's going to be a wave. The rock bird has just retreated to the high ground. It can't hit Thain."

Qin Hao's equipment is really good.

Faker still wanted to defend, but Qin Hao stepped on the stone formation again, causing the rock bird to run up to the high ground, and was forced to retreat to the open space and return to the city.


Lulu, who ran back to the spring, came out to defend, but was slowed down by Thain's pusher E, and was bombed by Bomber, leaving her with no health.

at this time.

The director gave the playback.

Lucian's mercury flashes and escapes from the blind monk's ultimate move reappears. The blind monk's ultimate move has two stages, one is similar to imprisonment, and when the animation appears, it is the knockback.

Mouse table.

The senior brother watched it for the second time, covered his face, and said loudly to the water friends: "I have always wanted to do this kind of operation in the arena, do you know?"

“To be honest, I’ve shown off Lee Sin like this several times in queue, using his team initiator to become our team initiator.

But as you know, there is too much information about the game, and your teammates have to communicate with you. You may not be able to think of it in such a few tenths of a second.

Because these are 2 key positions, I looked at the panel, oh, at this moment, Penicillin first pressed the 3 key, then the D key, and then the E key to trigger the flat A with Bomberman to fight back against the Blind Sin. "

"What surprised me the most is that this was a round designed by SKT. As long as he is kicked, Galio's ultimate move will land forward and get stuck. When the back row eats Lucian, SKT can easily harvest the baron."

The Korean commentator calmed down: "That's it, I don't blame Peanut, he is the only person on our side who is close to Lucian.

Except for the wave of single capture, Penicillin will hardly suffer from chain control. He has purification, magic resistance shoes, destruction, E and movement. He can produce tons of output in a very narrow area. "

"Perhaps it would be better to continue to delay until Bang's Resurrection Armor and then attack, but maybe we can't hold it off because our field of vision is poor. If Lucian squats again, LGD will have a big dragon."

Shan Niruo showed the proud face of his father: "I've already told Nate that he can't do it. This move is definitely his idea. He likes to take risks."

The water friends were a little speechless.

If it wasn’t the blind monk, this game would have ended long ago.

[Don’t blame him now. 】

[Guigui, mercury instant solution flashes open. If it weren't for the blind monk's ultimate move, I would have thought that Little Peanut was sending him away. 】

[Qingshen, the only true god of LPL. 】

YYDS refreshes the screen.

Seeing this scene, Shan Niruo was very satisfied. When showing off, there is nothing wrong with the brush.


29 minutes 39 seconds.

At 11:10, LGD leveled the base.

Guan Zeyuan: "Double beat SKT in the group stage!! Penicillin is in great shape!!"

Remember: "I can only say that after watching so many Lu Xian, Penicillin's Lu Xian still resonates with me."

(End of this chapter)

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