Survival for All: I Can Extract the Essence of All Things.

Chapter 148 Rushing to the aid of the rising sun, knowing the language!

Chapter 148 Rushing to the aid of the rising sun, knowing the language!

[Roland Orlando came privately and said that Yaros Red wanted to harm the Rising Sun Society. 】

Lin Xiao opened his personal channel and saw the message from the trumpet "Xiao".

Alos Reed announced earlier this morning that he is officially leaving the Lionheart.

The reason was clear to Lin Xiao.

It's just that his whereabouts are quite secretive. If everyone in his homeland wants to deal with him, it's really difficult to do so.

As Lin Xiao's subordinate, Rising Sun Society was the largest force on the surface.

If Yalos Red really wants to take revenge, the Rising Sun Society is indeed one of the few options.

[Where is Rising Sun Society now? 】

If Alos Reid's target is himself, Lin Xiao really has nothing to worry about.

However, the current number of people in the Rising Sun Society will exceed one hundred. Although they are elite, their overall strength is not very strong.

If you encounter the forces of Arlos Red, you will inevitably suffer a loss.

As the controller of Rising Sun Society, Lin Xiao has the obligation to help his subordinates.

[Li Mingdong is still managing the law enforcement team in Lingxiao Village. Luo Haiping is leading the team, a total of 68 people, hunting in the west of his homeland.]

The clone in his home told Lin Xiao about the situation of Rising Sun Society.

There are very few wild monsters in the eastern part of Lingxiao Village. There are more wild monsters only near the Dongbin Forest and Narrow Coast, but they are far away from Lingxiao Village.

Therefore, except for the Order of the Phoenix, most people in Homeland still prefer to hunt in the west and north.

After learning about the current situation of Rising Sun Society, Lin Xiao found Luo Haiping in his friend list, edited a message and sent it.

[Be careful, Yallos Red may want to deal with you. 】

After the message was sent, Lin Xiao did not receive an immediate reply.

After a while, Luo Haiping replied to Lin Xiao.

[Pavilion Master, we may have been targeted. We may even be surrounded. 】

After seeing the message sent by Luo Haiping, Lin Xiao's face darkened and he sent a message asking

【Where are you? 】

[Ten o'clock direction of home, eight o'clock direction of Beishan, a sparse forest three kilometers away from the river. 】

[Don't let the enemy know that you have discovered them, delay as long as you can, Zero will go over to help them. 】

【Yes! 】

After closing his personal channel, Lin Xiao thought for a while and gave up the idea of ​​finding the Order of the Phoenix or hiring Chi Ran.

It's just an Alos Reid, no need to go through a lot of trouble.

Moreover, it may not be too late to contact the Order of the Phoenix and Chi Ran now.

Just go there by yourself.
With a move of his feet, the red-armored crocodile was roughly thrown into the Crocodile River by Lin Xiao.

Ordering the red-armored crocodile to hunt in this area, Lin Xiao found the direction pointed by Luo Haiping.

He turned over and rode on the Linglu, let the dogs clear the way ahead, and ran towards where Luo Haiping and the others were.

However, just after running [-] meters, Lin Xiao received another message from Luo Haiping.

[Pavilion Master, those people are surrounding us. The sparse forest is not conducive to holding on. I am going to take my brothers to the dense forest under the high slope to deal with the enemy.

That is the area where Lord "Xiao" defeated the Sama Cult! 】

"It's so fast!"

Lin Xiao frowned and replied "I understand" to Luo Haiping.

Then he adjusted his direction slightly and rode the feathered deer towards that direction quickly.——

The effect of the stun spell wore off and Tom woke up in a daze.

But the moment he woke up, Tom screamed in fear, and his body bound by the rope kept twisting, trying to escape from the hellish scene in front of him.

Three meters away from him, several human heads had been pierced with iron rods, placed on racks and roasted over a fire.

When Tom just woke up, he happened to meet Mark's eyes.

There seemed to be unwillingness and hatred in the depths of those unblinking eyes.

In addition, there are various dismembered flesh and blood.

Some are cooked in pots, while others are grilled on skewers.

The rich smell of barbecue made Tom gag.


Tom couldn't hold it back after all.

He kept vomiting and vomited all the contents of his stomach.

But this still couldn't stop the nausea in his heart, and he kept retching, as if he wanted to vomit out his internal organs.

"Go away!"

"Disgusting monster!"

"Ah! Don't! Don't!"

"Help! Woo~ someone help me!"



Hearing the familiar voice, Tom quickly turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw a group of goblins huddled in a wooden house in the distance, constantly squeezing in, their expressions full of animal lust.

Certain characteristics already showed what kind of disgusting things these aliens were doing to his only female team member.


Tom's lips moved and his mind went blank.

Rosie is not pretty, she is fat and has body odor.

But his eyes of admiration and adoration can always satisfy Tom's certain psychological needs.

So Tom still has some good impressions of it.

But now, his companions were dismembered into pieces and roasted and cooked by the goblins like food.

His admirers are also suffering experiences that are unimaginably cruel.

Such a terrible scene made Tom feel that he had fallen into hell.

"Gulu gulu gulu." At this moment, two strong goblins ran over from the depths of the tribe.

They glanced at the limbs on the fire rack and punched and kicked the salivating goblins around them.

Then he took out his weapon and chopped down the goblins gathered in front of the wooden house, killing those of his own race who only thought about reproduction.

The screams of his fellow tribesmen covered up the movement in the wooden house.

After a while, the wooden house was pushed away.

Tom looked horrified because he saw a three-meter-tall, ferocious and strong goblin.

At the same time, information about the Goblin Warriors and Goblin Tribe Leaders also reached Tom's consciousness one after another.

After knowing the strength of the Goblin Warriors and tribal leaders, Tom realized how ridiculous his previous idea was.

The vast majority of goblins are indeed weak, but they are not without strong ones.



Under Tom's watch, the Goblin Warrior was having a heated argument with the tribe leader.

The goblin warrior, who was only second-level in strength, did not show the slightest timidity when facing the leader of his own tribe.

In the end, the Goblin leader made a sullen voice and pointed at the roasted and steamed corpse, looking a little helpless.

Then he pointed at Tom and the cabin and said something that Tom didn't understand.

While Tom was at a loss, he also felt a little regretful.

I regret not buying "Goblin Language (Introduction)" from Homeland in the first place, as the price was not too expensive.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t know nothing now.

Finally, after some debate.

The two Goblin warriors finally pointed at the wooden house, and after receiving assurance from the leader of the Goblin tribe, they walked towards Tom.

"What are you doing!"

Tom twisted his body nervously, thinking that the two Goblin Warriors were going to slaughter him like an animal.

To his surprise, the two Goblin Warriors did not kill him, but dragged him into a small square with a huge depression in the center.

Finally, he was thrown in front of an ordinary wooden house.


"It hurts, it hurts too much!"

"Kill me! Please kill me!"

A shrill scream came from the wooden house, and Tom shuddered when he heard the voice of one of his companions.

Tom subconsciously looked towards the wooden house, but he only saw a piece of gnawing darkness, so he lowered his head and did not dare to take a closer look.

He didn't know and didn't want to know what kind of pain his companion was going through.

He just hopes now that those pains will not happen to him.

The screaming stopped abruptly.

Hearing the sound of slow footsteps, Tom raised his head and saw the goblin shaman who had captured him, walking out of the cabin with a bone crutch.

The two Goblin warriors guarding him stepped forward and angrily reported something to the Goblin Shaman.

The goblin shaman had no expression on his face, he just waved his hand, signaling the two goblin warriors to back down.

Then he walked up to Tom and said:
"Gulu Gulu?"


Tom was a little confused and looked at the Goblin Shaman in fear, not knowing what the other person wanted to express.

The Goblin Shaman shook his head, raised his staff, and after brewing for a while, he successfully cast a spell on Tom.

"Gulu Gulu? (Can you understand me now?)"

The Goblin Shaman opened his mouth again, and the words fell into Tom's ears, still in Goblin language.

But suddenly there was an understanding in his consciousness, which enabled him to understand what the Goblin Shaman meant.

Know the language!

Fourth level spell!

Tom had seen it in the Hall of Merit.

Looking at the sinister face of the Goblin Shaman and the vague smell of blood coming from the room behind him.

Tom nodded nervously, suddenly feeling a glimmer of hope in his heart.

"Gululu, Lulu? (What race are you guys?)"

Goblin Shaman Liguru looked at the creature in front of him with great curiosity.

The Goblin tribe is located on the border of the northern continent. It was founded not long ago, and its heritage and culture are extremely limited.

As a shaman of the Lilu tribe, Ligulu didn't know what races there were in the northern continent.

The reason is impossible, there are too many races in the Galan world.

There are countless races of orcs and fishmen alone.

So when he saw Tom, Ligulu didn't think that the intelligent race in front of him was a creature from another world.

In fact, he even mistook Tom for a halfling or elf.

But the creature in front of him was not only taller than the halfling, but also didn't have the halfling's iconic big feet.

As for the noble elves, Ligulu had never seen them with his own eyes.

However, although these creatures have the same dark skin as the night elves, they do not have pointed ears, and their appearance and strength are also seriously inconsistent with the rumors.

Therefore, Ligulu was very curious about the intelligent creatures in front of him. He had just dissected several humans in the wooden house, but the information he obtained was relatively limited.

Because the human body structure is similar to many races in the Galan plane.

This also makes it feel that the intelligent creatures in front of it are just races it has never seen before.


Compared to Liguru, Tom knew even less.

Because he was worried about being found out for lying, Tom could only tell his identity honestly.


Liguru tried to imitate Tom's pronunciation and spoke out the notes, his eyes even more puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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