Chapter 198: Wipe frequently to avoid dust

"When I say don't look up, I don't mean to stop observing your opponent."

"You lower your center of gravity, prepare to break through, and bend your body, but your eyes are not on the floor."

"You're still watching the whole court, but you can also watch your hands and the ball in your hands."

"The word "Up" is very confusing. Most of you will naturally think that you have to look up at the basket, but what's the point of looking at the basket?"

"Don't you know where you are?"

"What you should do is use your peripheral vision to observe the dynamics of the entire court, and at the same time observe your opponent. You can also observe whether there is a hand reaching for the basketball you control."

Lu Yuanzhi's mind kept flashing through the various players he had played against, such as Kobe, Tracy McGrady, Carter, etc. These breakthrough experts, indeed, as Micah said, did not always look up.

On camera, they may be looking down.

But in fact, their eyes were wide open and they were observing the dynamics around them, but because they lowered their center of gravity and their upper bodies were facing the ground, the angle gave everyone the illusion that they were looking down at the floor.

Just like what’s so good about the basket, what’s so good about the floor!

After explaining where to look with the eyes, Micah made a second point that surprised Lu Yuanzhi.

"Don't listen to those old coaches who say, dribbling below the knees."

"Because that's what the old-timers say!"

"In the 80s, as long as you dribbled above the knee, it was easy to get your wrist turned and get called a foul, but now, these rules have long since ceased to exist."

"You know, Bob Cousy was once considered a master of dribbling and was nicknamed the 'Floor Magician.' But now if you search for his dribbling performance, you will think it is a joke."

"That's right, he dribbles under his knees!"

"But now, the rules of dribbling have become simpler. The only description of walking with the ball in the NBA is 'hands under the ball.'"

"If we put our hands flat, of course they are under the ball, but if your hands are at a 45-degree angle to the horizontal plane, is it called under the ball? NBA referees think not."

"What about the 30-degree angle? The referee thinks it's not the case either!"

"So, actually dribbling has become easier now. As long as you don't put the ball too flat on your hand, the referee will not think you are turning your wrist or thinking you are walking."

"The problem with dribbling now is confrontation. Defensive players will use various methods to stop you from moving forward. This requires you to learn the drop step and pocket dribbling!"

"This is an important technique to help you break through your opponent's defense."

Micah came up and explained a few cognitive misunderstandings about dribbling, set the goals for the first stage, and then asked other assistant coaches to help Lu Yuanzhi put a bandage on it.

Don’t ask me why I stress about putting a bandage on before putting on boxing gloves. My broken little finger hurts, it hurts so much!
Lu Yuanzhi then put on a boxing glove and prepared to start practicing.

"Many problems with dribbling are caused by the force of dribbling being too light."

"You have played in NBA for one year and are also an excellent defensive player, so I won't emphasize the benefits of strong dribbling."

"What you have to do now is to dribble with all your strength and swing your left hand with all your strength to hit the sandbag."

Lu Yuanzhi has a little question. Should he practice dribbling and boxing at the same time?

It’s really not what fans joke about, “Isn’t it normal to carry a ball during a fight?”

After all, the intensity of confrontation in the NBA at this time is much higher than that of WWE's fake fights!
It's just that I have already become famous in the NBA.

Karl Malone, a notorious "tough guy", is already a "dead soul" under his elbows and knees. Who would dare to send him to his door without being discerning?
Believe it or not, Artest, who has a low golf quotient but a very high quotient, saw him and walked around.

Seeing Lu Yuanzhi's confused expression, Micah also knew that he was trying to pick a fight.

"Max, the biggest benefit of boxing and dribbling is that it can reshape the coordination of our bodies."

"Our hands can always do the same action easily, but it is difficult to do different things." "To break through this incoordination, it would be a very good choice to use all the strength of the body to dribble and punch at the same time. .”

"At the same time, he can also help you practice your dribbling, strength and explosiveness."

Wait, Micah, what you want to teach me is "left-right fighting technique"?
The two hands perform different actions at the same time. Does the left hand draw a circle and the right hand draws a square?
"Finally, when practicing, remember to look down at the ball!"

"Watch your hands, watch your feet, study yourself!"

“Only by studying yourself further can you correct it.”

"When you become familiar with your own hands and your own body, you no longer need to observe yourself."

"Then when playing a game, you can look wherever you want!"

After Lu Yuanzhi heard this, he quickly retracted his eyes that pretended to observe the surroundings, and happily observed his own movements.

To be honest, this is what he likes most about Micah. He is not like those old coaches and trainers who like to show off. They always tell you the final training results, hey, follow me and you have to achieve this result. .

Micah is different. He can always find unreasonable things in places that everyone is "used to" and improve these unreasonable things based on big data to help Lu Yuanzhi train faster and better.

Just like the famous saying, "Bodhi has no tree, and the mirror is not a stand. There is nothing in the first place, so how can it cause dust!"

Is it a high level?

Very high!

But has he told you how to practice?


On the contrary, it is the sentence "The body is a bodhi tree, and the heart is like a mirror. Always brush it diligently to prevent dust." It seems that the realm is not as high as the previous sentence, but it is down to earth.

It tells you that the way to practice is to "wipe diligently."

Micah's training is like this. He won't tell you anything profound, but every kind of training is practical and can strengthen yourself.

Lu Yuanzhi returned to China for a week. Except for necessary business performances, he stayed in the training hall and practiced.

On the other hand, Dayao was selected by the Houston Rockets as expected and became the No. 2002 pick in [-]!

Many Yao Hei people on the Internet are saying that if it weren't for the huge Chinese market and Stern's desire to develop the Chinese market, it would have been impossible for Yao to win the No. [-] pick.

Yes, yes, they are the only ones who understand business and the underworld.

Don't even look at it. How many people in NBA history can have Yao's height, such flexible footsteps and such flexible shooting touch.

The last big man like this was O'Neal.

The last big man like this is Olajuwon.

Both of them were the top picks that year!

And in the McDonald's All-High School All-Star Game, boxing champion Tyson Chandler, who was defeated by Dayao, was the second pick in the 01 draft!

If it weren't for the old gangster's "smart eye" to select Kwame Brown, Dayao's defeated player would probably have become the No. 01 pick in [-].

That’s it, you want to blackmail Dayao’s No. [-] pick?

It’s so dark that it doesn’t even hit the point!

Look at me, how skilled the Black Tan Emperor is in blacking out, and he’s even got it right!

Not sure about learning a bit?

(End of this chapter)

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