Survival for All: I Can Extract the Essence of All Things.

113.1 Some Publishable Character Information

Some personal information that can be released

PS: Please correct me if there are any mistakes!

1. Lin Xiao's information panel
【Name: Lin Xiao】

【Age: 26】

[Level: LV13 (Tier [-])]

【Race: Human Race】

[Racial Ability: Devour Yuan]

[Experience value: 10672/3000]

【Soul Coin: 343542】

【Merit: 124】

[Identity: Citizen]

[Physique: 115/131]

【Spirit: 113/130】

[Innate Ability: Refinement 2.0]

[Special Abilities: Shadow Escape, Fate Pupil, Multiplier, Jue Kong, Thunder Fang, Spiritual Sense]

[Equipment: Miao Dao (excellent) and kite-shaped shield (excellent).]

Combat skills:

Third level: Shui Xiang, Lin Yue, ferocious tear, war trample;

Tier [-]: Piercing, Throwing, Charge, Spiritual Breath, Rip;
Level [-]: Lingchong.


Tier [-]: Release, Flame Tongue, Shield, Wind Blade, Rock Spike;

Second level: stun, entangle, phantom sound, alarm, mage's hand, psychic missile, acid splash, grease, fire bomb, enlightenment of the dead, corruption ray, desecration;

[-]st Tier: Fear, Dust Removal, Flash, Feather Fall, Hypnotism, Spellsight. 】

Gatherer: Tier [-]

Aquaculture: Tier [-]

Caster: Tier [-] (not fully mastered)

Foundry: Tier [-] (not fully mastered)
Pharmacist: Level [-] (not fully mastered)

Potion Master: Tier [-] (not fully mastered)

Alchemist: Tier [-] (not fully mastered)

Goblin: Getting Started

Javanese: Mastery]

[Level 4 Backpack: 16/40]

Golden Essence: 22 (Eagle Eye, Rock Armor, Explosion, Chant, Heavy Mountain, Torrent, Softening, Clone, Ben Yong (Coton), Ling Feng (Feng Xi), Power (Lion Heart will be killed by Bai Yu) cadre), Kuangzhan (Sun Hao)

Emotional Blend (Roland's Captain) Fire Ability (Lee Sin)

4 special ability seeds with intelligence (from the Battle of Phoenix Mountain), 4 unknown special ability seeds. )
2. Liu Hao

Talent: unknown

Power: Haoran Society
Shop: Haorantang
Subordinates: Wang Churan (Talent: Unknown), Chen Mo (Talent: Unknown), Gong Yejin (Talent: Summoning Spirit), Batu (Talent: Shepherd Language), Zhou Ziwen (Tier [-] Foundry Master), Zhao Jin (Tier [-] Pharmacist )

3. Bai Yu

Talent: Ember

Faction: Order of the Phoenix
4. Li Mingdong
Talent: Boiling Blood
Power: Rising Sun Society
Subordinates: Ji Song (Talent: Obscure Moon), Luo Haiping (Talent: Sound Wave), Yan Hui (Talent: Feeding Spirit), Huang Chaoping, Niu Jing
5. William Frere
Talent: unknown

Force: The Salvation Society
Hand: Aaron Barrett (talent unknown)
6. Donaldson Neumann

Talent: Related to light

Faction: Lionheart

Knights of the Round Table: Cotton Clegg (Ben Yong) Death; Hillman Drake (Dang); Adrico Nicholas; Alos Reid; Martina Wenger;

Roland Orlando (Soul Melt) Harvey Cross (Ice Armor)
7. Samir Wias

Talent: Kuangsha

Faction: Sama Sect (new)

(End of this chapter)

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