Chapter 280 Then prove it to him

Heart really doesn't understand what Cvmax is worried about.

He thinks Xie Zhenying is very good. Not counting his previous experience in TGA, he has only played in the LPL for five months.

From the beginning, the tank front row was relatively abstract, but now the hero pool meets a variety of needs, and it is really talented.

In his eyes.

Cvmax’s requirements for Xie Zhenying are too high.

Take this intercontinental competition as an example.

They made face-to-face appointments with WE, EDG, and RNG for training matches. If they spoke louder, the other side could hear them. That's it, choose a developmental top laner for Big Wolf, and the other three companies don't have a good way to break it.

After all, Big Wolf's laning level is there, and he can pick up heroes from behind. In addition to this version, the top lane is not that good.

If you want to target him, you have to rely solely on your personal ability to defeat him, but how is that possible?

Otherwise it's really unnecessary.

Heart was puzzled and said: "We're already halfway through the summer split, and we still need to find a substitute? What is it about him that disgusts you?"

and so.

Heart feels that Cvmax has a problem with Xie Zhenying. Do you like to talk back during the review and make him unhappy?

Is it funny to hit the prince with a weapon and drop three bottles of corruption at level 2? Isn’t it funny that I can’t get the line right?

Smeb said in an interview that when Gnar could beat Kennen, he was playing CuVee’s Kennen.

After all, whether the middle lane gains the advantage and radiates to the upper half, or the middle lane controls the lane and radiates to the lower half, it is essentially the midfielder who exerts influence.

Played so many training games.

He was teammates with Acorn.

Enter the office.

To be honest, Acorn is not as good as Langx, because Acorn is particularly confident in playing other heroes except Rumble. He is also a conservative type when playing other heroes. His performance in the game is not as stable as Langx, otherwise he would not be replaced by MaRin.

Is it because the tower doesn't dare to show off and immediately thinks of retreating to protect itself, so it is necessary to change to the top lane?

Then switch to 957 and he has to run. There is a gap in the hero selection. Being able to counterpress can only show that CuVee is bad.

Why does Smeb dare to deny such a Conte relationship.

"Wait a minute." Cvmax stretched out his hand to interrupt: "Is this called disgust?"

"Fupan likes to talk about the road the most, and he is also the most stringent in arresting him..."

In the top lane position, being aggressive has more disadvantages than advantages. These days it’s all a team game, who wants to play one-on-one with you?

Cvmax is working on a version update. I saw Heart saying that the running in is good enough. Looking for a replacement will cause chaos.

He didn't think Xie Zhenying was stubborn.

If you are aggressive in laning, if the midfielder cannot keep up, it will be a pure flaw.

Otherwise, it would be normal. Kennen would always cross the line to suppress Gnar. One or two knives in 10 minutes would be considered an average level. If his technique is more powerful, he would securely capture the defensive tower in 10 minutes.

"I often bring emotions into my work..." Cvmax took a glass of water and handed it to Heart, "But not this time."

It's not easy to get used to it. With two fixed frames, you don't need to be aggressive in the lane during the laning phase. You just need to keep up with the rhythm and play corresponding coordination, and you can win.


Cvmax was against SSG in the group stage, and it was a rare gaffe. The problem was that CuVee didn't hit a single kill even though he was under pressure. It's so easy to be eaten alone.

He couldn't figure it out.

he knows.

If he had pointed out this issue in review that night, Xie Zhenying would still have fought. All he said was that it was difficult to operate, not that easy to operate, and he could still play after dying once. He was caught!

To be honest, Heart felt that Big Wolf was a little too careful in this regard. It was as if something was forcing him to give it away.

Cvmax looked strange, "Disgusted? Why do I dislike him?"

In a matchup like this, if Kennen wants to be at a disadvantage, he can only miss his Q and be unable to put pressure on Gnar.

Thinking of the green steel shadow that flashed backwards and forwards, Cvmax seemed to see Xie Zhenying transforming into a red wolf again in front of his eyes.

"I only know that you have the most opinions on going on the road."

one more.

He didn't expect Heart to look at him like this, thinking that he wanted to change because of his strong personal emotions.

The worst thing is to be crushed dozens of times and lose a tower.

When he was in SSB, he always felt that he deserved to be in the starting lineup. Could it be that he was also stubborn? No, he just wasn't willing to give in. He had never played in a main match, and he didn't even have any illusions.

Of course he was unhappy with Langx, but that wasn't the main reason.

Oh, it's not like he has failed. He lost to KT in the league and was beaten to the point of dementia in the top lane. According to his observation, CuVee's state fluctuates greatly. When he fainted, he was no better than Huni.

Gnar, who is not yet his, has no disadvantage against Kennen.

"Opinions, of course I have opinions on him."

Langx and IMP spent most of the time farming normally and waiting for their teammates to follow their rhythm.

He couldn't hold it back and interrupted rudely: "Don't say that these things are available or not. I want you to support me and apply for a budget together with the boss. I don't want you to nag in my ears."

Cvmax recalled that before the spring playoffs, SSG lost to KT 0-3. His biggest feeling at that time was that KT's Galaxy Battleship came true and they smoothly defeated SSG in three games.

But there are really few problems with SSG.

He felt that the reason for losing to KT was that CuVee was not in good condition and could not beat Smeb, and the jungle rhythm was not as good as Score, and KT could always start first.

Besides, KT has problems of one kind or another, but they have done a good job in advancing the game with advantage.

In terms of finishing efficiency alone, KT ranks first in the LCK, winning games and averaging less time per game than other teams.

In contrast, SSG.

Everyone knows that Crown's laning level has declined this year. Not counting the adaptation version, the mid laners in several popular versions have average results. For example, Ryze, Rockbird, Galio, and Syndra can all play, but they are not outstanding.

The one that stands out a bit here is probably Rock Bird, because this hero doesn't have so many knife-tip licking operations, and pays more attention to the feel of skill release.

Other than that, there are no obvious shortcomings.

He always feels that as long as SSG can solve this problem, the upper limit will be higher than other teams.


Ruler is progressing too fast.

It was a breakthrough last year. He likes to give opportunities during the transfer period. The extremely fat Verus can get a yellow card and die suddenly, and he can make the middle and upper field cry. This season, he is not good at C. He has the number of MVPs and faults ahead of his teammates.

This means that the tactical framework of SSG has been formed.

They like to rely on their vision to control the map and avoid the period of lineup disadvantage. Therefore, SSG's ideal lineup allocation is to contain the top lane, occupy the center in the bottom lane to stabilize the situation, and the midfielder serves as a tool man, waiting for opportunities.

"He does work hard and is willing to make progress, but I don't have that much time to wait for him."

Heart didn't know what Cvmax was anxious about, "There are still three months left, there is still room for improvement."

"Yes, but not enough."

When Cvmax said this, he finally changed from his previous depression. He walked around the room, looking a little anxious.

"This is the closest I've ever been to a championship. I don't allow any accidents, understand? What I said in the Spring Split, I said that when you need to step out on the road, you have to dare to operate and bet everything. But what about him? ?I gave him so many opportunities, but he still used to hide behind his teammates."

"Public opinion is not friendly enough to him and is frantically looking for his faults..."

In the silence of the whole hall, Cvmax became more determined: "But, everyone has pressure. He has it, Qin Hao has it, Ju Shengbin has it, and I have it too."


"I just want to ask," Cvmax said: "In the fifth game of last year's final, if it was him, would he be able to withstand the pressure? When he was sitting in the lounge and interrogating his heart, if it were him, would he have the courage to stand up? Guide the rhythm of the game.”

Heart didn't dare to answer.

In his eyes, Langx is very similar to Acorn, both have soft personalities. He believes that people like Duke and Huni will still think about solo kills when they are two games behind.

Because they are rarely swayed by public opinion.

He also believed that Qin Hao would make desperate decisions when the situation was critical. He had always been like this and was not afraid of taking the blame.

After a moment of silence, Cvmax said: "If our goal is to get out of the group stage, I am willing to give him more time, but are we?"

"You are soft-hearted and feel that after working together for so long, we won the Spring Championship, MSI Championship, and the Intercontinental Championship together.

I want to ask why?

These achievements are not the result of charity from my opponent, and I do not want to deprive him of his honor. "

Cvmax really figured it out.

He said nonchalantly, "You also said there are still three months. He can use this time to prove to me and the outside world that he has the spirit.

To be honest, I can't teach anything other than guidance. Strictly speaking, I'm not qualified for this job... I also know that if I find a substitute, he will be resentful.

But it’s still the same sentence.

I do not care.

I can't ignore the unstable factors in the team just to take care of his feelings. Also," Cvmax glanced at Heart, "You might think that if we play in the lower half normally, not many teams can compete with us. But I don’t want the version to adapt to me, simple as that. "

Heart blushed a little and didn't dare to look directly into Cvmax's eyes.

When he first approached Cvmax to coach, he was interested in him because he dared to take charge.

I was in SSB at first.

This was the only person who dared to ask the supervisor for an explanation and to yell at the management. At that time, he felt that this person was very brave.

Now that he is really brave, he wants to be a good person.

It's really cruel after all.

As Jin Dahu said, if you find a substitute for the top lane now, you will definitely be resented. Heart couldn't bear the thought of the big wolf's blue face, after all, they had been together for so long.

That's all, that's all. I am really not suitable to be a head coach.

"Tell him." Heart turned around and prepared to leave.

Cvmax didn't care: "Why do you need to notify me? If there is an explosion, let him come to me." After saying that, Cvmax reminded: "Apply for a budget, we will fly to Magic City tomorrow."

He inspected several objects and happened to go check them out offline.

Sometimes just watching the video will inevitably lead to misunderstandings.

In the final analysis, it is not just coordination but also character that is required to work together.

"Place an order?"

Pan Jie looked at the honest Heart with a puzzled look on her face: "What are you doing? You're playing so well, but you still need to replace someone. Don't you use my money as money?"

"It's not a substitution, it's a substitute." Heart emphasized: "We feel that there is less sense of worry on the road."

Pan Jie:? ? ?

She suspected the coaching staff was messing around, but she had no proof.

"He often comes late and leaves early?"


"You don't take training seriously and don't listen to instructions?"


Pan Jie laughed angrily: "SN sold me a favor and was willing to rent their team's top laner. Now more than half a year has passed, and you tell me, no."

"It's not impossible." Heart really didn't know how to explain it. He could only repeat: "If you want to compete for the championship, you need to improve your top lane position."

"If not, can't we enter the World Championship?"

"It's not that serious..." Heart added: "But everyone's goal is to win the championship."

Although the expression was not very clear, the manager stood nearby and felt that the coaching staff had such a spirit and deserved encouragement.

What's more.

They made a profit this year, and after showing the potential to compete for the championship, the list of sponsors has reached 13. He is sure that there will be more to this list as long as they get a spot in the World Championship.

"Do you have a goal?" he asked helpfully.

"Well, I'll go check it out tomorrow."


Pan Jie just emphasized: "Don't mess around, and don't let me know that Double C has any objections."

"will not."

When Heart said this, he couldn't help but think: Why would there be any objection? They have no selfish motives.


Seeing Cvmax presiding over the training match as if nothing happened, Heart was even more impressed by him. This is a person who clearly distinguishes between work and friendship. Be tough on yourself and be tough on your teammates.

The next day, the weather turned cooler.

The two of them left the airport and took a bus to Hongqiao Tiandi. There were only a few people in the audience.

This is normal.

It's still a working day, Tuesday and Wednesday, all LSPL games are scheduled. Since there are no star players, most viewers have no interest in watching, let alone supporting offline.

This is usually done by the players’ relatives and friends.

I watched it for 2 days in a row.

Heart didn't see anyone with particular potential.

To put it harshly, there were too many mistakes in the secondary league games, and even random killings would not mean anything.

As for Cvmax, he first visited the Korean server for a period of time before coming offline.

He tracks some good passers all year round.

The game between GT and VG is over.

Cvmax looked at a certain honest-looking top orderer, packed up his peripherals and left, feeling a little regretful. According to his observations, this one should be very suitable for the field.

It’s just that the foreign aid quota is already full.

It is a pity to see such a good idea that no one is exploring it.

Seeing Cvmax sigh, Heart couldn't help it and asked: "Who are you inspecting? We don't have so much time to float outside."

"Don't worry, I know what's going on."


The leader of the DS team was coming out of the bathroom when he received a call.


"Boss, you agreed."

Listening to the numbers spoken by the other party, the team leader couldn't help but smile. Well, the transfer fee of 50 is indeed quite a lot. With this money, it only costs a few dollars to re-train the passerby as a top laner.


With the team's current state, there is little chance of impacting the LPL.

So after hanging up the phone, he had only one thought: LGD had just won the team competition, so why were they still poaching top laners? Could it be for his second team?

The problem is, isn't LGD's second team a mess this season?

Unless they win in the second half, they have no chance of making the playoffs.

If you want to strengthen, it's better to wait for the transfer period, it's easier to bargain.

Forget it, I don’t understand. Maybe it’s just because of their deep pockets. I heard that LGD’s home game is very prosperous.

"Zhang Xingran was bought by LGD."

"real or fake."

"I heard what the leader said."

"No wonder he was called away by his boss in the afternoon and hasn't come back yet. I thought he had someone at home and the boss went out to eat with him."

"Going to be teammates with Qingshen?" The jungler was surprised and extremely envious.

"Should go to the second team." The mid laner shook his head, "LGD has two junglers, how could they form two top laners? It's not like playing football."

Having said that, the tone is still a bit sour.

They usually watch LPL, so how could they not know about LGD's situation. If Langx returns to SN next season, who will fill the vacant position?


The former teammates have mixed feelings, but Zhang Xingran is looking for a good friend to talk to.

Meimengxing: I’m coming to LPL! ! !

Heart had already said it on the way to the airport.


Meimenglan: Which team.

Dream Star: LGD! ! !

Meimenglan: Damn it, you go rotate with Langx.

Meimengxing: Yes, it’s just like a dream.

Put down the phone.

Bao Lan was in a trance.

When he met Zoom, Zoom was the main force of the team. We were living in the same dormitory at the time, and we encouraged each other to play in the LPL together.

But don't want to.

Since he didn't have any training matches, he could only queue with Ah Shui, and he caught Su Xiaoluo's eye. When S6 officially entered the LPL, Zoom's MF team lost to YM 2:3 in the playoffs, and their impact failed.

He remembered that that night, he chatted with him on zoom and said that he might transfer.

Who knows a year has passed.

He was firmly established as the team's starter, and the good brother was directly recognized by the LGD coaching staff.

Ning came out of the bathroom and saw Baolan holding a mobile phone in a daze, and asked: "What are you looking at? Why don't you take a shower?"

"A friend of mine went to LGD." Baolan subconsciously shared.


"You should have an impression." Baolan reminded: "Last year in the Spring Split, you and the MF team reached the fifth game. The top laner on the opposite side was my friend."

"His level is indeed pretty good."

Ning did have an impression. After all, their top laner couldn't beat him.

In the blink of an eye, Ning felt something was wrong: "The same team that went?"


Ning put away his sneakers carefully, "I haven't heard of LGD having any conflicts."

"My friend doesn't really understand either. Anyway, the contract has been transferred."

Ten p.m.

Big Wolf was the first to be dumbfounded when he saw Brother Mai, who had disappeared for two days, bring back a fat and fair boy.

(End of this chapter)

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