Survival for All: I Can Extract the Essence of All Things.

Chapter 223 Offshore volcano, Rising Sun Treasure Island!

Chapter 223 Offshore volcano, Rising Sun Treasure Island!
Sea beasts fight with each other, and the turbid water gradually turns red with blood.

In the churning blood of the giant beast, a line of blood gradually extended toward the shore.

With loud noises and splashing waves, a figure rushed out of the sea.

Lin Xiao came out of dehydration, turned his head and released a slash, killing the wild monster that followed him out of the water.

Then he turned over and landed firmly on the ground.

The wild monsters that were chasing Lin Xiao gave up the pursuit after seeing that Lin Xiao had landed, and instead attacked the wild monsters around them.

The ocean outside Turtle Beach has become a bloody prison where wild monsters kill each other, and it may be difficult to calm down in a short time.

Lin Xiao breathed in the air greedily, and his doubled size quickly returned to its original shape.

After all, the sea is not suitable for human combat.

If he were on the ground, as long as there were no opponents above level five, Lin Xiao could easily break out of the siege.

But not in the sea. Although Canglan's talent gave him the ability to control water, it couldn't let him breathe in the water.

Even the speed of movement is not as good as some high-level wild monsters.

Lin Xiao had just been under siege many times. If he hadn't had the ultimate ability to protect himself, he would have been lost in the sea.
"With extraordinary characteristics, there is not a big bottleneck in improving my basic strength.

The natural ability has also been enhanced five times. The next non-level enhancement will require up to 1000 units of purple essence.

This cannot be accumulated in a short period of time.

If you want to raise your strength to another level, in addition to upgrading, you must also start strengthening your special abilities. "

Thinking of the danger in the sea just now, Lin Xiao once again felt that his fighting methods were single.

In Southern Wilderness, he may be very strong, but he is not strong enough and not comprehensive enough.

He felt it was necessary to start a new round of strengthening his special abilities.

The three abilities of Canglan, Shouyue, and Fanyan have not been strengthened yet.

The rest of the special abilities have only been strengthened once.

What he needs to do next is to strengthen these abilities one by one and integrate them.
“I don’t know what this thing is used for.”

Lin Xiao took out the elliptical sphere from his backpack.

As he expected, this thing that looked like a stone ball should be an egg.

Moreover, it is the egg of the petrified monster on the seabed, which contains pure energy and a few traces of vitality.

"Maybe it can be used to hatch descendants of Warcraft?"

Lin Xiao was full of curiosity about the turtle eggs, but he did not mess with them until he knew their properties.

Seeing that he couldn't figure out the reason, he stuffed it into his backpack again.

Prepare to return to Lingxiao Village, obtain information about the giant egg and aura protection, and then study it.

Afterwards, Lin Xiao took the black iron warhammer and killed the wild monsters on the turtle beach again.

However, due to the demise of the giant turtle statue on the sea floor, the wild monsters on the turtle beach are no longer as united as before.

After killing for a while, Lin Xiao discovered that the wild monsters on the turtle beach began to flee.

Some burrow into the East Coast forest, and some dive into the sea, greatly reducing the efficiency of hunting.

"Looks like I have to change my hunting ground again."

Lin Xiao had no choice but to touch his life pupil and summon Fei Lian.

While extracting corpses everywhere, a large amount of red and white essence was obtained.

Near Turtle Beach is Bird Cliff, and the wild monsters that live there are more difficult to deal with than the sea monsters in the shallow sea.

Lin Xiao simply mounted Fei Lian and continued south.

Explore new areas while searching for suitable hunting grounds.

In the middle of the process, he was still on Fei Lian's back, smelting himself with the ten units of extraordinary characteristic essence he had just extracted, increasing his extraordinary characteristics to twelve points!

Twelve points of extraordinary characteristics are already more than those of the lowest level monsters such as Fei Lian, Ao Quan, and Cancer Monster.

What follows is a huge improvement in dual attributes.

Lin Xiao felt that his dual attributes had reached the limit of LV28 again, and he only needed to gain some more experience points to upgrade.

And, he has a feeling.

Even after upgrading, the extraordinary characteristics in his body will continue to strengthen his physical body.

By then, you might be able to get some attribute points, shortening the distance between Lin Xiao and the fourth level again!
"Extraordinary characteristics are really useful!"

Feeling the unusually active energy in his body, Lin Xiao marveled again.

Perhaps upgrading and advancing is just its most basic use.

But for creatures below level six, the feeling of having extraordinary characteristics is really great.

As long as you have enough extraordinary characteristics, you can upgrade while lying down!
Feiniao Cliff is very long, covering hundreds of kilometers.

The cliffs are steep and rugged, and there are many shoals, caves and reef forests offshore.

Although the whole is a steep sea cliff from north to south, the terrain is actually very complex.

However, Lin Xiao did not find any traces of Warcraft, nor did he find an area where wild monsters gathered too densely.

After he had smelted ten units of the essence of his extraordinary characteristics, Fei Lian had already led him over mountains and rivers, past Feiniao Cliff, and arrived at a deserted beach.


At this moment, Lin Xiao saw a volcanic island in the distance.

The area is not very small, and it is emitting thick smoke, which is very conspicuous.

This made Lin Xiao suddenly interested.

Where there are volcanoes, there is obsidian.

Obsidian is a basic fire-attribute energy material. It can not only be used to make fire-attribute alchemy props, but after extraction, orange essence can also be obtained.

Among the series of secret gun series constructed by Lin Xiao, the best ones are the essence of fire and thunder attributes.

If that volcano can be mined, Lin Xiao will have countless orange essences that can be used to make alchemy props and structures!

"This is a surprise!"

After looking at the distance between the volcanic island and the Southern Wilderness Peninsula, it was less than ten kilometers away. Lin Xiao suddenly had the idea of ​​going to the island to collect materials and extract orange essence.

However, if Lin Xiao swam there by himself, it would not only be dangerous, but also time-consuming and labor-intensive.

It's best to find transportation tools.
"It's up to you!"

After riding Fei Lian around the shallows and Bird Cliff, Lin Xiao finally found a bird with a wingspan of over ten meters.

Its strength is around the third level. It looks like a gull, with black wingtips and tail feathers. It is the most common seabird in Feiniao Cliff.

Since it was used as a temporary mount, Lin Xiao didn't ask for too much.

Shadow Escape Youxing, looking at the right time, directly used his physical strength to subdue a seabird that had no time to fly.

After forcibly leaving the Life Eye mark on its body, Lin Xiao spent some effort to completely tame it.

After feeding two elixirs to help the seabird recover from the injuries and exhaustion caused by forced slavery.

Lin Xiao couldn't wait to ride on the sea bird and ordered it to fly in the direction of the volcanic island.

The sea breeze blew against his face. Lin Xiao nestled in the warm feathers of seabirds, but he didn't feel cold at all.

Watching the blue sea and blue sky passing by quickly, Lin Xiao felt a sense of comfort in his heart.

"I don't know when I will be able to go to the sky and the sea and let me roam."

As Lin Xiao thought about it, he saw the volcanic island getting closer and closer to him, and the air was gradually filled with a pungent smell.

The volcano is nearly a thousand meters high and should cover an area of ​​about [-] square kilometers, which is much larger than Lin Xiao imagined.

The main part is the volcano, but in addition to the volcano, there are also large areas of flat land and dense forests.

The crater is over 100 meters in diameter and glows faintly with red light.

Before arriving, Lin Xiao felt the rich fire attribute energy.As it got closer and closer to the volcanic island, panic and fear also came from the seabird's spirit body.

It was only with Lin Xiao's constant comfort that he was encouraged to fly to the volcanic island.

What surprised Lin Xiao was that there were not many creatures living on the island.

In addition to a large number of sea beasts, the most common one is an iguana-like wild monster.

It has tough flesh thorns on its head, armor-like scales on its body, a raised horn thorn on its back, and a long flat tail.

It seems to be an amphibious species.

Many similar species seem to be quite powerful.

Those with strength reaching the third level can be seen everywhere, and those with the fourth level are not considered rare.

"Isn't this the home of a monster species?"

Seeing those wild monsters that looked like iguanas, Lin Xiao was not worried but overjoyed.

If so, wouldn't he have gained another good hunting ground?

However, the main purpose of Lin Xiao's trip was to collect materials.

After casually killing a fourth-level wild monster and studying its body structure, Lin Xiao walked towards the direction of the crater where the fire attribute energy was the richest.

Obsidian can be found almost everywhere here, and Lin Xiao easily collected more than 200 units.

Afterwards, Lin Xiao began to extract the fire attribute essence.

The extraction efficiency is very low, but the advantage is a large amount and a full tube.

It didn't take long for Lin Xiao to accumulate more than 100 units of fire attribute essence in his backpack, and he also obtained a lot of earth attribute essence.

"This volcanic island is simply a treasure!"

Lin Xiao was so happy that he named the volcanic island "Rising Sun Island" and regarded it as his own territory.

When Lingxiao Pavilion's power develops here, Lin Xiao may establish a stronghold on Rising Sun Island specifically to develop the island's resources.

Of course, this takes a long time to achieve.
There is not only obsidian on Rising Sun Island, but also higher-grade materials.

The three types that Lin Xiao could recognize were Yangjin Stone, Yaoyu, and Fire Essence.

Yangjin stone can be smelted into Yangjin, which is a casting material of the same grade as lapis lazuli.

Obsidian and fire essence are both special materials containing fire-attribute energy. They can be used to make alchemy props and sometimes used in construction.

Lin Xiao was so excited about collecting that he almost forgot the time.

He didn't stop collecting and extracting until the clouds began to appear.

The fire attribute material in the backpack can support him for a long time.

"If Yang Jin is used as the basic material to make a secret weapon, the effect may be better."

While taking a short rest, Lin Xiao began to plan the application of materials in the backpack.

The fire attribute material in his hand is enough to make forty or fifty arcane guns.

If a "Fire Guns" team were armed with these arcane guns, there would probably be no troops in the entire Southern Wilderness that could compete with them.

"Tsk, tsk, 50 people firing fire bombs every second. I'm afraid even the Crocodile can't hit it head-on!"

Lin Xiao imagined the scene of a volley of gunfire, and an idea suddenly came to his mind.

If he could use the fireball model in his construction, then his army would really be able to run rampant in the Southern Wilderness!

"It's a pity that my constructor level is only at the first level. I can barely integrate the fire bomb technique into the construct."

Limited by his professional level, even with the blessing of innate abilities, Lin Xiao was unable to create a structure of outstanding grade.

Yan Dao Chi Ming is just an exception, it is just the product of Lin Xiao mixing various things together.

Lin Xiao cannot yet directly build a physical model using energy circuits.

But Lin Xiao couldn't obtain higher-level construction knowledge.

There is only the first-level constructor professional knowledge in his homeland. Among other tribes in the Southern Wilderness, Lin Xiao has not heard of anyone who has the constructor heritage.

If he wants to become a second-level constructor, he can only research and make breakthroughs on his own
"Maybe the Fox Caravan from the Oko Dynasty will have something like this."

Lin Xiao thought of Fox Caravan again.

Most of the professional knowledge in this world is controlled by those powerful alien forces.

"Evasion is not a long-term solution. Maybe I should take the initiative to contact the Fox Caravan in any way!"

Lin Xiao spent a lot of time collecting fire attribute materials and essence.

Looking at the sunset on the horizon, Lin Xiao remembered that he didn't have enough experience points to upgrade.

"There are so many wild monsters here. We should be able to gather them all before night falls, right?"

Lin Xiao turned on his spiritual sense, looked around, and locked his eyes on a fourth-level iguana monster that was completely black and had scales like obsidian. He drew his sword and killed it.

Because of Shadow Escape, the wild monster didn't notice Lin Xiao's approach at all.

It wasn't until Lin Xiao emerged from the shadows and the Miao Dao in his hand fell suddenly that the wild monster realized the danger was coming.

The Miao knife penetrated into the huge head of the iguana monster without any hindrance.

Lin Xiao stirred hard, and the wild monster fell down weakly.

There was no time to pick at the skin and collect the materials, so Lin Xiao directly extracted them and then killed the nearby high-level wild monsters.

No matter whether it is a third-level or fourth-level wild monster, there is no resistance against Lin Xiao's terrifying assassination ability.


However, there are still too many wild monsters on Rising Sun Island.

Although Lin Xiao had Shadow Escape to cover his body, he could not hide from the eyes of every wild monster.

Not long after, the iguana-like wild monsters that had been entrenched here for who knows how many years noticed the death of their kind and the invasion of enemies, and started to kill Lin Xiao one after another.

"It seems that there is really a group of monsters. I wonder if we can lure their leader out."

Seeing that he was discovered, Lin Xiao simply stopped Shadow Escape, replaced the Miao Dao with the Yan Dao Chi Ming, and then went to kill the wild monsters.

The red fire light made the surrounding temperature rise a few points.

One after another, the flame slashes unscrupulously harvested the lives of the wild monsters, causing quite a stir.

Not long after, twenty or thirty wild monsters died under Lin Xiao's sword, bringing him a lot of experience points.

Roar! ! !
However, at this moment, a vicissitudes of roar came from the Rising Sun Volcano.

Lin Xiao turned his head to look with interest and saw a ferocious black head protruding from the crater, staring at him from a distance.

"It's about level four. It feels much stronger than Ao Quan and Fei Lian, but it's also limited."

Lin Xiao briefly analyzed the strength of the monster and was thinking about whether to hunt it.

A slightly different monster head, but still retaining many of the characteristics of an iguana, stretched out from the side of the black monster just now.


Lin Xiao was very surprised, but then his expression froze.

The third one.

the fourth one.

In the crater, four iguana monsters crawled out.

However, that's not the end of it.

It was accompanied by an earth-shattering roar that seemed to wake up a volcano.

A huge creature with a head no less than that of a crocodile, a body burning with fire and dripping with magma, crawled out of the crater.

The turbulent aura emanating from his body made Lin Xiao tremble.

This guy is on the same level as the Crocodile!

(End of this chapter)

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